This game is going to fucking suck lmao
This game is going to fucking suck lmao
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What a fucking hack
but then he accidentally added.... CHEMICAL AGENT X!
>Food analogy
You just don't understand Kojima's genius
Too kino for low-IQ brainlets to understand, stick with minecraft
The game's not ever actually coming out is it?
What the fuck does that suppose to mean?
>you will be ashamed of your plates and din-dins
Face looks like the not korra girl from that gaymur webcomic.
Kojima is pretty much the only reason left to believe this medium has any potential.
Alternate dimensions, yes, when is it coming out?
this is one of the weirdest bromances... remember when this faggot treated Kojima like he was war prisioner?
oh you see there ah two blidges, under blidge is biggu mud. blidge crack! have to run to otha one! don't fall down in mud! get stuck, spooky! see mud ghost!
I hope the "game" will have gameplay.
i can already see this game being maximum kino/ludo with a score of 99/100 everywhere.
Bitches who try to devour all the content, like reviewers are going to hurt themselves, but whats there is going to be very rich
>food analogy
>zero gameplay
>a kojima shill production
what a pair of fags lmao
The melting butter is a metaphor for my melting interest in the game.
Youd think after that literally hack job that he called mgsv, hed be trying to win the fans over
>Zero gameplay
So that's perfect for journalists
Geoff-San, you are notu underustanding me, a botter blidge is a bretter blidge.
Reminder that MGSV won the award for best soundtrack at this shill's award ceremony. MGS fucking V, the only game in the whole series with a forgettable and generic soundtrack, won just so they can find some award to give to that shitpile and sniff Kojima's anal musk.
Gaming journalism isn't an actual job, Jeoff.
Kojima is trolling you, his game isn't even 50% done
>Yea Forums used to love kojima
>Yea Forums even sent kojima a birthday card
What happened?
The devil took off his mask.
He ODed on his own methane and turned into a hack.
He made a bridge with knives?
what a genius, not even a preschooler would have thought of that.
kojima is one of the biggest, if not the biggest hack in history so far
nintendogaf took over Yea Forums with his horde of trannies.
How is Kojima not fat? He literally spends every fucking day eating and drinking instead of doing his job.
He made MGSV
>two knives
dual wielding confirmed?
death stranding is PS exclusive
you know how Yea Forums feels about those
MGS V gameplay was flawless.
Story was ruined by Konami.
So was 4
Yea Forums loves spider man, so i guess good?
Right. Because konami came up with VOCAL
This guy is such a kojima dicksucker it's unbelievable
99% of current Yea Forums are kids and reddit faggots who weren't even around for that shit.
Hideo was trying to explain how to fucking build an actual bridge in the game so you can establish supply lines but his autism made it too complicated.
Death Stranding is part roguelike/part oregon trail. You head out to expand your mother base and bring resources to the front to build shit, if you die you get sent back via reincarnation babies. There's also an experience system and character perk upgrades like Deus Ex.
The game revolves moslty around base building. If you bring shit into the field and die you can recover your materials like dark souls and then continue on your way. If you build enough stuff in the game the area becomes purified and safe from monsters. There’s story missions to undertake and old cities to clean out its rather involved
damn.... so this is the power.. of stupidity
Who plays this fags garbage for real. Ive tried to get into metal gear 3 times. First time on ps2. Then with the hd collection on 360. Then one last time again when the 360 hd collection became bc on the xbone. They were shitty games in 2005, shitty games in 2012, and shitty games in 2019. What do you faggots see in games with awful controls and 20 minute cutscenes
Oh boy here comes the headcanon patrol
I've called him a hack for years.
He hasn't made a good game in ages and overspends like a madman because of his westaboo love for hollywood.
The guy is a hack through and through and I wish every last one of his annoying ass "OMG LIKE A FIDDLE XD" fans would drop dead.
Which is why it'll be a 99
Journos hate gameplay
Kojima is such a fucking autist.
I hate Hideo Kojima physically, I dislike that kind of man. I can hardly bear to play his video games. He has the Peter Molyneux disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge.
He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like Todd Howard who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents his games as "campy" to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does in video games is therapeutic.
