At what point does good character design turn to fetishistic design?
Like where's the line that should not be crossed?
At what point does good character design turn to fetishistic design?
Other urls found in this thread:
> not vidya
reported your faggot web ass
when they start having a sexual relationship with the mc or a new character that is the artist's self insert
Ultimatetly it does not matter, an artist has the creative freedom to create whatever he or she wants. There is surely a point on the graph where the art style starts to alienate potential consumers but some artists are willing to make that sacrifice.
kys janitor lapdog
it's hard to define but it's obvious. going too far with muscle girls would be having she hulks the size of ronnie coleman. going too far with foot shit would be having a character who's not only always barefoot (already sketchy but not necessarily too much) but who always sits with their feet propped up so you can see the soles in any shot with them
>she canonically has the hots for Mumen Rider
>she literally likes manlets
But why shouldn't it be crossed?
What is wrong with Having more appeal in anything?
And who is Murata's self insert? Most of the characters are from the webcomic version.
>dissing Based Rider
I'm sure you would've ran away as fast as you could against Sea King
this is just cringe worthy
Don't think there is one. Even characters like sorceress from Dragons Crown just felt really cool and sexy and fun to play.
literally anything can be fetishized at this point
I don't think he was implying anything about opm, he was just answering the question
who is this semen demon
>Like where's the line that should not be crossed?
Nowhere. Nothing wrong with fetishistic design.
literally who
where the videogames
>the seething HxHfag
You act like those two things are mutually exclusive which says more about your perceptions of sex than anything else.
If being sexual or sexually attractive makes a character design "not good" then you are just prudish.
As a creator there are two sets of boundaries to be considerate of, particularly in the situation of trying to sell your work. One is related to the tastes of the consumers. You want your designs to be appealing enough to draw interest but not alienate. When your design alienates so many that it brings less interest, that's an issue. Again, that's not a line, but a boundary, and it goes on both sides, either having something too boring and safe to be interesting or too far to have too niche of an appeal for people to be interested in.
The other boundary to be considerate of is how far the creator will compromise on original vision to either appeal to their audience or to appease investors etc. The line here is when you lose too much of the original vision, and it's difficult to see as small changes are made over time.
I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description, and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the vidya involved in this case is not that.
>fetishistic design
You're better than this user. I have faith in you.
Its honorary Yea Forums, just like Berserk and Attack on Taste
t. virginal weeb zoomer with runaway sex drive and no experience with real women
That's a good boi! Who's a goood boiiii? You're a good boi!
There's no point
Now fuck off
Good design is good, fetishistic design is fetishistic.
Sometiems these overlap, sometiems they dont.
>can't handle being called out on his sexual immaturity
>mommy gimme animu tiddies mommy
>spongebob memes
Oh shit, it's a black guy
That just means she has excellent taste.
Mumen Rider is a fantastic character.
good and fetishistic are not mutually exclusive
Legit question, why do you care if someone prefer 2D over 3D ?
It's not like he is affecting you existing, if you are a male he is actually improving your existing by increasing your chance with females.
If you think people who have sex don't like sexy women or porn you're fucking retarded.
It does not
If a character is well written, it doesn’t matter what they wear
There are no exceptions to this rule
Imagine her crushing Mumen rider's pelvis.
Okay, i'm going to pretend for a second that you're not a total retard and just a coward raised by a single mother.
What femitards and their ilk call "sexualization" or "objectification" is just basic analysis of reproductive fitness that every man does in less than a second upon seeing a woman. Just like women know in the first second if they want to sleep with you, you know in the first second - based on their health, hip to waist ratio, and youth - if you want to sleep with them.
Feminists are just incels but for women. That is why they attack depictions of attractive women, because they can't compete. It's the same as incels calling studs "meatheads". It's a pejorative term born out of envy.
