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Other urls found in this thread:


>PS4 has no gaems
>they’re all just movies
>i bought my Nintendo console for Nintendo games, i don’t care about other games
>switch port pls

I remember years ago when some desperate cunt kept making threads almost every hour „today I will show proof that Sony won’t release a PS4“ and how WiiU will outsell every other console by the millions.

It’s not just nintenbabbys autism that keeps amusing me, but also their desperation

My estrogen levels are rising just from viewing that thumbnail.

Having the ability to play Persona 5 in my bathtub with my switch sounds comfy.

>only good vibes in this thread

Why are redditors so fucking fragile?

>he takes his handheld to the bathtub

Do you take it with you to the shitter too? Do you enjoy having shit germs on your console?

I don't know why are you so fucking insensitive you big black cock sucker

>playing switch
>taking a bath
Man child confirmed.

Shut the fuck up, portability > your c uck bullshit

It's because he doesn't want the thread to devolve into a flame war like every single thread on Yea Forums

>mommy look, they’re bullying me on the internet again

Beyond pathetic
Portbeggers need to be dragged out onto the street and shot

Because it triggers people like you

Wanting a long RPG on a portable console is perfectly logical. Ain't nobody got time to just sit in front of a TV for hours.

>shit germs
Don't exist

>switch user
pick one

>Trash talk user
>They respond
Rinse and repeat and the thread dies

Reminder than Nincels will unironically say all the threads begging for Persona 5 on Switch are made by Eric falseflagging, just like how all the Smash spam garbage allowed by mods are Eric falseflags.

These people are seriously fucked up in the head, push them a little calling on their bullshit and they’ll snap.

Attached: 2144C48C-C2F0-42FA-AF23-3C08649F7E22.jpg (936x3888, 577K)

If you look at it the whole thread already devolved into shitposting.


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Yeah sure Eric.
Its funny how you had to compile tweets over several years to make it look like major demand existed.


>bing bing wahoo in public is more important

>i-it‘s not true!! I swear! How can be shit particles and germs be real if I wipe my ass?

Imagine taking bait posts so seriously that they stick with you for years. Sorry about your autism user

Persona 5 is a PS3 game

Cope sonyfag

Getting a you by acting like a retard isn’t really something to be proud of, but okay, here you have one.

Imagine being this obsessed with Nintendo. Just go out and buy a switch already.

This is your home lmao

Attached: 1555848573020.jpg (2048x1536, 506K)

Seethe harder, nincel.

>it was just bait! You’re the autistic one!!

Doesn’t change a thing

Weeb games are for losers

Says the person constantly making begging threads here. You know, if you're going to pretend not to be the same person at the very least change your images and posting style.

Baths are kino, now back to watching chinese cartoons, manchild

Only trannies use incel

That's actually a pretty cool RE poster.

ITT: Nincel copeposting + jannies only deleting anti-nintendo posts but allowing Nincel portbegging copeposting.

Imagine defending your purchased console by begging for ports for years

let him be ,he is no longer living in reality so its useless to argue.

Uhh yeah, sure thing senpai, whatever you say.

Now beg for some more ports like a good poorfag and seethe harder.

Dude, regardless of it being bait or not you took it personally and its been grating on your mind for years.

Think about that, your obsession with Nintendo is so severe that not only have you let them set up Nintendoland on your head but you've let anonymous people piss you off for years.
If we had your details you would be the Chris Chan of Nintendo.

Oh cool I'll just sell my ps4 then.
After all that's the only one I regret buying.

Stop falseflagging and cope some more, Eric.

Floating around in your own jerms and not really getting clean is not kino user.

I don't get it. I already played P5, why would I want it on my switch?

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that's why you use soap retard


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Because Nincels are poor and butthurt as fuck.

You do realise that Eric is a militant anti Nintendo shitposter who's obsessed with them?

>Leaving soap scum on your skin


you seem pretty butthurt yourself

It's Gamecube, Wii and Wii U all over again.
I've learned my lesson after the N64. Some Nintenbros obviously never will.

Attached: Switch owners in the year 2019.jpg (960x726, 284K)

I just don't want it. I want them to focus on other fucking games.

