>There are people on the board who don’t own a PS4 and a Switch.
How does it feel worrying about exclusivity?
There are people on the board who don’t own a PS4 and a Switch
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm more mad that he got in Smash for no reason than his overly long game.
I bought a PS4 for Spider-Man and it's been collecting dust since then. Switch has seen a little more action with Smash and Final Fantasy ports. I mostly just play Overwatch on PC though
I only own a Switch and have no interest in 3rd party titles on my Switch or elsewhere, I only play 1st party titles.
Why Spiderman? Everyone knew it was going to be trash.
As someone who owns both a switch and ps4, I honestly would prefer playing p5 on my switch..
I dont sorry about it because I am an idort
Get out you traitor
More this for me
Where's Demi-Fiend? Where's Yu?
But yeah, used PS4s and PS4Pros are pretty cheap. There's no reason not to own both to play through all the exclusives
I have both.
Best switch game: Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Best PS4 game: Bloodborne
Fight me faggots
Cheap system aside there's no point in buying it if you only want one game.
I have no interest in any switch game so I don't need buy this.
Started the gen with an Xbone, saved up to build a PC. Never particularly interested in Playstation from the PS3 and onwards. Switch is more a case of waiting to see if they release an upgrade and whether or not their online service will ever be of good quality.
What vacuum do you live in? Spiderman is heavily praised. Even on Yea Forums it's reasonably positively received. At least as much as any modern Sony exclusive can be.
I have a switch and a 1000$ PC, can't play p5. fuck atlus
Since when does praise mean a game isn't shit?
I do own both. I regret the ps4 since the move to california though.
>and a Switch.
I regret buying a Vita when PSTV exists. I'm definitely not dropping $400 for a guaranteed paperweight.
I haven't turned on my PS4 in 2 years, every game I cared about sans bloodborne ended up getting ported to PC
>Since when does praise mean a game isn't shit?
>Owning anything Sony
Terrible idea. They're the lowest quality hardware manufacturer in existence. And their software is somehow worse
Never got more than mildly annoyed. As more exclusive games I wanted came out I put some extra cash away that I didn't need and just bought the system.
I own neither. paying for internet access twice = no buy from me.
t. Dreamcast fanboy
>there are people on this board who don't even have a desktop computer
I have both, but i hate the DS4, and i wanted to play P5 on an actual nice to hold controller. I can't believe i'm going to have to use it in 20-fucking-20.
>there are people on Yea Forums still posting about console wars instead of owning every system this gen
ew, gross. fucking poorfags gtfo my board
Playstation doesn't have any games I like so I'm fine
I have both consoles but I don't want to buy anything for the ps4 after the whole California headquarters shit happened. I guess I'll just not play P5R and go about my day
I don't get it.
Are you trying to say reviewers are right?
There are people on this board over 14 who play on consoles.
I wish the mods woulf ban any and all console war posting on Yea Forums. Watch the board quality soar immensely. But nooooooo for some reason they just let this cancer continue.
I swear to you all if I was a mod, things would be different around here.
He's not wrong. I bought a replacement DS4 a month ago and it already has a noticeable drift in the left analog.
Oh sorry, I didn't realise we were judging quality or general reception on the age old metric of "some dumbass twat on the internet said he didn't like it once".
sony has had 6 years to release something to catch my interest and they have failed. i think i'll be keeping my money, thanks
This but unironically.
You act like Persona is worth playing anyway.
There are people on this board over 14 who still think PC gaming isn't an afterthought.
Demifiend and Yu have no more reason to be in than Joker
>but Demifiend represents SMT unlike Joker and the series has a long history on Nintendo systems
then pick one of the many SMT characters actually from a game on a Nintendo system, instead of the ONE that wasn't.
The problem is that Eric and his cohorts hide behind proxies and mobile so they can't ban them.
consider "catching" a more appropriate hobby
This is also a huge factor for me. Ever since that whole shit went down, i've had no desire to play on it. It's a glorified Blu-Ray player at the moment.
I always assumed consolewars was one big joke. Why on earth would anyone stick to one console and purposely miss out on everything else and then defend that position?