Because instead of watching porn or playing an actual sex game, they have to pollute gaming with their fapbait characters.
oh no, not gaming
what a terrible lost for a chad like you
>Sexual immaturity
Look, I’m not that faglord that posted that shitty comic, but implying that having a female design that is appealing to males is not morally wrong. If, however, the design is overtly sexual, such as Yorha 2B or pretty much all the main characters in Xenoblade Chronicles, it’s perverted and used mostly for publicity. Although the creator can explain their reasoning, that does not mean the design is not used to show off an attractive person. On the flip side, good female design is being able to show a nice looking woman, either in facial and body features, is to be mostly practical. Consider the Halo series, mostly Reach, with the main story having some ass shots that gave bonuses to the people who picked a female character. Now before you say that means Japan is full of weirdos (you try being sane after two bombs and years of isolation), this just means that they have a different appreciation for the female body. The west like gruff and strong women, while the east prefers dainty and eccentric women.
It shows your sexual immaturity that every female character in a game has to be material for you to jerk off to. Watch porn or play sex games.
Some faggot on Yea Forums told me otaku pandering doesn't exist on japanese media the other day so I'm not going to discuss this kind of shit here any more.
>jealous trannies accusing people of immaturity for appreciating the female(biological) form
It's like I'm back on /tg/
Post nonsummerjacks to drive them away
How does that affect your life ?
Is like watching a porn video with a black man and getting mad because there was a black man, if you play a game with fan service there is no reason to get mad about fan service, just don't play the game.
So you're that far deep huh? Well good luck with your boss. I'm sure she won't leave you if you hump her leg hard enough and tell her she's perfect.
Holy fuck look at those envious, vindictive cunts. If a man who had spent years working out was walking down the stage in good cosplay other men would be cheering for him.
>bunch of classical art is people drawing pictures of women they wanna bone
>sexy character designs
>WHAAA fap bait
Fuck off Low test nigger.
If youre so upset about male sexuality, why dont you take the dick yourself to relieve the world of that evil evil thing.
Men will always create beautifull things and men will always want to fuck beautifull women.
You do not get to shittalk Mumen Rider
Demand drives market trends. The more weebfags who demand that every game have big tiddy anime mommies further encourages developers to pander to their retarded mindset, and sooner or later that cancerous trash will seep out of the quarantine zone of low-talent fighting games and into actual good ones.
Not even that user, but it's fucking fiction and the devs have the option to make every single character absolutely beautiful, instead they CHOOSE to make them ugly for no reason at all.
I already look at ugly people at work and college, I don't want to do it in my fucking entertainment media
That isn't a female character in a game, user. That is a real woman cosplaying. You must be one of those bitches in the front row who can't stand seeing women better looking than herself because you realize that's what men want and not you.
>insulting mumen rider
I'm angry
>waah my life sucks I wanna go to my anime waifu
>thirsty otaku fuckbois
>good character design
You asking for a beating there user.
Fuck obsessed otacucks
What is the problem with that ? I'm not the target for the industry anymore, I don't get mad, I just play that I like, there are 7 generations full of games that I never played, if the industry does not care about me, I will just play old games.
Based, ill report him too
>unironically using fuckboy
i told you this before tranny. You only make people hate you.
And i love it. Keep fuckign going, keep pissing people off.
Right now, Yea Forums is on full "Whaaaa /pol/ is invading us spergmode"
I for one welcome you pissing off anons here so we can finally get off that retarded ride.
>sexual immaturity
the fuck do you even mean?
A child has sexual immaturity, they don't now what sexuality is yet. A person showing sexual interest is sexually mature.
Good looking characters are made to look good.
Don't like it? Go live in a convent.
You are aware i assume that you're shaming men for liking attractive women, right? This is how low you've sunk. On par with homophobes shaming gay dudes for being born gay and that they like attractive men.
Rent free.
The line is crossed when it becomes either too cookie cutter or indulges in itself to the expense of everything around it.
A good example is in Yea Forums threads and to a lesser extent Console-tan Tusedays where someone will pitch a creative idea for a character and all is well up until someone draws said character.
Suddenly the hips are wide enough, the tits aren't big enough, the ass isn't thicc enough and before you know it is revealed nobody actually wanted to make a character and just wanted porn.
So basically, don't think with your dick too much.
Its not that the Industry don't care about you.
You don't care about yourself.