So because I remember the constant shitposting people do here, I am automatically Chris Chan?
Like I said before, I am amused by it. It’s a constant circle of denial and elitism.
You on the other hand seem to draw your own insecurities on other people.

Where did they touch you, user? It’s okay if you feel molested.

>Sony forces Nintendo to play ps4 games

life for you must be hard

Portbegging is a millennial sickness. Right down to the crazy entitlement issues and belief that if they whine enough on the Internet they'll get it. Buy a PS3 or PS4 if you want to play Persona 5 today, that blew the portbegger console warring faggot's mind.


Nah Eric has been falseflagging as retarded Nintendofag for a while so Snoyboys can get free “gotcha’s”, why am i explaining what Eric does, Eric? Get a life.

Wouldn't you be if you were shitposting about Nintendo for almost 10 years?


I literally raised my hands to the ceiling and said aloud, "Atlus! Take my energy! Hyeeeeaaaah!" and it was very emotional. I'm not doing it justice by typing it out but it was just like when Goku got the spirit bomb off on Freiza.

Cool story, why don’t you cope instead of getting more butthurt? lmao

Attached: 1556063982777.png (1280x1201, 207K)

great job


>other games
Like what? Super Mario Odyssey 2?

>constant shitposting
user, it was only ever brought up when Personafags invaded smt threads to get them mad. The fact that you think it's constant just proves the point.
Your obsession is driving you insane, it's only a matter of time before you mace someone in a gamestop for mentioning Mario.

Omg are you retarded? Just play all the games lmao like seriously there’s so much to play and believe me there are so many great games coming out just wait GREATNESS AWAITS!

Or you just grow up and sell it if you feel remorse. Maybe you are even able to make some kid smile like I did years ago with my Xbox 360. Made him a good price and he and his parents were happy.

Holy shit. Just buy a ps4. You can own more than one console.

No, mother fucking Shin Megami Tensei V!

Holy shit epic millennial member berries reference, take my money XD! Persona 5 is PERFECT for the Switch and I'm going to cry about it until I get what I WANT!!!!!!! Console wars behind Persona 5 for YEARS and it's NOT FAIR that PS3 and PS4 have it as an exclusive!

No, what do you mean SMT5 is an exclusive to Switch that's OUR GAME and only for US and don't enter SMT5 threads to portbeg because that's CONSOLE WARS on our home turf!

Mods still think cancerous portbegging is OK for some reason, though.

Attached: 5a7.jpg (295x391, 29K)

Yeah I realized that but my point still stands.

I still remember all the Nintendofags on Yea Forums seething when Yea Forums voted for Nier Automata over the latest Zelda rehash.

A new Etrian Odyssey, even. Fuck, I would do with a new IP alltogether. Or Trauma Center. Fucking anything.

>my cousin is probably in that thread praying that it's released on switch
I hope it isn't so I can laugh at him

>Just play all the games
What games?

>it was Personafags all along!

Maybe resetera is more suitable for you. Or reddit, let your mommy decide

When was that?

Just buy a PS4, getting angry and begging won’t actually get you the game.


Attached: D3kT15iUcAAmKzm.jpg (640x588, 54K)

I have a ps4 and the game already.
Which is more than you can say, you probably just use Sony as an excuse to shitpost about Nintendo.

I guess you couldn’t read the sarcasm.
If there aren’t games that interested you so far or the ones coming out, then just sell it.
Or let it collect dust.

Attached: 015.png (434x327, 37K)

Jeez, your comprehension abilities are as bad as Eric's.

>Mods still think cancerous portbegging is OK for some reason, though
Literally anything is okay when Nincels do it

It's more that they can't ban you.

Water is way too reactive to be comfy. Take showers, drink it. But never stay too long inside it, it eats your skin alive.

Aren't they announcing Persona 5 S today?

for switch, yes

I’m an idort minus xbox so i never need to beg and get angry when people laugh at my pathetic begging, you really need to cope harder.

Yeah hence the rampant Eric shitposting.


And yet here you are shitposting about a platform you supposedly deemed worthy enough to buy.

