A game is politic if only there's minority and womyn

>a game is politic if only there's minority and womyn

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Metal gear is the only good game here so if politics produces this shit then yeah keep it out

You're not just retarded but also tasteless


>games with political stories
>games that make hamfisted references to modern politics
Please notice how you need to invent scenarios like this
>if this game came out today, you would be so mad!!!
To counteract the fact that you make those sorts of arguments about old media, all the time.
Keep your hamfisted politics out of videogames, even the "good" ones are retarded and not any better for making some shitty political statement.

>Bioshock 1
wee woo retard alert

The point you've missed in your hurry to create that meme image is that the complaints for politics are social politics, first world politics basically. All those games feature a different kind of politics.

The difference is none of those games deal with identity politics.

Randianism is a political system.

In the strictest sense of the word, it is, but it's a bit like calling Undertale a philosophy game.

It is only politics if the dev is literally trying to push some message that isn't just morality shit like "Nukes are bad" or "Slavery is immoral".
A game containing politics is not the same thing as a game being political. There is nothing in any of these games, beside some of the COD campaigns as they are actively trying to be political.
Also, how the fuck is Halo political even with your retarded definition? You shoot evil aliens that want to kill you, there are no politics involved.

You're an idiot.

How is Halo political?

when people say politics they mean "the current strand of propaganda that the upper class is using to turn the lower upper and upper middle class against the lower middle and low class citizens"

these same people have been fine with a lot of shit being churned out in terms of politics. war bad. Bush dumb. Gay marriage good. this current trend isnt being used to improve someones quality of life or fix a major problem, it exists exclusively to fuel extremist ideologies. extremist as in kneejerk and obsessive people, often college students or those whose "job" is engulfed in social media spiderwebs. not extremists as in terrorists. but what they didnt count on is that moderates could become extremists too, and vote for fucking donald trump and unironically defend the nazi party in comparison to the modern left.

theres an actual, literal culture war coming. like race war, class uprising, a literal violent revolt. and the international corporations who are causing it arent really concerned because its just consumer-citizens who would end up getting hurt.

when i play a video game i would prefer to not think about that thank you.

Randianism is an ideology, Meritocracy is a political system.

Games shouldn't have gender queer burger politics

There is no such thing coming

>cardboard box is political
Last time I checked, nobody wanted WWIII. It's more about morals than anything, and when people say they don't want political shit in vidya, they mean modern day "open a flesh wound in yourself or you're a bigot" politics. Neck yourself.

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>forgetting the most political game Yea Forums can't stop sucking the dick of

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I think the no poltics in game is more a reaction to how poorly it is done, with COD being my primary example. So no politics in games is preferable to the current hamfisted aproach.

MGS2 is literally a game wherein Kojima pushes the idea that objective truth does not exist and that how we perceive and feel about events is more important than the events themselves. Not sure how you feel that’s less controversial of a “political” statement than “black people can be main characters.”

>Entire US government is deeply divide to the point that the Democrats are actively trying to topple the President and Republicans with loose evidence and petty politics
>Visible crack are starting to form in the EU and UN
>China and India are becoming super powers and will want to start exerting their power
The guy you replied to is going a little too far, but shit is definitely going down soon.

>Halo 3
>Chief just barely makes it to the ship after escaping the halo
>zoops out of the exploding space ring
>covenant-human war is over
>he can now do something he always wanted
>he uses the ship's engines to go back in time
>snipes Hitler to erase the holocaust from history

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>MGS2 is literally a game wherein Kojima pushes the idea that objective truth does not exist and that how we perceive and feel about events is more important than the events themselves.
Philosophy is not politics dumb dumb

I think politics should be kept out of videogames and most other forms of media right now, not because it inherently creates worse art but because the current wave of art creators and particularly videogame writers are too fucking shit at it.

I certainly loved kojimble's antiwar monologue and then turned around and shot up some nazis in a cod, and who knew, I actually agree more with kojima more than cod. But that's because they have actual talent behind them (had, at least, in both cases). I think people are nowadays too concerned with others agreeing with them automatically over making a convincing case this has hurt art immesurably.

Politics is fine. Just keep identity politics out of video-games. There’s a difference between a politically charged story about two warring factions vs. a story about being a genderqueer black

Halo has politics in it? Might as well use Final Fantasy too.


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That must be why most major philosophers have also written significant works on politics and government. Makes sense. You’ve really opened my eyes here.

Even if you somehow think they’re separate, Kojima is applying that philosophy in an outright political way. The big evil AI that came out of the collective unconscious of American government believes truth can be objectively judged and opinions can be valued to the point of some being censored.

>Politics is fine except things I don't like

Is that kublai khan? I never noticed them putting the one good mongol monarch in there. After temujin, of course.

Not that user but yes, literally nothing wrong with that.

So what are some examples of "identity politics" in video games

This, also people know what gender they are in these games. And accept that they have a dick or not.

Then just say it instead of trying to pretend there's any kind of objectivity in play.

People are making a weak argument when they say politics should be kept out of games. What they should be saying is that current year leftist politics should be kept out of games, because the left is only seeking to subvert and destroy video games.

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It's simply that I use video games for escapism so modern day current politics is not why I would play a video game, and turns me off from such a game.

Bioshock infinite is right there

You can play a game and not agree with it's politics.

>it's a "no side is evil" episode
Can we all agree that this bullshit is the absolutely bottom of vidya politics?

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Remember that one time Socrates was being told he was corrupting the youth and sentenced to death, so he just killed himself with Hemlock?

There's politics and there's social issues. Take a guess what was accepted in vidya for decades and what is bitched about for the last 8.

Hemlock is a type of pistol, like a Flintlock, which is what Socrates used to shoot himself in the head with.

Yeah. Just shot that poison right into his temple. Real badass.

You’re right, I don’t like it. But there’s a good reason not to like it. Politics can be used to great effect when we’re playing games with two factions or ideologies fighting one another, it raises the stakes and gives context to combat, especially if it’s an RPG like New Vegas we’re talking about.
These types of political themes usually involves everyone, so any player can jive with it.

Remind me, where are the stakes in identity politics? Who benefits from some leftist narrative about trans/lgbt issues besides a few individuals? At least with broad politics it’s inclusive to almost everyone. With identity politics, you’ll always alienate portions of your fan base. It’s cancer and has no place in videogames, or the real world for that matter.

upholding the status quo is also political poltards

>politics BAD
No you numbskulls, politics can be good or bad. It's up to the the devs to put the good politics into the game.

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old politics in video game was introspective and more of a recount of things and was slightly more objective

modern politics in video games is just propaganda used to smear others with different opinions than those that you agree with

but muh nazis gave us technology

>that image
patrick should have said "Games Shouldn't have SJW politics in them"

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I don't think there have been video games for 8 decades user.

>cookie cutter "le war is hell" stories are political


Lol this board has been flipping out for the last few days because MK11 has a black character who has the GALL to suggest that the American slave trade was a bad thing and goes back in time to stop it in an optional, non-canon ending. All that "politics" has ever meant in these conversations is "reminding me that minorities and gay people exist".

I am a gamer because i hate minorities and women

P sure it’s that he was told he could either be exiled or drink hemlock and he chose the hemlock. Supposedly because he’d been given a prophecy that he knew he’d never get the answer to if he chose exile.

back then when a game made a job at either side you couldn't tell what political leanings the writers had since they made fun of both sides while properly portraying them in a semi realistic light
nowadays you can tell the political leanings of the writer by simply seeing which side the writers are making fun of or praising

Was that the bad ending?

>All that "politics" has ever meant in these conversations is "reminding me that minorities and gay people exist".
Typical leftist lie. You are never honest about anything.

>vidya politics matches real life politics
Really gets my noggin jogging

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>being this retarded

There's a difference between a game demonstrating political events and a game preaching a political agenda to you. All the games in your sad meme image do the former. When people bitch about politics in video games they're talking about the latter.

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>politics is okay so long as the game doesn't mention a political front where muh culcher war is being lost

This but ironically. Men debate ideas. Slaves debate identity. The more diverse a country is the easier it is to control because the population is too busy fighting amongst itself.

>A nignog using data instead of propaganda memes.

Pretty based actually.

Wow I thought this guy was out of his fucking mind too, but then that reply happened and I realized hes the typical incredibly unresearched and paranoid.

Dumb ass doesnt understand that even though India is dirt cheap labour by the millions, there is fuck tons of debt.

Foil hat wearer also cant comprehend that china is constantly facing a technological uprising becuse of not only the prevelence of the black markets there, but the fucking need for them due to how information is run in the country. Also the fact that the people's pride in their nation has never been lower.

But of course since hes a fucking keyboard warrior, he hasnt talked to the people involved, or explored reality past his people.

I'm pretty sure people were more shitting on the fact that he created Wakanda and literally says "get woke".

Nobody likes a smart ass.

there are no politics in bioshock you fucking brainlet, its set up on a city that was destroyed by the parody of a school of philosophy, the actual politics of it are never addressed.

Name a game with bad politics and tell us why.

Gone Homo
Mafia 3
Battlefield V

>That must be why most major philosophers have also written significant works on politics and government
So have people from every walk of life. I don't see your point and your passive aggressiveness just makes you look more pathetic.
>Kojima is applying that philosophy in an outright political way.
Could you reread my post? A game containing politics does not mean the game is political.
The scenario in MGS is not trying to make a political message. He is not saying "This is what the government is trying to do".

So what politics are being forced into games that you don't like, if not the acknowledgement that minorities and lgbt people exist? I always hear the whiners whine vaguely, but never actually say what it is that's bad

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to read this data
does the bar indicate that most men rate girls as not attractive?

