post your top 10 played games on steam and let anons bully you for shit taste
Post your top 10 played games on steam and let anons bully you for shit taste
Bully me Yea Forums
jesus fucking christ user
>path of exile
>borderlands 2
I like you user
To this day, I have no idea how F4 is in there. I just rushed through the game to be done with it after the first 30 hours.
What's the point of this thread? We all know everyone's top 3 is just going to be
2. DOTA2
1. TF2
hurr durr hurr
>2.6yrs of continuous vidya
not unless you show us what was so embarrassing at the top that you had to crop it out
I pirate all my single player games so I only play MP shit on Steam
>3000 hours of DotA
>2800ish hours of a pretty good list underneath that
You're a fag most of the time, but when you decide to stop sucking dicks, you're alright.
Found the cancer.
>almost 7k hours in CS
Hory shit user. I felt bad for having 1k hours in BF4.
most of those gmod hours were in gmod tower if that makes me any less of a fag
>garry's mod
Actually fucking kill yourself.
You shouldn't, BF4 is peak battlefield.
It´s hard, Yea Forums. Take it all the way.
BF4 is best BF
I loved all these games with the exception of Witcher 3 and GTA V. It took me that long to beat W3 with its DLCs.
How wrong can people be?
332 hours in Kenshi
I like you. My nigga.
>that shit tower building is still broken, btw.
Much more on xfire but It's dead
>fps is my main genre
>can't stand meme royale
>mfw this fucking drought
Please stop making meme royale games holy shit
you are me, im starting to get sick of playing the same old games now until something new comes out
already 75h on sekiro, wow and nice 160h on dark souls 1, I love it but it's the soul I played less
btw mgs v comes after wallpaper engine
You could have easily learned the Japanese language
Nothing, my top game is TS3
>click personal game data
>IP address shows
whats the point?
Not even sure FFXIV should count since a huge portion of that was just me watching other shit while afk fishing.
You have objectively good taste
Im ready
My PC is pretty shitty, so I mainly play indie/older games
It's nice to see the different taste people have for video games
>Highest playtime on the worst entry in the series.
What in the fuck did you do to spend 2700+ hours in fallout 4?
I mostly play pirated games
>football manager
Built any cool houses in all that time in Sims 3?
R8 and tell me what it says about me.
You're a weeb between the ages of 17 and 27.
>>Highest playtime on the worst entry in the series.
Found a group of people to play DS3 with. I got 500 hours on both DS1 and DS2 on consoles. Had nothing to do by the time I got it on PC.
Noob hours
Sweet. 600H + on sims 3. Gotta respect that.
Not even rebirth...
Muh guns
You can'T have a functionning brain and not get bored of MOBA faster
How the F do you spend 8000 hours on TF2 ? How are you still breathing.
ISnt warframe just button mashing ?
A well rounded human being.
Would have a beer with/10
I miss dirty bomb so much
>ISnt warframe just button mashing ?
I mean, it's as much button mashing as any videogame that requires you to press buttons to do things.
its a good game
I have no regrets
I meant mindless button mashing. No need to think, just spam same attack untill loot drops.
Judge me
Depends on your loadout. There's a few mindless frames or weapons but only shitters and metaniggers use those. And they're usually worse than gear that you have to actually use if you know how to use it.
Bully away.
I don't use Steam much.
I like Resident Evil.
My only regret is Skyrim.
fyi I have a taleworlds copy of M&B, with a lot more hours than Skyrim I s-swear
my nig
OP only posted 9, I'll post 9.
how many hours is a std. insgesamt
1 std. is 2.75 hrs user.
>3 is worse than 2
Alright bud
oh no...
Siege is trash, you should consider ending your own existence as soon as possible.
No u.
what the fuck
Could be worse
>over 100 hours on MHW
I'm genuinely curious, how do you achieve that?
The game has no content, it ends after like 40 hours, 50-60 at best
grind for build
I regret about having dota in this list, 80% of the playing time is me browsing in alt+tab.
I don't really play much multiplayer
it used to be, most of the press x to kill frames have been removed so it's an actual game now
They even came up with an actually enjoyable boss fight after five years, can you believe it ?
