Smash Stage Builder

Post your stages and arenas!

Attached: 1556167430152.jpg (5000x1223, 1.81M)

Other urls found in this thread:

reply to this with your custom stage

Attached: 1556167258107.jpg (1280x720, 226K)

Velvet Room 2.0

Attached: 1555664536559.jpg (1200x675, 416K)


Attached: stages.jpg (1280x5760, 1.28M)

Attached: Banjo_Stages.jpg (2560x3600, 3.51M)

its up

Attached: nicestages.jpg (1920x1080, 712K)

just in case any paper mario fans haven't seen it yet
isn't this just a condensed version of the op pic?

Attached: PM_Mario_House.jpg (1280x1440, 1.09M)

I'll move the set pieces you mentioned to the background. What else would you recommend?

I missed my train and have like 45 minutes before the next one comes. What do I try making in the meantime?

Attached: Dr_Mario.jpg (1200x675, 214K)

I'm confused, I got an email 10 hours saying my stage was taken down for being sexually explicit and got a warning.
I just checked though and it seeems to still be up.
Is the warning just saying they are going to take it down soon or?

They still show up for you but others can't see them.

Nobody but you can see it now.

I see, makes sense I guess.

bit upset it mentioned 2 spiral mountain stages that weren't mine ngl, especially since those other 2 look so similar to mine and were uploaded later...

Any news on our drawfag friend who wanted to make arts based on some of the lewd stages ?

Attached: 1496956566910.gif (200x145, 41K)

Room ID: LQV6Y
Name: custom stages

>still no good femdom stages
how much longer I gotta wait bros

Attached: D5AGkeHU4AESqbF.jpg (1200x675, 94K)

anyone know what changed in 3.0.1?
did they fix the custom stage arena crashes?

My Akagi stage, last time I'll shill it

Attached: FB_IMG_1556157872486.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

They fixed a bug in Joker's classic route that would stop progression if his FS was used to finish a stage.

Did either of those have the same kickass Grunty hazard?

Someone make a stage where there is a heavy wind blowing the players away from the golden kek guy holding persona 5

Mega man stages here, can't post pictures because of some dumb shit I guess

VS Yellow Devil

VS Big Snakey


Did you reach the limit? Could use some zawa zawa floating in the background.

Working on an Ultimate Show stage. Got the platform layout designed, just need to add the faces. Then to add Super Dimentio into the background, which is proving a little frustrating to design just right. If I'm able, hoping to have him move around in the background, possibly interact in the foreground.

Attached: 1555609464090.jpg (750x1024, 74K)

my ammy stage got a seal of approval from big boss Hideki, he retweeted it.

this is gonna be sick, good luck!

Attached: 2019042417094800-0E7DF678130F4F0FA2C88AE72B47AFDF.jpg (1280x720, 220K)

holy shit yes

Could you post your Banjo stages again please

then fuck em

Attached: Untitled.png (496x757, 172K)

oh dang. congrats user!

already did

I don't know if this Hailfire Peaks is my best looking stage really, but it's the most technically advanced by a longshot. Should be up soon, here's a repost of the preview from yesterday/early this morning. It's a travelling stage that swaps the background/foreground from fire to ice respectively.

Attached: Hailfire_Peaks_Preview.jpg (1280x2160, 1.31M)

Thanks man. And what an honor that has to be to get recognition like that for your stage!

can't wait to see how this looks in motion. you pick a song, yet?

haven't found music that fits

I'd have to sift through the songs for a heavy trumpet kind of sound, but I wouldn't be able to do that till later today

Ultra Crater from Pokemon!
The Celesteela in the background is fully animated, as is her rocket arms which are platforms you can ride and fight on


Attached: Ultra Crater MVJ0236L.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

I didn't make it btw

Related, an Ultra Plant stage I made!


Attached: Ultra Plant P3XNQ5XP.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Making a Hat in Time stage based on Subcon Forest. Still testing it so far but the Snatcher the back moves about. Only downside is that because of him I couldn't have too many background elements like mushrooms/lanterns

hey my octopus stage is there neat

Attached: stage10.jpg (1200x675, 108K)

Way too laggy had to close it down.. thanks for the few rounds we got in

Attached: Tortuga Towers.png (1280x919, 1023K)

needs more triangles

Attached: triangle man.gif (313x228, 300K)

thanks but that one doesn't count because I'm the one that made it

>size big
I love this one

Attached: 65166441_p19.png (800x600, 174K)

you are a god

Which one is it?

also i don't think it can get better than that

I have been trying to avoid making Big stages but I knew I had to give in with a Celesteela
... I love her so much

Attached: 2019042416294600-0E7DF678130F4F0FA2C88AE72B47AFDF.jpg (1280x3548, 1.19M)

Page 9.

Attached: Cradles.png (1280x2853, 3.08M)

>make a lewd stage all in one go
>save it
>when i check my custom stages the lewd one isn't there
>i lost all progress
>nintendo banned my stage before even publishing it

Attached: injured mario.jpg (849x580, 48K)

Sorry brother

Attached: 1316707581752.gif (256x192, 802K)

shit nigga that looks dope as fuck so far

>tfw obsessed with making stages compatible with 8 players
T-they'll add 8-player smash to online soon, r-right?

What ban did they give you?
And more importantly, what was the lewd?

Anyone got any space saving tips? I feel like my stage capacity fills up too fast and I can't add some of the details I wanted.

Given the history things don't look good. I also couldn't image the headache involved getting that to work. With nintendo online of all things.

Wait what the fuck they can do that?

Since replays get stored in the memory, and you can even store them on your computer by using an SD card, you reckon smash stages be stored as files as well?

