Name a person more deserving of a statue in the last 20 years.
Name a person more deserving of a statue in the last 20 years
Other urls found in this thread:
The God Emperor
the most kino shot of the decade
>[snipers lining up the shot]
This is art
A single man stands against a horde of NPC drones, and questions what he has been taught.
the man himself is not important
It's a good thing more people didn't follow in his footsteps or we would have had gamergate two electric boogaloo on our hands
Hugo Chavez
>Implying it won't
Under Michael Morhaime, Blizzcon's question and answer segment was watered down and heavily filtered. You better believe this guy would have been told to sit down once the audience employee reached him.
Reggie Fils-Aime
Literal art
story is 'lurk more you fucking newfag'.
Can someone post that ching chong edit? I've been looking for it for weeks
Blizzard has an annual fan event...where people pay $200 for hard to obtain tickets. The event is one huge ego trip for the company, and acts as free advertising.
This year, after the main reveal turned out to be a third-party mobile game, fans were irate. This guy stood up and asked the developers if "Is this an out of season April Fools joke". The audience agreed with his disapproval and the stock value of the company plummeted almost instantly.
i've been here for more years than you lived.
Absolute K I N O
Fuck off ledditor cuck
*teleports behind you*
thanks, buddy
You can actually feel the ominous energies coming from this photo
Red shirt in a sea of red and still sticking out
>Dark Spirit has invaded
>Name a person more deserving of a statue in the last 20 years.
Where were you when gamers rose up?
omae wa mou shindeiru
this sentence is so stupid on so many levels that I'm left with just suggesting you a suicide option.
Me. I'm way more handsome, I'd make a better statue.
It's always the red shirts, the banes of Blizzard
Is this gaming's Tinanmen Square?
oh, don't worry, I was thinking about it way before you mentioned it
Is that guy still around? Feels like I haven't seen him pop up on Q&As for years now.
fuck niggers and fuck entertainment megacorps
He's a retard and probably an incel too. People literally lost their jobs just because he didn't like a children's toy
>People literally lost their jobs just because he didn't like a children's toy
>amongst a sea of red, his shirt stood out the most
absolutely based
I hope they suffer
Alyssa Milano was 14 during this video I hope you know that.
Imagine losing your job because someone asked if your shitty product was a joke
I didn't but THANKS A LOT
>people lost their jobs
>People literally lost their jobs just because he didn't like a children's toy
No one man should have all that power
Reddit is a pretty good website. Certainly better than this shithole.
Even better
and why would I care about it or how it is important or relevant to anything?
>The Archangel Satanael rising up against the tyranny of Yaldabaoth, -20000000 BC (colorized)
Absolute Kino.
This is great holy shit
I'd just like to apologize to jannies on behalf of all gamers for threads like this, it's really inappropriate and you deserve better.
have sex
Can someone post the pic where the announcer goes full Chink near the end of his speech? Always cracked me up.
Wait did someone actually apologize to the devs after red shirt?
So we should just pretend to like everything and never complain about what companies do so people keep their jobs?
But this guy you're worshipping is r/edditor who got his resposne by asking in r/reddit
Yes that fat fuck
He looks like he's ready to knock someone out
Yes. I couldn't find the clip though.
How would I know you fucking redditor
a man questions, a drone buys.
What kind of music should go with this scene?
>not giving him Tyrael wings
How does everybody keep up with this shit where is it even from? You guys are always up to date with the latest celebrity stuff
Kaitlyn Jenner
holy slowpoke.
>1 month of game time has been deposited into your account
Yeah I'm trying to find it on youtube, can't seem to
>music begins playing
>Excellent posture
>Not a flinch in his eyes
>Hunching forward
>Servient and apologetic
>Can't even make eye contact for more than 1 second
He's bald so he loses
Literally the only artistic substance made within the last decade worth looking at.
Myself !
Oh shit I found it. I thought it was a woman at first lmao. 37:00 in
He’s bald because of his extremely high test
Here you go fren
The fat dude is also balding, look at his thinning scalp.
Barack Obama
Blizzard laid off a bunch of people. But I think they're community managers or something.
He's shedding his physical form, preparing to ascend.
>they can't see their lasersight on his red shirt, messing up their aim
he's thought of everything..
In addition, the pre-event hype was that the final event would be a 'huge' announcement for Diablo. Everyone was going in expecting Diablo 4 announcement, or at least some kind of major D3 expansion. What Blizzard announced as their headline announcement for their own expo/con was not just a mobile game, but a diablo skin for a current popular chinese mobile game. Everyone was waiting for something like the Bethesda E3, where they do a "by the way this is judt to hold you over until *reveal diablo4 title card* now in development", but it never came.
uhh no sweetie
pure cringe and bluepilled
yeah not everyone can get away with a clean shave, you need the masculine jawline to go with it
skullets are based
Is the bottom the guy from Office Space?
