genuinely who didn't see this coming? it looked garbage day one
buy switch
lol, I’m a sonybro and we all knew it was gonna be shit.
Not care about this game just like we have been doing before.
> Game is uncritical of his dubious actions.
It's a zombie apocalypse, what are they expecting?
This can't be happening the over the shoulder cinematic experience is a tried and tested formula.
>micheal was right
we'll never hear the end of it
So it's fun?
>6 hours of cutscenes
>but the story is shit
what do you think?
reminds me of Last of us
It was expected. This game at its final stages looked like unpolished and rushed trash.
Literally everyone saw this shit coming. Sony stopped the marketing months ago, there were news of internal problems during development and the game looked bland as fuck from the moment it was first shown. Like I didn't know this game was releasing until a week ago, and I'm sure even more people are clueless that it is releasing now.
>more comments in the summary about the story and narrative than gameplay or anything else.
>almost every single point is about the narrative
Possibly the worst indictment of all
Did anyone expect anything of this game?
Not even the biggest Sonyfags talked about it. No one cared.
I've been kinda expecting it to be one of those weird normie sleeper hits like Tom Clancy Wildlands that no one talks about but secretly sold stupidly well.
I don't really understand how sandbox shit can be rated so low by normie journos.
Ubishit design seems to be great to them if a large popular studio are involved.
Half of those complaints could be dropped on every sandbox released in the past decade.
Not saying Days Gone is good. Plenty of podcasts have talked about Days Gone as if it was The Quiet Man which is a terrible sign.
>Did anyone expect anything of this game?
it's an exclusive, so yes.
Don't worry press x to cinematic samurai will be our saving grace Sony bros.
>Plenty of podcasts have talked about Days Gone as if it was The Quiet Man
Even a passing comparison to that game is bad
but Yea Forums told me reviews are paid?
Is Microsoft back lads?
what movie is this?
Days Gone is a new IP. No reviewer wants to be the guy that called out AssCreed for being formulaic shit and pisses off both the Ubisoft overlords and the series' deranged fanboys.
Please somebody contact r/PS4! We need their help to stop Nintendofags from attacking us
Amerisharts are mentally incapable of making a good video game.
they are, notice how they avoid the gameplay and focus entirely on the story.
Not really.
Not until after E3
>You can sell women in slavery
Nice, picking it up
Syphon Filter, Motorstorm and Wipeout died for this.
Yeah, not defending this, but she's the kind of person that thought Shane was in the wrong in the walking dead.
>reviews are paid
>when even Sony stopped caring about it entirely
This means nothing to me.
Yepp, can discard this review. Game is still probably shit though.
Three E3s to showcase this garbage? This shows just how awful the Ps4 era was for First Party Sony games.
>third-person open world story-driven zombie survival crafting game
>in 2019
>This shows just how awful the Ps4 era was for First Party Sony games
>one bad game erases a bunch of good games
The surprise is the press calling the game out.
what good games?
Sonyfags thought it's gonna be 90 or at least mid 80s
theyre already seething hard
You now realize this is Sony's only game in all of 2019
Xcucks need a good hard garrotting.
>3/5 complaints are about the story
>but Yea Forums told me reviews are paid?
We stopped saying that when DMC 5 got good reviews
Don't reply to bait folks
If your missions are 90% fetch quests that's enough reason to not like it.
>Open world
The Unholy Cross.
Sonybro here, I really wanted this game to bomb, thanks for killing motorstorm for this sony, another gay ass zombie game is what we needed
we wait for The Last of Us II
how many E3 did that shit had to end up like that...damn.
Days Gone, more like Money's Gone
I expect this game is still shit, but I'm not trusting the word of a woman about a video game
>poor pacing
So you either need an unmissable event that moves the story forward every 30 min or have a timer that forces you to do certain things or they will fail. Open world games just don't work with a story that tries to convey any sense of urgency. Even Witcher 3 miserably failed in that regard; hunting after Ciri for what feels like months but the game tries to play it off as days was always unconvincing.
Maybe I'm just good at reading the obvious signs when a company doesn't like actually showing off their game.
Same reason I expected Crackdown 3 to be shit.
why is Yea Forums trying to make it seem like this was some big hyped up game
who the fuck was looking forward to this
Gays Done
Well. No more exclusives for the PS4 in 2019. This was their only one. And it's a complete turd.
Holy hell the PS4 is beyond dead.
So MGS? Dosent this place love that series?
more like play none
fuck your mom?
> larping about mc and his woman relations
> women reviewer
opinion discarded, faggot. Read what you post before posting
Wow, even the critics are being honest for once. Seriously Days Gone looks so fucking boring
>Seething Xfag projecting again
Don't worry bro, we have teh best gaem evav
No better game than Halo boi
Yeah, user should have known better, that other user will pretend Spider-Man wasn't mediocre.
saw this coming months ago
Amy Hening is a woman and she knows more about video games than either of us.
