Yea Forums never talks about the gameplay in this, is it shit?
Everyone just focuses on the girls and gay shit
Yea Forums never talks about the gameplay in this, is it shit?
Its a JRPG
What the fuck you expect us to say about the gameplay?
>Oh those turns are so smooth
Fuck off
It's a fuckin RPG m8, you select attack and cure from menus.
It's because the "girls and gay shit" are literally like 75% of the game. Gameplay is solid, though. Play on Hard.
this and bonus the story is shit
The gameplay is great, the problem is that the characters are insufferable and the plot is generic high school garbage.
seething waifufags
have sex
It's pretty good
The girls are pretty good too
Even for a JRPG it's game play is pretty shit.
For example one of it's mechanics is that if an enemy hits you with an attack your party member is weak to they get an extra turn, and probably wipe you unless you are playing on easy. This may sound like an okay system, but you have to spend good 10 hours or so doing a shitty side story for an autistic shogi player to get an "ability" to switch party members in combat. So before that you can be 100% fucked if you don't know what kind of enemies are on the area and get attacked by a wrong one.
That's just one of it's many many flaws.
This is copypasta from some dipshit's Youtube review, right?
I don't want to think anyone on Yea Forums is this bad at video games
What a retard opinion. There's nothing wrong with the press turn system.
>or so doing a shitty side story for an autistic shogi player to get an "ability" to switch party members in combat.
Or just tell the weak party member to guard which prevents them from being knocked down by an attack they're vulnerable to. Not to mention every party member has only one weakness. You're not being surprised by new enemy types often enough that a particular new move will be the death of your entire squad either.
You can nullify that by simply ambushing enemies, having a free turn and a decent persona setup on joker will trivialize any non boss encounter (which is another problem in itself).
you havent met many zoomers, have you, user?
It's good.
>Plenty of stuff to do in Sim segments
>Sim segments feel more connected to Dungeon segments than previous installments
>Combat is blazing fast
>Dungeons offer good enough variety
>Stealth elements, while not as well-developed as it could be, offers an interesting twist in Dungeon exploration
It's not perfect but as far as JRPGs goes, it's extremely well-polished and is a lot of fun.
That's what blocking is for you brainlet.
I try not to, unless they're fictional
post her bare feet.
>Yea Forums only talks about the girls in a game and not the game itself
That's every fucking game ever
kys faggot
footfags, kill yourselves. post makoto wearing shoes and socks.
have sex
is the game so babby ez that team composition and stats don't matter or something?
I did my first playthrough on the hardest difficulty and never died outside of archangels in the first palace.
You can get universal elemental coverage very early and it's extremely easy to get ambushes in this game; you can literally ignore stealth, walk straight up to an enemy's face and still be able to ambush them. This gives ample, nigh-unmissable opportunity to spam weaknesses for a first-turn AoA which will wipe the enemy party 90% of the time. There is no imaginable situation where it's actually easy or likely for the player to be ambushed.
Honestly the One More system is way too easy to manipulate and makes combat outside of boss encounters terribly rote and monotonous.
The whole system revolves around exploiting weaknesses. If you use a fire attack on an enemy weak to fire, for example, you're character gets another turn and can attack again. And the same is true for enemies that attack your characters' weaknesses. Each party member pretty much specializes in one element (although sometimes they'll gain an attack or two from a different element), but the MC can use a variety of personas with a whole range of different attacks and elements. So, once you have a few personas with attacks that cover the whole spectrum (fire, ice, lightning, wind, etc.), the game pretty much just becomes swapping to the right persona to use the super effective moves.
Also, when you exploit an enemy's weakness, it gets knocked down. If you knock down every enemy you're fighting against (which you can do in one single turn if you exploit all of their weaknesses), you can do a super team attack that does a lot of damage to all the enemies.
>guard which prevents them from being knocked down by an attack they're vulnerable to
I beat the game and never realized this
I'm not a degenerate, take these shoulders instead
>You're not being surprised by new enemy types often enough that a particular new move will be the death of your entire squad either.