One man, stands alone
Okay, here.
Thankfully he already got one.
T. Devin Townsend.
The guyon the left side of the pic could use some horns
gamers rise up!!
No, I won't, because you are correct. This man should start a political party and run for office.
>Jason "if you like big tits you are pedophile" Schreier, thinking red shirt guy was rude
el oh el
Devin Townsend is pretty based tho
he wrote that ironically you damned fool, if anything your response is more reddit than the post you replied to.
t. Reddit
Latest album wasn't all that good.
>one man stood up
Kino as fuck
This brave lad deserves it.
>won't someone think of the multi billion dollar corporations feelings
>You can't rest when enemies are nearby
Ironic shitposting has proven itself to be worse than shitposting
This guy looks exactly like the soi wojak that gets spammed so much. Fucking hypocritical Yea Forumsedditors circlejerking.
I dare you to post something better
Social signaling and posturing is 70% the battle, compare the way he carried himself to
I've yet to hear it outside of a few tracks, but it sounds like mishmash of everything he's explored.
calm down tranny you can play diablo on the phone now! Handy for those long dilation sessions
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahah! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah
ITT: Name a person more deserving of a statue in the last 20 years - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D
Yeah it's basically that.
The borderlands main riff was tippity top tier.
I have a dream. That one day every gamer in this nation will control their own destiny.
A fandom of the truly free, dammit. A fandom of action, not words, ruled by strength, not committee!
Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around.
Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the players!
Where every man is free to think - to act - for himself!
Fuck all these limp-dick developers and chickenshit community managers.
Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit!
Fuck tranny pride!
Gaming is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN!
And from the ashes, a new genre will be born.
Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to play as they see fit, they'll make Gaming great again!... In my new America, people will play and win for what they BELIEVE! Not for money. not for fame!
Not for what they're told is right.
Every man will be free to play his own games!
His shell is soi, but his spirit isn't.
He only opens his mouth to speak and to show disgust when he has to cum on his gfs tits instead of the random slag they brought home.
>You have to be a tranny do dislike ~ the gamer identity ~
The Father
The Son
The Holy Spirit
Considering most of the "gamer identity" was constructed by people with nothing to do with it and not reality.
if one man can topple a tower, was the tower well-built?
only trannies think "GAMERS RISE UP" is an effective a way to staunch criticism of the left.
thats not his fault, a product didn't sell so employees got fired, it happens all the time in business, it's not cause of gamers or some sort of socialism boogeyman, it's because that's how a business works, happy customers = paying customers
that's how it's always been and that's how it always will be
>the Chad temper tantrum vs the Virgin office drone
Seriously the words that formed the sentence he chose to say made me laugh.
How will Blizzard prevent this from happening in the future? You just know someone wants to replicate this?
>inb4 someone comes in a tuxedo and taps the mic before saying...
Literally pure kino we can even made a movie about this diablofag.
And that make him x3 based.
It is so easy to spot you third worlders.
So E-celebs are bad but only when they aren't spouting Yea Forums approved drivel?
If you make something bad and it is made known you made something bad, you should lose your job. You should absolutely lose your job. If they fired people who didn't have to do with the creation of the game then Blizzard fired the wrong people but somebody needs to lose their job over garbage products. That's how the economy works you tard.
Who are these dudes?
*clink clink* Ahem...
You can do all of what that memer said right now
How is he an e-celeb ?
>*crackles knuckles*
>its beatdown time
>*chink* *chink* Ahem
Can't believe he actually said that
If I could force the SJWs to fuck off of Yea Forums forever, don't you think I would have done so 5 years ago?
t. Chibi
He looks like the manchild wojak.
Weak jawline and a beard to try and hide it is 1000 times worse.
You virgins think people don't realize but they do and then mock it when you're not there.
It’s funny that once you realize Germans are from Central Asia this kind of stuff just seems like chink v chink
In a sane society this man would have his face dunked in horse excrement in the town square.
Won't someone think of the Sneed's Feed and Seed
>looksmaxing is cope
So your advice for a bald dude is to rock a power donut and display his weak chin? Sounds legit.
Doesn't this guy have threesomes with his gf and other girls?
Wait who the fuck is this now?
>Germans are from Central Asia
What a load of bull.
Even if it was true, todays ethnic distributions can't be projected onto the past. Skythians were from central Asia and white.
>Yea Forums discovers he was a "cuck" and threads are made
>Turns out the GF was the cuck all along and we called OP a retard
What happened? Source to the video pls
>crackling knuckles
>focused eyes
>fearless expression
How could Blizzard not see this coming
You don't even need to be that much of an old fag to know this story
it's a literal virgin cope meme that came from r9k lmao.
pfft, kys asap
Your thoughts are ruled by memes, it's sad.