I REALLY want that Aqua stage and I'm forever mad I didn't get to download it. If it was possible to media-share it I'd be forever grateful

Attached: D49h1tHUYAM1Yd3.jpg (1280x720, 172K)

Nice fake story you got there

Have a blurry pic of a half assed dhalsim stage

Attached: 139BFC0E-EC1C-447A-B3BE-F921A59A4140.jpg (4032x3024, 3.46M)

See the end of the last thread, there were a bunch of green text tips over a few posts

they didn't actually ban me, i was just kidding
also, the title was "Kuma and Boney" so make a guess

Is there any way to backup stages you have downloaded, as well? Does anyone know how they're stored?

>Trying to make a walkoff based on the bottom of a big-ass tower from an anime
>Can't build into the sky box in the foreground so the top half of it is always gonna be cut off

Fuck, there goes that idea

Attached: 1555465889272.png (265x253, 152K)

>"Kuma and Boney"
You silly bastard be more careful next time

Attached: 1433895077920.jpg (1280x727, 125K)

saving you the trip:
>Curves and circles fuck your build limit in the ass. Avoid when possible.
>Every individual piece increases the build limit, no matter how small. If you want to write text, write as much as you can with one line.
>Multiple hazards substantially increase the build limit. Keep this in mind.
>if you're drawing something in the background, combine as much as you can into single pieces, if you can get away with it (hide it behind the playable area or other layers)
>click points, don't draw with your finger
>if you absolutely need to use the circle tool make it as small as possible and scale it up, that gives it less sides and takes up less of the limit

Apparently you can build at the top then make a rail to take it above the top if that helps.

Made a stage based on objectively the best Mario Party minigame of all time. There was no way to make the platforms dip at varied intervals in the real game, so I just have them all rising and falling at different speeds. Also, I really wanted to do the black stripes on the sides of the platforms, but that would have completely devoured the object limit, and I was already coming close as is.

Would really welcome some feedback on this stage, if you think it's fun to play on, what you think I could do to improve it, etc.

Attached: hexagon heat.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

Shit i was going to do something based off the same minigame but wouldn’t have done it nearly this well. Looks awesome.

Made a Sekiro Fountainhead Palace, but theres really nothing other than the one grapple point on the tree to make it not just a regular Japan stage. I could easily just call it a FF7 Wutai stage instead.

Attached: E2DB7992-B139-4D87-A4F5-AADB1CA52652.jpg (1536x2048, 611K)

Homebrew users can dump and inject stages in save backups. They're .bin files and there's a website for sharing them


Havent uploaded yet, ill repost when i do.


Requesting FGO time throne

Attached: FGOTimeThrone.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

what's this?

nothing because it doesn't exist.

still up for me

I tried both 5107RNRB and 5L07RNRB just to make sure i didn't get it wrong, and neither showed results.

Use rails user

Forgot to anchor like a dummy

Is this the true successor to Climax?

Attached: 0425191034.jpg (3264x1836, 1.49M)

my mistake

>Ashley's Song

Attached: 1511218412683.jpg (713x713, 47K)

>I turned my switch back on for this

Thanks based user. Gonna upload it pretty soon

Shit girl finally got a stage

Castlevania IV stage 1.

Attached: 1549504334040.jpg (1200x675, 348K)

Size: BIG

Finished the Hat in Time stage anons

Attached: stage9.jpg (1200x675, 88K)


found this one on twitter

Attached: IMG_20190425_104810.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

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Attached: 74ce86f.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

You and me both, I was banned so I couldn't nab the aqua stage and now it's gone.

Chao Garden!! Teach the little ones how to kick ass so they will be the best at Chao Karate


Attached: Chao Garden D0Y0KHW4.jpg (960x540, 82K)

>threadly reminder not to feed report-kun his (you)s

Was going to download your stage but then saw your gay ass comment. There's nothing wrong with playing on a set of giant tits. Transfags and furries suck ass but playing on anime titties is fun and you're probably just a faggot.

damn this is cute

Not my stage. Stay mad pedofaggot

looks great, and nice trips too

you make this? it's fucking great. I'd love to have the Dark Chao Garden too, if you thought about making it

Nice Stars of David in your stage Mr. Shekelstein.

Thank you! I wish I could have made the Chao smaller, but the shapes wouldn't shrink any more than that

It's just one that was well fed I guess, Alpha Chao

My first idea was actually to combine the two Gardens into one stage so it would be like a Yin and Yang thing! I think I'll just make the Dark one it's own stage though

Attached: idol.png (350x446, 311K) rough concept for my furfag stage

user. That's amazing.
Fantastic use of forced perspective

Looks Good.

oh DAMN. were you planning to upload this?

Repostan mine.

Trying to decide what to do next. Thinking I want it focus on playability rather than visuals though, while using the unique aspects of the builder.

Attached: smash stages with origins.jpg (3400x3374, 2.6M)

Are the bans based on profile or console btw?

oh shit nice work user, remember you in the other thread, good shit.

Attached: saturn valley z2.jpg (1032x774, 174K)

lol nice

Attached: 1489861162543.jpg (300x225, 12K)

pls no lag

Motherfucking nice.

>a Celesteela stage
Can't put into words how much I love you right now user.

When I finish it maybe. I want to polish it up and hopefully it will fit within weight limit.
Yeah I worry about that. I still need to add another stagelight too. isn't connecting for me, is there somewhere else you could host it? or just a screenshot on imgur, maybe.

Hopefully I ain't at work so I can be around to grab this stage.

any arenas up?
I need to test my travelling stage concept

Pretty good. If only you had enough space to make that sword to scale with hakuman. Maybe in an update they with add hyper huge stages

and here's what the stages look like

be sure to tell us when. I need to be home for this

I hope you like how she plays!

Attached: CUTE.gif (480x270, 1.73M)

I'll keep you guys updated

Reposting once again

Attached: collection3.jpg (1920x2160, 1.29M)

I'll never stop saying this, I absolutely adore how you made City Trial and Planet Pop Star.