On hard or Merciless the enemies can easily kill Joker with an AoE move that hits a weak party member and then following with a single target attack on Joker.
That's an another poor mechanic in P5, if Joker goes down you lose. I guess nobody else knows how to use a revive item without Joker holding their hand.
Fuck me I responded to the wrong guy. This was meant for
It's a VN/waifu game/japanese teenager simulator first and a jrpg second
To be fair smooth is a good description since it gives you many tools to speed up combat once you have figured out an enemy.
Only time I died on my Merciless run was when enemies spawned during a cutscene and they got an ambush on me 0.5sec after the cutscene ended. That was pretty bullshit.
That said it's boring as fuck battle system, that gets easily stuck in loop where you do exact same moves over and over again until you win.
These games are just a pretext to talk about animes and weebshit on Yea Forums, there is no gameplay.
Sssh, they’ll get upset if you call out their constant waifu threads
if the game is so bad, why do you keep begging for a switch port
Yeah, pretty much. It's the same for SMT's press turn but at least SMT has more fusion autism to keep it entertaining.
Which is ironic since P5 always gains praise from people who hate JRPGs for having a "fun" battle system, and that sentiment always bumps me out. There are tons of turn-based JRPGs with far more strategic depth, but they get ignored in favor of P5 since people are suckers for style over substance.
Oh well.
>Sim segments feel more connected to Dungeon segments than previous installments
How? The sim segments have literally have zero effect on the mail plot or dungeons. It can actually get pretty stupid if you do stuff like Haru's quest line and then in the next cutscene she's sitting in a a car with her fiance she specifically wanted nothing to do with.
>Stealth elements, while not as well-developed as it could be, offers an interesting twist in Dungeon exploration
How is holding a button "well-developed" in any shape or form? You are literally invisible to enemies who can walk through you and not notice you as long as you hold down the stealth button.
It's just Pokemon. So yes, it's shit.
I'm pretty sure a lot of the port begging is either false flagging or people who have already played it and want the option to play it again on a portable console
I have a decent sized circle of friends with switches and the only ones who want a port are people who have already played it on ps4, everyone else is indifferent or views the game negatively
I know my sample size is flawed and I'm probably wrong but >opinions
If you're literally playing on Easy, maybe
Team composition is pretty fluid since you can cycle your party members anytime outside of battle, or even mid-battle if you invest in a certain Confidant. You party members will earn EXP even when they're benched if you start another Confidant, and their attributes and movesets are all preset so you only have to worry about Joker's. Their stat distribution all varies pretty widely but they all at least have an element they specialize in and some utility spells, you can make any composition work even if some are more efficient than others, once you know what you're doing.
People think Persona's combat is more fun than SMTs because it's not designed to have random encounters OTK you and lose two hours of progress.
>People think Persona's combat is more fun than SMTs because it's not designed to have random encounters OTK you and lose two hours of progress.
Only reason you don't get that many OTKs in P5 is the completely broken stealth mechanic that allows a trained monkey to ambush 99% of the enemies and OTK the enemies.
I know, I wasn't really defending SMT's battle system.
I'm just explaining my frustration over people who complain that JRPGs are boring and monotonous because you "just press Attack a bunch of times".... and then turn around and heap praise onto P5's battle system even though it's the same fucking shit they criticize every other JRPG for.
The only difference is that P5 has prettier colors.
I guess red is a pretty color.
By "pretty colors" I mostly mean the UI, which is honestly the game's only real achievement, because it sure as fuck isn't in the writing or combat department.
>People think Persona's combat is more fun than SMTs because it's not designed to have random encounters OTK you and lose two hours of progress.
SMT4 doesn't have random encounters and shit like Anubis in Futaba's palace can OTK you and make you lose 2 hours of progress
>The gameplay is great
Its casualized from 3 and 4
Spam type advantage for 60 hours. That's about it.
The GUI is probably the best part of the game desu. It has very nice and consistent style and small touches like Joker's animations on the background of the main menu really add to it.
>60 hours
So you skipped all the side content?
Definitely. But again, that factor is also frustrating, since the beautiful UI distracts people from the game's other issues, especially in the combat department.