Man does that “the problem” pic look like me. I have a giant forehead. According to a dna test I shouldn’t go bald.
This is deeply problematic.
This is Art
>People literally lost their jobs just because he didn't like a children's toy
That's great. If your job is doing shit and nobody likes that shit, you should be done
fuck off normie
I can't believe that actually went down.
Just don't be an insecure incel and you will be okay whatever style of beard and hair you want.
There's no help in looks when your body language screams insecure incel from a mile away.
Plenty of time
>you think you do but you don't
dont remember this one
he knew what he had to do
only makes me even harder
>>this thread
>>my sides are now 5th dimension
Do we know who is that man?
>Being here for five months makes you an oldfag now.
Literally who
At least this kid was here longer then the other one
Jesus christ this actually has excellent composition
Someone needs to paint this
You’ve got it wrong. Baldness=wisdom.
A fucking combover is now a sign of dominance...chadposting needs to stop.
He did, an entire company.
It's the ultimate powermove
He got blacklisted.
I guess that's why dudes who are in denial about their hairloss do it...
Never forget... The day one gamer rose up.
>People literally lost their jobs just because he didn't like a children's toy
Absolutely based and redshirted.
Why not just do the Bruce Willis hair?
People who put Blizzard on blast, they don't like that so they don't let them talk at Blizzcon anymore.
Oh look, it's Elrond with a mexican mustache.
>Rise up against faceless chink corporation
>They make a satirical wojack edit of you
Nice try Jews
imagine typing this even ironically
fuck blizzard
The person who tweetet this guy to ask the question.
and that is a good thing
>the more degenerate it gets
>I grow stronger
I can bet monney that guy is going to come out as trance.
>An ancient evil has awakened
Any other real life kino that comes close?
In 100 years, this will be shown in art galleries among pieces such as the assassination of Caesar.
You weren't even here 5 years ago
big if true
>trannies and chinks lost their jobs oh no!
the man who dared to question amidst a sea of drones.
the hero we don't deserve
Needs to be framed and put in Le Louvre.
OK in my country.
Get fucked americuck.
Sweetie, you are only making him sound even more badass.
So fucking what? It was on TV you fucking retard.
Tell that to Hollywood you daft twat.
Have sex
>people just fall spread eagle when they die with no blood
The effects in this movie suck.
absolutely and unequivocally based
Will you help me? Spread your legs up a little.
>People literally lost their jobs because of how incompetent they were
I see nothing wrong with this desu.
>staying alive after a saint act
This was his only mistake.
have sex
There was plenty of blood, watch the video. He was a fatass so his arms naturally rolled to the side.
>Cheap_Gold_4U has left the server
who said video games can't be art
they were doing a shit job
Fuck you. We are tearing his statues down, you commie fag
Triple Based Baldie. Some SJW blizzcucks got cicked to the street. Кaйфapики Джихaдa, eжжи
It's not about looking good or not hard it's about your attitude and reasoning to a problem
Imagine if we all rose up at the same time
I've been here for a lot longer than 5 years.
My first post on Yea Forums was telling people that Scarface for PS2 completely missed the point of the movie.
You can fuck off.
heh, nothing personal kid
Most underrated post here
>one line of banter permanently slices activision's stock price in half
The stock value didn't plummet because his spoke out, it plummeted because Blizzard has precisely zero new releases planned for the near future and all of their existing games, with the exception of Hearthstone, are under-performing.
Stop right there.
>"How dare you point out the emperor is naked!"
Oh no, now I'll stop jerking off to that video immediately
Clearly blizzard damage control.
>peak fertility pussy is degenerate
yeah nah
>Blizzcon is only two days this year
What a fucking disaster of a company.
The kid who got told "you think you do but you dont" after asking for wow classic.
Jokes on you, I don't have the presence required for people to even remember me when I'm gone.
bend over
holy fuck...
Really just about anything from 300
Congratulations on all the (you)s!
bravo snyder
he's not wrong tho
Too much blurry shit in the foreground. Try again.
Sleazecore is /fa/ as fuck
Name a company that has fallen harder than blizzard.
>People literally lost their jobs just because he didn't like a children's toy
Trion or ArenaNet
>power-up intensifies
i had another one but i can't find it
Can't, because no one soared higher than blizzard
not even close
they didn't create games that changed everything like Starcraft, Warcraft or Diablo
Anyone who's done anything in real life?
This guy made fun of a company that's been garbage for 15 years. Are you serious?
I always assume it's Moby from the thumbnail and skip the thread, now that I see it from up close, it's not Moby but it's not that different
just kino
OK retard
>post beethoven 9th
>ACTUALLY calling them normie
>implying not possessing utter normalfaggotry
He is the one we all want to be. He stood and questioned the tyranny, being amidst a swarm of enslaved, corrupt drones addicted to soulless tripe produced by a dead and profaned shell of a great company, where most of us would have simply just brushed it off and accepted it as a cruel fate.