>implying there are lines
fuck off
>can't get gfs
>decide to become the gf
>can't get gfs or bfs
maybe that's just the faces they make when they take mental pictures so they can save it for fapping time later
>everybody who challenges me is a tranny
A bunch of sexually immature weebcucks who can't keep their dicklets in their panties needing every woman in gaming to cater to their sexual fantasies or they have a babby-tantrum isn't anywhere close to what you said.
user you realize that not all fiction is made with the same intent right? Fiction does not have to inherently be an idealization of reality or a form of escapism. Why are some characters drawn differently from others? Who fucking knows dude, maybe the artist just likes to draw a wide variety of things. Some artists like drawing guts spilling out of intestines.
but what if the point was to make the dick think at the first place?
I don't even anime games that much, the games that I want are weird looking with strange gameplay, mainstream industry don't care about those types of games.
>character is drawn to be sexually attractive
You're too far down the hole of retardation user.
Can you still climb back up?
That's all well and good. But I'm talking about instances where that WASN'T the point.
Then its a lewd economy at that point.
I'm going to dump the games that I care, fuck everything.
>shit talking mumen rider
You’re mad cause he can pull a woman like that and you never will
That's a valid criticism of salty middle-aged white women, none of which describe me (apart from white), and a pretty 3d woman who's not in a video game. Try harder, kid.
And you wonder why nobody wants to fuck you.
>attention whoring tranny making the thread about himself because that's all the action he'll ever get
When that happens the original point of it is dead. Its the only way to continue.
>have retarded opinions of a middle aged female retard
>is white
As if you can't get any more pathetic.
Everyone wants to fuck user. Getting laid is as easy as talking to someone in a social event.
Who's having sex isn't even a point in this.
Are you just fucking salty that you're still unfucked at this stage of your life?
What is she even supposed to be cosplaying?
I said I have to look at ugly people and you assume my life is shit, lmao. This is the last (You) from me
Raita (commercial) and Raita (Raita) is a good example
sexy anubis
Just that?
No series involved in particular?
I mean, there's a doujin series that she might be basing it off of. But she's a not a cosplayer, she's a model. She just happens to do cosplay sometimes.
I'm actually happy my man Mumen is getting an amazonian gf
She seems more interested in super alloy, but he only loves his own muscles
>this entire fucking thread just to show how much of a failure some are
>complaining about a fucking character design being attractive
>being this seething because she might not be as ugly as you
>being this upset about big tits or asses
I imagine you pathetic failures complaining in real life because you just saw someone with big tits or big ass. Jesus fucking Christ.
>still no working mame rom
well if the big booty sat next to me in a crowded train, id complain too.
Bahahaha, wtf is this? Go back to tumblr you low T faggot, how is this shit even tolerated on Yea Forums?
Fuck yeah Xan
>implying I’m this much of a fag
Not my fault I responded with more than two brain cells and got ignored for more shitposting.
This is an adult speaking. Sit the fuck down and hug your body pillow.
>announcing a report
Funniest shit is trannies are always the most sexually obnoxious and lecherous people imaginable. Make a teenage 13 year old look like a fucking puritanical nun. So it is 100% not "I don't like sexualized characters" and more "I want sexualized characters that cater to me"
Truth. Fuck Monolith and fuck bandits.
Mizuki is cute
This is how Mumen Rider continues to inspire people every day.
I wish I was mumen rider
I'm surprised you made it to adulthood tranny, with that near 50% suicide rate and all. Let's see if we can increase it?
>life and hometown are "fetishistic"
Get a load of this guy!
Oh the irony of this post.
>normal person's strawman vs delusional strawman
You can as well be a tranny if you believe even for a second that your description applies to every case you argue against.
We all wish we were 10% the man Mumen Rider is
It seems to me that you are really upset that some dudes masturbate to video games and drawings. Which part bothers you more, the fact that some dudes are rubbing their dicks or the part that video games sport attractive women?
It's mind boggling that someone could be so upset that some people create stuff that other people find stimulating enough that they spontaneously start pleasuring themselves.
You just have to be a christfag because if you're a feminist then you may as well kys now because your sperm won't get near any ova at this rate.
>Dissing on BASED Mumen Rider
for me
its tatsumaki
Fuck you, I bet you like Taiga.
The fact that I play video game and I don't want them polluted with the fap material of a bunch of small-dicked weeb-bois who are too young (i.e. zoomers) to handle their sex drive like men. That's all. When I want to jerk off, I watch porn or play a sex game. I don't play a mainstream game so I can go "ooh mommy your animu tiddies so big, gimme milkies"
>everybody who opposes me is a tranny: electric boogaloo
muscelbros always winning
It's not whatever you posted, you fucking cuckold.
for you
it's the bin
She's cute and all but Fubuki is the best
Tatsumakipedos' opinions aren't welcome
How do I achieve this mode?
