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Pancakes can't kill people.


quick edit because atlus is back on their horny bullshit again

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Who is it?

Black Widow sacrifices herself. Stark snaps away Thanos and his army and dies after. Cap travels back in time and stays there for pussy. Oh and Thor becomes a fornite playing fat fuck.

everyone already knows pancake boy is the killer, they will throw in a curveball and have kasumi help him

Probably those really cute twins

How tight is Akechi's bussy?

so no new protagonist?

They killed millions...

Goro being the killer or the traitor was never the twist you idiot, the PT pulling one over on him was.

Don't even joke about that. Shido isn't exactly the kind of guy that accepts no for an answer.

>yfw they make it so she actually did all that shit so Akechi can be redeemed

The twist is that he rejoins the party.

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God I wish they would kill me

What's Kasumi's arcana?

Exactly, its funny how so many retards forget about this

Nothing confirmed, but it'll probably be Aeon going by Aigis and Marie.

Atlus will give her Aeon, which means she's not human.

I havent even finished the complete edition
Is it worth it or should I wait for this?

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The what?

>the twist is that there is no twist and you knew the whole time! Although it is never hinted out or stated anywhere that you or your team knew
it was a shitty twist come on

This is almost certain. Futaba's mom has been retconned back to life, so Akechi's now a good boy who dindu nuffin and can join without you feeling any moral conflict at all.

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That's a dream sequence though.

The ultimate edition my bad

Watch the trailer again user, but this tile with subs on

So is this like IS and EP?

That part isn't reality. Akechi will rejoin though. And everyone will complain that he doesn't deserve it. All the new content between him and the new girl will be spent fleshing him out more, but it won't be enough to satisfy people. I will like it though.

P5R isn't coming to the west until 2020, you may as well just finish vanilla P5

Your whole team suspected Akechi, literally everybody thinks he's fishy as fuck and nobody likes him

The shitty twist was using the drug injection serum to hide that you the player should have knew about this plan

you paid for all those worthless DLC and you didnt even finish the game?


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He will be fleshed out in his own OVA

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dream sequence

That shit isn't canon, anyway. Who cares?

You're now noticing why companies keep pumping out DLC.

Akechi is a shitty poorly written character and he can't be fixed

It had a 85% discount on PStore I bought it to play later but got bored during the buisnessman palace

>Haru smaller than new girl
They're not gonna bother fleshing her out more

I was googling "List of spoilers Avengers Endgame" and the only result I got was 'how to avoid spoilers'. Thank you.


>Thor becomes a fornite playing fat fuck.

they really wanted to ruin him

Oh alright

He can't be fixed by adding anything but he can be fixed by removing things.

Whats with the videos of killed heroes getting ressurected then?

Goro will be redeemed and there's nothing you fags can do about it

Why cant japs into writing?

Wow, that's honestly just disappointing.
Are we done with capeshit now? Can we do something other than capeshit now?

It's time for anime adaptations now yeah

>It's time for anime adaptations now yeah

Mom would be sad
She really wanted Guardians of the galaxy 3

They don't give a single fuck about secondaries.

why does the new bitch have the biggest head on the cover? how important is she?

She's going to be the main love interest like Marie was in P4G.
Watch her Persona be one of Arsene's love interests, probably Clarisse d'Etrigues or Josephine Balsamo.

That's still happening

Marie 2.0

>Akechi will rejoin
When will the fujos learn?

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Are Guardians of the galaxy the real new Star Wars?

Can i fug the redhead

Probably pretty damn important. You'll probably need Kasumi's confidant at max to unlock the true ending too.

He never cared about the rest of the cast.
He'll stay hidden in Joker's room where they fuck all night.
The only ones who know are Futaba and Morgana , but they are too beta to tell anyone.

What will her spells be? And Marie was Aeon but she wasn't a party member.

I'm sorry

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But that doesn't make sense, how can I be fucking Akechi all night when I'm already fucking Futaba all night?

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It's a pretty bad considering it wasn't even that good and the blocking out certain parts of the players memories is retarded

We don't even know what Kasumi's person is, but if her Metaverse outfit being a rip-off of Joker's outfit is anything to go by then she'll probably be dark.

Yes but only if it's a male.

Maybe Bless/Curse like Akechi but with her shit SP pool she's probably meant to be another physical/Gun type

But the dub makes me think it's female, user

Not my fault you played with the dub.

One of then is not Joker, but his persona Arsene

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Therefore what, Yosuke?

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...She should enjoy anal just as much

Honestly the bigger plot twist of P5 is Igor being Yaldabaoth

The main question is :


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>tfw guessed if by change of VA's

Akechi should have been the MC of his own game!!!!!

He will

I always thought Joker was dark, but given his wildcard I guess he isn't. I always liked the idea of a character that used Almighty spells like HP steal and ended with spells like Megido.

Oh God, are physical attacks going to continue being broken?

My personal favorite theory is that one where the third semester is a dream world created by the newbie and Joker has to ruin everyone's lives to get them back to reality ala FF Tactics.

>big-ass evil demon in the background with horns and a devilish face
>I wOnDeR wHo ThE kIlLeR iS
God, you guys are so fucking retarded. He's literally contrasting the heroes in the foreground of the picture and several characters are pointing weapons/finger guns at him.

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Everyone is all about aketchi in this image. Yet not noticing harus harus smooshed up against that glass

That is just Arsene. Did you even play P5?

I hope that's the case and that to snap Morgana out of his delusion of being human you have to show him a tape of Ann getting BLACKED

objectively the best P4 doujin of all time with the best pairing in that game. would be more popular if it wasn't for mentally ill self inserters

>Joker has to kill Futaba's mom again

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I noticed alright, she's my wife after all.

Did you really not catch the sarcasm? I even tried to make it as obvious as possible.