>itt people who failed English class
Everything is political you fucking idiots.

>The more diverse a country is the easier it is to control because the population is too busy fighting amongst(sic) itself.
if people were accepting there wouldn't be any fighting though.
inb4 nihilist shit about how acceptance is impossibru

the word most people are looking for is agenda
it's an american thing, like thinking free speech and censorship are the same thing

You really think change for the sake of change is a positive thing, don't you?

I always thought it was because Socrates was the Grecian version of a NEET and couldn't possibly imagine life divorced from Athens? It was the center of his entire world and philosophy, he didnt have anywhere else to go nor did he want to. Plus given Socrates' age and skill set banishing him would have basically been killing him anyway, just slower. This way he gets to go out like a martyr and make a point.

People have made it clear countless times what the problem is, but you always pretend to not listen. You will never be honest about anything. The only solution is a civil war.

lol at least have the balls to reply to me faggot. That petty shit isn't going to change the fact that India is foolishly going to try and fuck over Pakistan in the next 20 years.

>a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics.

care to tell me how any of these games fit into this definition?

Here is what you fail to realize.

Entertainment having a political message, even if it actively opposes your views, is acceptable as long as it is done in a natural way and everything surrounding that message is well done.
someone coming out to say
>btw I am trans/les/gay xd
out of nowhere when there hasn't even been a hint of romantic interest is not natural.

Here's how you put a transnigger in the game naturally.
you don't say they are trans until you begin to romance them.
they then have a line saying something along the lines of
>oh, hey... I thought I should tell you before you go any further, I'm trans. Is that okay?
and then you get a option of saying yes or no and saying no will have a simple
and then that route is locked permanently, with no further romantic interactions in future dialogue.

Is it a game without romance?
You don't need to know their sexual orientation then or what they are were identify as or think of themselves as.
fucking simple.

So how exactly is a game featuring a queer black person political? Those people exist, and some of them don't even vote


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they're all gay and they like gay games

>"on okcupid.com"
>desperate single men rate the opposite gender higher than the women who are lazy and just want an easy way to get dates but mostly get swarmed by ugly fucks
Woooooowwww what a surprise! Everyone knows that dating sites always have more men then women and that most of those men aren't attractive.

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It isn't
>The activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.

How can you be this dumb user!? Real question.

are you listing a specific game or are you just arguing with a strawman

It's not a matter of cartoon racists going around saying "I don't like dem colereds". If you have a town that's half asian and half black all of the political campaigns are going to be decided on the race of the politicians in the running. Society regresses back to tribal fighting instead of a debate of ideas and advancement. Multiculturalism is the opposite of progressive politics.

But wouldn't deliberately leaving out minority and non heterosexual, non binary characters also alienate people?

More like sexy

>Using Bioshock Infinite as a counter example

ok, I just had a second look at it, the color threw me off and I somehow thought the bottom one was men rating women

oh shit I forgot about that

>most whites and asians side with the empire
>most dark skinned races side with the rebels
What the fuck does it mean? No seriously, that must mean something.

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Politics is ok as long as the politics in question are fun to play

I'm directly referencing your reference to a story about a genderqueer black, silly boy. It's fine if you don't have anything to respond with

Because the focus of the project shifts to brown and gay people merely existing in the game as if that's enough to merit buying the product. The need for a character to be compelling or well thought out goes out the window. Contrary to what you're told white people weren't jerking off every time a game with a white protagonist came out. There were plenty of terrible characters in terrible games that were white. The only difference is now you can say they love smoking cock and people on Twitter will praise you for it. That's all.

I don't agree with your definition of identity politics.

>Game wants to tell a story but it needs to be political
>Game wants to be political

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and it's shit

>All this bullshit in a single post
Why don't you go back to ''fixing'' the progression system in the game you massive cuck. The only people who ever cared about that are people who are genuinely disappointed in the extremely poor writing on display and/or shitposters from /pol/. Stop hiding behind trannies and actually act like a grown up for once in your pathetic life.

People with nothing to lose find political violence to be a good thing.

>I hate it when characters talk about themselves
So you don't like it when games have actual character study and development? You just want autistic shootbang bing bing wahoos for the rest of your life? Fucking pathetic...

At least your chromosome score is higher than average user!

>so many words to say I'm mad
An emoticon would have sufficed, princess :)

>the American slave trade

This term is so completely and intentionally misleading it's really quite spectacular.

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Nice non argument.

The same way a game would clearly have an agenda if it was filled with half naked big titty ladies. Those exist in real life as well, but if they're grossly overrepresented in a game it's clear that the creator put them in for a reason.

It literally means race realism is real. I mean, just look at the graph my friend.

What exactly is the difference though? Serious question.
Under which category of those two does Detroit: Become Human fall for example? Where the story is about robots trying to get muh freedums and makes use of analogies to historical/politcal events such as the civil rights movement? It wouldn't make sense for the game to "want" to be political because such intelligent robots don't exist.

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I'm not against politics in videogames, I'm against shit writers period.

execution is vastly more important to a narrative than its underlying ideas, one of the many reasons that games are so shit now a days is the literal subhumans being payed to write a games narrative.

that however is a relatively minor sin compared to all the devs who forget that gameplay should be the most important part of a videogame.

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You must know you're being dishonest with this image, right? None of those games preach a political stance at you. The thing people get angry about is when it feels like a game is pushing a modern political agenda on you, not when politics-related things happen in the plot.

It's almost as if there's a difference! Holy shit!

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I literally just pulled this from Google, and it seems to be the most common use of the term. But tell me, what specific definition of identity politics do you use that doesn't just amount to "minorities existing in a video game I don't like"

>If you have a town that's half asian and half black all of the political campaigns are going to be decided on the race of the politicians in the running.
and such a campaign gets less polarized the more accepting that society becomes


Today OP learns the difference between idpol and political undertones.

There is no reason to know the sexual orientation or anything like that unless there is something involving that in their story. Either with another or with the player character.
Being told they are trans randomly is not character development. That is virtue signaling with

kill yourself faggot.

Frogs are inherently stupid and tactless so Detroit shouldn't count

>. war bad. Bush dumb. Gay marriage good. this current trend isnt being used to improve someones quality of life or fix a major problem, it exists exclusively to fuel extremist ideologies.
user, those are all completely milquetoast stances that do nothing but perpetuate the current system. Actually fixing major problems is radical, is extremist. I don't know how you managed to get things so backwards.

>spongebob maymays

Your "acceptance" is a fantasy and is never going to happen.

All of those slaves are going to the Americas user, that's literally what it means. The USA simply freed its slaves later than all the others.

>thinking the amount of men matter here
Big brain post

Do you think identity politics have moved us away from party-based politics? Your definition is just off.

Identity politics is simply politics based on what people look like rather than what they think.

Inclusion of faggots and trannies never mattered. They're irrelevant.

I mean I know it means that there is something differently about how the races think, but it doesn't explain what exactly the difference is. raises a good point though. It would be interesting to compare the African countries that side with the empire with the ones that side with the rebels. Maybe they are politically more stable or some shit.

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>protagonist is black
>final antagonists are also black
>over the course of the game, protagonist gathers a multicultural team right out of some diversity mural
>niggers, spics, chinks, poms, a hippy, a geek, a blind guy and an evil CIA agent
>Yea Forums fucking loves it

its not, its called objectivism and its a philosophy
and the game wasnt portraying objectivism, it just took inspiration from a book to design a city and some of the characters

>hating bioshit/fallout/CoD makes him tasteless
No joke, these games are shit, and papers please is more a novelty more than anything.

Halo and MGS is aight though

Did you grow up in a mental hospital? It's not normal for people to go around and say
at the slightest question or even greeting. 90% of the time, this is what we are supposed to connect with in the games that a currently being released. It wouldn't be bad if it was not so fucking hamfisted, forced and poorly written, but here we are, it seems like gameplay is not the only thing that has gotten worse since the 90's.

Just because you're a cynical husk incapable of overcoming your biases doesn't mean the rest of humanity is.

>and such a campaign gets less polarized the more accepting that society becomes

When one of the two groups hits 51% and starts systematically voting the other into extinction, yes. It does become less polarized.

Name one game where a character says "I'm trans" in a situation where it's not relevant. Character bios don't count, I don't ask for their weight or blood type either but they've never had a problem giving me that info.

They changed a character from a prideful American to a pan african nationalist. Look, i know you think all niggers have a single personality that consists of robbery, WE WUZ, and lip smacking but that simply isn't the case. Changing a character into a vile stereotype is off putting and disgusting in pribciple.

The biggest political figure in the western world was a carpenter. Does that mean carpentry is political?

>no true scotsman fallacy
"X doesn't count!" is not an argument.

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That's an arbitrary designation made by some rando on the internet. If they don't matter, you don't matter.

>None of those games preach a political stance at you.
I'm guessing it doesn't count as preaching when you're too stupid to pick up on it?

Nobody says this. The internet is not real life. Calm down and go outside.

Political content =/= politicized morals which is what people actually dislike

Balders gate.

Wowie user! You sure showed me! I'm gonna go and cry in the corner now!

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Do you see how healthy identity politics makes video gaming when we're discussing this bullshit instead of how fun/ not fun the actual game is?

Multiculturalism doesn't work, and in the West it's even DESIGNED to not work, because its actual purpose is the eradication of white people.

well ill give you that, but thats not gonna let them be a super power, tons of island asians, thai/phillo will just leach of them harder

I was memeing, that graph doesn't prove anything my friend.

