It gets good on NG++++++++++++++ bro!

>It gets good on NG++++++++++++++ bro!

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It's the opposite, it's good at first and goes to shit on subsequent playthroughs because it just becomes a loot based grindfest and the combat turns into spamming 1 move

>the combat turns into spamming 1 move
name 1 action game where this isn't the case if you value efficiency
there will always be one best move that makes everything else irrelevant, what matters is how you use that move and how you deal with the enemies' moves

>it's another fromshitter can't handle real combat thread

I haven't played NG+ so I can't comment on whether it's as bad as that or not but I agree that the first playthrough was plenty fun on its own despite the few headaches about what stuff I should keep or discard if you're not used to that kind of looting system like I am. It's a shame there was so little enemy variety in the game and a few uninspired levels here and there because I really enjoyed playing the game.

>and the combat turns into spamming 1 move
bait or brainlet

Spear and non-LW Odachi are really the only exceptions.

They're also some of the least used weapons as a result.

>Real combat
lmao are you for real>? The likes of DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta and even games like GOW and Batman shit all over it. Nioh has one of the dumbest combat system's I've ever seen.

>Spear and non-LW Odachi are really the only exceptions.

ninja gaiden is just hold Y to win

This piece of shit along with the yokai that has that long ass tongue just made me drop the game entirely.
Theyre not fun to fight

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t. hasn't played Ninja Gaiden

just started playing it
seems like the whole combat system is the ki pulse + stats from armour

sorry, hold Y and izuna drops

One of the worst things about Nioh is the enemies. The AI just cheeses you constantly until you're dead.

Yeah, something about this game really didn't work. I was so hyped for it thinking it would be amazing and even pre-ordered it but i made it maybe 5-6 bosses in and lost all interest. I've picked it up and dropped it many times but its the same thing. I don't know why exactly this game didn't work but i just bought sekiro and have been playing the shit out of it. I don't know

Is it too much to ask for a game like Nioh that doesn't work so hard to emulate Dark Souls? Couldn't an ARPG take on Ninja Gaiden just have been a thing without aping all of From's corpse run and stamina mechanics?

I finished both way of the nioh and sekiro without kuro charm + demon bell
and i think sekiro is much more fun than diablo + souls aka nioh

What's worse is there are retards out there who try to convince themselves that the game is nothing like Dark Suuls despite the numerous similarities.

If you haven't reached layer 1500 in the infinite mode and fought super onryoki you've never played the true nioh, that's where it starts to get good

You just saying words. Like how it is exactly dumb? What is fucking "smart" then? It has more variety in moves and enemies than average action game. AI is relentless and hard hitting. What is "dumb" about it, you fucking nigger mongoloid?

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>Quick change scroll
More like 5 more seconds alive scroll
Most enemies keep attacking your corpse so you basically need to defeat them without it

Nioh is just living weapon to activate god mode and win
Refill with amrita if needed

That is if you choose to do that.

>You just saying words.
So are you, faggot. But at least mine are actually true. Having more moves doesn't automatically make it a good action game with good combat, especially when the whole thing is broken up into stances which end up restricting the combat variety.

> AI is relentless and hard hitting.
If by that, you mean "annoying and tedious", sure. I really like having to spam the same shit over and over because the majority of moves are fucking useless. That's obviously fun.

This game is the most fucking wasted pontential i've ever seen. Fuck this game

I think you're just mad and bad. Every move, every single one, has application. Stance and weapon switching is actual cool resource management mechanic.


I finished NIOH on NG and NG+ and anything past that is just fucking tedious as shit.

It actually gets worse

True but most of the moves have applications that are inferior to "just rushdown with low stance because your hits come out faster than the opponent's and it's easy to ki pulse 80% of your stamina back and quickly dodge away"

This game was good from the beginning.

This is why no one likes you Niohfags

>I think you're just mad and bad.
Mad that the game's bad.

>Every move, every single one, has application.
Bullshit. Some moves are far less efficient than others, meaning that they might as well not be in the game at all since they don't provide the efficiency to get past enemies that the others do. It's just a poorly implemented system.

You sound like a scrub, Scrub.

He's right. Ninja gaiden is spam 1 move to win.
It's still the best action series though. So your criticism is stupid as fuck.

So why do they have this fags mission so early in the game?
this fight is some bullshit

Attached: niohside.jpg (1280x720, 231K)

The only thing he's right about is that you didn't play it, Diablo fag

>muh stances
lol shit is trash

It's a wake-up boss that teaches you how to fight other humanoid enemies.
There's a reason there's no level prior to him. You just have to either git gud, or keep dying, and getting your nip-crystals back is pretty easy since the arena is tiny.

i finished almost literally everything after 300+ hours and i'm almost tempted to go back in to try another build

Come back later

You poor thing.

>got roadblocked by Shiggy so hard that when I finally beat him I didn't take a single hit

Felt amazing. Thank God it's not possible to run around and grind after starting the mission. It made me actually learn not only how he moved and attacked but also how I did.


I can't imagine being this autistic desu.

actual autism is doing the 999 floors
the only thing that kept me going after ng+3 was the ever more crazy bonuses that could drop, but i would say that the game is worth for at least 120-150 hours easy

this desu

I fucking hate the loot system. God, it's bad.


This game is complete garbage.