Should I play with Japanese or English voices Yea Forums?

Should I play with Japanese or English voices Yea Forums?

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>should i play with emotional or monotone voices?

Yed youngshoild

Always play in the original language, don't even ask the question

I found English 2B to be jarringly aggressive and constantly frothing at the mouth bugfuck mad. The Japanese VA is a little more reserved and sounds much more unsure of herself at times.

If you don't mind a bit of a re-do, play the first segment, or at least part of it with both and pick whichever appeals to you more.

If you have to ask the question you should probably pick english.

you shouldn't play at all

I was satisfied with the English dub, it seemed like it served the characters and script as well as you could hope, but I haven't heard the original Japanese - maybe it's noticeably better.


The English dub of the original NieR is stellar, though

English is fine

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JP, the translation is a mess either way, but at least 2B doesn't sound like she's on the verge of slapping 9S across the room every moment.

Jap for 2B, Eng for 9S

Uninstall and paly something else.
Game is boring as fuck.

You may as well just have random sounds playing if you're going to play in jap.
Unless you understand jap, it's pointless.

Always go with original audio, or in some cases the audio the original creator intended.
For example, MGS is a Japanese game but Kojima intends for the games to be played in English. NieR however has no real intents behind the language, so it's best to stick with the original one. Doesn't matter how good the dub is, it's still a dub and is unoriginal.

i-it make me immersed in the world and cultuire...

Who cares about not understanding the language when there are subs?

I-t makes me peepee hard....
Ok i admit it, i wish i was born japanese

>Kojima intends for the games to be played in English
fake news

This is false.

monotone obviously
they’re robots

>works directly with the English VAs, some of which are mid-to-high-profile actors from movies and TV

Japanese, of course.

No, he doesn't

English because 9S gives the performance of a lifetime.

If you can't appreciate pitch and emotion in a human voice whatever the language, you're probably autistic

What does sarcasm sound like in Japanese?
Can you discern Japanese inflection?
Do you understand the order of Japanese words and how they might affect the meaning of a sentence?

If english sarcasm isn't clear over english text, what the fuck makes you think it's clear over subtitles translated from an entirely different language?

The dub is surprisingly good, but it's up to you really, either one works, if you're fine with reading subtitles

>high T woman's voice vs low T woman's voice
Depends if you like to suck dicks or not.

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the point of the game is that robots are people too, though

>Let me just look away from the visual and interactive elements of fucking video games so I can read tiny ass words
I suppose it doesn't really matter for Nier, since the story, characters and general dialogue is all utter nonsense, but in principle subtitles are fucking retarded for anything that has an otherwise proper dub.
The only people who should ever be using subtitles are spics who want to watch The Avengers, but are tasteful enough to not suffer through the poor quality that is Spanish film dubs, or really anything produced in Hispanolands. Minor exception to fruit, but even that shit is probably laced with literal shit.

Good facts, now back to your hard work Kojima

Japanese. English if you're feeling a bit spicy, I guess. The words and tones 2B and 9S use in english are slightly different which alters their character a bit (2B more than 9S), but english 9S and Pascal are pretty good.

play one language
pay the toll at the very end
play the other language


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Honestly you can't really go wrong either way with this dub. Everyone did a pretty good job to so I didn't really think "Oh no I gotta change it to Japanese Voices!" during my playthrough like I did with stuff like Xenoblade 2.

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You literally need a fraction of a second to read the entirety of the subs. It's not nearly as distracting as you're making it out to be. I'd much rather play a game sounding like it was intended by the creator.

the Japanese don’t understand sarcasm themselves at all anyway

People who watch live action movies never talk about any of this stuff, it's strictly a dubfag meme. And if you actually spent some time watching/playing things with Japanese audio then you would gain a better understanding of it.

Generally subs but this game is a fringe case due to a lot of talking when in a fight at the same time.

i'll make you a mod where every sound will be me saying "have sex"

>in principle subtitles are fucking retarded for anything that has an otherwise proper dub
If you are stupid and think that acting, culture, language and artistic intent don't matter at all.

no you won't

>should I mute a piece of art and overlay it with talentless hacks who only have jobs because they happen to live near a dubbing studio
Entirely your choice.

fuck, (you) got me...

Is your reading level at a grade school level or are you an ESL?
It takes a pittance of time to be able to read subtitles.

>a piece of art

>ctrl+f 'runk'

user, that's really not fair. The dub is pretty good in Automata, better than most dubs.

most of the dialogue is during gameplay. if you enjoy reading small subtitles while trying to fight enemies go with jp. if you want to enjoy playing the game and following the story go with eng

When 2B speaks keep it japanese, when 9S speaks switch it over to english

>most of the dialogue is during gameplay.
That is not true.

English. The English voices are stellar.

english dub is almost decent, everyone are pretty good EXCEPT 2B, but because shes kinda an important character, this ruins everything.

What if the artistic intent is wrong though? A dub can improve that.