why haven't you played it Yea Forums?
Why haven't you played it Yea Forums?
i don't have psvr
or a ps4
why is she a generic jap now?
>anime games on the Burkastation 4
blonde white whore are nasty and disgusting
Shit taste.
>whore are nasty
>le pretend broken english xDD
I have played it and it sucks.
Thought about it, but I would rather just keep saving for a new PC and maybe get VR for that. Snoy are going to keep making VR stuff but it's not going to be the shit I want ie horror and pornography.
american piggu go homu
Hasn't this been out for ages on steam?
Maybe if they made a version that appeals to me.
I can already interact whit real women in real life.
Give me something i cant have in rel life.
kinda weeb shit is that?
that cover art is top notch.
Becuase I love dicks, but am not THAT much of a faggot to play this.
The schoolgirl is the original. It's called "Summer Lesson" because she's supposed to be your tutor.
The blonde, I believe, is an expansion.
expands my dick
This. I'll pick it up when the pro+PSVR combo is cheap, and the console is completely hacked so I don't have to import weeb games.
Honestly, I don't give much of a shit about Summer Lesson. I'd rather play the VR badman game, or Shiawasesou even though I heard it was shovelware, and Tetris Effect is probably the only game I give a shit about on the system.
I can't imagine owning a PS4 in this day and age. It's such a crappy console, and it's still so restrictive. At least the Switch is blown wide open so all the games are free.
Doesn't seem interesting.
There's three girls and each are sold separately unless you buy the bundle.
is it porn?