Why is there only one /pol/ mention itt? Haven't browsed Yea Forums in over a month and this is kind of weird to me.

agendas are bad
modern politics is less about politics and more about picking sides anyway

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Frogs are literally subhuman and all their "art" is baffling and appalling. They should not be considered in the discussion.
I will argue to my grave on that point.

There is never objectivity in play. Yea Forums faggots just keep abusing this term without knowing that it even means as a way of saying "please don't disagree that would hurt my feelings".

"Pan African Nationalist" what? Did we play the same game? Jax is clearly thankful for his American upbringing but realizes that others haven't had the same advantages, so decides to go and uplift them. He never says any kind of "Wakanda forever" nonsense or anything like that. You are reading a novel out of a single image.

That wouldn't be political either though, that's just a game made by/for a horny person

Well, now I'm convinced. I'll have one copy of Dialation Simulator 2019, please.

>Last time I checked, nobody wanted WWIII
There’s ever growing communities growing in the far-left and-far-right that are chomping at the bit to end the modern neo-liberal cathedral, and it’s getting more polarizing by the day.

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Unfortunately, this retardation isn't exclusive to /pol/ anymore.

big if true

Are you an idiot? Poor, colonized countries prefer freedom fighting rebels, whereas powerful colonialist countries prefer authoritarian rulers. What’s not to understand?

this is an extremely vague definition though. like, if a brown guy votes democrat in the US because it's the only of the two parties that doesn't literally want to deport him, calling that "identity politics" really cheapens the term.

Also, even with your retarded personal definition of the term, how would any of the three games mentioned be examples of identity politics

The Hitler ending was retconned by Halo 2 though

At this point all the centrists have been converted by crypto-fascism.

Hey, I didnt bring it up to start. Besides, the history of the slave trade and the early American colonies are way more interesting than the 25th OH NO NO NO of the last hour.

This is clearly the case. If multiculturalism was really a positive and for our benefit then its proponents wouldn't consider it a punishment for white people.

Alright then, imagine you're playing a video game, let's say you're out on a battlefield, bullets fly left and right, explosions and shit, then some soldier goes like *AHEM* GENTLEMEN, I HAVE TO ANNOUNCE THAT I'M GAY, TRANS, BUT ALSO PANSEXUAL AND A NIGGER. THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION". Tell me how's that fucking relevant?

Okay, so everyone's apparently jumped from hating "politics" to hating "identity politics" in particular. Doesn't that just make it more obvious you just don't want to see minorities, like we always knew you were actually saying?

Because OP started with the most tumbleresque shitpost and you think everyone who disagrees with that is /pol/

Every Bioware release since SWTOR

Your character deliberately asks her the meaning behind her name, which they give you. If that's not prompted I don't know what is.

I don't know what identity politics and minorities have to do with each other

In a sense he actually represents American exceptionalism and imperialism, not pan-African nationalism.


One example please. And I do mean, unprompted. No dialogue prompting the conversation, that is simply how they introduce themselves.

It matters, but not for the statistical aspect obviously. It means that men are more desperate to find a partner and have lower their standards, while women can be picky as fuck. Dating site data is not suitable to accurately conclude how either gender rates the other in terms of attractiveness.

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African Americans vote 95% for one party and they're under no threat of deportation whatsoever.

The games themselves are the identity politics. That's why it's so poisonous for any given hobby. It ceases to be about the hobby and starts to be about the totalitarian agenda.

Doesn't matter - people in the center are somehow too stupid to recognize dog-whistling and will side with the literal nazis because of muh freeze peach.

>you think everyone who disagrees with that is /pol/

Where did pulled this assumption from user? I'm just questioning the out of character behavior of this board, thats all.

How can you reading comprehension be this bad? Or did you just agree with me?

What's an example of politicised morals? Points if it's from a video game

The raiders realized that calling everything /pol/ made them shine brighter than the most luminescent glow nigger so they changed their behavior

you shouldnt accept everything just because people get along better that way. Fuck you

It doesn't "prove" anything about the races per se, yeah. If anything it's about the living conditions in non-white and most non-asian countries. It's definitely not a coincidence.

He's spreading the good word lol. But these days Yea Forums is so easy to trigger that a character wearing African style clothes is enough for them to ree about African Ethno states.



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>Rush Hour
>Good minority characters
>Black Panther
>Bad minority characters

See the difference?

>Halo is political
Since fucking when?
Does having a military at all just equate to politics now?

I mean, if people genuinely weren't interested in seeing minorities in their video games would you accept that? I don't think so. Why is it nobody had a problem with politics in video games until the recent trend of identity politics? Were people upset that Samus turned out to be a woman?

It wouldn't be, but do you have an in-game example of a character announcing their race, gender, and sexuality during a battle?

Not like "Centrism" in an American context didn't already mean right-wing considering the lest-most mainstream party is already centre-right.

everything is political now. It is their way of having access to your opinions.

The truth is that everything is political, because anything you do will be a form of expression of your ideals (even remaining silent).

Like any other media, games will have people expressing their ideals in some way, like Kojima's anti war message on MGS, the social commentary on GTA, the anti nazi message on Wolfenstein, and even the anti America shit on Ganbare Goemon, this goes beyond parody and genre.

The issue isn't politics being in a game, or even if that is well executed (there is no proper way to measure that when everything is political), but whenever or not the game's ideals will affect you on a personal level.

As a consumer, the ideals are meaningless since the consumer's endgoals are a good game at an available price. It is very possible to consume and enjoy a game whose messages contradict your beliefs, like a nazi enjoying Wolfenstein or a Christian enjoying a JRPG where you kill god. As consumers, the appeal will come from other shit besides the message.

Shit like YIIK and Battlefield are the result of pure incompetency. While developers are allowed to express their beliefs if they want to, it is counter productive to put said ideals above the game's quality, or worse, shit on the consumer because you let activism get in the way of the game. Activism by itself can coexist with game development, but when you let it affect the game's quality you are fucking with the consumer, and the consumer will naturally not buy your game simply because it is shitty.

TL;DR You can put politics in your game as long as it doesn't get in the way of the interests of the consumer.

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If you're not an illegal then you have nothing to fear no matter what your color :^)

Why are they bad?

It doesn't happen in games, it doesn't happen in real life. The only people who talk about this shit like it's common are on radicalized backwaters like here and Tumblr. So there is no reason to get mad and fling shit about it. Just treat people like people user, sometimes they are gonna be in games.

>which they give you
Nigga if I go ask someone what their name means they won't tell me they're gay.
the name has no meaning it's just random bullshit, being trans has no connection to that.

But it's not "your" video games, it's their video games, the ones who are actually making these changes. You're the entitled little baby demanding video games appeal to your personal tastes when games devs have zero interest in pandering to your fringe politics.

>Gay marriage good. this current trend isnt being used to improve someones quality of life

Gay marriage made life better for literally every gay person in America. I don't think you realised how fucked legally gay people actually were. They had the same legal standing as room mates, which lead to situations where the parents disagreed with their kids partner so when they died, they could VERY easily contest the will if there was one, and if there wasn't it went to them defacto.

It's still literally using the "no true scotsman" fallacy, or something very very similar at least. If you want to argue with a fallacy then you can do that I guess, but it's really stupid.

Are you a butthurt britfag who hates frogs for literally no real reason other than a pointless, historically based grudge?
Pic related, disgusting and appaling French art

Attached: Claude_Monet_037.jpg (2536x1826, 371K)

>The games themselves are the identity politics. That's why it's so poisonous for any given hobby. It ceases to be about the hobby and starts to be about the totalitarian agenda.

>Gone Home
>Mafia 3
>Battlefield V


Leftists are outsiders and do not like video games.

Shit's fucked. I'm just happy I'm a >white male

One is a movie with characters who are a minority.
The other is a movie where being a minority is the character.

I hate /pol/ retards who can't keep their shit in /pol/ so fucking much
I'm just trying to have FUN


Considering they made up their own name it's closer to asking them what their tattoo means, and then they tell you about their history. That's the whole point of the conversation. And it's literally one sentence anyway and it never comes up again, you could miss it if you aren't paying attention. So why do people care so much?

I've been playing games for longer than I can remember and redder than red.

>not a game
>went from being about....the MAFIA to some random black guy defeating racists
>huge disappointment after the creators told people not to buy it

Are you starting to understand my point?

You are right. It IS disgusting and appalling. You should be ashamed in posting frogwork.

>projecting resetranny

I lean left and I've been playing vidya since my single digit years. Assumptions blind you to the truth

I'm not big on politics but what about Canada? They seem to be doing fine with all the Pajeets and Gooks over there.

>I mean, if people genuinely weren't interested in seeing minorities in their video games would you accept that? I don't think so.
Should we accept the opinions of bigots? No, probably not, and that is of course why they try their hardest to mask their actual stances, which makes it endlessly tiring to argue with them because you never get anywhere.
>Why is it nobody had a problem with politics in video games until the recent trend of identity politics?
My guess is because they're all gullible useful idiots because there's literally no difference from Samus or Lara Croft being a woman and TloU2 letting you play as Ellie other than Yea Forums seeing the shadowy hand of Social Justice behind everything now.

/pol/ didn't start this war, the left did.

>video game
ok user

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Leftists do not like art or beauty or fun and will stop at nothing to destroy it because they want everyone else to be as miserable as they are.

I'd highly doubt that it would get to the point of nucular warfare. It's just more political bullshit. Secondly, I said world war not civil war, so I don't know why the far-left and far-right are brought into this.

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>guildwars 2
>you have a choice to not ask.

>you are not entitled to games pandering to you

Oh yeah, and when it comes to a well written story, it comes down not to the message itself but how well it is executed. Sure you may enjoy the message on a personal level, but as a consumer, how well it is passed down through the game will influence your investment to keep on playing. It doesn't need to be likeable, just endearing.

