

Attached: 25.jpg (900x563, 83K)

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This Windows 10 advertisement is a little strange.


Gotta get people to download panjeet spyware somehow.

Would you a Fuuka?

Attached: 1553366313152.jpg (800x1080, 99K)

I want to marry Fuuka-chan!


Ye, I'd Fuuka her for sure.

Attached: 1534905993879.png (583x356, 275K)

Wish I got fucked like that desu

Attached: 1556186424560.jpg (250x250, 8K)

Fuuka is fat


Attached: Fuuka_window.png (604x590, 401K)

Stop posting my fetish

fuckin UNF

Attached: unf.jpg (960x800, 65K)

Her body is made for heavy pounding.

>that Azumanga Daioh's Sakaki flash with anal
Don't know how to find it now though

Attached: 1509265555121.jpg (231x259, 38K)

So where does a nigga actually get a good quality DL for the latest volumes?


The Zone one?

it's literally physically impossible irl to be stuck like that in any window


>Her body is [...] heavy [...]

not if you're dummy thick like this

You underestimate her level of thicc

Oh yes

Attached: 1416710129761.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Get out and let me imagine

Yes. Fuck yes.
I love you, man.

You don't have a fat ass like here to know that

Hold my beer.

Attached: asylum demon.webm (720x720, 1.69M)

fuuka bazooka

>Don't know how to find it now though


Fuuka is for purest love

Attached: 1530542053799.jpg (823x1670, 408K)


>it'll go straight to your thighs
>and then you'll blow up

Pretty Neighbour is canon.

well played

Attached: 11004304_10152602891432791_1895822543_n (2016_03_14 18_08_42 UTC).jpg (99x125, 3K)

Attached: HUMANITY RESTORED.jpg (600x600, 43K)

And this is a good thing.

>implying pic related won't get stuck on any window

Attached: 1555624272375[1].jpg (768x1024, 268K)

Attached: what.png (375x362, 128K)

>Hold my beer
Cringe and normalfagpilled

Attached: shepard.gif (500x271, 995K)

>Fapped to Yotsubato characters before knowing about Yotsubato
>Fapped to Azumanga characters before knowing about Azumanga
I feel a bit guilty about it. Specially about Miura from Yotsubato

Attached: 1529847835239.jpg (400x480, 75K)

why cant i stop fapping to fat girls lately bros?

Attached: 984.jpg (832x948, 272K)

Right on it. Thanks, user.

Psht, nothing personnel kid

Attached: All points in con.webm (1292x720, 1.99M)

I'd say this :

buenos dias...

Attached: 1556103901975.png (800x691, 361K)

Was about to post this.

Attached: 1423413114049.gif (366x325, 3.42M)

You have lowered your standards to such ammounts you go after fatties. Congratulations user, you have gone into tier 2 degeneracy.

What is this Midna from?