get dabbed haters LOL
Get dabbed haters LOL
why is he using all those emojis?
because he's lying to himself
>Angry boomer uses twitter
Why can't you just get them? Why do they feel the need to artificially extend the playtime?
>all those emojis
He knows he is lying through his teeth. Boon is a broken man, MK is dead. I am happy that fighting games die like this.
Because he's COOL and gets along with all the young demographic!
Thanos DLC when?
>mfw this become real
He's a Boomer, once they hit the 50s/almost hit 50s they relax, get bored, and just want to piss young people off now. Based Boon.
>all those emojis
reminds me of cliffy
Wow. This is actually real. I would say I lost my respect for Ed Boon right now but I lost it years ago when he picked up the franchise and destroyed it after MK4, but wow... This is truly pathetic.
>game getting buttblasted for xyz
>make up fake complaint a
>debunk a
>see! haters btfo!
This actually works.
I won't stop until he renames himself to EL BOONERINO
Is this double speak? The skins are put on sell on a rotating schedule so technically the vast majority of skin are not for sale at any given time?
Yep, Zoomer, Boomer.
>Ed Boon
more like
>El Boom-erino
It's Boon speak.
Holy shit
>western games
hard pass
To distract from the fact he is lying through his teeth.
I think he's saying most skins arent even in the rotation pool.
why is he using so many emojis? does this man have the brain of a child?
I don't think it's safe to get this triggered at your age, Ed boy.
You have to EARN them by going to WORK and making MONEY so you can BUY them
>how do you do me fellow goy, i'm your friend and im into memes, now buy this right now
Are fighting games dying lads? I hope so kek. I loved fighting games when I was a kid and they are cancer to me nowadays. They are either uninspired copy-paste asian games from generations ago with just higher resolution and better AA, or western cuckery with shit animations and gameplay.
this meem always brings joy to my otherwise normal days
>le enlightened bothsidesbad
Boomers were in their 50s in the late 90s.
>he says it's bullshit so it is
Damage control
trying to hide his seething
FG devs don't have balls anymore. Before they tried to be the biggest, loudest, funniest, most technical, most valuable. The FGC ruined all of that by being in the devs ear 24/7. I like fighters, but hate the fgc with a passion.
He's not though. It's legit redditard misinformation.
Lazy millennials libtards B T F O.
Those are Baby Boomers. There's a new meme term in town, Old Boomer of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization .
He's obviously making it with a gun against his head. Do you really think Ed Boon has any control over his life anymore?
Those are Maybe Boomers.
>it's fucking real
I'm sorry Fred, we're the Boomer cowboys now.
The gameplay element is immunized against all dangers: one may call it a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off it like water off a raincoat. But call it a microtransaction and you will be astonished at how it recoils, how injured it is, how it suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Didn't somebody do the math? Like the reddit guy who calculated the battlefront 2 stuff? I don't see why people would lie about it and if they did they would've been called out for it, right? If most skin are not for sale then the math would be false and the math guy would be called out for it.
Based 8-Bit Guy
The skins are only sold as a part of a random pool of rotating choices, meaning nobody could possibly know which ones can and can't be bought. The best term would be UP TO $6K since nobody but NRS knows for sure.
Boomers trying to fit in with zoomers.
Sorry, that other guy was right, this meme word already had a meaning and this one is retarded
Both sides ARE bad. Enjoy fighting your literal RED VS BLUE war.
Uhh wasn`t that guy basing his pricing on time crystals, not the price of skins?
Aaaah, I see. Thanks for explaining, user.
black twitter thing
he wishes he was black so fucking much it´s embracing
the more I look at the world the more this phrase keeps popping in my head "we have gone beyond parody"
>Yea Forums still hasn't caught on to the fact that Mortal Kombat has always sold itself on controversy, just like GTA.
yall so fucking retarded.
Obviously, the price is so high because you are playing the lottery to get the skins, the faggot is just being dense, probably on purpose.
>F2P vs P2W
>All previous games and their controversies had to do with blood and titties
>Now it's monetization and wokeness
Based. Love his channel. Comfy music
Based 8-bit guy
i wonder how long until he goes full tarantino and shouts out nigger in his games.