Attached: 1403885611449.jpg (431x415, 40K)

PW: 112

City Trial and Pop Star are kino as fuck. You should try more Kirby, if you can. Maybe more locations from 64. Ripple Star?

best tazmilly and interesting saturn valley, you got any other earthbound stages in mind user?

Thanks guys, I do plan to do other Kirby stuff but I'll also branch out to other series I have ideas for (StarFox and Yoshi for example)
If I ever become the absolute madman I'd try to do a Podunk Zoo stage with animals going apeshit but I don't have any other stuff right now with the series

>Was so excited for stage builder
>Semi solids being broken has actually killed my drive to make stages

thanks user, only asked since I made a saturn valley stage of my own posted eariler
went minimalist with mine but glad how it turned out
best of luck on other custom stages though user your damn good.

Had a go at creating a Danganronpa stage based on Hangman's Gambit.

Attached: D5AzdISUUAEXXNW.jpg large.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

Anyone got a code for ?

That’s the hottest fucking shit hot damn.

Could you do something like the fight with Yaldabaoth where you see the outside world through the mechanis? hell the Meta Knight fight from Kirby also would work well with that

Is there a copy-paste function? It's really tedious having to make certain features identical without a proper stylus.

Unfortunately no.

No problem man, always interesting to see completely diffferent takes on similar ideas.
Like with Mt Itoi where I wanted to represent how long the thing was and I saw others with those great looking Giegue showing up like in the game

Interesting idea, for the Meta Knight fight you mean the SuperStar one right?

Isn't that made with the Wii U builder?

Why the fuck is there a limit on how many stages you can download? What am I gonna do now when there's so many good ones?

Yeah, SS, it could be the Find Mii Background or you can use lava in the furthest layer maybe and have it rotate through the windows to make it look like the ship is moving

Thanks, would've never tried that. Bonus points to those who recognize pic related

Attached: IMG_20190425_125649.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

Yeah them and download them when you want

Delete the non lewd ones.

Reposting mine again.

Attached: D5AmVpeUcAAQF_8.jpg (1280x720, 102K)


Alright friends I finished my lewd stage from last night. I might make more soon if an idea for one comes.

Attached: D5A4n3sU0AA6cI.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

Hailfire Peaks (dynamic/transforming stage) seems to actually work now, but now I need to capture footage as it needs to be seen in motion

Yeah non-lewd stages, delete them, when you want them again, search by Yeah'd

And this is for the user yesterday who suggested Julius' Boss room. Any other boss room suggestions, let me know. Doesn't have to be from Castlevania.

Attached: Heart of Fire.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

Currently a WIP

Attached: wipstage.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Hell yeah, motherfucker

Attached: chris_steel_eyes.jpg (406x581, 60K)


The Zinger Hive from DKC2!
You can climb into the Honeycombs on the sides, and King Zing occasionally hovers overhead. His stinger is deadly


Attached: DKC2 Zinger Hive FL4V64WS.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Is her ass so big that it eats her pantsu but covers up her cunning personality? If so nice

You, I like you.

Attached: asian-guy-thumbs-up.gif (200x200, 1.68M)

3 or 4 of these are from Yea Forums I'm pretty sure.

>check out my custom stages a few hours later
>the lewd stage magically re-appeared
>get a good look at it and see that it's completely awful

why live

Attached: giphy.gif (200x200, 24K)

Attached: 1543945464241.png (720x1215, 942K)

Kickass stage.

CRADLEFAG please explain what the big brain thinking is behind raising the edges of the platform.

Attached: 1541088267213.png (1108x632, 920K)

We all gotta start somewhere user. Thankfully the system is simple enough that you’ll get good at making stages after you’ve done it like 3 or 4 times.

Other than that one guy who kept picking that Melty Monster themed stage OVER AND OVER that was fun.

Attached: burd.png (313x277, 165K)

>can't use capture button for video with smash
>can't upload saved replays of custom stages
how am I supposed to show off this stage in action?

its symbolism for cradles elevation to godhood. the triangles represent death, two triangles in conjunction with the two sins of stage builder threads, cunnyposting and furfags

Shiver Mountain from Paper Mario. The white parts isn't the actual floor but the foreground representing snow. I might want to clean it up later and make it all thinner/more refined.
Either Gusty Gulch, Dry Dry Desert's town, or Goomba Village is up next.

Attached: IMG_20190424_195058.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

Any Guilty Gear stages?

Dry Dry Outpost sounds like it could be a fun stage

Just throwing an idea out, Odyssey's dragon boss stage

play a match and save the replay?

Dont forget the pebble item on the lower right. Amazing stage btw.

You're in luck user, that's already on my to-do list

does anyone have the code for that lewd scorbunny stage?

Thank you based Moon Cradle

Attached: 1503115698464.jpg (777x678, 66K)

I did but how do I upload that?
smash doesn't let you post clips of custom stages

It has to do with the typical angles of how characters get launched.

The ledges being slightly higher there creates a very similar vulnerability (to being smacked into the bottom of the triangles) as you would if you were launched in that same direction closer to center stage.

Does that make sense?

Attached: 1552943287340.jpg (1200x800, 110K)

I can't tell if cradlefag is joking around or if he's genuinely this far up his own ass

The lewd version is not up yet


Welp, now I wanna play Paper Mario again for like the tenth time. Thanks user.

Reposting my lewd Rosa stage in case anyone has missed it yesterday.

Attached: 8160136B-D8F4-4B47-8A61-311F4BA0E886.jpg (1280x720, 181K)

>Dry Dry Desert
hell yeah motherfucker. I love the secrets and detail you put into your stage


I'm Is that up an ass?

I thought it was just anons fucking around and mocking him

yes, yes it is

Attached: 1556180173902.png (618x626, 467K)

Anyone got that sony whirl stage?

