What are some new games with great stories?

What are some new games with great stories?

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I thought Farcry 3 had a good story even though its last gen.

I mean, the image is true if you only consider the Bloody Baron side quest from The Witcher 3.

1st statement is right but 2nd isn't.
Give me more games that aren't slow as shit with abysmally basic combat or one dimensional gameplay trends like cover shooting. A fucking APM above 1 would also be appreciated.

>We don't need Multiplayer
>We don't need Good Gameplay
We only need good graphics and great stories

>fallout 4
>great story
Is this a joke?

I never played it but apparently the TLoU multiplayer was great.

>Elder scrolls

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>Fallout 4
Maybe not skyrim, but fucking FO4?
[email protected]

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i need games that don't give me open-world-boredom-migraine thirty minutes in.

Unironically Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1.

TW3 main story sucked

And why is there only witcher 3 on that pic with a good story?

Flavor text is not a story.

>Great story
I liked Skyrim but cmon

watching a movie is not a story

You know the TLOU multiplayer is fun

>skyrim and fallout
hahahahahaAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh god
GAMEPLAY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> story
go back to your Yea Forums or ps4

it's not good but it's well told... I guess

I mean I need some good multiplayer inbetween my stories but that's just me

Interested in this thread. I've recently started wondering what multiplayer games would be like if everyone in the world dies from Super AIDS.

The Wonderful 101 also had a great story and themes that I'd argue were overlooked harder than everything else about the game combined.

>Any of these
>Good story

>hoomanz r the real monsters

Post your good story game.

>being such a casual you play single player games

It's not that, it's about revenge and how it affects those who seek it.

Wangan Midnight

>main story

red dead redemption 2 if you're not a contrarian cunt

yeah it is

none of the games pictured have even close to a "great story"
game critics aren't literature critics and they never will be
reminder that bioshock infinite is rated as having the best story in all of gaming, just let that sink in

The baron arc was good though.

We don't need multiplayer my ass.
>first person ASSFAGGOTS
>royale shit

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God that is so fucking accurate

Imagine comparing literature to games and thinking that is a fair comparison. You have to take into account division of labor and all these other constructs while making a video game. Books you just have to write, no budget or anything. Video games can have a good story but not comparable to a book when writing a story is the only part of making a book.

RDR2 made all these look amateur

I'm still curious Is TLoS story really that great?
I remember watching some parts on youtube back when it came out and it looked like a generic zombie plot with standard tropes across the board.
But then started getting 10/10 all around, I mean they can't be all paid reviews.

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doesn't make any of those stories better. what i'm saying is that these are shitty examples

>it looked like a generic zombie plot with standard tropes across the board.
That’s because it is. If it was any other medium, it would quickly be forgotten for being tired, formulaic trash.

This is the ultimate story focused game.
>one part 10/10 story and characters, amazingly written and acted, like playing a really good TV show
>one part open ended gameplay that allows you to freely experiment in a beautiful world with the different systems in place

RDR2's only major fault (beside technical stuff like frame rate and controls) is that these two different schools of design never overlap. The missions are super focused and linear and don't let you play any way they don't want you to. But, if you get bored of the linearity, you can go off and free roam for hours before diving back into the story.

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Like any good post apoc/zombie media, it's the human element that makes it good. The game is well written and performed, the relationship between the main characters is easy to get invested into.

It's ok, new God of War does it way better.

>like playing a really good TV show


>walk to this area, clear area of enemies, cutscene, progress to next area
that's because it was clearly written as a movie and then they designed the gameplay around that script, it's a good movie, not a good game

First game had a better story, theres a reason RDR2 didnt receive as many awards as RDR1

The thing is, some of those you listed are downright awful, FO4 for one. The plot in that game is fucking Swiss cheese. All of them go through a pretty basic plot arc, and this has been the case for literally every game. What matters is how the story is delivered in these games. Some do it much better than others.

Pretty much.

>last of us
>great story


It unironically is.

plus the game doesn't hold back, I don't remember any other game giving it's protagonist a deadly disease for good chunck of it's gameplay

>First game had a better story, theres a reason RDR2 didnt receive as many awards as RDR1
Actually it's received more GotY awards than the first. But GotY are a joke and are worth nothing. Look at GoW and TloU as examples.

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Tbh the story is pretty shit but at the time doing a big deep feels style story was new to the industry

Are people really this dumb?

I recently started with the witcher 3. I have to say i'm really impressed with how many interesting characters they actually manage to put into the game. Almost every character of any significance has it's own charm.


And that's about it.

>game spends the first part of the baron arc trying to make you hate him
>reveals that his wife was just an ungrateful nagging bitch who cucked him while he was risking his life in battles
is the witcher 3 one of the most redpilled games out there?

Why are people so desperate for good stories in video games? Why not just watch a movie or read a book?

>Why are people so desperate for good soundtracks in movies? Why not just listen to music instead?

>Implying either is more important than gameplay

Seething, guess TW3 wasnt goty 2015 then

I like good vidya stories but the problem is that nugamers think good stories are single parent simulators with basic gameplay

I might understand narrative, but
>music isn't important in video games
Shit fucking take, nigger.

literally only one of those
good fucking bait op, this is clearly not a real thread

>Square´s Chronno Trigger
>Blackisle´s Baldur´s Gate 2
The memories. Holy shit, Baldur´s Gate 2 has actually 6 months of gameplay. NO other game has that.

the only part of the game i remember

but its not really part of the main story, just a side story.

the rest of the shit that had to deal with ciri and the wild hunt was just awful

The good stories are on the DLC or contracts

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These games have plot?


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>another outlaw gang garbage
All we fucking wanted was pure wild west with one edgy as fuck character

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Yes. Not having hours worth of cutscenes doesn't mean your game doesn't have a plot, retard.

From what i understood bethesda shit was a big open map full of
>kill X bring me X

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Games by depth of lore, in increasing order:

>Assassin's Creed
>The core of the sun
>Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon

>great story


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Not saying it isn't important, but gameplay is still the most important.
>Gameplay > Soundtrack > Graphics > Story

>gameplay > soundtrack > story > graphics
Fixed it