Care to explain that pokemon folder on your PC, user?

Care to explain that pokemon folder on your PC, user?

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Make good games and i wont pirate them.

What do you need to know?

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oh hey, i totally forgot about it!
you see, i wanted to emulate Emerald but i kind of got bored because i wanted to finish my black and white playthrough

is ok, its just lucario

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It's CLEARLY labeled porn. Stupid rabbit.

where else would i keep my pokemons?

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furfags, bug master race

It's for porn, specifically a LOT of your species in particular, why do you think I caught you?

I don't have one

What percentage to first faps can be attributed to pokemon? I'd imagine it's disproportionate to everything else.


Do not lewd Lucario.

reminder that pokemon are but tools to be used for ones pleasure

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it's where I keep all my Pokemon ROMs
only retards save porn on their PC

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Why not

I wanted something else to fap to besides mlp

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What Pokemon folder?

F*ck Pokémon

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I don't need to explain myself to you!

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Lucarios are pure.

Pokemon fans are worse than barneyfags, prove me wrong

holy based

based, i keep mine in cloud storages linked in an encrypted file on a hidden google account

I thought there was only one Barneyfag?

dont confuse the retard

I thought they looked cool so I saved them

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post lewd lopunny

Not once I get my hands on him

You mean the lack of one?

>implying my porn folder Is organized
It's like 40k images, there's Pokemon all over the place sweety

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It's all of my research notes and such.

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best boy

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I don't understand why people have tens of thousands of images in their porn folders, does nobody care about quality?

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>saving porn in folders
>saving more than the 20 high quality images that you absolutely love and keep on your desktop for easier access
what a bunch of limpdicked retards, this thread is too pussy for me.
time to wrestle some bears.

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Don't have one
And I definitely never had a Blaziken folder, which I definitely never moved to flash drive which I might or maybe didn't wipe a few weeks ago.

But I do. It has only reached such a size through literal years of collection.