Anyone above the age of 18 shouldn't have that much trouble affording both.
IP Range/MAC address bans
Or just instantly delete any and all console war threads/posts
As opposed to "some dumbass twat on the internet said he did like it once"?
But that's not all that happened with spiderman, there was a whole cover up campaign about the various graphical downgrades that was reduced to "muh puddles".
I wish we lived in a world where sega didn't fuck themselves over so hard. I bet video games would be in a lot better place.
I wish XC2 was as complete and polished as Bloodborne, but both are good games. Yea Forums doesn’t deserve anons like you.
*Second lowest, my mistake.
Look at that waste of money
They literally ARE banned, dipshit
The problem is with the sheer amount of shitposting, in the time it takes to delete one thread, 3 more pop up
You seem awfully irate. Perhaps a bit upset that your brand loyalty hasn't paid off at all?
Not unless you have a team of typical neckbeard Yea Forums users across the globe. Just have 2 for each timezone.
I'm not hyped for The Royal because it's a rerelease on the SAME FUCKING CONSOLE. I already bought it on ps4 once now you want me to by it again for like 5 hours of new content with the possibility of added censorship?
>IP Range/MAC address bans
Then you'd also be banning innocents.
Fuck that's a good point. Surely there has to be some way to contain this cancer.
How come i never complaints like these when Gamefreak does the same to Pokemon?
I'm an idort for previous generations. I'll consider getting a PS4 when it's cheaper and when its hacking scene is better.
It feels BTFO
All that needs to happen is for Hiro to care. He could easily ban phoneposters and stop ban evaders with a large dedicated team of mods. But the traffic rakes in the dosh for him.
Fuck Hiro, and fuck post-2014 Yea Forums.
XC2 is not quite on BB's level. But it is an excellent game, didn't think I would like it so much. I just wish it didn't have the Gacha shit.
did you watch the trailer? they've already made so many drastic changes to the story that it isn't just a rerelease. it's a p2ep/smtiva situation.
>Anyone above the age of 18 shouldn't have that much trouble affording both.
I'm 28, i can't afford the second console because i'm a semi-neet (i "study medicine", and my family only gives me just enough money to survive). I won't reveal what's my console so the rival fanbase don't use it as shitpost ammo.
Yeah, this is my blog, fuck you. I need to vent out my frustrations.
imagine not owning every single platform
>post 2014
I'd say earlier than that
That's some cancer inducing port begging
We do have a ps4.
It just never gets used.
The only console I do not have is the Xbone line but that's because I just am not interested in its games
3rd party exclusives of low tech games with engines supported by all platforms are the dumbest shit. Therr is no reason P5 can't come out on all consoles and PC
i don't own neither
honestly I have a lot of other games to play, but I am seething notheless
>Giving a shit about Exclusives
>All that needs to happen is for Hiro to care
He's been here since Moot and then they couldn't do anything.
Well then you're quite old to still be studying anything, if you'd started earlier you'd have a decent job by now and affording multiple consoles shouldn't be a problem.
Just because you're a fuck up who still needs his parents' support at 28 doesn't mean everyone else can't easily afford another console.
And Persona of all things.
Have you not seen the current state of this board? Exclusivity fagging and just general console war faggotry has gone up in the last few months.
>last few months
I own both, but the only way I can force myself through persona 5 again is on a handheld. that was one of best aspects of persona 4 golden. dumb move atlus
But it's not just that one game unless you're only interested in a single franchise
I have both and Persona 5, i still would preffer the game on switch,
Basically i buy everything un switch if i can
PS4 has been nothing but dust since i finish persona 5 and Spider-Man
And i use Xbox for playing with Friends and thirdparties that the switch don't have
The only people who ever say this have no worthwhile exclusives
You mean the last few years.
why would I? you have great taste
yes, years. How new are you?
More like decades
>Yea Forums is finally accepting that XC2 was a good game
>playing capeshit ever
>Supporting Sony's censorship
no thanks
It's not the exclusivity. I have a PS4 but I don't want to support Sony.
Put Royal on PC if you retarded Nips can't figure out the Switch for like 3 years.