People complain that JRPGs are slow paced and give P5 credit for "speeding things up" despite the fact that battle transitions are TREMENDOUSLY slow for JRPG standards, and are simply masked by the UI.
To the people how say that P5 is great in almost every way:
Please try to defend the Mementos.
No, I just cant remember how much time I wasted on this game since it's so forgettable.
Most people who complain about JRPGs like that have only played the most basic shit like Pokémon which is just an inferior version of P5/SMT combat.
Persona 5's combat is hardly complicated but it feels good to chain weaknesses and get All-Out Attacks, everything from the music and sound design to the UI is designed to make following this flowchart for 80 hours as enjoyable as possible. And there is some sense of progression as you unlock new features from Social Links and get new Personas and party members to play with each dungeon.
The point is that in P5 encounters like that are so rare they're memorable just for how unusually threatening they are. If P5 was designed like SMT4 the Archangel encounter in Kamoshida's palace would be in like the third room after you finished the tutorial.
Literally Tartarus with worse music.
But even then some of the biggest P5 cocksuckers out there will admit Mementos sucks.
The only way it's worse than P3 and P4's dungeons is being hamfisted into Social Links to magically get people out of bad situations.
>Most people who complain about JRPGs like that have only played the most basic shit like Pokémon which is just an inferior version of P5/SMT combat.
Oh definitely, most people who lambaste JRPGs only really play surface-level, unchallenging games. And despite that they feel they have authority on how the genre should "evolve" or what have you. And I say they should fuck off.
And yeah, that's what I mean when I say the UI "masks" the combat issues. It feels great on a surface level, but if you're an enthusiast who can see through it and dig down to the bare mechanisms, you realize just how rote and unimpressive things really are.
>Plenty of stuff to do in Sim segments
All of them are worthless fluff and you should only be doing SL's to max them in one play-through. Even worst is that SL's increase your stats anyway so there's less reason to use daily activities
>Sim segments feel more connected to Dungeon segments than previous installments
Literally wrong. You neglect to mention that it's too easy to finish up all dungeons in one day effectively bypassing any time management you need to do.
>Combat is blazing fast
And the mechanics aren't good. It's just a dumb down press turn that removes all use for resource management since you can swap our party members in and out of battle at anytime with one of many OP SL abilities. They also thought it was a good idea for having buffs stack like P4G which is fucking retarded since the whole point is having you waste SP constantly by reapplying buffs. That's why there are two different versions of buffs and one costs 24SP. Its also fucking braindead easy almost as bad as P2IS.
>Dungeons offer good enough variety
They are all linear corrdiers and stop trying after the finish one. Worst is you can teleport freely.
>Stealth elements, while not as well-developed as it could be, offers an interesting twist in Dungeon exploration
Its literally just press X to awesome. It offers nothing to the game.
>It was always shit anyway
I bought the game day 1 and i've been making these arguments since 2017, buddy.
Yes, I'm sure.
People think Persona combat is more fun becasue it's just a dumb down version of it that's so very fucking easy it's impossible to die on Merciless mode
Yeah, you should be, because I'm not lying.
It’s pretty shit. Combat is boring because there’s no real strategy in normal fights, just hit weaknesses or spam AoE physical attacks (because of no phys split damage types). In boss fights, it’s just maintain buffs/debuffs and heal. Social sim gameplay is totally broken by OP fortune telling. Dungeon designs are too basic and all the puzzles are too easy, with Bamham detective vision and an unprompted party member telling you the solutions before you do the puzzle.
the only people that actually talk about persona haven't played the game or slept for the entire duration of it. everything after the first palace is incredibly underwhelming, the game is bloated to hell with tutorials, the combat is as basic as you can possibly get with jrpgs, and its so easy to minmax and make the game trivial a dying blind toddler could do it
>Everyone just focuses on the girls and gay shit
But that's what the game all about
>is it shit
It's completely broken and might as well not be there at all. I don't know how people have the gall to shit on FF8 yet claim this is a great jrpg.
