What games do wagies play?

what games do wagies play?

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none, gotta pay my bills. been living off roms for months, ever since the start of University.

mobile games

I'd say they just got into this gen but it wouldn't take a wagie that long. Right?

Whatever they want because they have money.


no time for games when you have a family

nothing because the wagie has no time to play

however, the NEET has all the time in the world and can pirate whatever he wants

besides, NEETbux are usually enough to buy some video game

wagie wagie get in cagie

I can confirm this. It's extremely unfortunate. I get excited when I find a game that's remotely fun and has auto play, since I can't play myself.
I hate my life I want to get off the ride but I'm not the only one in my cart

How do NEETS make money? I'm so tired of living the wagie life, and envious of all NEET posters I see on this site.

>how wagies actually picture themselves

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Depends on country you life in
Seems to be the easiest thing in the world to be a NEET in america in my country its worse than being a wagie because you get annoyed 24/7 to look for a job and if you dont they take away your neetbux

xcom 2 wotc and breath of the wild
i unironically love being a wagie it makes playing games actually fun again, when i was a NEET i nitpicked everything and sperged out on here every 20 minutes.

Been playing CoH when its not on fire the past couple weeks, other than that The Division 2 with friends which if I didn't get it free I'd be pretty pissed.

Its because you actually see vidya as something you do out of enjoyment and not something you force yourself to do because the day would be wasted otherwise

I am very sad and I don't know why.

Mostry MMORPGs, some co-op games like borderlands/DaS and such to play with bros on weekends.

To be fair my "wageslave" work is so laidback that I can shitpost here while at work with no problems.

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they collect a small amount of welfare and they live at home and don't pay for shit or help out financially
neetbux aren't as lucrative as the memes on Yea Forums make them seem and once mommy and daddy die/boot them out they go homeless mode
take it from me. I'm sorry mom

Le Germany


Your sweet mothers fine ass son!

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future neet homeless here

J*wish games.

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What qualifies as a wagie?

Anyone with a job or only those with shitty mcjobs?

Are people who live off of trust funds NEETs?

>how wagies actually picture themselves

Attached: 1553496403385.png (676x427, 404K)

>Hating jews in 2019
Society will never grow up. I guess it's time to just nuke you all.

>all the time in the world to play games

>can’t fully enjoy them without feeling guilty or depressed and lonely

t. neet

I play with my anime figurines which you fucks cant even pirate :)

>dead end job
>no career
>minimum wage
>have to do it to sustain life and hobbies