Jack Frost would have fit in better IMO
Nigga people were consolefagging about Disgaea years ago.
>unless you're only interested in a single franchise
How did you even come to that conclusion?
only thing good about that absolute cringefest is Nia
It was praised in the same way Horizon Zero Dawn or any of the ass creed games were praised.
It got 9.5s across the board because people were gaga for the graphics and then people ceased to talk about it after a week because the gameplay is so hand holdy and uninteresting.
*PC and a Switch
Literally no reasons to own a PS4
"Yeah, I own a gaming PC, PS4, and Switch. What gave it away, friend?"
I don't think people not talking about those games still is a slight on their quality. I just think that gaming communities today move on super quick from games. Outside of Yea Forums, I don't see any websites talk about Dmc5, KH3, or even Smash unless there's some new content being added into the game.
I own a switch and i dont really care, Persona isnt a series for me. Not a fan of managing relationships on a strict time limit.Doesn't affect and Its a shame that its not coming but in the end all the fans of persona should have already gotten a ps5 and played the game at this point.
>I just think that gaming communities today move on super quick from games
Not really no. If a game is good they tend to form long lasting communities that last months if not years after the release of the game.
>or even Smash
Who are you trying to fool exactly?
I really do wonder what happened.
Did the two companies have a deal but then one backed up too late for the other to change shit?
Im not looking forward to the future relaitonship between the two companies if this is the case.
No shit, the communities of the games are going to talk about the game their community was created for, because to that point you could still argue that games like HZD and Spiderman are still being talked about. I definitely misspoke when I said the "gaming communities" because that's too vague, but I lack any other way to categorize what I'm talking about. I'm being more general and not referring to specific communities for specific games. Go to any gaming website and you'll see there aren't any articles currently being pushed out about these games beyond talking about their newest content.
switch has at least like 5 games to play
ps4 has one
xbox has literally none. are they tapping out of the console market soon?
>because to that point you could still argue that games like HZD and Spiderman are still being talked about.
Except communities for those games don't exist. No one is talking about them outside of marketing.
Why do people like Yu so much? I'll never understand it.
>Muh literal self insert main character that everyone sucks his dick immediately upon meeting him
At least Joker has people who legitimately dislike him.
>Except communities for those games don't exist. No one is talking about them outside of marketing.
Glad we can agree shit like ARMS and whatever non 1st party Nintendo exclusive was all marketing too
It's their problem, not mine.
PC and a PS4 *
Literally no reason to own a switch
anime not-golden yu is a treasure
how typical for a sony fag to try and copy something and make it worse
You should try stepping outside of Yea Forums every once in awhile. Saying those games don't have their own communities is insane. That's why it's a stupid stance/ point to prove. Which is why I clarified my statement to not be about individual communities for games.
He's not wrong, Switch emulation is already a thing and while you can play some PS4 stuff through PSNow not all of it is there
Am I the only one who would have actually bought a PS4/PS5 before Sony started this censorship crap?
Dude, don't tell him to look outside of Yea Forums when you think there's anyone talking about those games. There's more conversation about Spiderman 2 and Ultimate than there is of the new game. Horizon was dead on arrival.
>Switch emulation is already a thing
And most ps4 games can be played via the ps3 emulator or have been ported. What benefit is there to buying a ps4 if you have a PC?
At the very least with the switch there's portability and being able to play the game without waiting months.
>And most ps4 games can be played via the ps3 emulator or have been ported.
But that's wrong
>At the very least with the switch there's portability and being able to play the game without waiting months.
If you emulate then you dont have to suffer through flimsy framerate and play with any controller you want
>If I dont see discussion on Yea Forums then it doesnt exist
99.9% of games dont exist on then
Based. Console-warring is a clear sign of underage. What adult doesn't have the money to buy what he wants?
>But that's wrong
The only decent game that doesn't exist on other platforms is Bloodborne. I was going to add the cyber slueth games but then I realised they're on vita. You can even play persona because it's a ps3 game.
>If you emulate then you dont have to suffer through flimsy framerate and play with any controller you want
Okay? How does that take away the benefits of playing on a switch? If anything that's an argument against ps4 because power is all it had and no one likes the ds4.