And them you have other shit like music, gameplay, graphics etc.

There are several kinds of politics, and the modern politics like the modern pop music is crap.
And as i have the right to complain about people shoving horrible pop music in games, i can complain about horrible politics in games.
Both ruin em in equal amounts.

You're all frauds who don't know shit about video games.

>They seem to be doing fine with all the Pajeets and Gooks over there.
They may "seem" to you to be doing fine, but they are not.

>Militaristic expansionist "Earth" military that shares a lot of similarities to the US armed forces fighting a justified war of self-defence against a religiously motivated bad guy who wants nothing more than to see them exterminated for no reason
How could people possibly read any political implications into this?

Fine, media. Whatever you want to call it, It is still fucking gross.


ok fine

>games shouldn't have unsubtle, partisan positions on modern hot-button politics that come off as preachy and alienating to people who might not agree with the message

Somehow this was the norm until like 5-10 years ao and Japanese games still don't do it

>Should we accept the opinions of bigots?
Aren't you being bigoted against bigots?
>TloU2 letting you play as Ellie
See, you people are incapable of forming an honest argument because deep down you know you're wrong. The controversy was about her making out with another girl (twice now). Not the mere fact you can play as her. Why do you insist on misrepresenting everything? Because you're not trying to find a truth you're trying to usurp and infiltrate.


>walking sims are identity politics
>not actually what mafia 3 is about
>game not being good/developer saying don't buy our game is identity politics

This is how it "ceases to be about the hobby and starts to be about the totalitarian agenda", huh

I'm a leftist gamer AND a Scotsman

Yeah, I'm sure the ethnic diversity of the British empire made it real easy to control, retard.

Including minorities is fine as long as they're getting depicted accurately. The problem is, they never are. Don't make blacks and gays half the population. If a woman fights a man, the man should almost always physically be able to defeat the woman. If there are many blacks, make them commit more violent crimes than everyone else. If there are trannies, make them mentally unstable and make a portion of them kill themselves. It there are gays, make them behave like normal people because gays usually don't go like "HEEEY I'M GAAAAY" every now and then. But I guess minorities should only be heroes and Mary Sues and if that's the case, identity politics can suck a dick.

What does that mean? Are you referring to the antagonists motivations?

They think it's a war on terror allegory even though 9/11 happened only like 2 months before Halo: CE came out an 99% of its development happened before that

>trans character in Baldur's Gate
Is it one of the party NPCs they added?
What happens if you give them the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity?

how does that even make sense lol. HUWHYTE peepoh bought slaves from africa. when he stops HUYWHYTE peepoh they are still slaves, just in africa then. the fuck

Then why do these games keep fucking failing?

If games aren't made for people who genuinely like video games anymore, then why is Mortal Kombat in the fucking toilet? Why is Mass Effect in the fucking toilet? Why is Battlefield in the toilet? All of these games started off as perfectly fine franchises, they pandered to leftist garbage, and they then fucking failed. Why do games like Sekiro and DMC5 -- games that weren't made to push a shallow nigger-sympathizing agenda -- succeed? It's almost like games that are actually good tend to succeed.

You've lost the fucking plot. Your side is so fucking out of touch and so far gone from reality, and everyone is fucking sick of you.
Look, I get it. Making fun of SJWs is, like, SOOOO totally 2012. But I feel like folks are forgetting WHY people like you are the absolute fucking worst. You are the death of art. You are the hyperbolic screeching soccer moms that want to sap the life of anything "offensive" and might contain "wrongthink". I sincerely hope people like you are lined up against the wall and shot.

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Games that have political narratives for the purpose of the games plot or progression=\=the same as games that push personal narrative for the purpose of making your game a soapbox to screech your regressive views at people. Games never have been about, nor should they ever be about pushing political views, end of story.

There's doing it right, and then there's being a modern age rainbow hair nose ring cuck mustache idiot about it.

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>While developers are allowed to express their beliefs if they want to, it is counter productive to put said ideals above the game's quality, or worse, shit on the consumer because you let activism get in the way of the game. Activism by itself can coexist with game development, but when you let it affect the game's quality you are fucking with the consumer, and the consumer will naturally not buy your game simply because it is shitty.
This is faux-meritocratic fantasy bullshit putting the cart before the horse. If the consumer does not wish to buy your game, it is because you put activism before quality, resulting in a worse game! It couldn't possibly be that politically motivated consumers would call your game bad because you decided to say something they disagreed with? No, they are all perfectly rational actors in a free market who would not pass up the opportunity to play a fun game if they were presented with it, of course!

>nobody wanted WWIII

Attached: 950C3107-2B0B-4082-B794-F6CC28019206.gif (180x180, 216K)

>They may "seem" to you to be doing fine, but they are not.

Could you please elaborate on this?

What's gross about it? I don't get it
Do you mean lile Picasso or some shit? Every country makes ugly art like that

>a justified war
I like how you completely ignore the questionable tactics of the UNSC that get scrutinized after the war and - oh yeah - the Arbiter being strong allies with the MERICA FUCK YEAH forces.


Meanwhile, also the right:
>What, funding culture? Getting an art degree? Why should we put money in these leftist institutions? Art is just left wing propaganda. Get a real job!

Keep telling yourself that, I'm gonna go paint maps of antiquity in a couple hours, might play some starcraft 2 to wait. Have fun.

Yeah, everybody knows all of the greatest artists are right-wingers. Like Tim Allen, and Adam Carolla.

You can't be bigoted against bigots, just like blacks can't be racist and women can't rape men. (This is unironically how they think, so much for "empathy")

It is gross because frogs made it. Do I really have to explain something so basic?
Also Picasso is a pseudo frog.

I prefer the COD, but i gotta say i've never played the campaigns

This is a straw man.

I am not telling myself that, I am stating a fact. You are all frauds. You don't play video games, you don't like video games, you want to destroy video games.

Nice pasta but based nonetheless

Keep dancing around his question like the snowflake fluttering in the sky you are


>be white straight male
>play a lot of video games
>minorities start appearing games
>a lot of my fellow gamer buds get mad at all the "identity politics" in games now
>I agree
>start to subscribe to increasing far right beliefs
>start unironically thinking black people are biologically inferior because "crime rates lul"
>become basically a white nationalist
>all because I was a white straight "gamer"

>politically motivated consumers
Because the side defending all of these devs and games surely is not politically motivated. Nope nope nope. Face it, your mask has been removed. People see you for what you really are now.

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It's not a party member, just a random NPC with like 3 lines of dialogue. Stupid mountains out of molehills nonsense. There are plenty of problems with Siege of Dragonspear but all the retards ever want to talk about is "REE, this character says they are a different gender than the one they were born as!" convienently forgetting that, putting trans aside, literal gender changing magic has existed since the beginning.

No one actually gives a shit about Star Wars politics. They just like who ever has the cooler designs.

>Aren't you being bigoted against bigots?
Meaningless wordplay. I prefer to look at it pragmatically.
>See, you people are incapable of forming an honest argument because deep down you know you're wrong.
Interesting take. Of course, with such a bad faith stance there is no point in arguing with you.
>The controversy was about her making out with another girl (twice now).
Oh, that makes it better? Regardless,
>Not the mere fact you can play as her.
This was definitely an issue too.

Oh okay so you're really just a retard, nevermind then
I thought you had an actual opinion

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>making the girls less sexy is why Mortal Kombat is bad, must be those liberals at it again!!!
l m a o

Have you figured out yet that maybe the games industry is just making shit games lately? Maybe that Bioware being bought by EA is why they suck now, not because they hired some women? You’re a psycho dude.


Bet you're too afraid to do it

This is a straw man.

it's not a pasta, newfriend

He goes back and stops the whole thing. How? Idk. Super powers, a grenade launcher, and lots of free time I guess. It's a fucking Mortal Kombat game not Dostoevsky.

Like America started the Revolutionary War, indeed.

Game devs should be able to create any story they want. If you like it, buy it. If you don't, don't. Anyone whining that politics should be verboten are a bunch of fragile shitters.

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no user, it's black female jew who's behind it all

Meh, I was expecting something more straightforward, going to check it out later.

>Depict them accurately
>As defined by me, a white boy who has had next to zero interactions with any of these groups and who bases my assumptions about them on statistics without understanding the context or factors that contribute to these statistics
Sounds about right

How do you explain people wanting to make Notre Dame Cathedral ugly to stick it to the right wing?

Who cares about fags lol

>Oh okay so you're really just a retard
I'll never be as retarded as the french.

>I like how you completely ignore the questionable tactics of the UNSC that get scrutinized after the war
But they were necessary to protect mankind.
> and - oh yeah - the Arbiter being strong allies with the MERICA FUCK YEAH forces.
Because he came to see the error of his ways and joined the RIGHT side.

Not him but if you shift effort from making a good game to making a game a out inclusion then yes it's gonna be shit.



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I did not dance around anything, and you are projecting.

>minorities start appearing games
This happened many years before gamergate.

>a game should not have political propaganda in them
I believe this is what most people actually meant by that. All those games have politics that relates to the plot at hand but what most people complain about is politics in games meant to persuade players into joining an irl cause, which just so happens to be associated with minorities and women most of the time, and there's games like Ethnic Cleansing that is also political propaganda.

>You don't play video games

Ok bro. If that's what helps you sleep at night. I'll tell the zerg I'm about to proxy that he's playing a bot.

Were you raised by a single mother, by chance?

