Japanese game

>Japanese game
>The japanese race are inherently superior to all others simply by virtue of being japanese

Attached: tits too big.jpg (750x400, 87K)

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We got Baiken, why are you still posting the fake?

There's a big chance of the Japanese being somehow special in western games as well.

Because it's a better design.

>American game
>The White race are inherently inferior to all others simply by virtue of being White

Attached: 1537892108829.png (489x423, 10K)

>japanese game
>japanese characters are portrayed with blonde hair

Attached: krn.png (659x543, 105K)

You meant black?
Whites are obsolete in American video games

Read my post again.


Illiterate based user

me on the left

This is part of casuals attraction to Mortal Kombat's lore. A japanese dev would never make a Chinese like Liu Kang the main character of a fighting game lol. And they wouldn't boost Johnny Cage's lore up without giving him a Japanese rival just as good if not better and more important than him.

Better gameplay aside, if MK was Japanese, Scorpion would by the main character and they'd keep mentioning his Japaneseness. And Liu would be a 4'9 midget with no relevance to the plot. Kitana would be Japanese with a Hanzo subplot love story.

Just like real life

>japanese game
>Blonde characters have huge tits and asses

Attached: 1548128257974.jpg (1050x1407, 159K)

>. A japanese dev would never make a Chinese like Liu Kang the main character of a fighting game lol.
The new protag for KoF14 Shun'ei is Chinese, his whole team is

> And they wouldn't boost Johnny Cage's lore up without giving him a Japanese rival
Again, SNK with Terry. Don't think this one is even rare.

>Smallest, weakest, least black race in the world

>Smallest, weakest, least black race
pol i dont like you but you're funny

Too small


>>Smallest, weakest, least black race in the world
At least they have a functional, peaceful, technologically advanced country user. Name one of yours, i ll wait

England. You know, the country that invented society.

I mean if we don't count bosses, Andy (honorary Japanese) and Joe fit the mold.

That's reaching. Plus I could just say Rock instead

If you knew anything about KoF you'd know why they cater to China.

I thought we were talking about the nips

It is a bit late for excuse making, won't make that post any more right.

You said nname one of mine. I own England.

>Reddit nazi frogs

>technologically advanced

>that anterior pelvic tilt
I'll have a one-way ticket to Slipped Disc City, with a layover in Snap Spine Falls, please.

they got nuked good this time though

Attached: 3 nukes were enough.jpg (640x360, 90K)

You have over 30 countries you could name, and you named the most vile, inferior country out of them. Good job.

Sorry sonny but we invented everything

The only thing you fucks invented was rum, sodomy and the lash.

>sodomy and the lash.
And we need to invent more than this?

England is just a French region that degenerated
they only strived cause they were hiding on their little island


Attached: Lio9zXF.png (1036x598, 42K)

England invented the french

yeah you forgot rum

No. We invented BDSM. Which is good shit. Rum is gay

>we invented BDSM
Sources? I thought that was the frenchs or italians

it's the other way around really
William the conqueror was Frank
England aristocracy was French for centuries
England's motto is still a french sentence

>Patriotism = Bad.
I hate this generation.

He just said we invented the lash. People on Yea Forums don't lie.

Wrong. England was the first country to develop an IQ above 4 and become an actual country and not ''the entire world in our subhuman eyes'' like everyone else.

You fix Mortal Kombat, bravo!



england is a french dlc

Guilty Gear is weird enough that I can buy Japs being superior just cause. Maybe they get powered up the fewer there are like the Nova Corps.

Have you guys thanked Britain for giving you industry yet?

Attached: 1409323387319.png (319x712, 263K)

No. As an Englishman, I speak English. As does everyone else. Because we beat everyone else up. Because we did it first.

English is like 50% French words if not more

And what do we call the language? English. Not french. Go sit in a corner and suck on a baguette, frenchy. The real chads of the world are speaking (English, not french, your language is gay and no one uses it)

I call it poorly pronounced French

ohnononono... *wheeze* bahahahahaha

This! It's every man's duty to die fighting his master's enemies.

Good for you! Now sit in the special corner with the other inferior countries. Which is all of them

LMAO, even LESS relevant than fucking new Zealand! Must such being outdone by your kids

>proofing that leaving the trees was a mistake.

No, it's derived from French along with a few other languages like German and languages native to region. Saying English is half French is akin to saying French is half Latin.

Aren't anglos just mutts mixed with French, Spanish, nordish, Saxon, Roman etc...?

We are very proud of you [whichever shitty country you are]. Very proud!

>be bongoloid
>live in butt ugly island with nothing but sheep to fuck
>get invaded by bored scandinavians and frisians every other century and increasingly mongrelized
>french invade for bragging rights and take up the challenge of civilizing your floating turd of an island
>become the backward outpost from where french nobility wages war against its mainland peers
>proceed to spend the next few centuries shit-stirring the world and conquering stone age niggers and jungle injuns
>you need stronk boats so you autistically develop stronk boat industry to pick up Ngubu
>backstab allies, lose civil wars, go bankrupt and quit your empire
>present day comes, can't even leave Merkelstan without your government paralyzing

But at least no one cares enough about your island to conquer you and fix your floating turd again. Go you.

They say being a hafu is terrible, they bully you because you aren't full jap

Japs and their xenophobia make me laugh, some people say that it's to preserve their culture but you never see a young nip doing traditional stuff
I think it's just ignorance and envy

I am from Wakanda white boy, we have money technology and everything!


And it's true that French is half latin, i'm not denying it

Can't be an inferior country when it beat you repeatedly for a millenia. England is a French colony, like Algeria, just more successful

Imagine having such a simplistic grug language even bushmen of Africa can speak it with ease. Hell I bet sentinelese learn English as kids. That's how you know your language is low IQ as fuck.

