Unable to enjoy games because you feel the need to 100% the thing on your first run

>Unable to enjoy games because you feel the need to 100% the thing on your first run.
>Check every corner.
>Talk to every NPC twice after every event.
>Hoard everything for no reason.
>Burn out and never finish the game.

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Thank god I dont watch trash

Sounds like a case of extreme OCD.

LOL, just relax nigga.


And this is why I've only finished about 5 games in my life out of hundreds. I'll spend 80 hours in a JRPG (but only 33% of the way because of being thorough) and give up. Then a year later I try again but have to start completely fresh or it doesn't count. I can't just play shorter games because I hate everything that isn't an RPG, and short RPGs are boring and shallow usually.

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This happened to me with Zero no Kiseki

this is why I didn't finish Anachronox despite really enjoying it

>start playing a new video game
>enjoy the game so much that it takes your mind off your problems, if only for a few days
>FF a bit, realize you're close to beating it
>problems start to rear their ugly head again
>desperately search the internet for a new video game
>buy new video game, stop playing the one that you were close to beating
>rinse and repeat

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>want to do a 100% run of a video game
>some of the achievements are for minigames in DLC you don't own

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Unironically me. Every video game I touch I get through 80% of the game and then existential dread hits me as soon as I think to myself that the game is almost over

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Is it really?

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No. Humans like order and leaving things unfinished (collectibles, hidden objectives, multiple endings) makes our monkey brains itch. If anything you have ADHD

I have a particularly bad problem with hoarding in games. Playing Outward right now and I can't manage to clean out my inventory.

I start to wake up and play for a bit then turn it off after an hour, then 30 minutes the next, then 10 minutes, etc until I just lay in bed thinking about playing it but can't do it. This lasts for about 2 weeks until I have a dream about another game in another series. I cycle between the same 10 games and have been doing so for nearly two decades and have only finished half of them.


>don't have the willpower to beat games from this generation that are objectively more polished and more fleshed out with content
>have zero trouble beating the same shitty RPG from 2006 over and over again

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Completionist life, I know how you feel user


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Same here. I have over 30 hours in Divinity:OS2 but I've only gotten off the island once and stopped there.

>check out the achievements as I play a game
>see that some of them are insanely hard and i'll never do them
>urge to play the game stops completely

This was me until I 100%-ed AC IV: Black Flag. Something about having to navigate to hundreds of tiny islands in my 100-ton ship, jumping out into the ocean, swimming to the island, grabbing the item(s), swimming back to my ship, climbing up my ship and finally sailing off to the next closest island broke a fuse in my brain.

Nowadays, if I see more than 10 collectibles on my map at any given time I just ignore them all and head straight to the objective.

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I'm so glad I never became obsessed with cheevos. My friend is just like you and will spenf hours playing a game he hates just to get a single achievement. Y u like this?

I just did this with Doom and Prey. I just stopped playing Prey after the first level because I knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy it. I never finished Fallout New Vegas either.

I know those feels OP

It wouldn't be a problem with missable shit wasn't a thing.
Why is it legal?

JRPGs are boring and shallow usually.

imagine being this privileged
fucking white people lmao

I do this because if I just bumble to the end I won't play it again anyway

This is unironically me

I refuse to allow myself to play a new game though until I finished the one I started.
It took me a whole year to finish Tales of Xillia 2 and then 6 months to 100% AC:Origins.

That's all I've played for the last 2 years.

Agreed Juan Carlos. Now, let's get back to playing our brand new xbox 360

>Thanos dies in the beginning
>Stones already destroyed
>5 Years pass
>Thor gets fat and depressed
>Hawkeye goes sad edgy donut steele
>Tony has a kid
> Scott Lane returns
> Timey wimey Pym Particles, go back for stones before Thanos nabs them
>Natasha sacrifices self for Soul Stone
>Thanos travels forwards using stolen Pyms
>Tony dies using gauntlet
>Cap goes back to return stones, and stays behind.
>Old cap is now there, gives shield to Falcon, becomes Captain M’Nigga

>Play game
>Get half way through
>Burn out
>Burn out is over after a year
>Forget where I was up to
>Have to start game from the beginning again
>The cycle repeats


I have this, but at work. Now I get the big bucks. Feels good man.

Honestly I feel like game walkthroughs have killed the spirit of discovery in games.

Though this sounds hypocritical coming from me since I remember reading those lines of texts on gamefaqs for FFT buried locations and shit.

>Its gradually is getting harder for you to find games that let you escape
I wanna go back

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I had that.
I never finished some RPGs because of that shit.
I got over it by lowering the 'standard' of playthroughs, even if little by little.

>set rules of what I want to accomplish before start of game like not focusing on 100%, just do all quests and sidequests (making your own '100%')
>if the game isn't buggy, play only on one save, and let go if you miss shit
>try to finish game before playing another

I can find games that let me escape easily and every time I play it I can disconnect from the world and enjoy myself for once.
Then after about a week I just can't be bothered to start the game up. I know that if I do I will enjoy it; I just can't turn on the game.


I used to be like that and grew tired of vidya because of it but then I just said fuck it and started enjoying the game, messing around and having fun instead of focusing on finding collectables, going through every possible dialogue option etc. and I've actually started enjoying games and looking forward to putting a few hours in instead of seeing it as a chore.

user, it took me 11 years to finally finish Final Fantasy XII. I had to get every single item and maxed missables. I read every line of possible dialogue, saving and resetting for branching side quests. I had 6 of every weapon and armor you can get multiples of just to be able to equip every party member. I could've done it in maybe a year but I kept quitting after a month and restarting for 11 fucking years because I didn't do something the right way and became discouraged.

Now I'm moving on to Tales of Symphonia and will get 30 of everything, maxed stats/level/gald, fuck it all to hell man.

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>start new game
>get analysis paralysis at the character creation screen

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You just contradicted yourself, dumbass. Dumbass!

What the fuck is wrong with us?
Is it unironically autism?


Trophies unironically ruined video games.

>I have finished all of the content, I am done with this game.

Tough shit faggotboi you gotta pay for a PS+ subscription and send 1 challenge a week to your friends list oopsie daisy you missed a day btw we closed the servers now you can never finish the game ;).

"You always get trophies playing normally!"

No. When has this ever fucking happened? Best case scenario is something like Uncharted where you have to grind weapon kills. It's not fun. It is the antifun.

>Wow, this MMO looks like it would appeal to me.
>"Chose a class"
>Never touch game again
>Uninstall half a year later

My 3 favorite series are Zelda, Souls (Includes Bloodborne and Sekiro) and Resident Evil. For the past 2-3 years I've essentially cycled through full series playthroughs for each of the series while pretending to be a famous critic streaming them to many people and giving them my opinions and insights with a handful of other games here and there

>Not actually recording yourself playing and putting it on Youtube as a private video

My anxiety of somebody seeing would ruin me

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That's why you can list them as private. Or hell record it and just leave it on your computer.