Yes, that's one example.
Another is
>be straight white male
>teacher tells me that every white person is evil
>believe it and start to hate myself for being born evil
>all my friends agree i'm evil due being a white male
>try to escape it by cutting off dick
>still feel like a white male

>start unironically thinking black people are biologically inferior because "crime rates lul"

You dropped the ball there, have a nice 6/10 from me.

Right, yeah, the movie where pretty much every character was black was the one where all the black characters had no personality beyond being black. That's why absolutely nothing happened in it.

Grifters being grifters.

a-are you actually saying that the humans are in the wrong?

Cope tranny

Who would want to do that? That would bring the end of the world. Right?

>one of the only western triple A devs that make actually attractive women in videogames
Enjoy your ugly ass """women""" from your American games, user. At least the Frenchfags don't fear beautiful people like Claps do.

They don't forget it, they actually think it's an argument against trans people existing.

>atlas shrugged: the vidya
>not political

You're missing the point, numbnuts. Mortal Kombat didn't fail because it had a black guy in it. Mortal Kombat failed because YAAAAAS QUEEN SLAY WAKANDA FOREVER DABBING NIGGER FAGGOTRY.

One of the most offensive games at the time has been reduced to a fucking safe space.

That's pretty cool - why can't black people have heros too? Don't you want them to have positive role models they can aspire too? Maybe it will improve their position in society, don't you want them to be productive too?

'ate trannies
'ate grannies
'ate jannies

Simple as

>sometimes they are gonna be in games.
And that is all fine and dandy, but every time they are in-game this past decade, there is always a spotlight shining on them in the from of really poor writing. Some of my favorite characters are ''minorities'' but I don't give a single fuck about it since they are well written and/or fit in perfectly in their games.

Some examples includes:
>Demoman (TF2)
>Poison (Final fight, Street fighter)
>Ganondorf (LoZ, Smash)
>Trevor (GTA5)
>Anthony ''Gay Tony'' (GTA4)
>Fane (Divinity:OS2)
>Lohse (Dvinity:OS2)
>Bill (The last of us)
>Vivian (Paper Mario:TTYD) Yes I know that they changed it for the english release, but it still counts
>Kanji (Persona 4)
>Volgin (MGS3)

>I prefer to look at it pragmatically.
Then I cannot be considered a racist as I'm only looking at the survival of my race pragmatically.
>a bad faith stance
I think I'm right and you think you're right and our arguments and tactics decide which position is stronger. There's no place for faith in this interaction. Calling something bad faith is a tactic people use to shut down dissent.
>Oh, that makes it better?
No, it makes it factually accurate.
>This was definitely an issue too.
Probably for gameplay reasons.

>most based post in the thread
Anons can't handle the truth I see

>Because the side defending all of these devs and games surely is not politically motivated.
Entirely irrelevant to my point.

It doesn't have anything to do with whether or not I sleep at night. It is simply a fact. It has nothing to do with me.

It's a chicken and egg scenario. Shitty devs hire purple haired freaks to work on their games so the purple haired freaks make shitty games and in turn the quality of the developer suffers.

>I don't get personally offended by queer minorities in games
>but they're breeding us out of existence
Maybe if your views weren't so repulsive you could get laid and you wouldn't believe Monday conspiracy theories

Just because retards like you repeat this everyday doesn't make it true. Do you have any reason to actually believe that everything is political?


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/Thread shoulda been here.

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>People have made it clear countless times what the problem is, but you always pretend to not listen.
Not him, but remind me again what's the problem?

>The only solution is a civil war.
For leftist shit in video games? Don't you have anything better to fight for? Anyway, i can't picture any Yea Forums(nel) user as a warrior.

I've been playing games since the days of Apogee shareware. Hell, we're the ones making video games, by and large. Meanwhile you're the ones praying for a video game crash.

Yeah, fucked up that one. But it still proves you wrong.
>Moving the goalpost

>making attractive women
Every one in that game was face scanned

Did you even read my post?

Call of Duty is basically a recruitment ad for the military. Has been for years

There are literally countless muslims pouring into western society and raping white women while our media turns a blind eye. Having niggers and muslims in our video game is just a symptom of a bigger cultural problem.

>minorities start appearing games
>a lot of my fellow gamer buds get mad at all the "identity politics" in games now
>I agree
Fucking gamers, man.

The 25 ladderpoints I just stole using fraudulent cheddar based tactics, to offer to tasteless disagree.

There's no point in replying to the truth.

It is a fact that we are being replaced and it has nothing to do with me.

>you could get laid
Degenerate leftist scum.

No, it's really not. We went from renaissance sculptures of the perfect human form to this. Leftists hate truth, beauty, dedication, and talent because they are lying, ugly layabouts with no talent.

Attached: Perspectives_1994_Bad-Girls_Install-view_Hayt_Nanney_14778.jpg (1024x681, 778K)

This is the power of ideology. The American right wing especially has become increasingly adept at blatantly denying reality and substituting their own.

>white dude goes back in time to make Hitler win
>black dude goes back in time to stop slavery

Attached: 1423107516433.gif (176x216, 492K)

stop browsing /pol/ you embarassing clueless idiot

Let's say you're right, can you give me an example of a game that isn't political?

>We went from renaissance sculptures of the perfect human form to this.

There's a long history about why that happened. It started about the time the Camera was invented.

>All video games should contain politics in them. Everything you do is political by nature.
>N-No, you can't have that type of politics. That's offensive. Don't make me blacklist you from the industry and throw you in jail for hate speech.

Attached: 1553623387817.png (812x760, 112K)

>u r not listening, I really don't like to think critically about these conspiracy theories based entirely around identity politics while also using it as a shield from criticism
Have fun with your delusion cuck

>remind me again what's the problem?
You know what the problem is because we've been talking about it for at least 5 years now, but you always feign ignorance.

>For leftist shit in video games?
For leftism in general. Your war on video games is just one of the many crimes you are committing.

>I've been playing games since the days of Apogee shareware
No you haven't.

>Hell, we're the ones making video games, by and large.
You don't make video games, you make propaganda pieces.

>Meanwhile you're the ones praying for a video game crash.
Because the industry is completely rotten and needs to die.

It didn't even fail, but if it did you'd have to be retarded it was because of this.
>One of the most offensive games at the time has been reduced to a fucking safe space.
It's telling you something you don't want to hear. That's the opposite of a safe space.

As of right now there are more white people alive than in any other moment in history

Gotta say the sneaky jews and their white genocide, what a weak performance

>Games with politic themes
>lol its just a game with slight war shit
>it's not like they're forcing a mind set, they just want to have a a decent game with political garbage for a story
>a SJW pandering abortion of a Game

Attached: end_me.jpg (750x754, 86K)

*sniff* pure ideology.

Imagine if if mainstream AAA video games had unsubtle messages like "white people should have their own countries" "third-world immigration is bad" and "the disparities in criminal behavior between the races might not be white people's fault" and how leftists would lose their absolute fucking shit over it. I mean you guys couldn't handle the existence of an indie game that suggests UBI might be a bad idea and a feather on Mr Game & Watch's head.

We liberal in liberal clown world. We're being constantly bombarded by your shit on a daily basis. Video games were a relatively apolitical medium we could escape to and you've gone out of your way to ruin it for us.

Attached: The_Last_Night_logo.jpg (421x236, 8K)

>T-The 2016 New Years rape spree didn't happen! Shhhh! Just ignore it!

>Men debate ideas. Slaves debate identity.
Christ I can SMELL your unwashed neckbeard from here.

Literally all they did was make the girls not as hot this time. Not sure exactly how that impacted the game balance, or the netcode, or the roster size or anything. But sure yeah definitely ruined the game.

>this fighting game is ruined because the story is bad
It’s fucking mortal kombat
The existence of lore autists doesn’t make giving a shit about the story not pathetic

I’d still really like to know how any of that made the gameplay of the video game any worse pal

Wasn't that what caused red alert 1 and 2 to happen?


Actually kek'd.

If you like realistic sculpture so much why don't you look into the new stuff that gets made?

A game having political themes is not the same as the game being a political mouth piece.

>War game where people say war is bad
Everybody knows war is bad, it's a terrible but necessary thing.

>Game where a WWII era soldier calls Nazis "white ass"
Nobody likes ACTUAL Nazis, but the dialogue rings of Leftie attitudes that are usually aimed towards people who simply disagree with them.

>But they were necessary to protect mankind.
Okay. That's an interesting question to ask oneself. Does the fact the Spartan program included women from the beginning make Halo a leftist game? No, because it's not about identity politics.

>Because he came to see the error of his ways and joined the RIGHT side.
And as the games progressed he became just as distrustful to the other side when his personal friend and fellow warrior wasn't around.

I'm not saying no story can have conflict in it but you were trying to make some post 9/11 America parallels.

This is projection. It is the left that is denying reality. The left always projects.

There is no delusion. We have been talking about this for years, yet every single time you pretend to have absolutely no idea what is going on.

So are the TLOU2 lesbos and they are ugly as all fuck. Same applies to literally every American game that uses face scanning. What's your point? Do you have a fetish for repulsive goblinas or something?

Attached: file.png (1024x400, 617K)

Except it did? It has an awful reception and it'll die in a matter of weeks.

Saying “Deathcult bad” isn’t political.
It’s like saying that “child rapists are monsters” is a political statement.
It relates to nothing in real life discussions and isn’t at all contraversial.
The same thing for everything in this pictured, besides maybe Bioshock Infinite. These games also are still made with gameplay as a priority.

While on the contrast, politics in games like MK11, Mafia 3, Wolfenstien all relate and make direct references to real life politics going on (mostly to intentionally demonize people they don’t like), and all of these games were designed as propaganda first, games second.

Where's the contradiction?

