How much autism-power does reddit have over games?
How much autism-power does reddit have over games?
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>even dog is fat
I'm plotting my schemes wherever I go
They're perfect in every way
I'd love to destroy the blue one you know
He's an obstacle who always gets in my way
Yea Forums meetups are at least less cringeworthy than r/atheism right? Might be as based as /k/ meetups. But still better than reddit?
in america even the dogs are fat
>landwhale with black child
None. The only reason why devs typically host AMA's there is because they know they're a legion of cocksuckers that are too afraid of being downvoted to say anything that might be seen as controversial by their community.
>All they did was cook chili and say "Nigger" a lot
>/pol/ meetups
>Pretty much every single person on there is overweight
Fucking hell absolute state of America
Was this actually a /pol/ meetup or just a Yea Forums meet?
>mfw imagining the thing in the middle replying to people with "incel" and "have sex"
Is this the real america?
Why /pol/ meet up so diverse? It’s like people who spam mutt memes tend to be not white.
Why is everybody blind now?
It’s from Canada
In all seriousness. Why does /k/ do a better job at being /pol/ than /pol/? Half of /k/ have jobs and not even pro Nazi.
Why do so many of them look like 16 year olds?
This is one of the most disgusting pictures I've ever seen, you could have posted some gore or blue waffle shit that's a lot better than fat people
It’s almost like celebrating NEETism is cancer. /k/ the biggest shamers of neets for being weak and useless.
Good goy I mean /k/omando.... pay taxes and die for Israel
if /pol/ hates America so much they should all move to their own Jonestown-esque colony and live in harmony.
because the media has told you that pol is strictly alt-right. Remember that the board is politically incorrect, there are laso lefties
Fuck off mutt and be not white somewhere else
That's from a speedrunning event.
You might be not white considering you're leeching off the government like one
People who spam mutt memes are practically brown third worlders who are jealous of USA lmao
Why do you think /int/ pushes the mutt meme so hard?
ironic that the people who use mutt the most are from the US
lad, the mutt meme makes fun of the 56% white americans shit, all those very diverse /pol/ meetups all happened in america, the meme is literally making fun of that. It was started by euros who got tired of burgers spamming how europe was becoming racemixed on /int/
It was even more memed because American mods kept removing goblin-posters but not posts about Germany or Sweden being cucked. Most Europeans has left /pol/ for /int/ since then.
What a disgusting picture really. Gather up the lowest subhumans from different groups of people and pose them for this autistic shit. Ofcourse the 600lb racemixer is front and center to virtue singal. Animal abuse with the fat unhappy dog on the right and literally only cucked onions manlets all over the pic. A flamethrower would be what the doctor prescribed.
i swear obeasts with asses in the front only exist in america
This "kekistani" shit is fucking reddit tier jesus christ
ffs even the dog looks sad as fuck
how did they managed to turn a golden retreiver, arguably one of the best, happiest bois out there, into that faded, malformed, sad dog?
people from USA are disgusting, there's not a single attractive trait in that entire image
war on ugly amerifats cannot come soon enough, they need to be wiped off so we secure humanity's future
That's one mighty gunt.
Usually "autism" power resides wherever the devs use as their official forums or websites.
Some use reddit, yes. Overs just ignore it, barely use it or have their own forums.
Games like ARK and that have forums on the official websites where you can likely speak to someone who's more involved with development or can tell you about things that are currently happening, but you'll most likely be surrounded by one post accounts.
omg they look like somebody warped their faces with photoshop or some shit
it must suck so hard to have to look at that in the mirror
the guy in the yiffe hoodie is cute
Liza is cute
What subreddit was this?
Dude on the right makes me think of an Oblivion character.
>hitting random on Oblivion character creation
Why would anyone go to any internet website meet? It's bound to be full of weirdo socially retarded autists.
because if you are one of them, that's your only chance to actually mingle, have a face to face conversation and feel normal
For your viewing pleasure
in my city there were a ton of people who organized twitter parties for selected groups
shit was awesome, people fucked a lot in those parties, did a lot of booze and drugs, played OK music and danced
>these are your options
i'd rather die alone thanks
I'd still pet it
why does every gun nut is also fat as fuck?
maybe they are just replacing strength of character and personality with the "safety" and "power" guns make them feel
its kind of sad and scary to live in a world with a country filled to the brim with just that
I imagine them people meeting and then awkward silence after the initial hellos
most are probably too pussy to hold a conversion
no you wouldn't
humans are social animals, there's nothing you can do to stop needing that, not in your lifetime, its literally in your genes to need to belong to a group and have others accept you
>why does every gun nut is also fat as fuck?
because they spend the money on guns instead of healthy food
people here spend their money on games anoh I see what you did there
I am the Eggman, that's what I am
I am the Eggman, I got the master plan
I am the Eggman, that's what I am
I am the Eggman, with the master plan
It's not a /pol/ meet up. That girl in the hood is some e-celeb, I don't remember her name, they're like her oribters.
>they're a legion of cocksuckers that are too afraid of being downvoted to say anything that might be seen as controversial by their community.
This, don't go any further, this is the whole of reddit in 2 lines
>i'd rather die alone
You don't, believe me. Even introverts need a few close relationship to stay mentally healthy. Spending too much time alone is going to slowly make you a miserable, unhappy person.
Did you take /pol/ seriously when they talked about being /fit/ Aryan chads? Only mutts and genetic trash spend their time unironically arguing about race and politics
fuck off you dirty leech. Go make a hippie commune somewhere and suck each other off.
thats a hammerhead shark
Fuck this takes me back to when French websites weren't cucked to hell and back
>The most white persons are a bald spic and a slav mass shooter.
The state of murica
>Most Europeans has left /pol/ for /int/ since then.
That might also have to do with their more recent dystopian internet laws. Those Aussie haven't gone anywhere.
Not really a /pol/ meet ups and are just HWNDU shenanigans to piss of Shia
It was/became. Was part of the Shia camera campaigns on /pol/. Funny times.
People wearing glasses are a minority, aren't they? It just happens that the sample size is incredibly skewed in that photo, no shit a bunch of nerds who sit inside all day in the dark looking at a brightly lit white screen for hours on end without a break have eye strain and shitty eye sight.
Have to remember American /pol/ is also different to /pol/, because of the influx from r/The_Donald and the election in general. Their culture is really different.
That's in NYC. There aren't many whites left in that shithole.
>black baby no father in sight
redditors are semi-normies with lives and families
Yea Forums is incel mutts larping and fantasizing about alternate realities where theyre functional members of society
I love holo the wise wolf!
>Yea Forums is incel mutts larping and fantasizing about alternate realities where theyre functional members of society
Pretty sure I was born with shitty eyesight.
>30 yo neet incels playing army man instead of looking for jobs
This needs funny names on it so bad
triggered? ,':)
Imagine being so thirsty that you are willing to dig through all that fat to get to her rank, yeasty pussy.
Myopia has become increasingly prevalent these last decades
I hate how leftarded faggots have hijacked the mutt meme. Ironic since you fags use racemixing as an insult despite your political orientation/retardation.
theyre poltards user...
I was born with pretty good eyesight and it only started degrading when I got the original gameboy back in middle school and started playing it under the bedsheets at night with one of those shitty over screen lights.
Huh, didn't know that. Wonder if it's related at all to the rise of screenshit.
What the fuck happened to my post? I put lit desu senpai.
>my ugly internet friends are better than your ugly internet friends
How the fuck does one even function carrying that much sack of shit
>speedrunning event
go away leftypol tranny
>there is nothing wrong with american food
>trust me goy