I hope the threads don't die before we got the maoi and new londo stage....

The lewd and meme stages while annoying at times at least kept the threads bumping and alive, now that it's dying down and just us few anons I worry the threads might not be around much longer
An user last thread wanted a recording of this Isabelle stage, so here you go.
ID is H3W181KJ.

where the big belly stages at

i hope the threads don't die before the drawfag gives us a site to follow him on

Those """"lewd stages""" retards are going to get the whole sharing system shut down.
Autists always ruin the fun

Here’s my Ithavol Building stage for anyone that missed it, there are platforms along the tower, as well as a slight updraft and falling debris to simulate the tower collapsing.

Attached: 1982EADE-1B2F-4593-98DC-B18104C831A3.jpg (4032x3024, 2.28M)


>Can't grab ledge on Hee Ho Cradle
What the fuck? Do you enjoy being a faggot?

I guess I fucked it up somehow, my bad. Ill try and fix it rn

Object limit a shit.

Had to cut the falling arrows if I wanted the bushes.

Attached: forestmaze.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

As long as we keep posting the lewds will come

Attached: 1556157786938m.jpg (1024x576, 78K)

Thats why it's worth reporting them

Keep it to one terrain for ledges.
I had this issue when I made the first cradle.

It's also possible for people to sink through the floor if its more than one terrain. And that's regardless if there shouldn't be any gaps.

I've been leaning towards that, mainly because of the potential for hiding Easter Eggs like Merlee's Back Alley Hut or the tree you walk around a bunch of times. I'll probably have that ready by the end of the week.
The pebble's there, just behind the snow. ;) It was gonna be apart of the fighting stage but for gameplay purposes its just background.
Hey, thanks.
Also thanks!

Attached: tumblr_nos6621Pwa1su7bqmo1_400.png (400x300, 67K)

Has Nyx stage been done yet

Yea, but it was pretty shit.


Any way to avoid the weird clipping between colors?

I made one

Hope you weren’t talking about mine

Attached: FACEFB43-F99B-41E1-BA48-34B536CD12F8.png (750x1334, 1.67M)

giant samus stepping on you

Good stuff user, I especially like how the bottom is purple

I'm touched you think my Bramble Scramble is a nice stage, that version has an issue though where in 4 player matches one player spawns on the vine under the main platform and has no choice but to die for most the cast. I fixed it.

Attached: Bramble_Scramble_updated-2.jpg (1280x720, 183K)

Did the Aqua stage disappear in anyone else's downloads?

where the arenas

I downloaded your stage and love it, good job


you scared me half to death there, don't ever pull something like that again, ya hear?

Thanks! Here’s the ID if anyone wants to downlod it

Attached: 00004B06-F008-4F7C-A8DB-AE72F1ED308F.png (750x1334, 1.5M)

nope. once you got it, it's yours

I ain't pulling anything, it actually was removed from mine somehow.

Anyone else just get discouraged looking at these thread and all the cool shit people have created knowing that you're not creative at all and just make boring shit no one would want to play

Attached: 1483345701112.jpg (396x430, 42K)

lol mommy was upset at how you're turning out so she started taking a more active aproach at parenting

Hailfire Peaks (Banjo Tooie)
It's up, ID 7D86PDCJ
Even if you're not into banjo, I'd appreciate if you check it out as the transition between 2 different backgrounds was tricky to do, but I think the result works surprisingly well considering how hacky it actually is.

>'travelling' stage mechanic (never seen this done before)
>transforms from "Lava Side" to "Icey Side" and back again to repeat
>platforms you fight on also change around slightly
>lots of detail

Making next:
>Mansion hall/entrance from RE1 (requested by user)

dope as hell. Yeah'd and downloaded

Attached: 2019042519124000-0E7DF678130F4F0FA2C88AE72B47AFDF.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

Are you the user that made Noatun? You're damn good, my dude. This would go perfectly with You May Call Me Father, what a shame they didn't include it. Amazing job though, I'll make sure to play on this.

If anything I feel like its encouraged me to get better and make better looking/better playable stages

Maybe a weird request, but could you also post an alt version where King Sting is still there but moved to the furthest back background layer? I want the stage but I don't want people hiding offscreen on the bee lol.

>The Aqua stage will become the next P.I. situation

Attached: 1537382850625.jpg (280x246, 10K)

Try not to think about it too much

Attached: tumblr_inline_n8vl57qwvD1r1mylc.png (377x414, 14K)

pics please

Attached: 1556208884790.jpg (448x345, 45K)

I'll give it a whirl when I get off work. From the thumbnail it looks pretty rad.

That or any of the other launch day lewds, like the OG Climax

no that's gay

Attached: Screenshot_20190425-141812.png (1280x720, 838K)

the thumbnail is literally only half the stage, when I say it's a travelling stage I mean it.

kek. I love off the hook

I'm excited to check it out
what'd you pick for music?

SMG Melty Monster, it seemed to fit well enough

extremely good, looking forward to it

Give it a try anyway. I've never gotten into creative games before, I'm just not the creative type, and I decided to with this thanks to the context given by Smash. Some anons have complimented my levels and it makes me happy knowing people are having fun on something I made, which is legitimately an experience I've never had before.

Doesn't hurt to try


f4a,6 slots, no items, stage choice, customs


Attached: 1548184815293.png (1864x2086, 3.33M)

Are those curves? Redraw them with lines and you'll free TONS of space

Dont worry I'm not going anywhere. Even if the threads only happen once a week. ;)

Attached: crop cunner fuck u hehe.png (425x507, 110K)

Holy shit dude. At college but I'm excited to try this, sounds like magic

Yeah, I tried to make it look nice and detailed but I guess I failed in both regards.