Don't be mad that he has more balls then you ever will user.
What the fuck you talking about? They dont even see or mention each other in the series
>The fact that I play video game
Then play videogames without fapbait you pea-brained, shiteating piece of shit.
Just because you're mentally retarded, doesn't mean everyone needs to cater too you.
Don't like seeing attractive shit?
Gouge your eyes out and pull out your ovaries.
Shoo shoo 40%
You should stop thinking about small-dicked boys, or dicks in general every minute of your existence. Maybe if games had more beatiful female designs you'd be less sexually confused.
Fuck, my dick! What game?
>typical running/sport outfit
>fetishistic design
It's like you never was in gym or outside your basement
>tfw no doujin of Tatsumaki fucking Fubuki with a big futa dick
>being this triggered
I wonder what it feels like to know you'll always have the mentality of a child and the only woman that will ever want you is a mentally ill one with a mommy complex.
You're making those people's arguments for them, the ones that say video games are only for immature little boys. AMAZIN'
I have a NEED to breed this brown goddess. Is there a gallery somewhere?
>go to an UFC match
>the women are in tiny tank tops and spats
>they pose and flex their muscles for photos and show off a ton of skin
>go to any game news
>hear out the complaint about that fighting women in little clothes is unrealistic according to MK11's devs
Who the fuck are you dumping this trash for?
For me.
That's the typical mentally ill porn obsessed waifu shitter
Xirself, we're dealing with a pass-having tranny here
Based and musclepilled
When the author makes it blatently obvious he wants to bang the character.
Someone run this image by the archives
Well then you can go fuck yourself
>Is there a gallery somewhere?
Hi, and welcome to your first day on the internet. As a welcome present, I'll just tell you to google "nonsummerjack". Enjoy friend.
I'm done, I like video games, and there is nothing wrong about them, I have fun playing them, and fuck anybody who tries to say otherwise.
Oh, it's not clear with that character, but Murata clearly crosses the line with fucking Garou, you have to be retarded to ask a question like that, post Murata's art and not post Garou, it's like he made it his mission to make him sexiest drawn character.
>when tits and ass have always been there
You faggots are the foreign element.
SeeYou are encouraged to post the images you like the most here
>actresses in Star Trek literally requested miniskirts uniform because they wanted to show their hot legs
>they called non miniskirt uniform sexist
>meanwhile the state of 2019
What happened to /tg/?
For a supposed athlete she has the most abominable posture. Is her superpower not having her spine snap while she perambulates about?
Mumen unironically deserves a harem more than 99% of shitty self-insert protags
Holy shit that SEETHING
>that tiny ponytail
I want to help her train!
delete this
Here have some loli
Its okay to be triggered user.
Being mad is fine, i'd calm down in a moment.
You on the other hand would still be retarded decades down the line.
Trannies sperging out over attractive female designs and general attention whoring
I hear you like muscular girl
>Should not be crossed
You can come out of the closet already, user
Discord trannies running rampant and mods enabling their retardation
It's somehow worse than Yea Forumsmblr
*blocks your path*
i was waiting for his penis to pop out. no homo.
>mindbroken stick
>Yea Forums has unironically devolved into "IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD SEX YOUR OPINION IS NOTHING GET LAID" posting
It's not even that fucking great, stop holding sex up as some be-all-end-all because all it's gonna do is disappoint you when you do have it
Go fucking play video games, this shit is mind poison
>saitama's gf
I don't get ONE sometimes
>guy who is meant to be fir as fuck
>too sexy
Nah that's you bro, sounds like you have some unresolved feelings hmm?
She's the one doing the mindbreaking
What is the problem good looking female characters ?
Wanna know how I know you're a virgin?
>stop holding sex up as some be-all-end-all
it's greatest achievement for 18yo or student
who gives a shit? people should make and buy what they want. what people should not do is intimidation and activism campaigns, or forcing their politics into established series, to force their politics on already established fanbses
kys reddit faggot
Imagine some tranny telling theses girls they're showing too much skin and being collectively told to fuck off.