>have been removed
more like completely changed, but the game is arguably more fun now
You've got good taste in games. Reminds me to go play more Saints Row to get it back in the top ten.
SR3 is shit and 4 isn't much better. 2 is the best game in the series, but the PC port is utter trash even with community fixes.
No regrets
>They even came up with an actually enjoyable boss fight after five years, can you believe it
No, I can't actually
>paying for DRM: The Game
>paying for Reddit: The Game
Open bobs butiful.
Fetal alcohol syndrome.
Fucking pleb tier taste in games.
Helping friends, SOS, Kulve gacha, soloing AT elders and deco farm.
I'm honestly surprised Aura Kingdom and Neverwinter are in the Top 10, I'd swear I've played Rogue Legacy more than even Trove.
I'm mostly proud of the Top 3
You fuckers should have a good time with me.
im a real gamer
please explain your fallout 4 hours
Just sitting on $150 in my steam wallet waiting for that really awesome game to come out.....
Objectively wrong opinion.
Your opinion is doesn't matter anyway.
Not showing ten as I am phoneposting but you can get a general idea.
Do I have autism?
I can't even hit 100 hours, I don't know how you guys with 500+ hours on a single game do it.
Perma banned on CSGO
Overwatch > TF2
Source is dead
MOBAs are aids
Payday is dead
only games I still like on my most played list is BL2 and Terraria and even then I dont play them
This doesnt mean theyre my top 10 though, why are we doing this?
God all of you are mindless drones, you all have nearly the exact same list
Fucking christ
I hate myself.
literal valve drone
>tfw I'm a fucking casual.
Everything below this is just DLC for borderlands 2.
>calling people drones
>half your top 10 is free to play card game trash and mobas
>90 hours on artifact
fuck you guys it's a fun game
>it's a fun game
And also dead.
Like your mind.
I hope this picture actually uploads, if not then;
>Dark Souls PTD : 1883 hours
>Skyrim : 1754 hours
>New Vegas : 1597 hours
>Saint's Row 2 : 1028 hours
>Team Fortress 2 : 988 hours
>Dark Souls 2 SotFS : 813 hours
>Dark Souls 2 : 606 hours
>Left 4 Dead 2: 393 hours
>Starbound : 339 hours
>Prison Architect : 313 hours
What the fuck?
Do you have brain damage?
How do you have that much fun in Dynasty warriors, it's just clicking the same button over and over
Is this a troll?
I'd have myself if I was that poor too
What? You don't press the same button over and over.
Should be really easy to roast me/rate me Yea Forumsanons.
In my defense I only started buying games like since last three years and don't know what to play most of the time because of all the impulse buy I do
I don't even like csgo
>almost no weeb games
what went wrong
Most weebshit can be beaten under 12 hours though
How did you get 65 hours in tabletop?
Thats why I have a ps4 for my weebshit.
Someone put a gun to my head and forced me to play FFXV, I swear
Portal and Arma are high from a bug on a laptop I had in college. The games never closed completely and counted as continually running until I noticed days later and force stopped them.
I use it to play table top RPGs with friends
>11208 hours of counter strike
Why did you play so much bless online?
implying not pirated games is somehow representative of taste
752 hrs of Dark Crusade
I'm babymode compared to you people. Dirt 2 is only because not closing the GfWL client counts as playtime.
is YS 8 any good played felgana ,naphistim and orgings back to back and loved then played 1 ,2 and 7 and were mediocre at best , have 8 on my backlog since last year is it worth it?
pretty sure thief should be higher on account of the dozens of fan missions i've played not through steam
these are respectable lists
Roast me
I'd say it's worth it but try to avoid the PC version if you can. It's prone to crashing in certain cutscenes.
im autistic
>Garrys Mod
you need to be 18 to post here
>Respectable list
Cпacибo тeбe, тoвapищ!
some might say im a casual
pyro needs to get snapped
Don't shoot up a school or something they're probably gonna ban all of that.
not a single hour of town of salem was spent idling :'(
>Garrys mod
please go to reddit
I have no idea...
Town of Salem is great.
Killing floor 2 shouldnt be on any list at all
Give it to me
i'm quite a normie