At least post links to the drawings you do, instead of crops.

my man
I think it turned out well? Still iffy on this one desu

well played ddd, you destroyed me

i just wanna know what your sfw art account is

Attached: T0sYCGk.png (848x480, 335K)

bretty nice

Looks good, user.

A technoque I've been using is I free draw something, and then I trace over it with lines on the grid on a different layer, and then delete the curve one. You can get a shape very close that won't make a noticable difference and save way more space

just don't post it for another ten hours

Okay, shouldn't be any problems now

Attached: 1531033549979.png (720x1215, 1020K)

but also

Attached: 1338334063516.png (453x695, 456K)

I like your cut incineroar, aint many with the balls to try anymore

best girl

that incineroar rusing ddd was golden

This Ashley stage lmao

I need that fucking Ashley stage

Attached: 1544455210476.jpg (692x830, 119K)

If anyone knows any other good MK-esque tracks I'll continue to make stage echoes for it.

That should work.

Attached: All Stages 2.png (1281x1066, 1.26M)

well that tits stage played like absolute garbage

>sans triangles
I might actually try it

just a warning, it's uncomfortably small with four people. i played it in a lobby yesterday.

I'll give it a shot. I spent like 4 hours working on that so I'm actually playing right now.

It's the same size as Final Destination though..

there is literally a 2 second input delay in the arena, it's unplayable. Someone needs to be kicked

No it's not

For reference, I made this stage, and after applying this technique I turned it into this

Attached: Bramble_Scramble.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

Any good SCP stage?

Attached: 7e3.png (996x744, 156K)

i made one earlier, ill upload it later today

Thanks user, I'm excited to see it

gonna be honest I'm pretty sick of these porn stages that play like absolute garbage, most of them don't even look good to justify existing

dude fuck off already

Yes it is.

Just make your own arena and say it's for non-porn stages. wow, so hard.

see if you feel the same way after 20 matches on glitchy tits

ive played tons of games on porn stages and I think they're fun.

Both the platform size is a little off, and the distance from the platform to the blast zone is not the same

Made a Hex Maniac stage, no lewd

Attached: D5BXVXBU4AE9TXP.jpg (680x383, 53K)

I finished my new DK stage, it is based on the Colonel Pluck Boss from DKCR. After hours of fighting with the rail tool I managed to let the Robot walk just like the original. Have a look.

Attached: 683EBAD6-FCDF-44D0-BC7A-73C1AED4938C.jpg (1280x720, 211K)

I've really been wanting to make a Paper Mario stage, but always hesitated because I didn't think I could do a good job, but you've really inspired me to get down to business and make a stage based off of the Goomba King's castle.

The castle is on the foreground, allowing you to walk through the ground floor, and there's a ladder that takes you up to the top of the tower. The Goomnut tree also endlessly spawns Goomnuts that fall off to the left side of the stage, sometimes making it tricky to fight on the left ledge. (I wanted to make some sort of lever contraption that made it so that you could drop a nut on command instead of having it be a permanent thing, but I couldn't make anything that wasn't completely clunky/clippy and intrusive to the playable layer) If you guys think the Goomnut is too annoying, I can make an alternate version of the stage without it.

Also >tfw no Paper Mario 64 music in Smash

Attached: goomba castle.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

Looks good

Attached: 1526157915894.jpg (199x260, 30K)

doesn't work, I don't mind porn stages on the whole anyway, just hate how many of them are unplayably bad
some of them are, but the majority are a glitchfest to the point where people end up camping or avoiding fighting as much as possible since it's so unplayable.

Heres its current state
>MTF helicopter constantly rises off the stage and comes back down
>Containment cell on the right with a slowly moving door
>SCP logo on the floor


How do you guys post the screenshots from your switch?

If I have Smash digitally and I uninstall it and reinstall it later, would my stages still be there?

you have to post them to your twitter account

I believe they're tied to the save data so yes.

which do you think ARE worth it? ive hit stage limit already and ive pretty much gotten every Yea Forums lewd stage since launch but i want to clear some out to make space

Im the guy who made Shiver. This is seriously fantastic, dude. Very nice touch with the zone markers and the Goomnut idea sounds great. I'll test it out later and give my input, I'm keeping an eye in these threads.

Attached: 1533490590663.jpg (232x145, 6K)

Thanks, man. The Paper Mario series really lends itself well to being recreated in a layered diorama-style stage builder like this one. I'm definitely gonna have to try my hand at more Paper Mario-inspired stages later.

pretty cool user. Reminds me of Dr. Eggman

Sounds nice, what music will you use on it?
Some head work on my trace of Diives' Elesa

I got fucking raditz’d LOL

Fuckin nice bro

It was fun but now i have to fuck off from town. My house is gonna drown in water

memes aside, It's looking pretty nice user

Attached: 1554864006903.gif (250x249, 146K)


love diives and even tho I'm not into furry shit his pokemon shit still gets me hard


was fun to make

Attached: 57852695_146683696380013_7339241330880544768_o.jpg (1280x720, 222K)

Looking great man. Can I convince you to change the butthole though? change it from a dot into something like what's on the nude isabella stage, like a > with an extra line in center going left

you're in denial

>see awesome-looking stage, really creative idea that I wouldn't have thought of
>it looks amazing and takes full advantage of the system despite the obnoxious weight limit and other limits
>it's absolute dogshit to play on due to poor decisions like huge solid platforms over the main one, glitchy or non-functional ledges, ledges that are grabbable but shouldn't be, objects in the main layer that should be in the background because they're an awful shape to fight on, awkward slopes you can slide off of, awkward geometry in general, too much in the foreground on top of parts where you fight, cannons for no reason, etc
Every time
What's the point in making a stage if it functions poorly as a stage? Just open up MS Paint if all you want to do is draw

Attached: myStages.png (2400x1350, 3.9M)

>falco im too dummy thicc

Where the ID at?