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She'll get Hito-Shura's Gaea Rage and we'll finally be able to go full WRLD F STR in Persona.

>Persona 5 Royal true ending
>Have to fit the girl and humorgana in the van
>Barely manage to do it
>Joker sticks his head up the top
>Sees Akechi tied to the roof

Then everyone laughs and forgets Akechi straight up kills people

>Morgana becomes human in his ideal dream world
>Ends up having too small of a penis to please Ann

I imagine the true ending to Royal will be like Golden so we will get an actual epilogue this time. Goro will probably go to jail and the epilogue will take place when he gets out or something to justify the timeskip.

Yosu x Labrys > Yosu x Chie, but it's not a bad choice at all, user.

Who cares about that anymore, what I wanna find out is how you don't turn yourself in on Christmas.

So he's the true end boss, right?
They've clearly been setting it up.

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Ren: Why do I look like Iwai?

Being a hobo delinquent is one thing, but stealing clothes from an ex-Yakuza is just asking to get shot in an alley.

But I Maxed out his Confidant we cool.

never ever you stupid boomer. the nu-persona devs will NEVER reference these games outside of extremely vague nods like the TV show in P3 or superficial shit like yusuke kinda looking like jun.

partially because a different writer was responsible for those characters and partially because that writer was a huge waifufag that wrote his OC into the game dating a character from one of the early SMT games and that pissed a lot of people off at the time

My wiFutaba in a kimono & Mid Winter wear.

>Sojiro's face

Timeline probably switches right after defeating Yaldy. You can see Joker wandering around the city while it's snowing and then everything except him freezes so that is probably when the timeline switches.

Akechi shouldn't be redeemed and only fujos like him because muh tragic pretty boy. Prove me wrong.


Red Herring

Sauce for either one?

Haru to make your Persona thread better

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What was the point of this nigga again

So you think there's gonna be an alternate timeline that causes us to have more story?


I like him because he’s extremely fake and it’s delicious.

It'll probably be tied to maxing out the new girl's S.Link though like how you had to max out Marie's in P4:G to access that chunk of new stuff.

>we need AT LEAST one new character in any and every spinoff
>Labrys is right there
>Uh, okay, but how will we unite P3 and 4
He really has no point and the most interesting aspect of his character was the cliffhanger they left him in at the end of the story.

It's that or the group ends up in a massive palace which affects their cogitation so things like Wakaba being alive and Morgana having a human form happen.

Atlus is too pussy to actually do this unfortunately.
It would be a fucking hell of a twist though.

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they made him for gameplay reasons first and story second. he's a lot of fun mechanically and it lets them play around with a persona-less character

Everyone guessed that Goro was an asswipe even before P5 came out.

Ann and Ryuji are made for each other

Yeah, fucking Ryuji.

Oh no, I get that, I'm just saying that he actively makes the story specifically worse with his presence. Gameplay-wise he's a BlazBlue character with Arena mechanics and the contrast of his playstyle is very interesting.

people guessed it before they even saw his fucking face and all they had to go on was a character lineup that conveniently has him not facing the camera

lets not pretend P4U would have a good story if he didnt exist, they were always going to violently backtrack all the few interesting bits like akihiko and chie being friends

Of course. I actually really like the expanded lore on anti-Shadow weapons of P4U1 and the whole Liz getting Fool stuff, but Ultimax was fated to shit all over it.

The Thor part is the only thing that sounds like is worth viewing in the entirety of this movie

It's probably Ann. I never trusted that bitch to begin with.

The lolis?

They've would never do anything like that.

>that pose yusuke is doing
i love him now more than ever

>writer was a huge waifufag
False, those who got mad are actual wafifuags.

>wrote his OC into the game
Tadashi was there since Persona 1 and he's a joke character, while Tamaki is a walking If... reference. Other Atlus employees also had characters based on them.

I don't know.... Fox's line in the trailer is making a bit suspicious.

"I'm sorry, I ran away."

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3. I feel like going all black for her is a bit uninspired. Still looks great though.

1. looks the hottest to me, great colors

I'm going to fap to the top of her foot.

dude. the guy wrote his self insert gag character into being the girlfriend of a main character from one of their other games he liked

the only reason takami is a "walking If reference" is because literally making her the same character wouldn't make sense

Plot twist: he takes joker’s place in jail as a way to atone and that’s why we get to play the entire third semester this time

I'm betting 20 bucks pancake boy will survive the bullshit somehow and come back to the last dungeons!

Did arsene have a female thief rival or love interest in the novels?

Can't wait to romance Goro as Femc
Although the best would be if you could romance him as Akira tho

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That's a safe bet since it's already confirmed in the trailer that he's in an animated cutscene with the other phantom thieves while in his Loki costume.

Shut the fuck up Sho, you’re not funny.

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I fucking wish. It’s not gonna happen. They won’t touch anything from the old games aside from offhanded references. Kagutsuchi in P4U2 was literally nyarly but with a shittier backstory.

>We now get to have an actual Christmas party!

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Stay seething.

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>was getting his ass beat
>literally only won by having kagutsuchi activate his gay powers

Did they add anything in the anime that people should know about before playing Royal?

That's actually pretty possible, he's the only other person who could do that outside the Thieves. He could easily pull an Adachi.


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no, but do hope that they handle Ryuji better since that what the anime somewhat did

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Where will new girl fit in with the party dynamic?

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she'll be the Lisa Simpson of the group more or less since she initially hate the Phantom Thieves

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>its a Altus does a enchanted port and they add a new waifu who will probably be worse than every girl combine
Every. Fucking. Time

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used to read word up magazine

Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis when i was dead broke man Persona 5's not on Switch

What's the list so far
>Millenium girl

3 feat. Dante from the Devil May Cry series

and joker is on smash.