They hate us cuz they aint us. Virgin natural vs chad cheater

They hate us cuz they aint us. Virgin natural vs chad cheater

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I think cheating is pretty fun. It's a good way to relieve stress after some bad games. Also besting a cheater when youre on the other side absolutely feels worth it

never understood the appeal desu

Only niggers are dumb enough to have to cheat, especially if you're downloading and using someone else's cheats.

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World isnt fair cuck

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>if it's a girl, they're gonna be trash

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>shilling like his life depends on it
>trash-talking people who can't even hear him
>acting like he meant to lose when he gets rekt

the virgin counter strike player vs. the chad ut/quake engine player

is this nigger seriously cheating on dusk in casual matches?

What a betamax permavirgin. If you're gonna cheat at least cheat in ranked.

We can hear him
>He doesnt know
Gotta lose some to fool overwatch

Hey guys check out this cheat engine, there's a link in the description, it's pretty good btw did you know there's a link in the description so be sure to click that link in the description in need the money please click the link in the description.
>We can hear him
I'd rather not though.
>Gotta lose some to fool overwatch
Yeah, I'm sure those times where he went completely silent after failing to kill someone were just him trying to fool overwatch ;^)

imagine being so bad at a game you have to cheat

reminder that you are literally a backwards step for the human race

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ragehacking and HvH is fun, legit hacking isn't

Youre literal nigger. Wasting away hours to be """good""" at video games. Its no different compared to me DLing some lowkey aimbot and whooping your black ass without wasting any time.


>tfw legit config
>tfw i suspect somebody fishy I just trigger bot them to get them mad
>type hvh in chat
>they go full spin bot
>I report them and they get banned
works every time

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Absolutely based

This is the state of the Minecraft era "gamers".

Thank Allah I wasn't too late.

>legit hacking
The mental gymnastics...

Somebody is too slow to learn how to git gud by playing the game normally; you're just proving my point that you guys are too shit at the game to play it normally so you have to cheat to get any satisfaction out of it, you subhuman.

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t literal nigger who has nothing in his life so he grinds out a fucking video game.

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every cheater says "hitting P" what do they mean by this

>Being this much of a Casual
You're like the niggers who kept playing MMO and used the "Well... I have a life!" excuse everytime they fucked up

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t literal retard that can't play the game casually and be good

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what's the point of winning a completely hollow victory?

You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

>downloading cheats
>paying for cheats
>end up getting banned eventually, there is no other outcome
All those kids I reported for cheating back in the day probably turned out to be cucks. The mentality is pretty much the same.

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Get the points at the end and rank up.

based pc gaming

toggling fake crouch or fake angles to fuck with resolvers

>he needs to cheat to win

>You're like the niggers who kept playing MMO and used the "Well... I have a life!" excuse everytime they fucked up
Youre saying you actually grinded that shit? Even in back of original RS I just botted my woodcutting, herbs and combat to 90.
Lm@ing at you.

Hacking is casual and being better is defined by winning.

Whats the point of playing games? Theyre just pixels, its something you do with your friends

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makes your brain secrete the happy juice for zero effort because effort is too much work

so what hitting P just means killing through fake angles/crouch?

I bet you are a real winner at life too.

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>I'm a casual, lol xD
Okay, homo

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You literally don't have points; you're trying to be smug but you're only proving how much of a retard you are.

You had to either purchase the hacks or get it through a friend of a friend or other shit like that, when all that time you could've spent just playing the fucking game, enjoying it, and getting gud. But no, you're too fucking stupid and incompetent to do that, so you say "oh but cheats are casual and im good cuz i win Xd"

get out of here you absolute piece of garbage

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You never played sports, did you?

Literally takes 10 minutes to get and setup a decent cheat

If you don't wanna throw your account in the dumpster it'll take more than that.

And still; 10 minutes that could've been spent playing the fucking game.

>Virgin natural vs chad cheater
chad doesn't even know where to go to buy hax. virgin spends more time in forums than he does playing.

Based, triggering moral fags is so easy.

Makes people like you seethe