Why is here so little porn with Ninja twink?
I wish I never bothered getting laid, I probably could've beaten a lot of games in the time I spent on it
Remember that australian girl jumping?
Enlighten me
>that series
>the one where the managers and all the coaches get together and bang the shit out of those two girls till they're more cum than women
In terms of porn, everyone is overshadowed by the Midget and her sister.
Fuck yeah U.N. Squadron. I can hear the theme now
3D women view fictional women as romantic and sexual rivals who compete for men's attention and affection. To resolve this issue, it has been ordained that fictional women must become more ugly and repugnant than 3D women.
>he think's it's Yea Forums that started this bullshit
yeah, its funny to watch my girflriend get mad when I watch anime
Hoo boy
Fucking fujos
I want to see more buttfucking with twink in leather suit is that too much to ask
I like girls.
That same argument can be applied to battleroyales and microtransactions though, and look at where we are now
>tatsu and fubuki get the most porn
Meaningless sex is overrated. Sex with someone you truly love/care about is where it's at.
tatsumaki is for black sperm
t. I have bad sex and grew up on disney
I find it funny people shit on 2D lovers for liking fiction while at the same time treating lolifags as the equals to actual pedos. Pick a side, shitskins.
Fuck off zombie shitter
There is literally nothing wrong with undead pussy
>this webm
user Fujo's would be the ones wanting more original character Sonic.
Even the greeks considered the naked, healthy human body as a pure form of art, wishing to encapsulate its essence in sculptures. Why should it be any different now?
What are you talking about? They’ve never even interacted or mentioned each other before?
It still is
That fucking envy.
It's /cgl/ in webm form
Just look at this Chad. He draw legit 3DPG lolis. This is art
What's the thing in her mouth?
Horn of Gondor
Yes I do.
It's always the same with you fucking cucks. Why is it such a sin to want to look at depictions of attractive women in what is essentially an art form in itself? Isn't that the whole idea of videogames and even art? You must be brain damaged if you think that seeking beauty and perfection through mediums of art is anything less than a normal thing.
>line that shouldn't be crossed
it doesn't exist.
Who's that?
>being gay
>Why is it such a sin to want to look at depictions of attractive women in what is essentially an art form in itself?
What do you care some tranny telling you that it's wrong? Like and consume what you enjoy and to hell with these neopuritan fucks.
Hyper proportions. Saying that shouldn't be crossed is for fucking faggots though.
Based loli painter
Stop advertising.
Post more 2d.
It literally says it on the top left corner
I meant the character.
isn't that the bird that can spit out its own spine?
>beauty can't exist for beauty's sake
Are you really saying you can't look at a sexy female in vidya without wanting to jerk it? Who's the immature one here really?
where's the line that should not be crossed?
When journalist and gatekeepers get mad
What benefit is there to be had by spitting out your own spine?
Obviously, this should always be the case. Consume what you enjoy and ignore what you don't. My issue stands when a developer bends over backwards to appease the demands of literal retards to not seek true expression through art, but rather artifically force buzzword themes into things that would have been just fine, or better, without them.
Lots of birds can do that
Problem is that for some characters sex appeal is a part of their character, like a female assassin who uses her looks to get close to a target. It also tends to act as though the point of view is directly linked to the character. So say a female is very hot and the camera decides to take angles that emphasize her tits. However that doesn't mean the character herself is explicitly trying to flaunt them about.
And of course, obligatory mention that no one really complains when anything like this is done for a guy.
>it's like he made it his mission to make him sexiest drawn character.
Nah I'm pretty sure that's Fubuki, given she's basically Murata's waifu and all. He's just willing to give women eye-candy too.
Developers are just tools. They obey man in suits. Man is suits need money
God I love this artist
Name 5 besides shoebill
it doesn't spit it out, you can just see it behind a skin layer in their mouth. it's the Shoebill Stork, and it is best birb
Jelly bro? Me too
Preach. The future lies with indie, glorious nippon games, and piracy for AAA western releases.
Probably I'm secret gay
But man this second fetish of my is great
Red bird
Blue bird
Big bird
Dead bird
You guys should stop supporting gacha shit. You're killing jap games.