That’s actually how the game plays. It’s very focused on player choice on how you want to tackle things. It’s more open than divinity original sin 2.
Now see, this actually sounds like a game. A boring one mind you but a vidya nontheless. Which is why we won't get anything like it.
>The tools but not the substance they were meant to be used on
Sounds about right
>coming up on 4 years since V
this, it'll probably have around 7-8 from users, and an ridiculously high score from "journalists"
It's not about the game, it's about the ride.
Chapter 3 any day now bros. Any day.
you might actually be retarded, don't worry you can always watch lucky star and play fortnite user
wtf I love kojima now
Kojima is such a pretentious faggot and people larp his shit up.
Norman reedus is a fag but mads is so based
It’s pretty much how the new demo will show it off, it’s just he can’t edit for shit. At Konami he at least had some handlers but the only ones above him now are Sony itself and he’s apparently been meeting deadlines and they like the game. But yeah building shit is it’s main focus. If you liked the motherbase shit in metal gear it’s more elaborate than that and you can micro manage. There’s a story but it’s really the most open game that Kojima has done. You can dick around forever before you’re overheated and then head to the story area and have your base assistance crush whatever boss there is.
what a fucking idiot he used the butter and put his knife down don't draw any conclusions there isn't going to be any knives or butter in the game
Danganronpa gives a ride and its a visual novel. Maybe mgs could have worked if it was a visual novel? As it stands, the formula of awkwardly walking around with clunky controls into the next 20 minute cutscene sucked
Zoomers dont even know what lucky star is retard. Mad cause i dont like your holy series lol
It'll score very well because of the industry nuthug. Nintendo shit has been aggrandized for years by nostalgic dumbass reviewers. People will carve a coherent narrative out of the disjointed over the top metaphors and poorly directed nonsense and regard it highly because they don't want to seem unintelligent because people think Kojima is a genius.
>70% of my body is made of movies
Who the fuck likes movies over video games?
ok so they probably got the pretentious and embarrassing narrative of a kojima projects nailed
what about the game
When Death Stranding comes out in 2030, I promise this board will be licking MGSVs ass crack and claim they secretly always loved it.
Ok Orson.
>dorito pope misunderstands every part of kojimas engrish and thinks everything is about death stranding
>next tweet is gonna be how kojima demonstrated how stealth works by farting in the restaurant then looking around to check if anyone noticed
There is even more pretension in this game than V.
How bad is this going to be Yea Forums?
To be fair,Kojima games usually have a good gameplay because he always works with teams full of people that know how to do a proper game.
Endgame for death stranding mostly involves air dropping warhammer plague tanks and calling in air strikes against giant monsters.
It’s a better version of metal gear 5. Those outpost missions have been expanded and those are mostly what you’re going to come across in the world. Like a battalion of corrupted troops or undead land orcas. Everything you kill can be converted into resources for your base, tamed, or be recruited into your ranks once you are able to restore and revive others.
Anyone who isn't either retarded or a child.
>the biggest hack
>when david cage exists
Why do people try to guess what the game is before anybody knows anything? For (You)s?
not for honor
It’s not a guess, that’s the current demo they’re going to show off soon
Holy shit geoff looks terrible
I was sunburned :|
My predictions
>comes out on ps5...
>2 years after ps5 launches...
>game is pretentious and as deep as a 16 year old in high school taking psychology for the first time
>will be a walking simulator with 60% of gameplay being moving forward
>40% is cutscenes
>went way over budget, Kojima is never allowed to touch games again
The only metal gear game I ever liked was rising. Even the first game was cutscene heavy.
If you have to explain something by using cutlery as fucking reference then that means he never had any understanding of the concept at all. Unless he tried to explain it in his broken English, then he's excused
he's like 40 dude
Yeah and the 55 year old standing next to him looks younget
You are a courier that transports babies and supplies from point a to b while avoiding shadow creeps. The twist is that the shadows were in your mind the whole TIME!