>As of right now there are more white people alive than in any other moment in history
Even if this is the case, it is completely irrelevant and doesn't change the fact that we are being replaced.

Kidnapping children and killing half of them as you turn them into supersoldiers can be considered wrong.

>politics that are relevant to the game or part of the core of the game are the same as making a communist nigress with afro hair a main NPC just because
retard alert

>videogames were apolitical

videogames are not apolitical since the pong era. You were either too young to see the politics or you agreed with the message before you radicalized into a /pol/subhuman

Also play victim a bit more

>Nobody likes ACTUAL Nazis

Attached: 1541882560481.png (467x330, 244K)

>Then I cannot be considered a racist as I'm only looking at the survival of my race pragmatically.
That is racist.
>I think I'm right and you think you're right and our arguments and tactics decide which position is stronger.
And your arguments are made in obvious bad faith. Meaning you are ascribing hidden motives to me and assuming I am lying because I am disagreeing with you. You say there is no room for "faith" here but good faith is actually the minimum requirement for having a discussion at all.
>No, it makes it factually accurate.
It's an opinion, not a fact.
>Probably for gameplay reasons.
Leave those goalposts where they are for a moment, and thanks for letting me have this point.

>do you have a fetish for repulsive goblinas or something?
No, I already told you I hate the french

Based tranny obliterating user

God, people like you are so fucking dishonest, holy shit

Why can't ugly (average really) people have representation?

>Also play victim a bit more
More leftist projection.

Major developers hiring shitty directors that want to make propaganda are the reason why games are shit.

You are literally telling people that they don't do things that they do.

>MK11, Mafia 3, Wolfenstien all relate and make direct references to real life politics going on (mostly to intentionally demonize people they don’t like)

Please tell me exactly who and exactly how anyone other than literal Nazis are demonised in those games.

Post sources, let me see which youtube unwashed neckbeard conviced you of the great replacement

>out of all the images only two are really politic forced
>everything else is generic argument over war

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Take your bets, folks. Is it Resetera or is it nu/v/ acting contrarian? I bet the former.

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/pol/ is full blown Libertarian. However in this crazy clown world the LBs have become the Nazis and the totalitarian fascists are the Liberal freedom fighters.

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>This is projection. It is the left that is denying reality. The left always projects.
user, you are literally calling everyone whose very existence does not align with your preconceived notions a liar in order to preserve your preconceived notions. You are factually demonstrating your denial. And now doubly so.

You have very obvious insecurities when it comes to other races and you don't acknowledge them so you're scared of things that aren't happening. The great replacement is as retarded as any pizzagate right wing conspiracy. Seek professional help, stop living in fear

Nice. I must have hit the nail on the head to get a stock madboy response

Art got to that point, because the classics were emulated to implosion and impossible to beat. The classical masterpieces have become so worshipped and so ingrained in society's conceptualization of art for so many multi centuries that anything even remotely similar is called unoriginal and boring. So not only is the industry infiltrated at the top, but the bottom mass is actually bored of classical beauty. The only way forward after something reaches its peak is downward. That's why it's called a peak.

politics in vidya has always been a scapegoat
they're fucking vidya, they don't succeed on whether they have niggers or whites as protagonists. they succeed on whether or not they are good vidya
apex legends is one of the worst examples of forced diversity in recent history, yet this game was constantly dicksucked on Yea Forums (well until it faded into oblivion), because it played well, and better than the br concurrence.
nobody gives a shit about "politics" (because it's not politics that annoy you, it's politics you don't agree with) in vidya except a vocal minority

...user said, attacking not the idea but the perceived identity of who thought it.

Not sticking to the traditional outfits shows that the talents who made the good games before don't make any more important decisions, thus the game turned out shit

>n-no u!


And sho on and sho forth

>making characters homosexual for the sake of being homosexuals and throwing it right in your face is the same as having a political theme in your story

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>You are literally telling people that they don't do things that they do.
I am rejecting their lies.

We have declining birth rates. We have a constant influx of migrants who also have higher birth rates than us. This mathematically means that we are getting replaced. This is fact, and you know it's fact. You wanted this outcome. You want whites to disappear. Don't play dumb.


Naturally they would immediately throw all of their resources into preventing that game from being funded, boycotting stores from carrying it, harassing anyone that defended it, ruining the careers and livelihoods of anyone involved in making it. Because their ideas are just right and can stand up on their own or something.

your argument was just too poor to even respond properly, even assuming that I'm white proves this, therefore you're not taken seriously

I dont dislike politics. I dislike hamfisted SJW agendas.

>Everybody knows war is bad, it's a terrible but necessary thing.
Framing interventionist expeditions as "terrible, but necessary" is framing imperialism as a default good.
>Game where a WWII era soldier calls Nazis "white ass"
It's the 60s. Time of the Civil Rights movement?

Nuance and good writing are the key words here. Something (You) probably don't understand. At this point I also barely see people here who unironically shill for Paper Please, Infinite's or Cod's stories. In Metal Gear politics are in integral part of the world and it doesn't feel like the developer feels smug for having women in their game like it never happened before. Include politics how you want but if it feels hamfisted, destroys the tone of the game or it's forced into the story for a contrived reason, then don't be surprised when people call you out on your garbage writing.

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I am calling people liars when they lie.

I have no insecurity. This, too, is leftist projection.

>The great replacement is as retarded as any pizzagate right wing conspiracy.
No it isn't. You know it isn't. You know exactly what's happening. You are just trying to gaslight us into compliance.

>adding a scene where a woman beats a man at something and says something among the line ''I can take care of myself'' out of nowhere is the same as the politics seen in CoD for example

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Why can't beautiful people? Also why make everyone ugly/average instead of just a few characters? Isn't it better represetation if you show that beautiful and average or even ugly people can love each other, for example?

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As of all of recorded human history: white people were never the majority.

It's hilarious to think that you can get to the point where you think you argue "Facts and logic" while being also saying scientists are too liberal. Denying reality isn't healthy, your own biases overcome all logic.

>We have declining birth rates. We have a constant influx of migrants who also have higher birth rates than us. This mathematically means that we are getting replaced. This is fact, and you know it's fact. You wanted this outcome. You want whites to disappear. Don't play dumb.
none of that implies a deliberate replacement

Once again post whatever unswashed youtube neckbeard you got the idea from. I won't answer further until you show sources that it's da j00s sneakily replacing white people

That wasn't a no u response, that was me factually pointing out an instance of leftist projection.

>Does the fact the Spartan program included women from the beginning make Halo a leftist game? No, because it's not about identity politics.
This is the most retarded thing. Factually, the game is egalitarian in this regard. But it's okay because it wasn't "trying" to be? Or what?
>I'm not saying no story can have conflict in it but you were trying to make some post 9/11 America parallels.
Oh good, I was thinking it wasn't obvious enough.

What they mean is anti-white, but they don't have the vocabulary to convey that they don't like their games being anti-white.

"generic argument over war" is still political.

Cameras made it so we have to celebrate the ugly instead of the beautiful? I'm genuinely interested in hearing your reasoning here.

I totally buy that. Was I wrong?

Anyone who's Spongebob in this situation is completely missing the point.

>if you don’t like sexy bikini sluts, you MUST not be able to code or design a game like the old devs could
l o l

That doesn't really help your argument of da j00s socially constructing a white genocide

"relatively" being the key word here

>dude you're radicalized lmao
I've been listening to 15 year old opie and anthony episodes lately and it is insane how much has changed since then. Some rocker from Disturbed was complaining about Bush and the war in Iraq and taking other common liberal positions of the time, but in the middle of it he suggested he would be disgusted if he were tricked into having sex with a transsexual. What struck me was how this relatively innocuous position back then would be sending this guy on a whirlwind apology tour today. Hell, like 90% of the jokes on that show that no one cared about then would be absolute career enders today. You "radicalized," not me.

>adding blacks in a game that follows history in a period and space where blacks were not to be found IRL is the same as experiencing politics in a strategy game

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>posts gif from game with absolutely abysmal writing, probably due to diversity hires
Coincidence, or are you trying to say something with this?

Stabilizing birth rates are literally a good thing and the sign of a civilized society. If everyone is having 3 or more kids you can bet you're living in a shithole.

I have not denied reality anywhere. You are projecting.

It is deliberate replacement. Our governments and other elites are deliberately opening the gates and inviting people in and then silencing anyone who speaks against it. You know this is happening because you are engineering it. We are being replaced, and that's exactly the way you like it because you want to genocide all whites. Don't play dumb.

BJ is Jewish, correct? So if we're supporting that game's political message then can we conclude Jews are not white?

>war isn't political

>games featuring politics are the same as politically charged games

>n-no u!

pathetic, user

"Stabilizing birth rates" + unlimited migration + migrants having lots of children = white genocide.

>Saying “Deathcult bad” isn’t political.
Why not? Saying "Nazis bad" apparently was.

>none of that implies a deliberate replacement

How do you explain propaganda being pushed that humans are killing the environment and white people need to have less babies while simultaneously they're told we need millions of brown people to prop up our economy? Those are two things that can be squared.

You're looking a bit too deep into things, user.

>Halo has nuanced political themes of fascism, religious zealotry, and the dangers that come from militarizing a police force.
>People aren't upset at this because the game is subtle and doesn't shove it in your face
>People find this distasteful

What seems to be the problem here?

generic argument about social justice isn't political by your standards

Kind of ironic that a Leftie talks about Imperialism like it's a negative yet you guys treat Japan like a culture that needs to be purged and replaced with your own values.

And yes, sometimes peacekeeping interventions are necessary. That's how we won WWII when the Americans intervened on Europe.