>the joke
>your head

I never shitposted the Switch, in fact i never shitposted, laughing at poor nincels who can’t afford to buy more than one console isn’t shitposting, you’re lucky portbegging isn’t enough for a ban here.

Im a mini-Idort (PC & Nintendo) and I have no interest in this game, considering I saw all the cutscenes on Youtube already and I prefer Action RPGs over Turn Based ones

It will most likly be a Mobile App.

Case in point.
You know what, why don't you post a pic and timestamp of those systems then.

Cope harder, nincel.

Attached: 34BA6F18-0C2D-4749-AFF3-0CB99541DC12.jpg (4032x3024, 2.66M)

Stream starts in 20 min, right?

>reddit thread
>almost nobody is scorning and leaving this thread
I know, it's far gone but I can't help it.
why? why does it all hurt so much?

Oh boy you totally proved me wrong with that.
Despite the fact you can't follow basic instructions.

lmao, post your PS4 or get the fuck out, seething poorfag.

>y-your argument doesn’t count because I say so


So this is what smash players believe...

I'll call a ambulance for you because the butthurt you have is strong.

Attached: 1533049018333.gif (695x567, 150K)

And that's how you do a timestamp, Eric.
Would you like my copy of Persona too?

Attached: 15561964177531230009763835968697.jpg (3264x2448, 1.2M)

lol what would prayer even do if the decision was already made before they did it

Please respond

Well this post didn't age well.

Honest question from a fellow switch owner: why does it matter if P5 is on Switch? It's not really the kind of game you just pick up and play in short spurts so I don't see portability being very important. What other benefits would the game get on Switch? I played the game on PS3 and might get P5R on PS4, but I don't see myself getting it on Switch unless there's some new mechanic that uses the Switch's features.

>pink transformer

So how is your hrt?

You think your uneducated post that completely ignores the constant autism that is prevalent in every single community - be it xbox, PC, sony or nintendo - makes you any less of an idiotic autist?

Still waiting on that pic and timestamp

>y-youre the autist because everyone is autistic

go back into the cuck shed

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the absolute fucking state of reddit

>persona 5 musou

Attached: 1640778A-5317-4E54-ACB1-7762D1696AA1.jpg (1650x1905, 404K)

>gets btfo
Just take the loss Eric

Look at this dude

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>shat on P5
>P5S teased
>S stands for Switch! Oh no no no! Ah ha ha ha Sonignogs BTFO! Can't wait to play while taking the bus to school!
>S actually stands for Super Live concert
>return to shitting on P5 again
What the fuck is wrong with toddlers?

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They don't want to lose another exclusive so they've gone into full defense mode.

BOTW shouldn't have won, but 2B's game winning the goty award was thr final nail in thr coffin of Yea Forums. Even as late as 2016 we could get past the shitposts and come together for serious debate on gameplay, but Nier:Automata winning any category other than soundtrack or 'best fap' is absolute proof that Yea Forums has finally hit the point where memes matter more than the game.

Switch owners are easily the worst fanbase on this board, and yes, i remember this garbage.

Are you guys ready for the death of Persona on this board?

I didn’t really care about the goty award because it was obvious it wouldn’t win it, but some shit walking simulator indie stealing best story from Taro & Kamiya’s game really hurt, they probably didn’t give it to nier because winning best soundtrack and best story was too much for a non-goty winner.

Huh, guess the switchfaga were right.

>Switch has no gaems
>only have old ports
>ps4 have best of gaems


Attached: POKELOL.jpg (1067x1874, 780K)

>a fucking musou game

Yeah, enjoy the poopy portability while watching gameplay on your phone

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Imagine being these fuckers right now, lmao.

>Many PS4 owners are begging Nintendo to port Pokemon to PS4

Nobody with a 2 digit IQ believes this.

>post YFW you are not a Switch fag

Attached: Alita.jpg (1200x1205, 150K)

Yet Yea Forums was dumb enough to believe switchfags were begging for persona.


Read this thread alone, nigger

Attached: F385D7EF-EFA8-4F5C-86C2-015F91650343.jpg (500x375, 24K)

Go check the Twitter replies of any major game not coming to the Switch (bonus points if the people complaining aren't trannies or bronies) then go check the replies of any Nintendo game, try to find PS4 owners begging for games.