No self-control, sexually immature faggot detected. Normal people wouldn't be this bothered by some fanservice and sexy designs in games, unless you had so little self-control that you can't stop fapping when you see that in vidya, its your problem then, not anyone elses.
The irony of you going on about immaturity when your posts reveal your own immaturity unable to exert even the slightest amount of self control when you see fanservice or sexy characters in games that you attempt to shame everyone else who does and can handle this sort of thing because they are mature and have self-control and don't have to fap and see everything in a porn context like you do.
You faggots who say "why not just watch porn instead" reveal your own insecurity when you can't even handle anything erotic and sexy in games without immediately losing your composure and fapping like an animal, if you can't enjoy something for its own sake, and instead just see it as porn and that you must fap to it and that angers you for some reason, well that makes you very immature.
But my waifu.
gachas have the best designs right now
This looks like NTR. Better not have posted that shit.
Name of the series?
You can't say something like that and not drop the sauce
Seething BEY-TA
Orochi is sexier.
Variety of designs for variety of tastes. Most of the gameplay is paperdolls and shit though, not to different from moba splash art vs actual in game models. Lots of weak-willed jackasses who don't realize they can get their fap jollies from the art and avoid the trap gameplay.
Sometimes you get a good mix of fan service and gameplay tho, but Yea Forums only thinks in extremes so it gets pissy when it's happens. Like boob plate and muscle waifus.
>who don't realize they can get their fap jollies from the art and avoid the trap gameplay.
People like to grind for stuff, and most of the ones who play these kind of games know where they are going into.
>If a man who had spent years working out was walking down the stage in good cosplay other men would be cheering for him.
yeah maybe cheering "kys fag!"
Think you're putting too much faith into why you think people continue playing those kind of games. Regardless, I want their success to become more apparent so the west can see again that babes can mix with gameplay. I'm just tired of Korean waifu bait with shit gameplay.
I'm talking about what I see on people who play and are dedicated to the most popular games like Fate/GO, Granblue, FEH and so. They like to grind for weapons, items and stats in general. If they want to fap, they go directly to the doujins, simply as that.
The kind who only goes for the sex appeal are the ones who end up dropping those game very quickly in comparison.
>imagine justice crashing her vagina
His cowardice vs. Garou prevented Tanktop Master from neutralizing Garou and the blood of everyone who Garou hurt after that is on Mumen's hands.
Thats the best comeback you got?
disgusting, i prefer tatsumaki babe
All good character design is fetishistic. Artists are degenerate by design.
>Lots of weak-willed jackasses who don't realize they can get their fap jollies from the art and avoid the trap gameplay.
Yeah I fell for that once, never again. I'll just stick with the doujins, fanart and porn desu, can enjoy all the various character designs without needing to deal with gacha bullshit
I dunno I've been playing Destiny Child for awhile now, completely lured in by Live2D waifus
it more so depends on the character's actions and how the viewer wants to see the character really.
my man
Most likely the martial art arc goku lookalike, since hes not even canon in the original webcomic
Suiryu is ONE’s character and design. Not being in the webcomic means nothing. Also he got destroyed in the monster raid arc.
liking muscle girls is borderline faggotry if not worse
>not just fucking everything and everybody you feel attracted to
At least it's borderline, unlike liking traps and/or dickgirls.
based and enlightened
depends on the muscle on the musclegirl and what you wanna with/to the musclegirl
Nah, you're thinking of femdom. Fit and natural is great. Gym bunnies are the hottest women there are.
Women shouldn't be muscular
Fucking this... my ex would go on /cgl/ just to mock fat girls and what not but without fail would always get mad when someone better looking then her had the same idea for a cosplay... would end in hours of shit posting about some kind of made of flaw she had and then getting mad at ME for not calling said online girl a hag. /cgl/ man...
you must be joking
Hoshizora no Babylon... I think. I know Babylon is in the name.
>No talk of Grappler Baki
>fetishistic design
>line that should not be crossed
You fokin wot m8? Cross all the fucking lines!