BJ was out of action for twenty years, he has no reference for 60s culture and him saying it is horribly out of character.

see thing is, those games actually use the politics to drive a fucking story. Plastering a trans flag on a shitty smash calling it "TRANS RIGHTS NOW" is really disgusting and rotten

That wasn't a no u response, that was me factually pointing out an instance of leftist projection. I just told you this.

Based welles

>adding asian women with bionic arms in a WW2 setting is the same as having a political tone in Battlefield 1942
>it's ok when the right does it ha ha

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>It is deliberate replacement. Our governments and other elites are deliberately opening the gates and inviting people in and then silencing anyone who speaks against it. You know this is happening because you are engineering it. We are being replaced, and that's exactly the way you like it because you want to genocide all whites. Don't play dumb.
not seeing any sources in your rant. Thanks for playing. Enjoy this last (You)

1. white births are still well above replacement level
2. percentage means nothing. if an alien suddenly dropped 1 billion white people onto the earth, does that mean that everyone else just got a little replaced? no.
3. low income/migrant birthrates are high because of their living conditions; as they assimilate their birthrates lower. iirc this is seen with gen 4/5 mexican immigrants

>Men debate ideas. Slaves debate identity.
Does this mean current year whites on both political sides are slaves?

>Gay characters don't die
>space game but it's mostly populated by blacks
>all the females are ass-ugly and gay

"politics" in modern games and media is just antiwhite. Most jewish media attempts to dismantle white people and Western society

Cameras presented an existential threat to the nature of art. Why paint realism when a camera can do it better than you can?

The answer was to go beyond realism, to start branching out into new and interesting ideas, academic art stayed where it always was, but more and more people started to question what is art? and one of the conclusions people came to was that it's worthless trash that rich people indulge themselves with. So people started making things designed to do things OTHER than simply look nice. No one is holding a gun to their head and saying "you must make this" they're choosing to because they find it an interesting dimension to explore. They WANT to make that, not make something traditionally beautiful.

>making characters straight for the sake of being straight and throwing it right in your face is the same as having a political theme in your story

> leftists are capable of organizing global conspiracies that directly affect my life
>they're also weak minded sheep
Lmao does every lefty know the real truth about global conspiracy so they lie to you constantly?

No, because you're not looking at the line context. Regardless, there are indeed contexts in which Jews are not considered white, for instance, under an oppressive Nazi regime.

How, exactly? Slavery ended 200 years ago and Africa has always been treated like shit. That's not modern politics. Jax is going back to fix it because it's an ancient injustice, not because it's a recent one.
>Mafia 3
Exploitation movies about black heroes violently rising up against groups like the KKK and racist law enforcement/local government have been a thing since the 60's. It's an entire movie genre, it's not necessarily attacking any kind of modern politics (especially given that the game is already loaded up with political commentary on the 1960s).
It's a game about shooting Nazis, in a franchise about shooting Nazis, dating back to the early 80s. It's about as old and dusty as American political messages get. Just because it has more recent relevance is coincidental, The New Order and the franchise "reboot" was already in development before Trump and everything else.

Why are you so dishonest? People don't get mad when they see a beautiful person even though they're a minority in our society. You're just angry because the status quo is being challenged and you like the status quo.

Having an argument over war in a game about war is the same as talking about slavery out of nowhere in a game completely unrelated to it in the minds of leftist trash.

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>You know what the problem is because we've been talking about it for at least 5 years now, but you always feign ignorance.

Not me, i indeed lurk these kind of threads, but i still don't know what's this big thesis you have.

>For leftism in general.

How is a crime wanting equality among humans? Leftism isn't completely wrong. I'm a fence sitter on the issue: i believe that niggers, spics, chinks, goatfuckers and everyone else deserves the same opportunities, but i don't believe some of the most extreme leftist stuff like transgenders (i mean, if you want to chop your dick off, that's fine, but don't pretend it's something sane to do). I also believe that each country should prioritize it's own citizen. Why go to the extremes? As for the videogames, just don't buy the nigger games.

This is anti white propaganda and you are being dishonest as the people who made it.

Denying science is denying reality you fucking mong

That's the thing, you CAN avoid a game for ideological reasons, but doing so will be an issue that will start from you, because what benefits the consumer will go beyond a character not showing enough skin or whatever minority is on the main cast.

>Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak. Fascist governments are condemned to lose wars because they are constitutionally incapable of objectively evaluating the force of the enemy.

>Kind of ironic that a Leftie talks about Imperialism like it's a negative yet you guys treat Japan like a culture that needs to be purged and replaced with your own values.

Japan has it's own leftist organisations, one of them being the fucking communist party.

>But it's okay because it wasn't "trying" to be? Or what?
Because it was completely natural and believable in the context of the game. The natural strength difference between men and women starts to become moot when both sexes have gone through radical medical experiments. It was never brought up until the game switched studios that women or men were better or it was a good or bad thing that there were women around. It was literally never a thought because in the end it didn't matter.

>Oh good, I was thinking it wasn't obvious enough.
Your argument was obvious but the evidence supporting it was not in the least. If we followed your logic to the conclusion then we'd be left with "The US and the Islamic Terrorists are both flawed and both did questionable things but through working together they managed to beat the intergalactic third party space zombies of China."

You're as dumb as them

Halo had soul.

If you don't want that "shoved into your face" you can just not play that character, no?

That's like baby's first time travel story, you seething autist. Get over it.
>dude goes back in time to kill Hitler
>dude goes back in time and causes Hitler to win by accident
>dude goes back in time to kill Hitler, causing him to win by accident
>dude goes back in time to change some non-specific bad thing, and the twist is that WW2 didn't happen in the original timeline and he caused it to happen by meddling with time
>dude goes back in time but realizes that he can't change anything, and his actions just result in the timeline he tried to change

I was not baiting. You know I was not baiting. You know I'm telling the truth. Like all leftists you just deny anything and everything whenever it suits you. You have no integrity whatsoever. No principles, only objectives. You would start advocating for slavery and lynchings in a split second if it somehow served your political goals.

>1. white births are still well above replacement level
According to the media that spends all its time talking about Japanese birth rates because that fools people into thinking Japan is unique and nobody else has the same problem. Plus, migrants artificially inflate statistics.

It doesn't matter how much you try to deny it, we both know what the deal is. There is a white genocide going on, and you are pushing for it.

The common leftoid is is basically not even human, just an automaton that follows orders from above.

mask off

Not that guy you're responding to, but the white birth rates aren't above replacement level. You're being disingenuous. And Mexican immigrants shouldn't even be here in the first place.

When Jews imply white people are somehow a majority in the world and there needs to be less of them it certainly does call into question the need for more "representation."

>Please tell me exactly who and exactly how anyone other than literal Nazis are demonised in those games.
The game associates literally anything right of center with actual Nazis, just like how many liberals today will call anyone a white supremacist for holding any non-marxist opinions. Like when one of the Nazis asks for some papers/IDs from the player, or how BJ fights his conservative father.
It also doesn’t help when in real life, like mentioned before, it takes very little to be labeled a Nazi. Even a Jew who has openly said “I don’t care about the browning of America” is considered a Nazi by man people, simply for holding different views.

I like how those games are associated with dirty diapers.

Having political themes is not the same as pushing a political agenda through your game
How hard is it to understand

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>"child rape is bad" isn't a controversial take and thus including that message in a game isn't a problem

>but "the slave trade was bad" is a controversial take and shouldn't be included in games

Are you serious, user?

That's...not even fucking close to the same thing, you retard.

I'd say it's resetera, I don't even know what the nu- prefix is.

>>making characters straight for the sake of being straight
Wrong, you cretin. Characters are usually straight in games because that's the norm in society. And also there's no emphasis put on making it obvious that they're straight as opposed to when leftist scum like you push affirmative action.
Try being less retarded next reply.

>How is a crime wanting equality among humans?
Leftism is not about equality.

>As for the videogames, just don't buy the nigger games.
The entire Western game industry is controlled by the left, and it won't be long until they also control Japan's.

I have not denied reality anywhere. You are projecting.

That's a political message with a high degree of sophistication, an applicability beyond a very narrow subject (like say, immigration) and also above all applicable across space and time. Kojima didn't just go "IRAQ WAR BAD" "PATRIOT ACT BAD". It wasn't propaganda. Speaking of a good game, none of the leaders in Alpha Centauri were depicted as unequivocally evil and used as a strawman to beat the player upside the head with. Few people mind a well crafted political narrative that isn't the equivalent of a twitter or blog screed.

The right wing equivalent would be depicting Egyptians as blonde blue eyed ubermen or adding in a white guy as a protagonist in a non white ga oh fuck Nioh.

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/pol/'s definition of political agenda is "there are women in the game"

Nice tangent. Slight ethnic diversity for whites is not insurmountable. RACIAL diversity will never make a harmonious society.

You're a centre-right neo-lib like the rest of them

Insects need a strong queen to rule them, while humans prefer to fight for their freedom

give proofs

It's not just about "shoving it in my face" dude. That is genuinely the most hamfisted thing I've seen in my fucking life. You may as well have just ended the campaign with a giant sign that says "Don't Do drugs."

How? What does a black man going back in time to help Africans not get fucking rolled have anything to do with white people, other than "presumably in this timeline they don't get to have slaves" which I'm sorry you take so personally.


Again, we both know what's going on. There is a white genocide happening and you're pushing for it. You're just playing dumb.

>That's the thing, you CAN avoid a game for ideological reasons
Of course you can, but Free Market acolytes trying to pretend the ideology of the consumer plays no role here because only the ideology of the developer can impact the product and then only indirectly are being deceptive.