More like GAYS DONE
>Game looks extremely average
>Is extremely average
Keep in mind this dev team has never made a huge AAA game, their entire work before was PSP and PS Vita games.
What does this have to do with MotorStorm? Evolution moved onto Driveclub.
And MotorStorm wasn't even that good to begin with
Days Gone is developed by the studio behind Syphon Filter, the Uncharted Vita games and Bubsy 3D
Not gonna get the game but even I know that's not a valid criticism. Real life is uncritical of people's dubious actions.
If a game attempts to have a serious story and completely fails at it then it deserves to be criticised
Oh I see, I was confused then. Anyway, any zombie game that is not RE must die on arrival, I hope TLoU2 bombs too
kek Sony really went to shit
Absolutely based
This isn't rottentomatoes.
mmmmm yes... yes excellent...
this wasn't 4the players... it was 4 me....
great, i can feel better about not buying it right away now
Sasuga Bones-sama
>Still better than Crackhead 3 and Sea of Cucks
The absolute state
>Days Gone is the apotheosis of the more-is-more philosophy: more bars to fill, more gates to progress, more hours of playtime, more zombies per square inch because “more” is supposed to fill the hole where some semblance of meaning ought to be
This fucking meme again?
Yea I'm not trusting this woman reviewer for sure
Reviewed by this woman.
So cute girls can't review video games now? Are you gay?
>what do we do now
Play Persona 5 Royal
She doesn't actually like video games and got hired for her pussy
Dude, get a life. No really. This is an unhealthy mindset to have. Seek help.
Most Sony guys I know never gave a fuck about this anyway.
They care about TLOU2 and Death Stranding
>Deacon has no real character development, and the game is uncritical of his more dubious actions
>Deacon's relationship with Sarah is flat and unconvincing
>Many narrative arcs end abruptly or lack interesting or meaningful conclusions
This is it anons, a good narrative is more important to games than gameplay itself.
I'm more excited for a trailer of Death Stranding than I am for the entirety of Days Gone as a game
>Snoyroaches have so few games (and the only game they're getting 2019, Days Gone, just flopped hard and exploded) that they have to replay games they just played just to have something to do
It's the only PS4 exclusive of 2019
Snoycels hyped it up for months and kept posting about how based it would be with goldenface wojaks
what this user is saying can be summed up as, "have sex."
>that description
Sounds a lot like Joel from TLoU, yet everyone loves that game. Why?
Loving how hard the PS4 is imploding right now.
What an absolute shit system and shit company.
>almost all the bad parts are about story
>only two points talk about gameplay
I guess the "watching movie" meme is real and this is coming from a playstation 4 owner
Retardera seriously thought it would score 80s lmao
My only reaction to the game REVEAL was “oh no”. It’s looked like shit since day 1
Nooo this cannot be happening no no noooooooo
Its 9am and im screaming woke up my dad because of this
>the only game they're getting 2019, Days Gone
Catherine: Full Body in September
Death Stranding and TLoU Part II supposedly coming out this year
>just played
Persona 5 came out three years ago now
if the game doesn´t feature at least one mission about the white male character getting his privilege checked by a women it´s a bad game in the eyes of liberals
>the game is uncritical of his dubious actions
these being player actions or cutscene actions? if the former, sounds like another dumbass who wants to have preached to them on a soapbox that their actions were le bad
>I browse retardera regularly
Nice bro
Then fuck off back there, retard
>Death Stranding ... supposedly coming out this year
>go to TGS on press pass
>they don't let me in to see the exhibit because they're retarded
No shit they're getting a bad review
Why are we pretending that anyone ln this board was buying this garbage
That was right before being white became a crime.
thank you, lad, 2bh
No matter how much Yea Forums was trying to shill for this game the past month or so, the truth is that no one cared about it ever. It looked alright on the first reveal, but every trailer and gameplay reveal that came afterward seriously looked like the most half-baked generic shit possible. I honestly believe that genuine hype for this game didn't exist.
>Snoy goes full 1984 to pander to the sjw crowd
>sjw reviewers tear Snoy's big game apart anyway because some detail about it makes them mad
>let's not reply to this dude by replying to him
Fragile fanboys need to pretend that people actually cared about this game so they can celebrate its failure
2018 was a pretty rough year for them so I guess they'll take what they can get
Is Sony Bend getting the axe then?