Attached: WHERE.gif (450x338, 415K)

fuck, i really really want this

you're banned at the moment though, right?

I mostly picked Diives because his style has enough simple shapes to render well in the stage builder
Unfortunately the ass is so fat that it needs to be scaled down but I don't think the other layers will look good scaled with it. Probably need to drop most of the outlining.

I don't get the memes, most of his stuff is just fine.

yeah, i am


Attached: 1555434715253.jpg (1280x960, 175K)

His only problem is that he makes way too many animations where it's just a character doing something boring like flipping up their skirt or striking a pose.

Well he has some animations that are REALLY off on their anatomy. And sadly he does too much furshit for me, but I do enjoy most of his stuff, lots of butt focus too.

anatomyfags out

Here's Bowser in the Dark World ("Bowser DarkWorld" due to the ridiculous 16-character name limit)
I could have put in more aesthetic details but I wanted to keep it under the 8-player weight limit since it's so big. Might make a 4-player version with more detail later.
I wish the "Big" option was bigger, or there was an even bigger option, or there was some way to adjust blast zones, since it's hard to make properly large stages.

Attached: BitDW Screenshot.jpg (1280x720, 300K)

that komi stage is fucking cute!

I think Gamer will fit the ambience of Containment Breach, but what else would fit?

Lemme guess, Fupoo hasn't uploaded that splashwoman stage either?


Gonna need pics, friend

Any good Duel Zone from SSB64?

Is there an Arena open currently??


damnit. but that's cool, if you decide on uploading it after the ban lifts, i'd galdly wait and be patient. hopefully along with your krool one as well!

thanks for your amazing stuff keno-kun, easily my favourite creator desu

Attached: jib.png (540x482, 190K)

>splashwoman stage
I need to know more

Attached: 1548344828517.jpg (286x380, 17K)

Maybe something that sounds close to Secret Laboratory's Warhead theme? I don't really have any theme in mind for that though.

oh man i completely forgot about all that splashwoman art fupoo did back then

tit groping and squishing moving stage.

Fupoo please I am begging you, upload the lewds

Attached: splash.jpg (1200x680, 202K)


i may, im just worried about getting rebanned

and thank you dude, glad u like the stuff i make

Attached: 2019042401423500-0E7DF678130F4F0FA2C88AE72B47AFDF.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

Since Umihara Kawase Fresh just released in Japan, I made a stage based off Kingness. Still deciding on the music before I upload it though so I may make some changes. Thoughts and opinions very appreciated before I post it.

Also FYI you can download a demo for the game right now on the Japanese eShop, which includes a full english translation.

Damn man. You gotta at least upload webms or something, if you're not gonna post the stages

god damn it

Attached: 1526652455714.png (360x370, 243K)


Attached: 91rgNAZX5OL._SL1500_.jpg (1031x1500, 462K)
I'm not crazy about how that looks either
I messed around with the way shapes get cut off but couldn't get anything to look good
I also made the tough decision to cut off the glorious thighs so that I wouldn't have to scale everything down to fit together

Just go to his lewd twitter and watch the video he uploaded himself

I'm retarded and didn't include the pic god damn it


Attached: Kingness.jpg (3002x1668, 843K)

>all of Fupoo's lewd stages will never be uploaded

Attached: 1532148550803.jpg (318x313, 11K)

This is Temen-ni-gru from Devil May Cry 3. Two anons got a chance to look at it and one of them suggested relegating one of the arcs to the background since it's giving the fighting layer an unwanted pinball effect. I'd like more opinions on this before I make any other changes.

All constructive criticism welcome so I may improve or at least provide a version of the stage that's deemed playable.

Attached: Temen-ni-gru_Peak_(Devil May Cry 3).jpg (711x400, 68K)

If you move it a few pixels to the left, that would look much better.

Didn't know there was one. Thanks friend

I would buy him the jig to hack his switch if it meant he would dump and share the stages that way

I wonder if I could commission fupoo to do a stage of my waifu.

Nice Jack Frost-stage. Will download it

cover it up with a curtain so thumbnail is covered shits still working for stages like the mii handjob one

I don't know why that works so well for most stages but the DHxZSS recreation didn't last an hour that way
I can only assume it was bad luck with it going up with a reportfag lurking the thread

maybe, but also that is one of the only times ive seen a non fully covered stage
like yeah it covered all the lewdness but other curtains cover as much of the thumbnail as possible perhaps nintendo thinks these fully covered thumbnails are retarded kids making shit stages and ignoring them
rip that short lasted ZSSxDH stage though

Or maybe they look more closely at the uploads of people that were already warned/banned

I tried to freehand something without the grid on
Pic is in the same gallery

We can only hope fupoo either uploads them all in a blaze of glory or a way to share privately is added

Attached: 1555538892866.jpg (1200x1047, 133K)


Yeah, that looks better.

>Try to publish Moai Doo-Wop
>"Do you want to publish Moai Doo-***?"

Alright, Smash censor the official name. I don't know how should name the stage at this point

Attached: Moai.jpg (1280x720, 269K)

alright one of you fuckers have got to be "try again" because I refuse to believe he isn't among us!

Attached: IMG_20190424_234202.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

In what language is Wop even a slur and what does it mean?

It's a colloquialism for large penis in Norwegian.

>It's a colloquialism for large penis in Norwegian
Fucking kek

It's a pejorative English slur against Italians. Though it hasn't been in common use since like, the first World War.

It's for Italians and I've only heard an Australian person say it

You could call it the japanese name, Moai Songu.

RhythmHeavenMoai gets the idea across and just barely fits the limit. Might not be searchable if concatenated like that though.
Does DooWop get by? Maybe the hyphen makes it count as two words? I imagine they don't want things like "Hello" to get turned into "****o" for example so if it thinks it's one word maybe it will go through.

