>P5's cast is all white people (don't kid yourself with the weeb names they all look white)
They need to fix this.
>P5's cast is all white people (don't kid yourself with the weeb names they all look white)
They need to fix this.
Too dark. Add tummy instead
That's not a black person, that's a white girl in a full-body pantyhose sensory deprivation suit.
white hair please
Cállate puto
It's set in Japan. The characters are Japanese.
Hifumi and Ohya are the only ones in the game that actually look asian
they look white
japs fetishize whites thats why dragonball and sailor moon are all white and blonde
I wouldn't mind actually. It would piss off Yea Forums and trannies while captivating my Jungle Fever. I see zero downside to this.
> All video games should represent the racial diversity present in America because America is superior
Bit neo colonial of you ask me
They don't look white and the Japanese do not fetishize whites, you are just racially insecure like most whites today.
Too revealing. Add burka.
>White skin
>caucasian features
>blonde hair
>but they're not white
Japanese people don't have literally yellow skin. Anime characters don't have caucasian features. Blonde hair doesn't make them white. You are delusional because you have a racial inferiority complex.
>Japanese game set in Japan
>"Cast is all white people"
lol okay bud.
*Cough cough*
>Japanese people don't have literally yellow skin.
Nor do they have white skin
>Anime characters don't have caucasian features.
Yes they do
>Blonde hair doesn't make them white.
They have blonde hair in addition to white skin and caucasian features
>You are delusional because you have a racial inferiority complex.
Stop projecting, weeb
Besides Ann, they don't. That's how nips draw anime nips.
>Nor do they have white skin
They have light skin.
>Yes they do
They do not. You are delusional.
>They have blonde hair in addition to white skin and caucasian features
They do not have caucasian features. You are delusional.
>Stop projecting, weeb
You have pulled the weeb card. You are admitting that you are wrong. You are admitting that you lost the argument. You are admitting that you have a racial inferiority complex that is making you delusional. We are done here.
>hideous trannies trying to dictate how anyone should dress
East Asians are light skinned you braindead amerilard.
No, that would be you. You are a retard by pulling the weeb card when your opponent has not said, implied or done anything to suggest that he is a weeaboo. You are a retard who can't argue. You should just kill yourself, really.
>wahhh you said [word] that means u lose!!!!!
your making some "WE WUZ" tier post right now
Add more details
>Goku and Naruto
It's litterally ok when whites do it.
My benin
Ryuji's hair is bleached and Ann is an ethnic minority immigrant.
And... the final touch!
ann is partially finnish
imagine being this mad over a word
calm your test rage tranny
>blonde hair
It's dyed blonde you retard.
You think I give a fuck if she's black or white? Make her black, cute and with white hair and I'll definitely romance her. Fran is still my favorite FF girl for this reason
Unironically too much skin. Teasing but not showing is better.
quads confirm best version
m-muh dick. checked
Black power
An edit so shit you got 4(FOUR) zeros for it, how embarrassing
>crotch tatoo
Dickus maximus.
Absolutely seething dicklet lmao.
mods will let this thread stay up
Well, I'm sure you're American SJW opinion is going to have a huge sway on the Japanese anime and video game industry.
Absolutely based in taste
>Person says word in response to an actual argument because they're too much of little bitch to admit they lost the argument
Who exactly is the retarded, then?
now we're talkin
but isn't bleach black?
>insults are arguments
top kek, dumb weeb
I will now buy your game.
There I fixed it
White Fragility at it's finest
It's clear and removes pigment from things. Do you have brain damage?
You do realize you're not supposed to use Bleach on colored clothing right? The irony of how stupid BLEACHED is as a concept is staggering when it's patrons prove they're too stupid to know how bleach is actually used.
>Persona 5 Roc-a-fella editon
>no yankees hat
Lmao. Back to your pathetic furfag and pedophile infested general bleached faggot.
>triggered the fuck out of the mutts from /trash/
Dare I say, based? And checked!
Don't listen to them user, you're right. We'll remember the words of these Anons on the day of the rope. They'll hang by the hands of the very Japs they look up to.
Cringe and jewpilled
Based and redpilled