>crackhead 3
>gears of second-wave feminism 5
>another sea of shit patch
xcucks lmao
I have "Sony" tattood on my buttcheeks and even I think Days Gone looks like dogshit
From the moment I first heard about Days Gone, I wondered about its reason for existing. With so many open-world titles and games that use post-apocalyptic setting featuring zombies and/or other types of deformed creatures, why make another one? Maybe someone at Sony was looking at Horizon Zero Dawn, first announced around the time that work on Days Gone officially began, and said right girls, you've had your metaphorical glass of 'secco with this one, let's make a post-apocalyptic game for real men. Maybe someone looked at all these other existing titles and thought why not make another - people keep buying them, they'll buy this one, too. But there are only so many times that works. In Days Gone, you can see why.
let me guess nero is a woman?
>why make another one?
From what I read they devs wanted to make an open world game despite them being a Yoshi size studio. In short it's their own damn fault, they could have made whatever
>Bend is gonna get shitcanned for this like Incog, Studio Liverpool, Zipper and Evolution before
>Meanwhile money sinks like Polyphony Digital are still going
>all caps
It's some kind of corporation for sure
If Days Gone is as generic as it looks, it's an Umbrella clone
not buy it?
>Polyphony is a money sink
>Not Kojipro
Because execution matters. Also, his dynamic with Ellie makes him more likeable to female players probably.
You could deduce the personality gripe over the years. The devs absolutely refuuuused to talk about Deacon's story or motivations. No info about his camp, how they got there, who their enemies are and why. Nothing.
what if the PS5 specs leaked because they knew this game was going to be ass?
Gran Turismo is still a successful franchise
Sport had 7.5 million players by last December.
Because they're fucking retarded. No one wants to play another mediocre zombie game especially one that's open world.
Sony didn't like any of their prototypes (uncharted vita 2, infamous vita, resistance retribution 2) so they went with the safest route: zombies + open world + TPS + crafting + gorillions of cutscenes.
I won't be the one to defend Bend for making a shit game, but Sony was retarded for not letting them make smaller/AA games, Retribution 2 for PS4 could have been their Gears of War.
No, that was to avoid controversy with their new Sòy policies
Usually the site is pretty dumb but they were spot on this time
White male protagonist, they bitched about that early and that's probably what's causing them to talk bad about the game.
Lowest franchise sales of the series at 3 million down from 6 million for GT6 and 11 million for GT5, literally had to be given away with PSVR because it didn't sell and added Microtransactions because the game was not producing revenue even though Kaz said on stage there will never be microtransactions in it. Never mind that they refused to share engine technology, model scans, or the GT Brand with Evolution Studios because they saw Evolution as a threat. Kaz legit has dirt on Sony execs if he can be spending colossal amounts of marketing money on his LARPing the Nurburgring and making documentaries about himself while piecemealing updates (So where's the dynamic weather promised "Soon after launch" Kaz? Why does Pro resolution mode still run like garbage and the only way to keep FPS is 1080p mode? Holy fuck I wish GT players would stop bootlicking Kaz)
S on one buttcheek and NY on the other?
quick question, should I still buy days gone?
seems like everyone is trashing it
Even if you really, really want it: wait until it drops to 50% off.
I am buying Days Gone, it actually looks fun. Open world, exploring while mowing down zombies is everything I want in a game. Don't let the reviews stop you from enjoying something, buy it and form your own opinion
is Days Gone the new Mad Max, or is it legit bad?
this is a legit question, because as much as repetitive as mad max is, I still enjoy it from time to time
journos seem to rely to much on muh story these days, and I don't give a freaking damn about that
How are Nintendo’s game so much more successful then everyone else's?
> 1. Zelda: OOT (9/9) (Nintendo)
> 2. Chrono Trigger (9/9) (Square)
> 3. Final Fantasy 6 (7/9) (Square)
> 4. Castlevania: SOTN (7/9) (Konami)
> 5. Super Mario 64 (7/9) (Nintendo)
> 6. Zelda: ALTTP (7/9) (Nintendo)
> 7. Super Metroid (6/9) (Nintendo)
> 8. Zelda BOTW (6/9) (Nintendo)
> 9. Super Mario Bros 3 (5/9) (Nintendo)
> 10. SoulCalibur (4/9) (Namco)
> 11. Resident Evil 4 (4/9) (Capcon)
Ask yourself if you would pay $60+ for a new copy of Mad Max.
>Battlefield 5 shit
>Anthem shit
>Battlefront 2 shit
>Days gone shit
>Mortal Kombat shit
>Andromeda shit
>Crackdown 3 shit
Has it always been this bad?
I paid like $3 for mad max, so there is that
I guess you are right: it is shit
Yes as evident by the glaring lack of Western games on that chart
holy shill
thinking of doing this but I really want something new to play, and until it drops 50% I will've already been spoiled and lost interest
yeah, it's hard to believe critics these days but you can't ignore when the revies are pretty much consistent in their ratings
LMFAO im fucking dead
Given the lack of demand I doubt you'll have to wait long.
