Why do mustards think consoles can't handle 60 FPS? It has been a common standard since the earliest Nintendo consoles...

Why do mustards think consoles can't handle 60 FPS? It has been a common standard since the earliest Nintendo consoles, and there is a myriad of examples in every console generation.

Attached: 60fps.png (230x230, 8K)

Because some games still release as console exclusives locked to 30 or wobble from 20 to 40fps sub-1080p, especially this last generation. Problem isn't the hardware it's the retarded devs. Usually Japanese rpg and action games, it seems. PC will always have the same issue but you can mod it or brute force it with better hardware to fix it. Stop being a console warring faggot.

until every video game released is 60fps I will continue to make fun of consoletards. then, I'll make fun of them for not having 144fps

i'd rather have a great 30fps game than no game at all tbch

>Why do mustards think consoles can't handle 60 FPS?
because they can't

Because many games run at 30 fps or below. Bloodbourne was 30fps IIRC. Breath of the Wild would go even below that. It is what it is.

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most PC users cant handle 1080p 60fps either
the average PC is much worse than a PS4 or Xbone
only a few % of PC users have decent PCs

tom from accounting doesn't even play games on his pc

Except you're wrong, over 50% of steam users have a GTX 970 or better.

Bloodborne also had dips

>consoles still struggling for 60
>tfw you've been sitting at 120 for years

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90% of console games are 30fps, and that includes the "upgraded" consoles. You can't even hit 60fps on Battlefield low settings at 720p-900p. Even my old 770 can do that with an FX6300.

Not even the PS4 Pro boost mode gets you to stable 1080p 60fps. Pretty pathetic desu

Friends with literal third world niggers who can push 60 fps, the last 7 years have been about 120+

The only time I care about fps is online shooters. I aim for at least 100fps in online shooters and minimum 60fps for singleplayer fps games.
For everything else I really don't care as long as it's not 15-20fps.

well congrats, you got both your wishes at once. 30fps is no game at all


You do realize going above 60 helps everything right? Not just fuckong online shooters. I'm sick of this stupid shit. Literally every game benefits from higher frame rates as your image isn't being torn as sunder every time you move.

>60 fps
Look at this peasant and laugh. Everyone is switching to 144hz monitors while SNOY brags about MUH 8K on PS5.

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Wrong, maybe that was the case 3-5 years ago, but definitely not now. Consoleapes and mainly Sonegros are the only ones still struggling to get above 30 fps or sometimes to even stay there.
Massive amounts of cope as always.

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The muh 8k is literally nothing but marketing talk, any GPU with HDMI 2 technically supports 8k but naturally it can only run pretty basic games at a decent 60fps at that resolution, no one calls them 8k GPUs.


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You think NES ran at 60fps?

I do realize that, but the only reason I prefer 100fps+ in competitive shooters is input lag. 60fps is enough for singleplayer games. 30fps is acceptable for rpgs if framepacing is perfect which is usually the case on my machine because I have g-sync.

Of course every game benefits from higher framerates, but do you really need 60+ fps in games like Persona?

Of course they can handle it. Devs just decide to go for higher graphical fidelity that looks better in advertisements than higher framerate.


What sort of collectivist bs is this? Why would I care if 99% of pc gamers couldnt hit 1080p 60fps? I can blis that out of the water, so my pc is better for gaming.

Why are consoleretards so obsessed with how other people game?

They can handle it, but developers don't target it, and console games which let you lower graphics options to obtain it are rare.

>but do you really need 60+ fps in games like Persona?

I didn't thi k I needed it in Yakuza 0 until I experienced it. Made a huge difference, and I'm sure even Persona would benefit somehow.

yes u brainlet apart from maybe LoZ or a few other games that made the consoles lag NES and SNES ran at 60fps

The fun is that you accept games that don't let you mess with the settings.
You can't even set the resolution and have to rely on the system correctly doing the job.

I bet you're fieldfag, as in you think the NES don't do 60 FPS because the television runs the picture at 480i, which means it only sends half of the frame each time, and you're correct for 480i content.
But the trick is that its the picture generator (like the console, VCR,tv station etc..) that define if its the odd or even scanlines that are being sent, it do that with a signal on the vblank.
And old consoles in general just happen to send the same field over and over again, on basically a 240p mode, so they can indeed achieve true 60 FPS that way.
On bigger televisions you can even see the end result of that, with the other field being just black lines, or that "scanline effect" people speak of.
But they're not as thick as the lines with the picture because those are being scanned twice as fast so they're twice as bright.

Console developers could choose between 60 fps or visuals. They almost always choose the latter, since it helps their sales more. Of course, on PC it's possible to have both, provided that the player is willing to pay a good price for it, as the experience doesn't come off cheap. And it's only valid for a year, after that, one will have to choose between visuals or framerate (or spending even more money for an upgrade), just like in consoles, the difference being that it's the player that chooses, not the developer.

8k so they can get people to buy their new TVs
while games are still 1460p