Really annoying how the resistance charts don't change with null/drain/repel. Even IV does that.
the system isn't press turn, it's one more
>That picture
Balance between personas in P5 is all over the place. You get worthless thrash that has worse stats than a persona that is 20 level lower, and then you get completely broken shit like Shiki-Ouji.
Man, what the fuck were they thinking with multi-hit attacks? Everyone knew they were broken as fuck in 4, and still they didn’t fix it.
hey anons,take easy,he only owns a switch
One More is just casualized Press Turn
It’s shit.
Think an even more brain dead Pokémon. Only the boss fights present any challenge and there’s usually just one trick to beating every one and once you figure it out the fight is brain dead simple.
yes so it's not press turn
The Swift Strike one of the most broken attacks I have seen in a JRPG. I can't believe they didn't catch that during the QA and fix it.
>all these seething switchlets raiding
>All of them are worthless fluff and you should only be doing SL's to max them in one play-through. Even worst is that SL's increase your stats anyway so there's less reason to use daily activities
If you're minmaxing social stats for a completionist run, true, some actions are worth less than other ones. But you still have plenty of options, and there's nothing wrong with just exploring said options and playing "sub-optimally".
>You neglect to mention that it's too easy to finish up all dungeons in one day effectively bypassing any time management you need to do.
That has literally nothing to do with what I said.
>And the mechanics aren't good.
Easy != Not good. P5 is a game that demands you to use all of its mechanics. If said game gets a bit too easy when you do so, there's nothing wrong with that. A game with bad mechanics is a game you can beat by neglecting said mechanics, and you can't do that in P5.
>They are all linear corrdiers and stop trying after the finish one.
Literally wrong. Every dungeon sans Mementos has its gimmicks, like Museum's cameras, Bank's safe puzzles and Pyramid's laser puzzles. As for linearity, P5 isn't a open-world RPG, and it's not supposed to be one. Teleporting around once you reach a safe zone cuts unnecessary tedium, and there's nothing wrong with that either.
>Its literally just press X to awesome. It offers nothing to the game.
You still need to be mindful on enemy positioning to not be spotted and get the first trike. As I said, pretty barebones, but still a twist from the JRPG formula.
The gameplay wasn't too important in persona games until 5.
5 is the only persona game with gameplay that is fun and worth playing.
The other games are genuinely shit in terms of gameplay, that's why no one really talks about it, it was never really the allure.
>T-t-t-they dare to c-c-c-criticize P5? T-t-t-they must be s-s-s-switchlets, right g-g-g-guys?
nice bait
It wouldn't be so obvious if all the posts were beyond anything but "it's shit!" and there wasn't a reason for switchlets to be absolutely seething because of certain bad news they received recently. Context clues just add up
>You still need to be mindful on enemy positioning to not be spotted and get the first trike.
Not really, as long as you are hiding the enemies can walk through you and they will not spot you, and you can pretty much teleport between covers to move.
joke's on you I'm an idiort and I'm still not gonna buy it no matter what it releases on
You're fucking retarded, 3 and 4 are just bad video games, they are better played on youtube.
The actual gameplay part us actively terrible.
The dungeons are randomly generated, so there's no skill to it, you can't learn or get better.
Enemies are fucking garbage asortment of cubes and boxes, completely uninspired and a drag to fight.
The speed at which you get through a dungeon is completely abitrary, you may or may not run into enough enemies to be a proper level by the time you reach the boss.
It's just shit game design period.
In persona 5 there's actual level design, fights are interesting because you're fighting personas, you're finidng and interacting with new ones constantly, the entire gameplay loop of finding them, killing them or combining them is incredibly addicting, they have personality it's all so excellent.
People complain about some of the dungeons but they are honestly all good in their own right with tons of depth, and challenge for those of us who want to maximize our time and finish in one go.
>It wouldn't be so obvious if all the posts were beyond anything but "it's shit!
Most of the posts are actually talking about the flaws of the game in pretty detailed level. You just saw the fist "It's shit!!!1" post and went full autistic to defend your game.