He dared, when we all were silent. He is a beacon of hope, a precedent that people with sensible tastes not only exist but aren't afraid. He is justice itself and he shall not be forgotten.
Kek imagine the amount of ass hurt the person who made this had lmao HAVE SEX
Mozart's Requiem in D minor, K. 626.
By the light...
Quick rundown on this shit?
He asked a question which caused some shit? What question and what happened?
I like it under my rock okay.
I like how Telltale used that image in their Batman game
Does that make it a snuff game?
Blizzard announced a new Diablo game, a mobile game. It was presented at BlizzCon with the hype of a proper release. These are the only two clips you need to watch to understand the situation, really.
Dude has children
Have sex
Blizz has this fan con where people pay top dollar to attend, and had tease a Diablo related thing. Nauturally, people who have played the games for fucking forever had expectations of it being at bare minimum a expansion for III. Instead a mobile reskin aimed at the chinese market was unveiled, and you can guess the people both there and at home were not exactly happy after the cocktease.
The redshirt man (funny because its a Diablo shirt, and turns out he was a big devout fan for a long time in a interview) went to the QA and pretty much told them as polite as humanly possible “what the ever-loving fuck is this shit?” , getting applauses from the audience. Then some journos wrote garbage, Blizz stock tanked for a couple of more reasons and nobody really won but we have great meme material to laugh at.
Just new blizzard being shit as usual.
Wait, is that real?
>Bald man bad!
Whose Amen?
Fats have no gender to begin with.
Based and actually redpilled
By your logic, it's pretty fucking pathetic people can't make a good children's toy then, huh?
They deserved to be fired, arguably worse.
Bethoven is entry-level as fuck m8.
looks straight out of a movie
How can one man be so based and have much power?
Zack Snyder approves this kino.
Why does he hold the gun like that though
maybe his butt hurts
Genuine kino
does anyone have the kill la kill edit of this going down?
from what
>when you definitely don't have schizophrenia
was kinda bullshit they couldn’t even be assed to humor this tard
been spending weeks trying to remember the Italo disco song where the video has these blue fish alien women that look like aoc here can anyone help?
Oh fuck, neckbeards and landwhales are morphing into one and the same species
No it’s a eurotrash song from the early 80s and the video is these cartoon blue fish bitches showing off their tits and pussies and shit
donald trump
I don't think there is someone more noteworthy in recent memory than the large fellow who molded the greatest gaming platform known to all of video games. So far anyway.
>Wyatt comes to the Diablo III team from within Blizzard Entertainment where he previously worked on World of WarCraft: The Burning Crusade.
>Prior to joining Blizzard he worked on the action flight sim Secret Weapons over Normandy with Totally Games Inc.
>Before that he was with EA Canada and worked on football titles such as FIFA, '97; '98 and '99 and World Cup '98.
fucking kike
what? i'm not american.
Is it this one?
Found it in 2 seconds by the way.
hell yes
This is the story of a time long ago.
A time of myth and legend.
When Activision Blizzard were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering.
Only one man dared to challenge their power.
He's still around, they didnt accept his questions at the last 2 blizzcons but you can see him sitting in the crowd.
Blizz also screens questions like the gestapo now
Red shirt guy has pointed out a shitload of retcons and out of character actions on his own blog over the years so its no wonder he was blacklisted
ayo who dis
>Dante approaches the gates of hell, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1850
>greatest gaming platform
>Forced DRM that people accepted because there was no alternative
Kill yourself, Valve-cuck
one day there will be songs of this hero
>imagine buying a bland black box that has no possible way to upgrade it, no way to stand out, and costs unnecessary amount of money and after you finally buy it you gotta pay monthly fee to play online games on a small cramped controller that forces a bad posture and makes you inable to play fps games.
>imagine not being able to mod/create/cheat games
>imagine being a slave to the system controlled by one company
>imagine buying something for the sole purpose of playing video games instead of buying functional box that comes in diffrent sizes shapes and prices that lets you play any video game of its time without any fees and still has the so called "plug in and play" feature wich is no longer present in your glorious plain black box 720
>imagine playing a game only to never meet your oponents daily on an equal ground on a shared community
>imagine being a fucking slave
Btw i fucked your mother kid.
oh my
A God among Men. A Wolf among Sheep. A Redeemer among Sinners. The Messiah we don't deserve.
So you're saying he SHOULD like a children's toy?
Anyone knows where I can find this picture in the highest quality possible? I want to change my wallpaper.
Just over it you spoiled brats.
carve it into a mountain, like Mt Rushmore. Maybe have there be a cave inside the mouth