>wanting to play online
Don't you already get enough interaction with nameless internet autists on imageboards already? Do you really want that cancer in your video games as well?
I never bought PS+ and my Switch has never been connected online (and if I did I would be instantly banned due to having pirated games and homebrew installed). Not a single fuck given, especially for the Switch, considering the fact that the best use of your online subscription is playing Smash in lag mode against millennials whom, if you're lucky, might even get you into some epicc disrespekt video, and if it's not that, exchanging crudely drawn tranny pride stages.
Fuck online.
Persona 5 is the only game I'm interested in on PS4.
What part of outside of Yea Forums don't you understand?
Just accept the fact that Sakurai loved P5 and needed an excuse to put them in Smash. Of course, this speaks volumes about how painful it must be for him to turn Rex into a Mii costime.
I'm poor
Dude I have both, but I could play every other Persona on the go except this one
That's why I'm upset
Seeing how I have no desire to play cinematic movie games or weebshit, I’m not worried at all
>turning Rex into a Mii
Fuck off he didin't give two shits
Pls. I post on mobile and I'm a good boy.
Or do you mean ban the people who use apps?
>Person A: There's no communities for this game, no one's talking about it
>Person B: Yeah there is and people do, just not on Yea Forums
>Person A: T-t-those don't count!
I don't see how anyone could say this and not feel slightly stupid. Besides there's no accurate way to gauge how much discussion is being had about which Spiderman game or whatever, but I highly doubt all discussion about the newest and only Marvel game in the past half year is not being talked about.
>The only decent game that doesn't exist on other platforms is Bloodborne.
>I dont like the other games so they dont exist
>How does that take away the benefits of playing on a switch?
>how is better framerate a plus?
do you honestly need an answer for this?
>I dont like the other games so they dont exist
It's more that the other games are bad or have been ported. Critical acclaim doesn't make a game good, there was even a whole campaign against reviewers a few years back.
>do you honestly need an answer for this?
No one is denying that emulation can increase the framerate but you're being asked how does it eliminate the benefits of a switch.
>Person A: There's no communities for this game outside of Yea Forums, no one's talking about it
>>Person B: Yeah there is and people do, just not on Yea Forums
>>Person C: did you even look outside of Yea Forums?
Seriously, those games are dead as a dodo. This is the only place you'll see any kind of discussion, shitposting or otherwise, outside of major updates.
>Critical acclaim doesn't make a game good
Yet this board fellates metacritic scores
>No one is denying that emulation can increase the framerate but you're being asked how does it eliminate the benefits of a switch.
I mean there's stuff like DaemonXMachina that are severely dragged down by some elements of it, the biggest one being the framerate
>but I highly doubt all discussion about the newest and only Marvel game in the past half year is not being talked about.
You can easily just check the other sites like gamefaqs, reddit, twitter, resetera etc and see the last posts about them.
It's what, a five minute job for each site give or take search systems.
>This is the only place you'll see any kind of discussion
I mean if we had to take Yea Forums as a measure of how popular a game is then MK11 is very mainstream despite the narrative that no one cares about it
>Yet this board fellates metacritic scores
For Sony games ironically enough. No one else uses them as a serious measure of quality.
>there's stuff like DaemonXMachina that are severely dragged down by some elements of it, the biggest one being the framerate
For one that was a demo for a game still in development.
Two, you're still avoiding the question. How does that eliminate the benefits of the switch?
It's always been liked on Yea Forums besides the two resident autists that never shut up and a small group of others.
Every poll that has ever been done here shows most that played it loved it
>despite the narrative that no one cares about it
What? No one ever said that and Mortal Kombat has been mainstream since it's inception.
>For Sony games ironically enough.
>No one else uses them as a serious measure of quality.
Yeah i remember all the 97 posting being spammed by Sonyfags...oh wait they didnt that was all Nintendofags
>How does that eliminate the benefits of the switch?
I mean if you dont value portability then the Switch is still worthwhile as a console but even then is the weakest of the bunch and like that user told you emulation for it is an acceptable state as of recently
Forced accounts (but anonymous posting is still the default) that requires a non spam email and a 3 day wait period after registering is the ideal solution. By non spam I don't necessarily mean a work email or a ISP email, but something like Gmail, Yahoo, and other stuff that requires a phone address to activate.