Bad guys just want to use undead goo people because they think it’s the next evolution of humanity. They’re lead by a prophet who claims to speak with the aliens. It’s not really deep but it works.
yeah but we all know how chinks age
>food analogy
Today's the day bitches we see what the master has in store for us
Imagine having a complexion that shit. He looks like a 60 year old shriveled up man almost.
he's japanese no chinese
They arent talking about the game
Holy shit... It will explore concepts of Duality.... Genius
Unironically fucking hacks.
These old shits need to be run out of the business.
It's just a grill cheese sandwhich
if you're gonna try and be "funny" with this shit at least learn how Ls and Rs work for Japanese
R replaces L, not the other way around
MGS4, Peace Walker and MGSV happened
>talking about kojimas latest movie game at the movie festival
Makes sense
What a fucking HACK
>Imagine being able to not only make any game you want to but also wasting millions to hire a particular face you saw on a garbage netflix show that adds nothing to the game whatsoever
>HIDEO KOJIMA GAME every ten minutes when all he does is being the supreme idea guy who travels, eats lunch with fancy people and tweets about it
Who DOESN'T think the he's high on his own farts at this point
Tf damn dude fucking Kojima get on with it mate
Jesus Christ, Kojima is such a fucking pretentious faggot.
Every piece of info about this game is more disappointing than the last. I was holding on for a while but jesus christ enough is enough
I rabu yuu, jeff.
No because he can't release anything unless forced to
MGS5 was my first kojima games. Every fucking mission mentions him at least 5 times if he has any part in it. Talk about being full of yourself
I like how everyone has completely given up on the whole ARG thing that was happening with the secret letters and morse code shit in the trailers. Hes losing hype at an astounding rate
his shit has been fucked up, senpai
Well that shit worked with mgs because there was established lore and characters. Ds is just a crap shoot because he wont release any info about it.
Pretty sure it's the other way around...
What game?
>inb4 parallel universes
>inb4 you change universes when you die
>inb4 "too deep for you" reviewers praise the "game" for scientific genius like Bioshock Infinite
user im sorry to have to tell you this but most people like movies and dont give a shit about video games
>inb4 you change universes when you die
Dude, that's actually pretty clever.
Is there a game that does this?
Video games are more popular than movies, and movies just keep losing popularity.
I think this just proves that there is such thing as being too secretive about development. I mean, its been 3 years and people are getting pissed
No mans sky
>kojima is about to drop another masterpiece and Yea Forums can't handle it
Fuck Kojima. No one thinks he's some directorial God anymore, everyone can see now that he is just an egotistical retard surrounded by yes-men telling him how amazing his ideas are and how revolutionary his stupid games are. The guy's a joke now.
None of my friends watch many movies anymore. They play tons of games instead. Same for my little brother and his friends. Movies are for boomers.
"Clever". It's going to be used as a generic plot line that necessitates forced deaths.
I love how these brainlets don't understand Kojima and will simply hate on him because he's popular.
People are fucking stupid and hate surprises. Nothing wrong with being completely secretive about a game's development unless it's some crowdfunded shit. The current standard of almost everything about a game being revealed before release is terrible.
Cycles and alternate universes
Plates are cycles
Knives are the means to cross over
Also the game is Birth By Sleep Volume 2 and recontextualizes KH3
You've probably written a better story in one sentence than these people have.
emperor's new clothes
>Also the game is Birth By Sleep Volume 2 and recontextualizes KH3
Implying Square Enix invented it
>konami fires this hack for wasting money
>world hates konami forever
>Sony swoops in to be the hero
>now sony is stuck with him and his infinite spending
>konami face when
Ill fold you over and poke a hole lol
holy fuck the amount of not care about this boomer retard is higher than sony was when they hired this complete hasbeen
lmfao holy shit
Kojima is literally “the food analogy” guy. Holy shit
Current Yea Forums is zoomers who have only played MGSV.
>use props to explain concepts in some bullshit food analogy
>makes game with THE David Bowie
>Kojima literally steals David Bowie “”””””””””OMAGES”””””””””””””” every game for every character for every name for every plot point
>David Bowie OFFERED to do the work for David Cage, he was only supposed to do like one song
eat shit
>Hack writer who helped nail Castlevania's coffin shut relies on food analogies
>man does something that is really stupid and shallow
>but because other people think he's a genius, they turn off any skepticism and automatically accept whatever the man is proposing/saying as genius
>if anyone else said the exact same thing, they'd be called stupid and shallow
Is there a name for this kind of social phenomenon?