This looks fun. How close to the edges is it?

>tfw 12 character limit
I was gonna suggest Whop but that would make it 13.

Yes, DooWop works.

>backup entire switch with simple payload
>get homebrew+stage dumper
>dump all lewd stage .bins to sd card
>restore previously made switch backup
>all traces of homebrew disappear
>lewd stage .bins still remain on sd card

It's so easy. Would be cool if more people did this. It might sound confusing at first, but it's even easier than setting up an emulator.
Did this method myself multiple times for "testing out games before buying them", and I have never been banned from anything.

Attached: yeah.jpg (500x500, 36K)

>sort by date
>see this
its wonderful

Attached: IMG_20190425_154939.jpg (1280x720, 117K)


Attached: GIDDYUP.gif (256x192, 969K)

Update time!
all four of those have been updated for added playability, especially the wario land train one, which has added side blastzones because matches could be a drag.
Also wasn't happy with my smashketball stage so I overhauled it, probably the best I could do while still managing the 8 player limit. The only downside so far is that CPU's sometimes get stuck on the lava above. I still really like this rendition though.
The beach stage got a good update too, some stuff underwater and the beachball is now doing what it should have been doing from the start.

Attached: 2019042416294600-0E7DF678130F4F0FA2C88AE72B47AFDF.jpg (2554x1432, 1.03M)

Attached: even speedwagon is afraid.png (242x492, 24K)

But where are the arenas?

I plan to do this, I ordered a jig last night
I'm going to upload all of my lewds to too so I can share the love

Pass: 14

3 Stock - 2:30, items on, customs on

Attached: 1544482044237.jpg (1920x1080, 248K)

New Arena, I can host it for about half an hour

2 Stock no Items 3 minutes
ID: 4HJ28
PW: 123

is this from DGS?
if so fuck i need to play this

Got an eta on when you'll post her?

This is the first time im hearing of this. What's a jig?

Moai DooWop stage is here! Hope you like it.

Here's a compilation of my previous best stages too.

Attached: maps.jpg (7680x2880, 3.74M)

Pass: 14

3/4 welcome to join. no lagging!!!!

Terraria boss stages are so fun to do. Would you guys want a wyvern stage?

Attached: wall of flesh stage.png (1094x614, 1.27M)

Yup, same guy. Thanks! I also really wanted that song in the game, but One of a Kind at least has the hook. Paradiso is next

Based, love that haunted stage too.
Now I just need DAS friend to deliver

made an arena, i'm gonna be playing the original aqua stage but youre invited to play other stages too, preferably lewd ones
3 stock 7 min
PW: 11037

An RCM jig is a thing you put down your right joycon rail to short some pins that boots the Switch into RCM mode which lets you use custom firmware and homebrew
It's possible to do it with just a paperclip or tinfoil too but a purpose made jig is probably safer in the long run

To make it simple; The earlier Nintendo Switch models had a major hardware security flaw, in which you could enter RCM (recovery mode) by 'touching' two pins on the right Joycon rail. You can do this by using a paper clip, a thin aluminium foil, or these convenient "jigs", aka pic related. Entering RCM mode would allow you to send payloads, install homebrew and so on.

Attached: 51qcHiHKAcL._SX425_.jpg (425x425, 16K)

quin you brought us lag


Attached: cuck.jpg (1200x675, 128K)

not the user that asked you, but a couple of threads ago an user said they've been using homebrew safely for months by just going into airplane mode when using homebrew or whatever
I'm curious about this but I feel like I'll accidentally bootup homebrew while online and poof switch banned

Green Hill from Project M

Attached: 57586988_162525888094999_6029617132730318848_o.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

Damn. I literally have a day 1 release night switch so it is and older model for sure. Too bad I'm not willing to lose online over homebrew so I'm stuck buying

i'm on the same boat, better safe than sorry

if you do decide to get the rumored switch pro model however, i'd transfer all user and save data to the new console, and hack the old one for emulators or free games. that's the golden way to go.

What if I traded you some Roll stages of my own?

Attached: 20190423_102407.gif (480x640, 2.46M)

if the higher powered switch model rumor is true, just get that, transfer your stuff, and use your old switch for homebrew stuff
that's what i'm planning

So do you actually need artistic ability with regular drawing to be able to shit out some lewd stages? I WANT TO PROVIDE ASS N TITTY

Pass: 14

2/8 welcome to join no lagging

if you dont have any artistic talent you can always try to trace some actual lewd art which requires patience and attention to detail instead

The only problem being if the people making the lewd stages are still around and then there's the problem of them having to upload the data for you to even get it in the first place.

Got most of Elesa done and she's playable with 8 fighters right now
If my work is any indication, not at all as long as you have a picture to trace

It's a walkoff.

Thank you!

I made a few minor changes and picked the song (Mission Mode - Pikmin 3), and have uploaded it, so here's the code image

And anchor:

Attached: D5B08pMU8AA29jU.jpg (1200x675, 126K)

Not if they also have homebrew and share the files themselves

How the fuck do I trace on a nintendo switch it's a screen not a sheet I can toss over an image?

Also do you people just do it with your fingers? or you use some kind of pen?

how do you guys like my dark matter stage?

i use my finger

Attached: 58372520_145756206472762_174777535127617536_o.jpg (1280x720, 87K)


fuck you too

>lewd stage creators trace their images

Attached: 1517692518.png (411x412, 296K)

I want to fuck A Ralsei

i feel like everyone who plays on the aqua stage is fascinated with getting on top of her ass specifically. not that i blame them.

That's a mighty big assumption that they would both get the newer switch and homebrew their old one

let's see your art, Picasso

mine come from the mind


Attached: slorpy.png (127x125, 8K)

I don't even like lewd stages but who gives a shit?