Irrelevant to the conversation. The biggest push against Japan's current culture are left-leaning westerners, people who want their culture erased and replaced with their own values. This is the very definition of Imperialism.

It would mean anything if it was 100%s, not 5-10% balancing on the median.
Not that brainlets here care, they only see absolutes.

Wow, really? An earlier game in the series retconns a later game? Genuine question, never played Halo.

Yes, it absolutely does. It means we're not talking about what really matters because we've had identity politics forced upon us through various means. I would argue that was the entire intent behind all of this.

There have been women in video games for years. People are taking issue with your feminist YAAAAS QUEEEN SLAY shit.

user they don't have proofs, they just feed into what they read on /pol/

They are unthinking NPCs tricked into believing they are thinkers.

Both hilarious and sad

>the game that you paid your hard earned money for should remind you every 20 minutes about your white privilege while you're playing
Ha hahahahah ohohohohohohoho
Imagine hating yourself as much as this guy

>If we followed your logic to the conclusion then we'd be left with "The US and the Islamic Terrorists are both flawed and both did questionable things but through working together they managed to beat the intergalactic third party space zombies of China."
Not everything is an explicit allegory. There are parallels. That's enough.

>he hasn't looked at the UN's population replacement plan

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>can't we all just get along?
he says has niggers and mexicans rape his daughters

>character goes back in time to stop slavery
>literally goes back enough in time years before blacks were ever found
>"holy shit this guy is black like charcoal"
>"Sir are you okay?"
>starts shooting up every white in sight
>this starts slavery
Why are people okay with this

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Name a well made game in its original state that was also made by straight men who don’t like titties.

I don't know if you're actually a racist, but you're furthering a racist agenda by getting outraged over something like this.

>they are NPCs
Projection. The left always projects.

I love this whole concept of when people say "games shouldn't get political" and retards respond and say "BUT DAE WAR IS POLITICS!?!!????"
Awesome deduction skills, you fucking idiot. People are clearly talking about the the obvious and shameless shilling for a specific political alignment/viewpoint and forcing politics to the focus of the game.
If you're unable to push the political aspect to the back of your mind while playing a game (which you can do with all those games in the image, except maybe CoD but again, CoD LOL)

Only if nukes are involved, and that's a 110% chance

>still no sources

a conversation that goes nowhere. Don't bother replying with another "DA WHITE GENOCIDE IS TOTALLY REAL GUIS", not reading another inane rant without facts to back it up

Everything that is not left is right in the minds of western subhumans. See OP for example. The west was great once, but now it's a shithole and should be turned into radioactive glass for the sake of everyone else.

I don't think anyone's artistic expression should be silenced and I couldn't form an argument for that. I just think that after how many decades, what is the value in saying "Look, this traditionally ugly thing might have merit." Why does that need a grant in the current year? Hasn't that idea already been explored?

You can literally use a search engine to find it out.

>a 3 minute ending that doesn't even mention white people directly
>anything close to what you said

Pick one.

Well the left wing would stall or collapse society without new technology. Can't free everyone from all rules without better technology to pick up the slack.

>If you don't agree with this extremely distasteful ending, then you're a racist.

Fucking moron.

It's actually not, it's mostly right wing liberals. Leftists by and large call for people to stop infantilising Japan and acting like it doesn't have it's own domestic conversation and isn't a partner in the global discussion... kinda like you're doing right now you orientalist.

Please see .
How only a few religious fundamentalists can wreak havoc on even advanced societies
The ways in which the ideas of Ayn Rand's free market build a successful society, and how human nature ruins it all. Also the morality of vivisection.
Not a great example. Just how a world still in a 40s-60s mindset would advance.
>Metal Gear Solid
List is endless. Morality of nuclear warfare. Abuses of genetics to create supersoldiers at the expense of their well-being. Military industrial complex being central to the world economy.
>Papers Please
More of a satire of Soviet-era nations.
>Call of Duty
Another poor example in most cases, as its usually "Russians bad, Americans good". Some interesting ideas put forward in the Modern Warfare series, with the AC130 mission and No Russian.

OP has made an all-round idiotic post, as nobody has a problem with politics like the ones mentioned being in games. The issue is when characters are gay just to make a political statement, or a female character is lauded by the developers as being written exclusively to fight the power.

The slave trade was bad, but for the reasons you won’t think.

>Don't like what I don't like, the thread

Literally all it is.

You know what's going on. I know what's going on. You're just playing dumb. You always play dumb whenever it suits you. You have no sense of honesty whatsoever. Lies and trickery is all you know.

Think for a second and realize you just implied slavery is not something that should stopped if chance arised.

Maybe lay off /pol/ for a while

>The game associates literally anything right of center with actual Nazis
It literally doesn't do that anywhere.

Anyway, I always thought this line of reasoning was pretty disingenuous coming from you lot, and not just because you're probably all a bunch of crypto-fascists. No, the real issue to me is the double standard. Is it hyperbolic to call you people Nazis? Perhaps, I don't know. But fuck it, you've been calling me a Marxist cuck and chomping at the bit for helicopter rides for ages, so why can't I say "punch Nazis"? Surely you don't think hyperbolic internet memes and "ironic" war rhetoric are harmful IRL, not whilst "ironically" spreading Nazi propaganda and at the same time denying you're a Nazi?

Silicon Valley is right-leaning now?

The line makes no sense in context. It makes no sense for a person that is in actuality black to criticize another person for being black. If Samuel L Jackson was saying "Fuck you, you black pigs" it not make sense except in an ironic or comedic tone.

"Politics" in games feel like they're being inserted by the types that would make obscure pop culture references to normies with no self awareness or understanding that not everyone will understand why they're talking about dying from dysentery or what the fuck a "Coruscant" is. No subtlety, no cleverness, and most of all, no respect for the audience that will more than likely roll their eyes at it.

What do you mean?
Killing Hitler and preventing the trans-Atlantic slave trade feel roughly equivalent, and killing Hitler is a really popular use for fictional time machines. There's nothing surprising about someone going back in time to stop slavery, and I don't understand why some people apparently can't emotionally handle it.

No, they would attempt to learn when British settlers first started taking slaves. After failing that, then the first KFC

>back pedalling
>implying you wouldn't still defend the gaming industry if they did that
Can lie to me, can't lie to yourself darkie. Well I hope you're dark, it would be too pathetic if you were actually white and thought like that.

No, it's still an ongoing project.

You're dumb.

>The common right winger basically not even human, just an automaton that follows orders from above.
Were all just people with different ideas.

>People don't get mad when they see a beautiful person

They ban ads with beautiful people in them. They create artificial digital characters intentionally to be ugly.

Apparently I wasn't clear enough previously - my point is that you can do racist things without being racist. And only getting outraged when it has something to do with black people will have racist consequences.

Or maybe, just maybe, I'm saying that the ending is laughably stupid? Mortal Kombat is not a fucking story about slavery.

>Right literally gives no shits about Japan
>Left constantly make calls to ban anything imported from the country, ban access to Japanese media, censor Japanese media etc.
Stop talking out your ass, Imperialist.

It's not distasteful, you're parroting racist talking points seemingly without fulling understanding why. Or perhaps you do understand and you're consciously hiding your racism by repeating vacuous talking points.

No, you are not people. You are NPCs programmed to genocide whites.

a well-thought, well-constructed rebuttal

You're probably too stupid to realize it, so my first sentence is sarcasm

Go play in the traffic

No, how did you get that?

Nice facebook memes, friend

I love this western obsession with killing Hitler when people like Stalin and his successors ruined half of Europe for half a century.
Why are western bugmen so uneducated and retarded all the time ?

>there’s no emphasis put on making it obvious that they’re straight
Absolutely based retard
So based he disregards the near universal hollywood practice of making sure your male protagonist mentions he finds girls attractive so nobody starts thinking he’s gay or anything, even if it’s a sci fi murder mystery or some shit

We’re reaching based levels that shouldn’t even be possible, really

>Right wing liberals
Resetera is right wing? They fucking despise Japan's culture and demand it be changed.

The left projects and lies once again.

What's the difference between that non-canon, optional subplot, and the average story about going back in time to kill Hitler?

Saying “Nazis Bad” in the 1940s to early 2000s wasn’t political.
Saying it now when Nazi has become so over used that even Jews are being called White Supremacists is now political.

You're just brainwashed by ideology to accept the status quo as natural. More politically aware people will indeed immediately notice all the obvious politics in all those games.

>my point is that you can do racist things without being racist.

You people are fucking responsible for the greatest racial division in America since the fucking civil war.

Yes user, I am a secret racist. I just go into a wild frenzy when I see black people on the TV screen. Yup. Totally. I am 100% positive that you aren't using racism as a scapegoat to cover up the fact that this ending is, in fact, pure liquid shit.

Do you seriously believe that this is happening on the same scale as people getting upset over ugly people? Don't get me wrong, the purple-haired leftist feminazi definitely exist, but they're not as big a problem as people make them out to be.

You are a racist

No, creating a cringy fictional African society like Wakanda is dumb and bad. It does absolutely nothing to address the current issues there.
Black Panther and MK11's ending clearly do this.

"Politics" only apply to humans, anclaps aren't human

You're very dumb.

There have been women characters - extremely popular and beloved women characters - in all forms of media for much of modern history. It makes zero sense that the ONLY factor at work here is that they're women.

Friendly reminder that OP thinks all those light political themes that can't be avoided because of the story of those games are actually right wing political inserts.
HA hahahahahahahahahahahaha. This is your future, faggots.

Attached: 1448937349935.jpg (427x464, 23K)

>The line makes no sense in context.
Sorry about your autism.