All the original Yea Forumsirgins grew up and migrated to /pol/.
But /pol/ is currently newfag central, retard. Maybe you'd feel more at home there
If the next mainline MG is actually better than ds, it's going to be a glorious shitshow.
Kinda funny since Kojima didn't do Mgr. Hell it was his fault mgs:r was scrapped, he gave the games to secondary guys or even new members. The first fox engine game. With a mechanic too powerful for the last gen.
user this is metal gear survive.
>konami got into pachinko slots to fund kojima games
>they also stopped doing others games so kojima could get more budget
>turns out he was wasting all that cash going back n forth between japan and america to get mcdonalds
>fire him over incompetence
>they are the bad guys now
99% of videogames. The game continues with the protags death and loading the game again or retrying is a new reality.
it clearly means we build bridges between each other
People aren't kidding when they say Hideo Kojima is spending Sony's money on eating food, renting Hollywood actors as his pals, buying Bluray and mucic CDs, watching movies on company time, and posting pictures on Twitter of his airport travels and food. Death Stranding has no release date or gameplay that isnt slow cinematic walking BTW.
Doth Stronding will be great as much as I think duality is pretty basic
gameplay, I repeat GAMEPLAY dumbass
>tfw Konami actually back down a lot in the last year in term of pachinko, and actually did some good changes
>people are still saying fuck Konami after 5 years.
This is fucking dumb, they did some bad shit in the past, but this is dumb.
Post yfw DS is just a walking simulator allegory for abortion and liberal brainlets and kojimacucks eat it up
He's doesn't have to. Kojidrones will gobble up anything and everything that kojimbo pukes onto their plate.
It definitely got delayed for PS5, no question.
>necessitates forced deaths
Not as big a deal as it used to be since Dark Souls did it and everyone thinks they have to love absolutely everything about that game.
>did some good changes
Like what? I could give a damn about Kojima but I am eternally assmad that Castlevania's dead and they saw fit to abuse its corpse a few times. Signing an exclusivity deal for the CV Requiem was dumb and it really seems like RoB and SotN should've just been thrown onto the upcoming CV collections. I'd love to see Konami get their shit together but I don't see it happening any time soon.
Probably parallel dimensions or something similar
Did a full restructure of the vidya team + added a new studio, it was also reported that most of the mg team still is at Konami, even for the cowriter of most mg games (Murata) and rising writer. One main director of most mgs also returned at konami, when he left before the studio after mgs4.
Dona Burke also teased a new song, a new mg is very probably going to be announced soon.
If I remembers right, requiem was mostly by sony, that's why it's the psp port. Rondo and sotn are probably going to come with the second collection, along with the gba and ds games.
I mean one main programmer returned *
I fucked up.
Kojima came up with the story. Not konami. You said konami fucked the story up.
Yea Forums sent kojima a birthday card
Sure did
Well that'd certainly explain some shit, I was wondering why I didn't seem to remember a lot of the dialog.
Neato, maybe if the collections sell well we'll see a new CV.
Did someone said butter?
>kojima with sonys credit card
Dorito pope has literally been friends with kojimbo for over 30 years. I wish i had a friendship like that.
at what point do we just admit this game is just a publicity stunt?
When it finally drops and is garbo and everyone insists they bought it ironically.
This will be the greatest vaporware of all time.
Yea Forums curse strikes again
what a cracka
That's butter?
So how much money has Kojima spent?
Or is this just an experiment that MGS2 stated about things being popular only because people in 'authority' say it is?
Pope was only 9 years old 30 years ago. I think they've been friends since MGS2.
This is the same guy that made "U is bib bob" and thought it was genius.
>You've probably written
Underage b&
>overspends like a madman
Kojima has literally never gone over budget. EVER. The rest of your post is subjective.
Bridges. Forming bridges with others.
>the man is just having healthy social life and enjoying his meals
Its been 3 years and all we've seen was a couple of cg trailers, the first of which was whipped up in 2 months so thats not whats causing the delay
So there's going to be parallel worlds involved then.