Bam, you've now solved the proxy problem and moderators can also be more lenient knowing that bans will actually be followed
>tfw you grow up and realize its just poor kids arguing about consoles because they are too poor to afford what they want
Alright I'll do the legwork just for you guys.
On gamefaqs there's 205 threads for spiderman 25 of which have seen activity within the month of April. On the spiderman ps4 reddit there's about 12 threads posted within the last month and on the actual Ps4 there's been ~50 threads made within the last month that have mentioned Spiderman. I don't know how to navigate resetera so I didn't even bother.
You know what's ironic, PC can emulate both P5 AND the only two good games on Switch (Mario and Zelda).
Guess I just needed to sperg some $$$ every couple of years and forget about console warshit entirely.
Hit me up when Sony stops making movie exclusives that I could play on my iPad, maybe PS5 will solve this but it's a coin toss.
Thanks for proving my point no one ever used it as a metric of quality BoTW and even contested it saying it was an 80 at best. The 97 was only ever used to get sonyfags mad in the same way RDR2's old 98 on xbox was.
There's a reason why you'll never see Nintendofags, xbots and pcfags go
>but it's critically acclaimed and sold well!
>and like that user told you emulation for it is an acceptable state as of recently
Eh, not really. In its current state it can only play odyssey and pokemon without crashing and only with fairly high tier PCs. Regardless the point is that even without it the switch will still have aspects that make it desirable in the same way as the DS and 3DS.
>bought a PS4 for KH3 and DMC5 at the beginning of the year
>still have my Switch for Nintendo games and my laptop for indieshit on steam and emulators
I love being an idort.
i feel fine cus there aint a single game i wanna play on switch but gettin real tired of every game we get being met with switch port begging
Even if you're Bill Gates you have no reason to own a bone.
>wanted to buy a PS4 for the occasional exclusive
>spend money on a hooker for my first time instead
fucking underwhelming man, should've just stayed home playing vydia
>There's a reason why you'll never see Nintendofags, xbots and pcfags go
>no one ever used it as a metric of quality BoTW and even contested it saying it was an 80 at best
I take it that you never been to one of the threads then, any time you even dare to bring criticism to it you get a 97 rubbed in your face as if it was a shield
>There's a reason why you'll never see Nintendofags, xbots and pcfags go
>but it's critically acclaimed and sold well!
Cant say if Xboners and PCfags ever use that but that's a lie when it comes to Nintendofags though
Nintendofags called Splatoon 1 better than BB because it sold more
BOTW better than HZD because of the awards and aforementioned 97
Not to mention to this day they use 'OoT has a 99 so anything negative you say is invalid'
So if anything Sonyfags take scores seriously because Nintendofags made it the norm
>There's a reason why you'll never see Nintendofags, xbots and pcfags go
but it's critically acclaimed and sold well!
feels good but musou is still a shit genre for retards that can't handle real games so I'd rather it have been P5 Switch
Even tho this didnt happen, I still laugh at how dumb of an idea this would have been. I rarely play my BB machine but I'd buy one over a hooker any day
>In its current state it can only play odyssey and pokemon without crashing and only with fairly high tier PCs.
It can also play BOTW and even implemented mod support to it
But yeah it could use some work but that's a given when it comes to emulation, it all depends if they can make it work properly and not abandon it like they did with the PS2
>be me
>borrow ps4 from friend
>make account and buy bunch of games
>play his games too
>finish all games
>had it for 6 months
>used it for 2 months
>dusted for the rest of the months
>move to new apartment
>don't even plug it in
I'm not sure what it is, if it's the easy accessibility of a switch or what not, but in comparison I always turned on my switch to see what I could play instead of turning on the ps4, even if it meant I would put it back to sleep instantly. The PS4 bugged my noggins. I'm glad I didn't buy the console desu. Maybe I'll get the ps5 if it isn't priced too much for what it offers.
I have every console but an xbone, give me one good reason to buy one when I have a top tier pc from 2016