Absolutely true and based
Everything is relative and there is nothing wrong with having nonstandard tastes. I like fit girls, large breasts, and tall girls. That is, I like massive, beefy musclegirls, breasts bigger than the owner's torso, giantesses big enough to crush countries beneath their feet, and growth/expansion to said absurd scales. I like either cute super short hair, or very long wild/wavy hair. But above all, I like cute, sweet, girly girls with pretty dresses, cute bows and ribbons, and sweet friendly personalities. My favorite designs usually combine some or all of those things I like. People should just chill and remember not all designs are tailored exclusively to any one person.
I wanna tickle her in bed as I kiss her repeatedly on the side of the neck
I can't have this and it makes me incredibly bitter
Anyone got the male version of this too?
>shitting on based mumen raider
talk about shit taste, dude deserves every inch of giant muscle pussy he can get
>mod deletes the hot chicks
>leaves the gay shit
makes you think
go back to abuse your shit skeleton bf nagatoro
Here you go.
Based also I wonder how long it takes to illustrate shut like that image from beginning to end
I like Baki and it's art, but a lot of those veins make no sense
I wish artists wouldn't be so lazy and just slap bulging veins here and there, instead of placing them where they fit anatomically
>anime girl image
I fail to see what's wrong with that post, if anything you're cringe worthy here
unless it's that shitty watermark
Yes, those are straight and not borderline gay
Straight out of the faggot factory, yes.
>She likes mumen rider
Source : your asshole.
But that sounds great though.
>>she canonically has the hots for Mumen Rider
>>she literally likes manlets
Good, as all women should. Stay mad lanklets.
>seething jealousy
>high ponytail
Shit tier hairstyle desu.
If it serves some kind of purpose then it's fine. If it's just "i'll make them looks like this because boner" then it gets suspicious
murata has a weird midriff fetish now. i'm not sure if that was always the case, at least i never noticed it when reading ES21.
How do I achieve this natty?
He's a cyclist. The pelvis is his strongest. He's basically one thrust man.
Who is this? I read the manga up to metal bat vs garou and the webcomic up to saitama vs monster form awakened garou but I don't recognize this character.
>implying girls don't do that to guy characters
You're pretty deluded, user.
When I fap to it so all the time, baby.
Real talk:
Good gameplay and waifus, can they coexist? I think they can, with many fighting games fitting this description (FGC autism withstanding). There's definitely more opposite cases of waifus and shit gameplay, such as gachas, Korean mmos, and mountains of failed, funded projects.
>shitting on based mumen rider
neck yourself
>It shows your sexual immaturity that every female character in a game has to be material for you to jerk off to. Watch porn or play sex games.
no user YOU are sexually immature if you think every sexy character needs to be fapped to all the time.
sometimes it's just nice to be titillated a bit without bringing out the tissues.
I don't think he cares as long as he can draw private lewds of fubuki
>Those hatch lines
Fuck you. We talk in extremes on Yea Forums. Take your moderate attitude out of here
Oh uh I mean muuuhhhh dick! Please design everything in the world for the bounty of muh dick's cummies!!
That was Naivety, not cowardice. Throwing yourself in front of a punch from someone that can shatter the ground by punching it is what I'd call the opposite of cowardice.
Actually it shows that you're a retard lacking in self control who is being steered by his own dick if you can't look at an attractive, fictional character without jerking it or thinking a character can only be attractive in order to make you jerk it.
I like Lin Lin
what about exremely moderate?
isn't it interesting how it's trapfags who are always the most vocal about muscle girls being gay? it's almost as if deep down they know they're homosexual for being attracted to dicks but they don't want to believe it so they project their homosexuality onto others
some of these people are so delusional they think liking tomboys makes you gay. imagine that
of all the places i would never expect to see something like this on Yea Forums
All Yea Forums cares about is waifu-centric material and their board specific memes. Heavy mod enforcement doesn't help either.
sounds like Yea Forums but replace waifu-centric with trendy new games nobody will talk about in a year or 2
how is that the same?
>turn to fetishistic design?
Is it possible to have a fetish for the female form?
>Wears medals all the time.
>Can kill you with her monster thighs.
Girl Kurt Angle is fucking hot, homie.
>>Wears medals all the time.
>Sex as she only wears her medals
Because it objectifies women.
I think there are prudes all over, on the left and on the right
I do
>Give women eye candy too
Why western devs can make this? I mean If they make both for women and men no whould complaing
>when your personality is so shit that fictional characters can compete with you just be having a few positive traits
>instead of trying to less of a bitch you decide to just make everything worse which just proves your personality is shit
when will women learn
I wish they would just admit this and stop being so shitty about it.
