How are you all celebrating this great couple of days of being a Persona fan my guys...

How are you all celebrating this great couple of days of being a Persona fan my guys? Think i will play a new game of P5 Vanilla right fucking now. Yourselves?

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I didn't even finish p5
Didn't touch it in a year

I need to get around to finishing my second playthrough. I was trying to go for the plat my doing the stuff I missed last time. I think I stopped around Futaba's palace, so I should pick it up again before Royal comes out.

Don't really care for the remake, probably going to get scramble though

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already played it 3 times and platinumed it on release, patientlly waiting for the new stuff to come
.... while also dabbing on those port begging nincels

>Buying Musou garbage in 2019

>buying a dating sim for incels
>any year

because it has actual gameplay instead of selecting things from a DVD menu

It's great
Experiencing things you would never irl

>buying the same game with a bit of extra stuff for $60

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Playing switch because I'm too lazy to fix the broken HDMI port on my PS4

Rubbing it in

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feel a bit guilty for emu p3, p4, p5 so I bought a ps4 slim recently to play p5.

Because he only owns a Switch LMAO.

Finally, a persona thread that isn't retarded consolewarring

Can someone tell me what this game does so right to have Yea Forums in such a frenzy? I thought it was just some random JRPG, I might have to give it a shot now

for me, I like the music and character design.

>having to call it vanilla from now on

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The state of all of yous. I'm glad I don't support this shitty company.

nice plastic case cuck.

Also I bought the game on launch and quit after the first dungeon havent felt like returning to it yet.

I really want to replay P5 but I don't want to spoil myself before P5R. Don't want to know the game back to back and then get bored 3 hours into Royal.

Persona 5's final version hasn't been announced yet. And it's niggers like you at fault. They're milking "Persona fans" for $60 before they announce a Golden version or something.


>720p TV
>ps4 pro

Imagine being this retarded

Its a 1080p tv what the fuck are you babbling about?

I bough Vita and I am starting Persona 4 Golden right now
Dont want to replay Persona 5 so The Royal will be more fresh in my mind

>Spaming buttons on a reskin of a 10 year old game, with a persona 5 skin

I actually feel bad for you, koei tecmo is actual garbage and there games have zero effort, there where frame drops in the fucking trailer, musou shit is like actually worse then any COD or pokemon reskin, it's actual aids.

As a big fan of P5. I hope they change a lot more from what we've seen of P5R. It has potential to be the perfect persona game.

The musou game can eat a giant bag of dicks. I wanted a new fighting game.

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This doesn't make you any less retarded

>can’t play P5 anymore cause my PS4 disc drive broke, either gotta pony up $50 for the drive or $20 for the digital edition
>can’t play 4 Golden anymore cause Vita screen broke & bled out, didn’t buy a PSTV in time and now they’re expensive as fuck
>playing Arena or Boober Tag requires people
>only games I got that are working & don’t require more people is 3 FES, the shittiest in the 3-5 span, and Q, which I just didn’t like
>or I can play Smash Bros. and get my shit slapped by fags using Diddy & Ganondorf
It’s a sad feeling, bros.

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Go on then ponce do explain.

I didn't buy it the first time lmao.

playing P3P for the first time ATM, getting into the series
does the game get harder around the second half or so? so far it's way too exploitable by enemy weaknesses


Figure it out. It's in the name and price.

P3P is easier than P3FES since you dont have to worry about AI party members fucking up.

Door-kun is so cute, but why did his ingame artwork in P3 make him look like a chinless nerd

No, fuck off because you realise you messed up now, why shouldn't i own a PS4 Pro exactly? Are you going to tell me i dont play games that make use of its features?

Been playing through Persona 3 Portable (I've already played FES). About to recruit Fuuka.

If you know how to give commands it's impossible for party members' AI to fuck anything up.

>being this dense

Enjoy your 4k experience.
Oh wait.
My PS4 runs identical to yours for half the price in 99% of games. Stay mad.

Then why offer direct control in the port and sequels?

Ah there we have the memeK. Yes i knew what you meant asshat, but guess what games i actually play like REmake 2 and Tekken 7 run far better than your model does. Also it was like what? £350? Thats not a lot. I dont care about """""""4K""""""""

More comfortable and easy than commands, but I always got my party members to do what I wanted on P3FES.
I never that "Marin Karin" meme because Mitsuru never did that for me except when I thought it would be a good idea on regular enemies.

sure, but at that point, you might as well just cut out the middleman and control the other party members directly. p3's battle system was a gimmick that had no reason to exist, and there's a reason they moved away from it with 4.

>3.5x the cost of what I paid for no percievable difference


is this an official theme for persona 5? And is there possibility to get 20 year edition theme which was japan exclusive?

MH fans have been doing it for the last 15 years

I bought a vita tv and P4 golden

For some reason I didnt like P5 all that much

Except REmake 2 is 60fps compared to what it would have been on standard. Tekken 7 actually hits 1080p, Dark Souls III runs better, Yakuza Kiwami 2 runs better, Ni-Oh runs better, DMC5 runs better, Nier Automata runs better, bloodborne actually sticks to 30fps everything can be super sampled Why are you so fexxed about this lmao.

Yes its official

I don't think you can still get the 20 year whatever, but each of the playable characters plus the Velvet Room characters have their own PS4 themes that you can still buy.

>Third semester
So is it just gonna be pure social stuff since the Metaverse is gone, or will they add a new villain/remove the plot point of the metaverse disappearing at all?

The latter, I think. It's going to be a remake and an SMT IV Apocalypse sequel all in one.

Is that Rise?

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yea, I think naoto also gets a cameo too

really? don't remember it

>There will be retards that say to play the vanilla version of 5 instead of The Royal
It's the same people that say to play P4 and not Golden. There's less content in the base game, why would you ever play them when you can play the better versions?

Huh. Does that mean she went back to showbiz? How long after 4 is this?

I pirated it and I didn't even get to the second palace. the pacing is fucking glacial, I want to play the game not watch a bunch of fucking cutscenes.

because Chie's voice was better in Vanilla and no one liked KEKrie


she sounded like a bored old woman in the original.

>playing the dub

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This entirely.

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I just started P4G too. Only other game I played with sim elements was Thousand Arms. This game makes me feel dumb but I'm bad with time management.

>bloodborne actually sticks to 30fps

not him but no, and the framepacing is still awful

On a TV program about Akechi they said the previous detective prince was Naoto Shirogane.
I think Rise is now 21 years old.

name dropping is not a cameo

I hope persona 5 is fucking dead now and they will actually start working on SMT V now

I don't know if I should. I just wanna know if the new game is really just a enhanced version or some sort of sequel/remake.

I've never played a persona game.
Where should I start?

>great couple of days of being a Persona fan
>you can buy the same game on the same system upgraded for full price with no option to just get a dlc
>the actual new game is another boring dynasty warriors clone that isn't even based on the series, just based on p5
>fatlas shills are still eating it up like the second coming of christ
you guys are worse than any other fanbase on this board, jesus

Hell yeah. I hope my PS4 is still working when Royal drops, because I'm not picking up another one. Will probably be the last game I play on it

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>not having the take your heart edition
not trve persona fans