It’s been 7 years, how is this still accurate?
Worst Fanbases
it should be nintendo.
Keep coping and seething like you're above it all faggot. You guys were proven wrong after weeks of shitposting. Cope.
>nintentards that low
lmao fuck off with that shit kid
Genuinely seething & desperately trying to Cope
>Nintendofags get BTFO after months of portbegging
>g-g-guys i need to remind you Sonyfags are the worst
Pathetic and C O P E
I miss Smash. Even the Smash community itself hates the Smash community.
>But no Pokemon
Yes that's what nincels have been doing for the past few years
You're the one that literally made a seething cope thread OP. Can't make this shit up. SAD.
i dont even own any console myself but you braindead manchildren retards are most obnoxious of all
kys unironically
on Yea Forums the worst is any fanbase that spam thread after thread.
Waifufags (dmc resident evil both degenerated into this)
muh twitter screencap threads
>Yea Forums immediately rushes in to prove op right
I'm speechless
For me, it's Nintendo and DMC.
What’s funny is that whenever we do a contest (Game, Characters, Franchises) Nintendo always comes out on top. Yet most threads are anti-Nintendo spam. It doesn’t make any sense
im not shilling for sony. i just think the nintendo fanbase is more obnoxious. btw what brand of soidrink is your favorite?
doesn't this just prove that sonyfans are a minority on Yea Forums and nintendo fans a majority?
Yes, that makes it worse because a minority of Sony fans are ruining this board by doing 95 % of the shitposting
It's not, Gatchafags exist now and are literally subhuman.
have you got you mario socks on?
>Nintendofags are so butthurt about the P5S bullying they braught out the chart.
You are literally proving OP’s point
Agree, proof is this thread, because no one has a hard on for Sony as big as Nintendies.
Should be nintendo vs sony, with sony winning.
t. Pcfag
rent free
>by doing 95 % of the shitposting
Really? Because the shitposting i see on the catalogue most of the time are Smash roster threads.
This picture has aged pretty well.
If you dont think shit like anal vore spam is even remotely compareable to smash threads (actual video game discussion)
Then your a faggot and wrong.
I love the smell of cope in the morning
You will literally never see it on Switch
agreed,also,it's a musou game lmfo
Smash threads are legitimately worse then Anal Vore
Yep. Also, you're never gonna see it on Switch, OP.
Based on quantity, i disagree. When was the last time an anal vore thread was made? On the other hand, you can't discuss anything else but Smash, politics and console war threads, because no one replies.
The irony is delicious.
Gold face shit and anal vore spam is some of the worst shit to come out of here in ages.
1.Pc master race
Yeah, it's understated how annoying sauce fags are.
Just a few hours ago actually you just didn't see it because it was deleted so fast.
And you will literally never see a 1st Party Sony game with a 97
> Companies with the most 97’s
> Nintendo (11) (Last: 2017)
> Rockstar (8) (Last: 2018)
> Capcom (2) (Last: 2005)
> Valve (2) (Last: 2007)
> Square (2) (Last: 1995)
> Namco (2) (Last: 1999)
> Konami (2) (Last: 2001)
> 2K Games (1) (Last: 2007)
> Microsoft (1) (Last: 2001)
> Sony (0) (Last: N/A)
> Sega (0) (Last: N/A)
>38 replies
>23 posters
OP working overtime.
It's not easy being the best
switchlets btfo,again
>On the other hand, you can't discuss anything else but Smash, politics and console war threads, because no one replies.
mass effect threads still get a lot of replies usually even if most of them are waifu stuff or complaining about me3s ending.
swap ninty with sonic and it would be accurate
> Companies with the most Persona 5's
> Nintendo (0) (Last: Never Ever)
> Sony (2) (Last: 2019)
Oh no...
Let's just do another one. Replace irrelevant fanbases with more relevant ones too. Would be interesting to see how things have changed over time.
We like to talk about shitty fanbases, how about we talk based fanbases instead.
I enjoyed the chronological thread, will miss the guys. Don't care about smash threads.
All those 97's and you're still hung up on Persona 5. You need to stop.