You can talk about this with them on /cgl/.
Highly based
Decidedly unbased
Women, or the highly vocal minority anyway, would absolutely complain. They simply hate seeing a sexy woman with bigger breasts than them.
Murata has never crossed the line. He draws men and women equally sexy. Hell, he has to invent sexy women that didn't exist in the Webcomic to balance out all the gay/female fanservice he's putting out.
Where's the source
holy shit
what a creep
>Wearing literally nothing is not consent.
a japanese one never to be translated
It's probably a thong
Did you follow her and get a full view?
>Like where's the line that should not be crossed?
There is no fucking line, people will want to fuck WHATEVER you create
people want to fuck lara croft
people want to fuck peach
they want to fuck pokemon, most of them
they want to fuck samus, without or with suit
they want to fuck hornet from hollow knight
they want to fuck a piranha plant
they want to fuck male characters as well, as long with the monsters AND animals
they want to fuck even objects, like trees, planes, boats and statues, THE SKY, THE CLOULDS, THE MOON, THE SUN, THE STARS AND BEYOND
There is no fetishistic design, there are people and they create fetishes when they like something so much they want to fuck it.
Daum boy I just imagined it's Tweetney and my dickie got hard
At the point at which capability of the thing they do is contradicted by their design. I always cringe at high heels in female character design. It's completely believable that someone could be a badass bounty hunter or whatever and also have huge boobs, but no fucking way are they doing it in heels.
i cant tell is she actually wearing some underwear ? if not that pretty fucking hot
>This will never happen to you
And that's a good thing.
>And that's a good thing
If you're homo then yeah
>still assblasted by Other M even when even Nintendo ignores it
It's time to let it go, user, Other M was horseshit but you sound like you have chronic autism still bringing it up in 2019.
>Oh no, she's cute!
10 out of 10 envy.
tatsumaki wears white pantsu, failed cosplay
god i wish that were me
B-But you would die, user..
Hope she's not on the blob.
Your point?
Have sex.
>Ugly fat American mutts talking shit about other women.
Why is it bad to like attractive people?
god I wish that were me
>autistic nu-artists always have to insert their shit fetishes.
because it makes uggos feel bad and resentful being reminded they didn't win the genetic lottery.
Too bad most of us are not teens anymore
people unironically don't believe the discord trannies raids. Being a newfag who posts only creates more confusion. At this point lurking should be mandatory. Also reesetera who are one and the same with dicksword trannies
literally modern feminism
gaymers get mad when a feminist talks shit about a game, but I wonder what kind of special hell it must be within feminist groups and communities.
t. never a met a decent person he truly cared about
Eat and lift an elephant each day
Based as shit.
I'm not gay but I'd fuck Garou
Wow, sure is fucking video games in here. Excellent thread.
Maybe if faggot fucking retard OP led with an ACTUAL video game example instead of baitposting with some cringe-inducing weebshit, we would've had a decent thread. Jannies, clean this shit up please. And bring the 4-ply towels for all the otaku tears while you're at it
Wow, this post sure is video games.
Maybe if you're weren't such a faggot fucking retard, you'd make a decent post for once in your life.
When the character does almost nothing of significance and exists purely to satisfy the author's fetish.
And you don't, turbofaggot?
>doesn't buy your game
>watches you fall into debt and administration
You're the one projecting mate, I didn't say shit about metroid. This comes up a lot and it's stupid every time it does.
>shittalking Mumen Rider.
Kill yourself.
I agree with these posts.
>aussie frogposter whining about offtopic
>aussie frogposter being anti anime on an anime website
yikes. I knew you fags were shitposters, but I didn't realize you were this faggy
But you did say "bounty hunter".
Like you'd know what a decent post is ye sad cunt. Hope the bib's on extra tight
>deflecting from my points
>can't even capitalize
All I'm gonna say
>jannies are always ready to delete threads about girls
>take a while to delete threads that show trap porn
Shame she was so non essential to the arc.
stfu you autistic piece of shit, noone gives a fuck about YOU... OR your fucking opinion on nothing, kys.
>watching porn
there are quicker ways to rot your brain user.