Oh shit, that's good

My bad. It wasn't grabbing my cable connection because I docked it ingame.

This moving shape stage holy shit my head

Maybe I should try a lewd ralsei stage. How long did that take you to do? hours? or ?

that line is always gay

I slapped a grid on my source picture in paint and planned out the points with color coded dots, then connected the dots with the stage builder in grid mode
I tried using a stylus but I actually found it harder that using a pro controller

Your gay

Is this old or new? because it's already gone

not as gay as that line

I made the ppppu Rosa stage, used my fingers and a ton of undo. Just get used to continuously doing that and you’ll be good

for me it didnt take me that long. maybe like 20 minutes at the maximum
look at the date

>Stage is down
Damn it

here you go niggy
now kneel

Attached: weav_swim.png (1071x1503, 444K)

ill do one more round in my arena before shutting it down to play with friends.
(im the obama mii / lindsey)

RE1 Mansion Hall

Need feedback on this, how does it look anons?
Also hoping the user that requested it originally is still here

Also, ideas for music for this stage?
Thinking of using "Step: Subspace Ver 3"

Attached: 2019042522285100-0E7DF678130F4F0FA2C88AE72B47AFDF.jpg (1280x720, 206K)

ralsei is AIDS

Attached: 1461817220933.png (396x413, 154K)

thats pretty good

Attached: jojobelle.png (1634x1726, 714K)

Requesting a stage shaped like DK bongos controller
with hands that bang on the bongos and hurt you

Attached: donkey-kong-bongos-720x720.jpg (720x540, 75K)

This is based on the most frustrating Mario Party minigame, lots of people with blisters on their palms after trying to beat this shit. Maybe you'll like the song I picked for this stage.

Attached: MP1 pedal power.jpg (1280x720, 201K)

Attached: 1552849528522.jpg (800x450, 84K)

I want to fuck that weaville

Ayyyy, yeah I'm here and I like the look. Naisu. Gonna test this out now

Attached: Screenshot_20190131-235409_Clover.jpg (323x385, 39K)

>Gonna test this out now
how? I didn't post ID yet

Attached: 1511874105554.png (131x125, 37K)

Yeah I got ahead of myself, noticed after I posted haha

How's your weight limit lookin', btw?

>Mario walljumping inbetween Hilda’s thighs

My sides holy shit

arena crashed

basically at max, sadly, although I could optimise it a little bit. Why do you ask? Something I should add to it?

>Hilda stage
say what now?

>Hilda’s thighs

Attached: 1555595018276.gif (627x502, 940K)

Attached: 48fa67e.jpg (1312x1436, 151K)

get in here

Attached: CF884BA9-2E3A-4B2D-8043-58DD65E8B336.png (1334x750, 814K)

Damn, I had a feeling. Just thought it'd be cool to see 1 wandering zombie or even crimsonheadin the bg. All good if it won't work out, though

Attached: bd40280.png (469x411, 21K)

As an aspring artist, references are key to making good art, and will be like that for years until you conditioned your brain to do it freehand.
That's why I always hear people say to research poses and get those wooden mannequins if they plan on drawing humanoid subjects. They fucking help.

Here's some technical information I've put together on Stage Builder, particularly on the size/fineness of solid objects
Hope you find it useful

Attached: stage builder tech.png (1800x4700, 317K)

is there any way to online ban evade on a switch?

I was gonna make a stage but ah what the hell. Jumpan.

Is that Khan academy but for stage builder? Fuckin lmao

PLOK Cotton Island: 2X8P9NY3
DKC 2 Bramble Scramble: MRK764HJ
Rayman BandLand: C549PJN2
DuckTales African Mines: M4DD4MHN
DuckTales Himalaya: 6LNMMWM4

To the Probopass user in my room I want you to know you make awesome stages

It is yeah. It was pretty good.

Crap the arena crashed

references are good, of course. but blatantly copying/tracing other artist's work is something different.

Thanks! I'm glad you like my stages

Attached: no_prob_in_probopass.jpg (770x534, 73K)

>teamwork is still up and is now my most yeah'd stage
what the fuck

Pass: 44

3 stock 3 minute items on
customs on
No lagging!!!

Time to post another one, gum.

those curtains really do work wonders sometimes

Norwegian here, never heard it before

Can you explain why drawing circles has more weight than drawing freehand?

now hold on a second user
what is this Ashley stage, somebody’s gotta have an ID if it ain’t dead yet

Not them but I assume it's because the weight total is calculated by polygon count and a circle has more sides than anything you could possible freehand by default

Noice, the Yea Forums guide is up

Attached: JPEG_20181212_211108.jpg (208x173, 13K)


I'll see what I can do.
btw, what are you thoughts on music choice?

Makes sense. Also, rail weight is based on the number of turns it makes, correct?

Awesome. I love it

From all the rails I've made, I can't say for certain but I think so. When I make zigzag ones they seem to take up the most.

Jesus this is super useful. Good detective work, officer. This might make drawing smaller eyes and features easier.

I presume that's because object weight is somewhat dependent on number of vertices, and Stage Builder essentially makes circles/ellipses by automatically making a ton of vertices in the shape of a circle/ellipse - and likely with more fineness than it does for free-form shapes.

thanks for reminding me of that gaijingoomba video

Attached: 1467577714498.jpg (612x612, 54K)

Not the Paper Mario stage I was expecting

I understand your afraid of a ban I don't blame but please

Attached: Ghiaccio_Pissed.gif (275x155, 2.19M)

Pass: 44

3 stock 3 minute items on
customs on
No lagging!!!
Welcome to join 3/6

Cool design, but the warps seem like they might crowd the stage a bit.

Repost from this morning
Atari Breakout! The paddleboard and ball move


Attached: Breakout Atari KJ1CY3KJ.jpg (1280x720, 121K)