>A japanese dev would never make a Chinese like Liu Kang the main character
The whole characters of Dynasty Warrior series are chinese.

>japanese game
>non white minorities are portrayed as violent creatures

>country that invented society
Ah, so every country before that wasn't a society. I see...

Irelanders genetically speaking are super similar to those from the north of Spain but idk about anglos

yet here you are, speaking it over your own irrelevant language. stay seething cuck

China and India were the progenitor of civilization. You cumskins didn't even relevant until hundreds years ago lmao.

Sorry sonny jim but I find it VERY CUTE when you try to insult England in the language WE invented! VERY CUTE!! Yes, we made boats. Yes, we killed people. Yes, they stood no chance. Yes, we no longer do this. We invented civilization after all.
We as a tiny, underpowered country, rose up above all else and conquered the world with our superior IQ and backbones.
Nowadays our silly children, like america, spoiled brat it is, runs off to bully weaker countries so it can feel good about itself.
Sad, really.

>>Can't be an inferior country when it beat you repeatedly for a millenia. England is a French colony, like Algeria, just more successful
No, England is an English country. And france is a joke.


>blacks cannot read

Yes, to communicate with the simpleminded Anglo, I have to lower myself by speaking the only guttural language it is capable of learning.

If we're talking about Japanese then why is Jam there? She's Chinese.

>american game
>blacks and jews are inherently superior to all others

Attached: sedel.jpg (462x702, 60K)

being an easy language means that is consistent and well structured

>The kike nation
>Over France, Germany, Spain or Italy

I guess Guilty Gear is based from a japanese perspective

what's the kanji symbol for "based"?

Sorry poltard I don't speak actual retard. Too lazy to google what a kike is. Its not a superior english word. Must be an inferior, obese, american world, stuffed full of unhealthy meanings

None of those countries matter.

>English is unique!
>Steals literally every word from their conquerors, France, Norway, Saxony and Denmark

>American game
>The "Jewish race" are inherently superior to all others simply by virtue of being Jew.
Check mate and supreme truth.

>Anglos are superior!
>conquered and cucked every century, whose benefactors gave them civilization
>Anglos leave their dumping ground island to strike out on their own, no foreign influences
>creates failed states such as Australia and USA

Name one game.

Being derived from is not equivalent to being the same thing. English is not like 50% French copy and pasted or something. It borrows some words and occasionally pronunciation but meaning, grammar, etc. is more often than not dramatically different. Someone who speaks only English will be unable to effectively communicate with someone who speaks only French.

No one said England is unique. I said its superior. And it is! You other fucks don't matter now.


The Japanese sword (Katana) is the strongest weapon

Attached: 9be017895f24a7676c8142a06e754e0f.jpg (1400x787, 197K)

The new Wolfenstein games americuck

>Being this mad

He's polish though.

I am not mad friend. We moved past this sometime around the point when we enslaved h alf the world and invented america to get mad on our behalf.

Mad and retarded. A worrisome combo

Last of us part 2.

Sorry friend, still not mad. But if it makes you happy I will pretend I am. I am rather good at entertaining children.
Oh no, the inferior countries are saying words at me, in my own language. The horror. I am very mad and such.

Good thing japanese aren´t portrayed as the ugly chinks they are, else we wouldn´t be able to even look at the damn game.

Attached: japanese.jpg (800x450, 79K)

This is like that south park episode were the ugly girls starting becoming popular after photoshoping themselves

>Game isn't out
>nothing known about the jewish girl
>"she gotta be superior to us, I know it"
That's some serious projection you got m8, sounds like an issue you need to work on.

Yeah, whites are fucking ugly.

Attached: nip x white.jpg (1150x1123, 554K)

Belgium was doing the same at same time

please continue giving your wannabe super villian speeches in the language you were forced to learn to communicate on an american imageboard you hate so much, its funny to read

Are faggots here seriously mad that the nips are based enough to not give a fuck about other races aside from their own?

wh*toid roasties btfo

civilization cames from the first cities mesopotamia

While I agree this is kind of lame, in Guilty Gear it sort of makes sense because in the story you find out that Baiken, Anji Mito and May are among some of the very last pure-blooded Japanese people on the face of the earth (And maybe only 3 out of like 200 Japanese people total) due to the gears genocidal rampage of Japan. I keep thinking that Daisuke Iwashitari came up with that to comment on how fighting games were getting more players and appeal in foreign markets while interest in Japan was dieing off around the time he made the fist Guilty Gear, but I could be wrong.

SNK are owned by a Chinese company now. In exchange for funding for games, they made an All-Chinese team the new heroes of KOF and created that new Waifu for Samurai Shodown.

isn't japan destroyed and aren't almost all of the japanese people killed in guilty gear?
So much for that superiority

>but I find it VERY CUTE when you try to insult England in the language WE invented
Not that guy, but иди нaхyй пидopacинa тyпaя. Hope you're happy now

Don't use my wife umi for your shitposting

Which became India and China.

Yes, I think russians are very cute and also sexy

No, Mesopotamia was far away from the parts of India and China were their civilizations started. Fun fact: a lot of "chinese" things like martial arts are from India

.t huge faggot
japan literally cant make anything right
their video game design is stuck in 1985

The only thing you've ever done right was be isolated by sea and by loathsomeness from the world so no one would ever want to conquer you. That's why every land that has something worthwhile is a permanent warzone and every invading country is a barren, desolate, immoral wasteland of pillaging mongrels.

That's a lot of words to say ''conquer me daddy''

> Functional
Since when one of the largest public debts in the world in addition to being a posterboy of low reproduction rate (this may be overexaggerated though) is considered "functional"?
Source: ceicdata.com/en/indicator/japan/government-debt--of-nominal-gdp