Good luck.

Last year's Yea ForumsGAs.

Attached: ha.jpg (682x600, 144K)

>all these retards acting like bullets are gonna magically run out
there are 5+ billion bullets sold per YEAR in the US and I doubt half of those are even shot, bullets aren't going anywhere at all

This is fake. I’ve never heard any PS4 owner want shit mon. Nintendies try so damn hard it’s funny

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You mean the thread where there are no switchfags?

Can we have a rational, adult thread?

Please post your best adult sentences Yea Forums. No Nintendokiddies or PSfags. I need adults in this thread.

mfw I will never be a shitendo fan.

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We got the mentality disabled here folks



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>nintendo everything

All games should be on all platforms that can run them. End of discussion.

Is this a fucking joke?

On Yea Forums? There's adults by age, but not by mentality.

have sex

It has Persona 5 in the name, you got what you wanted.
You should be happy.

t. Alien

It's actually real
Sonyfags are that retarded but we don't have anyone making a big deal about it here so it goes unnoticed.


Persona 5 by itself is not a good premise to hold a musou. Not even P3-5 are. This is a waste of demons.

Yeah, those days are dead thanks to the rampant falseflagging. I hope you like wojaks in your persona thread.

I'm sure this fucktard nintendo blog has the most impartial outlook on the situation.

Did mommy tell you to finally take a bath kiddo?
Aww you don't want to stop playing bing bing wahoo, don't worry sweaty, just take your switch with you

>will be a shitch port
Beg MOAR hijo de puta!

Attached: 1552555540335.png (640x480, 296K)

Everything should be on PC but if you have any interest in Japanese games, particularly JRPGs you'd be retarded to not own a Playstation despite how shitty Sony is. Also Musou games are all trash button mashers with zero depth but KT keeps getting away with releasing them by plastering a different skin over them.

I have a PS4 and a Switch, but it would have been cool playing P5 in bed

Attached: 1542045811035.png (510x485, 36K)

They do, in fact they have several twitter caps just like you do.

you can play in bed on Vita with remote play



>input lag
>screen and music cut out when 3 meters away from the router or system
Go shill your vita to someone who doesn't have it.



>For those of you who don't understand why Switch-only people are upset:

>It's not that we wanted just any P5 game on Switch, we wanted the original. Y'know, the critically acclaimed, stylish JRPG that everyone seems to love? And instead, we got a spinoff.

>Not to say that this is guaranteed to be bad, and I'm sure there are plenty of people excited about this, but it's entirely reasonable for them to be disappointed because they didn't get what they were hoping for. It's like if you meant to buy Persona 4 and wound up with the dancing game. It's not the same thing.

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Anyone who disagrees with this is a shitposter. There is 0 logical reason as to why a game shouldn't be available on everything, unless it was developed by the company that makes the console.

>input lag
since you play on switch, i doubt you have a problem with that

Attached: switch input lag.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

Can someone post the gif of Makoto bound and laying on the floor?

Adults are stupid and boring, I don't want to be an adult.

The ones outside my house are Switch fags begging for ports, before their Switch blew up trying to run Dragon's Dogma.

Attached: 1552813300970.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

I dont even care about persona 5. I played 2 3 4 and had zero interest investing another 100 hours on the same carbon copy experience these games present. however due to the NEVER EVER butthurt generated by nincels I pirated the ps3 version and am now emulating it. the game is pretty enjoyable so far. I hope it NEVER EVER is ported to switch. that is all.

You didn't notice the other two problems did you.

based fpbp

its time for a update

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Should have one with P5R announcement, Best Buy leak and P5S reveal

I can already do this with my Vita.

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Cope Nintendon't

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How the fuck is the current post number not sufficient as a timestamp? Are you mentally retarded?


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I love how Yea Forums doesn't even try to hide the fact that it is a nintendo board and how it is absolutely seething at Sony right now

Yea Forums's been NintendoGAF for years now.

japanese phil fish didn't even work on Automata, retardo