No, I'm pretty sure there's a name for that kind of behavior in psychological studies. I thought it was the "Halo Effect" but when I looked it up it wasn't.
What's Yea Forums going to do when the game is amazing and sells millions? I'll never understand why you want great developers you loved at some point to fail. Does not getting laid really make you zoomers that bitter?
the newest one has gameplay tease already
Tableware isn't food, retard
What is shit that never happened for five hundred Alex?
>in a hideo kojima “game”
I don't get it.
They're just props, used to create facsimiles to communicate an idea to someone.
What are we implying in this shitpost? That you have to bring literal hand-crafted representations of your ideas to a dinner?
You have garbage taste is all
Three years that also contained a fucking SAG strike that halted development.
>parallel dimensions, with either one dimension leaking into the other fucking shit up or these couriers or whatever the fuck are traveling the parallel dimensions to get from point A to point B faster
I thought this was blatantly obvious to everyone?
They literally axed every single franchise they had for pachinkos and sports fuck off shill.
Wouldn't it be Kojimbo's fault that this affected game development in the first place? IMO games in general need to get the fuck over celebrity VAs.
jej'd audibly
>when the prop used to describe your game is more enjoyable than the actual game
How much more time and money will it take for Sony to hit Kojima with hard deadlines after 5 years with nothing but trailers to show for it?
How hard will it hit Sony that Konami was right?
That's usually how long it takes for game development even longer. Just admit you have an irrational hate boner.
Love the fact that they've become bros
Never cause kojima makes great games and konami just doesn't want to do AAA games anymore
It's been 3 years and Sony's been happy to let their developers take 5+ years to make games recently.
Yea Forums is obviously too stupid to understand Kojima.
>all this kojima hate
jesus fucking christ this board is 18+ you know
it is really the best timeline
Is he doing anything at work except eating?
Based kojimadrone
>eating food
>mingling with hollywood people
>watching movies
>years later people still dont know what death stranding is
konami did nothing wrong
>he made a good game 15 years ago, give him a break!
Yeah everyone over 18 has had enough buttfucking from him over the last 25 years.
Yea Forums unironically became hateful
newfags came in and quickly learned that popular thing = bad
anouncing their engagement
shut the fuck up. I'm still not ashamed of my words and deeds.
>kojima is a hack for keeping his game under wraps
>wanting people to be surprised when the game does come out is a bad thing
underage pls leave
they watch movies as well
he can take his surprising garbage narrative and shove it up his ass
you're making a game, show gameplay not some cringe idiocy for brainlets who stretch their minds with video games
literally pop culture refuse pit
I have been calling him a hack since the MGS2 days, even though it's a good game the writing is utter shit, and if you dig into it a bit, even back then you could find out he had Jack all to do with why the games were good. It was no coincidence then when he was given more control the games started to back slide into terrible.
20 years have passed since mgs, we're not 14 anymore
>Xcucks still seething over Kojima
lmao every single day
We've seen the gameplay. You deliver shit while evading spooky monsters. If that doesn't interest you then move on with your life. If it does then why the fuck would you want more of the game to be spoiled before you play it.
they had sex after
>Zoomers dont even know what lucky star is retard.
You have to be a zoomer to enjoy any type of moeshit anime
Zoomers love MGSV, zoomer.
All our cards were cursed.
I could use a wristwatch, egg, dog tick to describe chrono trigger
Your dogs must get big ticks.
Aren't you glad we're getting Death Stranding?
Kojima is LARPing as a Hollywood director
Yea Forums has always been full of contrarian faggots.
Glad him and the Pope are butt buddies for life
Stand Eating confirmed
>show a map
>walk to a cutscene
Damn nice gameplay. Very much appropriate for the walking sim category
Movement was flawless.
The world was empty and repetitive, lacking in content, africa and afghanistan looked the same.
The missions were terrible, the main missions felt like sideops and the sideops like a kick in the balls.
Motherbase is empty and not actually customizable, there's nothing interesting to do and no reason to actually go there.
The guns look like shit, the fictional gun aesthetic sucks also they dont feel good.
Lack in enemy variety.
No bosses.
There's probably more, but i cant think of anything else.