What happened to banter?

What happened to banter?

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this kid's not even funny lmao that sucked

Ask your mom.


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Its now called being toxic and you can get permabanned If you call someone a nigger
The world needs a reset, something like a collapse or ww3

most people who play games nowadays are thin skinned whiny bitches, that have a mental breakdown as soon as they see something they dont like.

The whiners got into positions of power and influence.

Man I miss using shitty Games for Windows Live to send messages to people after coop/invasions in Dark Souls, Steam's messaging system sucks.

People realized that sending hatemail just makes you look like a salty bitch.

not worth getting banned over
I really do miss getting hate messages from shit players
I'd always send them back fart noises

I wish demo d would stop neglecting his youtube channel.

It's called being a decent human being.

>It's called being a decent human being.
Lmao what a fag

>tfw the guy you keep shittalking and dueling for half an hour ends up adding you as a friend on steam
Anyone else? The best kinds of pals come from these scenarios

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Kill yourself faggot tranny kike nigger

This another casualty to twitch cancer.

>beat same guy in duels about a dozen times in DS2
>he adds me to trash talk
>eventually becomes my apprentice
Best plot twist

You can't spell banter without ban.

Shittalking and banter is what makes online games fun to me even though I dont do it much myself. If everyones going to either stay silent or be as boring as possible not to trigger anyone then might as well play with bots honestly.


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Decent human beings can still be capable of humor and basic social interaction.

>coop with someone
>they end up wanting me to play through the whole game with them
they lose interest after 2 days and don't talk to you again
It's happened twice now and its great.


Coming up with progressively creative ways to call another guy shit is what I live for. If the other guy isn't a faggot whether you're within decency or not isn't an issue.

>muh epic bants
Thid is the mindset of a literal high school jock.

Rocket League is great for banter, especially against team that are self consuming.

>Enemy team does badly.
>One member is salty, starts blaming his teammates.
>Target him with banter:
>X is jump.
>Play tutorial.
>Ball Chaser is user's mom.
>Get dunked on, nerd.

Good times.

>complaining about bants
Thid is the mindset of a literal tranny

trans gamers rise up against the fucking jocks and preps

Lmao best thing to come out the game honestly

I miss Demo

unfortunately it's seen as being "toxic" or whatever
see? absolute fucking spineless idiots

It usually is white males to be honest. I really don't get that. You don't see the chinks or the niggers going UNGA BUNGA when you say something offensive but the white knight cuck.

What a save!

I actively played FPS online from 1997 to about 2015 on PC in Europe. There was no "banter," let alone the "YOU MOM IS A NIGGER FUCKER" spam from 10 year olds that Americans have Stockholm syndromed themselves into accepting as normal.

Look up the White Man's Burden. This behavior is just the revised version for the new age.

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>enemy score in his own goal
>Me and my whole team start spamming "What a save!" and "Savage"
This game has great bants moments.

I see what you did there, master ruseman. Still, Lmao what a fag

We have banter here on Yea Forums. Plus if we do it in vidya we get reported and banned for 24 hours.

Yeah because no one spoke the same language, so no one understood each other

>chat shit every game because its the only way to have fun
>never so much as a chat restriction
Big up riot games for only pretending they care about 'toxicity'

That's part of it, but there were enough people who knew English, and I played often on UK servers. Never experienced the "banter" that Yea Forums is always talking about. We focused on playing the game.

Nobody talks in Europe because all the foreigners are ashamed of their funny accents. It's not that people are too pre-occupied with playing the game, it's that most of them are too scared to even speak.

People are also more naturally reserved in Europe, which is seen as less "friendly" by Americans.

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>It's called being a decent human being.

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>the world needs a reset

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