This company is either a subsidiary of Sony or being massively bribed by them

This company is either a subsidiary of Sony or being massively bribed by them.

Attached: atlus-logo-black.jpg (200x200, 7K)

But SMT is exclusive to nintendo console.

>reee sony bribed them!

the only bribing is from nintendo bribing atlus to keep smt exclusive to their shitbox. just like they used to do with monster hunter.

>Etrian Odyssey
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions
OP's theory checks out, we should investigate

SEGA Sammy could force Atlus to do a lot of things, but it's probably best that they don't. They're no doubt pissed that the SEGA Europe branch put Catherine on PC.

Atlus actually mainly released on Sony platforms, due to Ninendo's ban of JRPGs. When Nintendo was finally ready for JRPGs again, they acquired SMT games exclusively, while Persona stayed on Sony platforms.

You know what pisses me off is not that we didn't get P5, I'm okay with that. It's Joker in Smash. Fuck off if you aren't going to put the game on Nintendo. FF I can forgive because it started on Nintendo and Cloud is the most iconic, plus 7 was multiplat even back in the day.
But this shit? Dumping Sony shit in Smash like "yay get hyped kids and buy a PS4 for the full thing!", fuck off.

SNK should buy the Power Instinct IP from them, Fatlus do not deserve it


Sega of Japan has always had a dictatorship over other branches. If Europe released games on PC, it's because Sega of Japan wanted them to.

>one-off kusoge

Why are nintendo fags so entitled? Your console has some of the best exlusives, you have the SMT series. Stop being a faggot and just buy a ps4 if you realy want to play it that much.

Jannies REALLY upset right now. *dabs*

SMTV on PS4 soon, lads.

I thought all your movie games made your patient. I guess not.

Switch is still getting SMTV, stop being such a child and become an idort

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>Fuck off if you aren't going to put the game on Nintendo.
but they did put his games on nintendo. persona q2 is on 3ds and persona 5 scramble is on switch. :)


Tell me where all the SMTV info is then.

I unironically don't care about the game. I didn't even buy it for PS3. What I want to know is why they called it Persona 5 S for fucks sake too? What the fuck is the S for?
Oh hee hee it's "scramble". Get the fuck out of here with that bait Atlus.
They are promoting shit in smash that isn't even on the system. Yes I'm mad.

Shaking so much the dilator falls out


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>Nintendo gets a thid party exclusive
>Sony gets a third party exclusive

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>just buy a ps4
Why is this so hard for people on this board? Sonybros at least had a personal choice during the Wii days, but this current generation doesn't even have an alternative. Games seem to only release on PS4 above all other systems.

Do Switch owners do anything outside of port begging?

Wow, you guys really seethe when you don't get what you want huh? Just be an idort like me.

>What the fuck is the S for?
Nintentards really are the stupidest people.

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Oh no, Sony has Persona. Nintendo actually has the SMT games people care about.
The good MegaTen Sony has are old and legitimately forgotten.
Get over yourself you massive fucking baby

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the S stands for scramble what else would you want it to called? it's not their fault you set yourself for false exceptions

>Do Switch owners do anything outside of port begging?
Screech about Smash roster picks

>Smashfags are paying for advertisements for shitty games that aren't even ports of mainline titles
oh nonono

>Spend months shitposting over switch port
>The actual enhanced version is PS4 only
>J-just wait for tomorrow
>It's actually a fucking musou spinoff
Cannot make this shit up

What happens when TGS passes and we obviously get nothing?

They've done this for years. Your fault for believing some faggot on twitter.

Persona 5 Scrabble

SMT isnt even in development and wont be any time soon since persona sells so much better lmao

Press S

It's actually subsidiary of Sega. I think some Sega rep upon buying out Atlus claimed that they aren't going to force Atlus do anything that they wouldn't feel comfortable with, which means team behind Persona just probably has gotten too comfy with Sony consoles is all.

Press S to scramble

I don't know, maybe Persona 5 SWITCH. Hurr.

So this is how it feels to be a cuck

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Or because 3rd party games sell more on PS4 in Japan than the switch if they release both so it would be pointless to do it when they could just save the effort and make on one system.

See? that's setting yourself up shouldn't have done that

SMT V is fucking dead.

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Atlus is under Sega Games Japan. Sammy restructured Index when they bought them. Pachinko and the like is under Sammy, Atlus went under Sega Games proper and Atlus USA under Sega of America.

that was fast

They’re a subsidiary of SEGA

Stop bullying us .. is not fair bros .. let us have your games p-please.. ps5/xbox two already on the way .. powerful 8k vs our 360p on handled mode .. just p-please have m-mercy .. this isn't fun anymore.. p-please persona 5 royal for switch ...e-even if the game costs 150usd because m-m-m-muh portable mode.

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Aren't they mostly Xenocringe chronicles 2 faggots? They always leave those threads alone even though nobody says anything about the game.

>Conspiracy Theories
You got a Persona 5 game, be happy.

I literally don't understand what's the logic behind this desu. Why would you release the spin-off of a title on a console with no access to the original title, what's the actual logic, how can you expect it to sell?

Before annoying sonygers start claiming I am a seething switchfag, fuck off, I don't own it, I am genuinely fucking baffled.

SMT V is fucking dead.

But Cloud got in because of Thetrhythm?

Cool, you can repost my shit as if it proves a point for you, while everyone can read it. Good going.

They released P4U on xbox (and arcades), even though P4 wasn't on Xbox

the logic is you would buy the console + main game later once you get attached to it and want more

>Get the fuck out of here with that bait Atlus.
user, all of the hype was due to Yea Forums and reddit putting ideas in peoples heads. Atlus never actually drew attention to the two websites. In fact, they removed both websites due to people refreshing nonstop and people trying to hack their database.

This, it's just baffling. This is retarded business decision making. It's not like simply keeping an exclusive, they actually baited a port coming.



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I am not going to buy neither, I didn't even fucking buy P4U on PS3.

your loss

Yeah because Arksys wanted to throw a bone at the Xbox but Atlus kept telling them to fuck off until they said yes.

Persona 5’s PS3 version in no way could run on Switch

I hope people saved some posts

>P4U on PS3 despite not having P4 at launch
>P4U on Xbox never receiving any base game
>PQ on 3DS despite not having P3 or P4

Atlus has always done this

Attached: double sales.png (970x469, 157K)

>Why would you release the spin-off of a title on a console with no access to the original title, what's the actual logic, how can you expect it to sell?
i know, right?

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Atlus REALLY doesn't want their games on other platforms. Who the fuck says
>Yeah, release vanilla Catherine right around same time as we release the bigger version of it
That's not even a season pass or day one DLC bullshit, that's a promise of DLC you have to wait for.

>SMT isnt even in development
It’s been in development for over a year retard.
Also 4 Apocalypse despite its flaws was still more fun then Persona 5.

Atlus is mentally handicapped holy shit

The dynasty warriors engine is already on switch, it's not like it's much of a porting effort

EO has been a Nintendo exclusive far as I can tell since the days of the DS.

Well, to be honest it sold like shit.

>user claims it makes no business sense to do that
>posts flop that proves his point

that's because xbox fags only play gaylo and tears of war.

Seeth harder faggot

It sold enough to get the sequel

You're shitty handheld can't run the game and don't give me the line about wanting to play in a bath we all know you people don't bathe you port pegging faggots, 8 years of this shit. NEVER EVER

It sold well on PS3 flopped on the 360

You mean BlazBlue? It's literally called BlazBlue and wasn't marketed as sequel to P4U. Considering RWBY characters got in the bar wasn't that high to enter.