She seems like a cute girl (girl)
>review is based on the fact that the game is mainly a cinematic narrative experience, like every sony exclusive
Death Stranding is gonna cost RDR2 levels of money and not come out till 2022. Especially since it turned out Kojimbles got fired from Konami for being constantly over budget and missing milestones. What the fuck are people expecting?
So it's actually a good game? Good to know.
Because TLoU coaxes the played into thinking Joel is justified. Just look at the massive number of people willing to defend his actions in the finale, particularly by framing the fireflies as incompetent, even though no logical explanation changes the fact that Joel’s state of mind was “I don’t give a shit about humanity or innocent lives, I want my replacement daughter back.”
People are happy to save Ellie and sympathize with Joel at the end of TLoU because, whether intended or not, the narrative makes most people forget that Joel is an awful person.
>is Days Gone the new Mad Max, or is it legit bad?
Isnt she the one who first shat all over Anthem too?
Mad Max was competently made by a studio who have god tier optimization skills. Days Gone, not so much.
man this looks so bad
Fucking finally, I'm waiting for a blunder since The Order. Took you long enough.
Sony dominates, they don't need to pay for reviews or make exclusives for years. They slowly fed to the masses what they already had back then before the Xbone blunder.
Are seriously going to sit here and say that Spider-Man and GOW was worth showing in 3 three different E3's? I actually like Spider-Man and it certainly wasn't.
Sony bro here, this game looks generic and bland, buying it just because it's a ps exclusive is retarded don't be that guy.
There's still a fair amount of backlog I'd rather play way before this.
I didn't feel that way. For the entire segment in the hospital I just wanted to escape and let Ellie make her sacrifice for humanity.
I think this game proves the cinematic action adventure game type is on a very thin ice. It has to be extremely high quality from a veteran AAA dev or it falls apart. Sony was very lucky with their other games.
>person who said this is X, therefore everything they say is wrong
How's it like being an omega brainlet?
They forgot to send the check
social conscious patch when?
We dont care since we get p5r (exclusively again) and p5s HAHAHAHAHA
wouldn't know
im not american
If the focus of the game is the narrative, it makes sense to point that out. If there's little to be said about the actual gameplay, then that alone speaks volumes about how based it is.
about fucking time people got sick of 3rd person movie games
Is this shilling or are faggots so eager to "own dah libz" that they're willing to eat shit in order to achieve that?
Has anyone read the reviews to find out what exactly they are complaining about? The footnotes seem vague. I'm not gonna buy the game either way but still.
holy shot I just watched the ending, the big twist is the government is super zombies now, hahahahahahahahahahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, the nero guy is a super zombie that warns deacon the people in charge which are now super zombies will come for the rest of the survivors AHHAHAHAHAHAHAA
>decide to watch some gameplay
>generic stealth mechanics
>shitty looting mechanic where you inventory fills up fast af
>3d marking because the game needs to give you wall hacks for whatever reason
this is the most generic thing I've seen sony shit out in a while, at least horizon zero dawn had robots animals with the armor breaking mechanic
the latter
Post it pls
wait until last of us 2 comes out, 10/10 across the board they will praise it as the best game ever to come out
I kinda wished the game was better, was in the mood for an open world zombie game after having fun with Dying Light.
sonyfag here, no I didnt
meh is the general consensus
3 E3 we had to wait
3 E3 of hype
thanks sony
Sony did nothing SIE made the policy
God the zombie movement in this is worse than Left 4 Dead and that came out 11 years ago now
anyone here playing it? is it as good/bad as the mad max game?
the jank of us
>Kallie Plagge
>2 of the complaints are about the white male character
Correct word would be mediocre, the Mad Max game is probably better because for every bad thing it does the good parts of it can redeem them, Days Gone however has a harder time doing that but still can be enjoyed
Id say if you want to get it wait a while for a sale and some patches to fix the perfomance then maybe it will be worth more like Driveclub or GT Sport were, right now is not in a state to spend 60$ on it at all.
For the Gay Mer
Really? Couldn't tell, you act almost exactly like one.
>run away from horde of zombies
>lead them past explosive barrels to thin numbers
>repeat until dead
it didn't look great to begin with
the gameplay and story in MGS games are top tier.
Is a game that if it was released like 4-5 years ago people would have been more surprised by it.
But it's 2019, not only the zombie thing has faded out but most of the things Days Gone does have been done already, it doesn't look good for a PS4 exclusive game on 2019 and it will totally be outdone by The Last of Us 2 when it releases either this year or next.
This game feels totally out of place and it feels like they only released it because may as well get some money from it and forget about it like they did with The Order 1886, would be really surprised to see Bend Studio survive if it fails in sales too.