Unironically git gud
So? You still have to be mindful of enemies looking at you and getting the rush on you, plus you need to keep an eye for hiding spots to do so. It's an added mechanic that offers a twist from the usual "just run all the time, rush into opponents and press X" from similar games, which while barebones in execution still adds a minor twist to exploration.
Yes you’re right persona 5 is actually very deep
Go ahead and tell us you found it challenging or thought provoking I need a good laugh
>If you're minmaxing social stats for a completionist run...
There really is if the choices you have are given several useless options while you have one balantly right choice to do on days.
>That has literally nothing to do with what I said
It has to do with the fact it's casualized.
>Easy != Not good
Yeah actually. Challenge is the core of video games. You don't need to use all the mechanics in P5 in the first place. You don't need to use Baton pass, it's just so fucking broken since it's a free turn + power boost that it makes the shitty fodder encounters go faster
>Every dungeon sans Mementos...
All of which are really simple and bad as fuck. Interesting environment hazards just stop after the second. They're all horizontally designed, mostly consisting of corridors. Madarame has the painting gimmick which is just a visual effect for two rooms and the tired "pick the right path" warp room cliche. Kaneshiro has you go up a floor to take a down elevator and the rest of it is a linear ass path. Okumura's is nothing but corridors with a few cute transitions to make it feel more dynamic. Sae is yet more corridors with gimmick rooms planted at each end. Shido is literally two decently designed ship rooms and the same couple of corridors copy-pasted over and over again.
>Teleporting around once you reach a safe zone cuts unnecessary tedium...
There is because it cuts out the use of a buyable item like 4. All the shortcuts you unlock mean nothing. The original concept for the game was clearly scrapped; Life will Change song was made for dungeon runs, since you will only listen 10 seconds from it if you teleport to the boss room. It was made so you would traverse the entire dungeon by the shadows evading most enemies thanks to the things you unlocked on your first run.
>You still need to be mindful on enemy positioning...
You don't. You are literally invisible to enemies who can walk through you and not notice you as long as you hold down the stealth button.
you know those puzzles dont make the game non linear right? you HAVE to do them in every playthrough, you don't have a single place in the game where you get an optional second route. there is always only one way to do every dungeon
>they are better played on youtube.
You can legitimately skip tens of hours of Persona 5's plot without missing anything because most of it is a repeat of shit you already know.
I found it thought provoking why the fuck didn't they just kick Ryuji out of the group after he almost got them caught for the second and third time by yelling about Phantom Thieves in public.
>The dungeons are randomly generated, so there's no skill to it
It means you are always up for surprises and have to keep on your toes
>Enemies are fucking garbage asortment of cubes
Visual design who cares. Bosses require some setups to take down (like the sleeping Table). Fodder encounters aren't just based around physical AOE spam with Baton pass. They even use higher level skills at lower floors and you can encounter stronger mobs.
>The speed at which...
There are always enough shadows on each floor so no.
>In persona 5 there's actual level design
Which isn't good
>fights are interesting because you're fighting personas
SMT demons which if you play any game before it you already know the resistance charts
>you're finidng and interacting...
Demon negotiation is a dumb down version of P2 that makes shuffle look great since at least you can't just bypass it outright
>the entire gameplay loop...
No it's not. If I wanted to do this but good just play a real SMT game
>People complain about some of the dungeons...
The dungeons don't have good level design and it's way too easy to finish them all in one run. The game doesn't take any skill.
P3 on hard is a lot more challenging than P5 on hard/merciless. The bosses themselves and fodder encounters have actual difficulty built into them, and vastly lower SP items you get in the game. You don't get a bunch of early shit like the broken SL abilities and broken fusion options/personas. Time management was strict, daily life planning actually matter to see what Links you could finish. It also had mechanics like broken social links and having to manage jealous girls which added depth to the scheduling. P5 is a cakewalk from beginning to end and it's ridiculous. Broken multi-hit physical skills, and a bunch of unnecessary shit tacked on that makes everything trivially easy. Being able to do shit like guaranteed knockdowns for otherwise worthless bullets or switching team members utterly breaks the game.