Overwatch Thread

>favorite hero
>least favorite hero
>ideas to improve the game

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remove pyro

>favorite hero
Mcree & reinhard
>least favorite hero
Low-mid diamond
>ideas to improve the game
Some kind of role queue please for the love of god please

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Haven't played comp since season 4 was close to masters
Delete the game

>favorite hero
Zenyatta before Blizzard banned him for being far-right terrorist

Attached: Spray_Zenyatta_Hand.png (512x512, 61K)

>favorite hero
Reaper although I don't actually play him as much as I'd like
>least favorite hero
low master
>ideas to improve the game
Remove widowmaker. too much of the game is hoping your widow is better than theirs. It's tf2 all over again.

Less blacks

S76 before that update that fucked his recoil
>least favourite hero
I stopped playing the game around the time Doomfist was announced but I came back a few months ago to learn that I don't like Brigette
when I played properly I was in plat

oh yeah I forgot
stop this crusade against "toxicity"

>remove widow
100% this, especially at high ranks. Idk why I never hear people make this complaint but people complain about brig/sombra/junkrat or literally anyone else nonstop. Widow carries games singlehandedly the way no other character can. If you've got a good widow, you're not playing the game. If you've got the bad widow and they have a good one, you get steamrolled and there's nothing 5/6 people on your team can do about it.

The only real counterplay is playing winston or other counter-ish heroes but that can ruin your whole comp. In an online environment it's very difficult to change heroes/comps on the fly and expect people to also change to adapt the comp.

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>favorite hero
>least favorite hero
>ideas to improve the game
After winning a game, Mercy has to stay connected to an exclusive chat where she isn't allowed to disconnect from or she gets a 24 hour ban. She is forced to ERP with everyone on the team and has to please them until they all commend her or also leave the game.

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is it worth playing in 2019?

>>ideas to improve the game
Make Total Mayhem permenant in the arcade.

>Rein and Brig
>haven't played comp in forever but was in Platinum
>competitive Total Mayhem

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I just play for fun, meaning arcade
new game modes. The heroes are fine, the gunplay feels good. We just need new things to do with those ingredients.

you should get better people working on the game instead of asking for advice here Jeff.


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>favorite hero
>least favorite hero
Gold. Haven't played it much, so Silver now.
>ideas to improve the game
Focus on game content and functionality rather than new heroes. Eg.)Spltiscreen, main campaign

Can I haz phone?

>favorite hero
Hard to say, it depends on team comp I'm playing with but whenever I get the chance (which is rare) I play pharah
>least favorite hero
Bastion, only because he is really boring and a lot of people just don't know how to fight bastion bunker
>ideas to improve the game
For the love of god stop releasing new heroes, force role q until masters, crack down on smurfs and people throwing (seriously they do nothing about this).

Almost anyone else, don't care about other niggers outside Brigitte, Reinhardt, Orissa, Junkrat and Lucio also i really love Kerrigan(only this skin) Widow, but i suck at aim, so don't care lol
Gold or Plat, just play first 10 games each season
Delete this game lol

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>favorite hero
>least favorite hero
QP only
>ideas to improve the game
Add gear and alternative abilities to choose from. Gear should be hero specific at best and class specific at worst. Alternative abilities could range from small modifications to current abilities to wholly new abilities like swapping widow's ult for "next 5 shots pierce shields". Number of equippable abilities should remain the same to keep it simple stupid.
Gear could drop from the PvE events that would become permanent or from PvP if you beat a team you have a small chance to get their gear(without them losing theirs ofc). The gear would provide stats similar to gear in MMOs. +2HPS for mercy or +3%healing on reaper's guns, +350 to rein's shield etc. You can go nuts with greens/blues/epic etc, legendary items too. They wanted to go in this direction with golden weapons for competitive but that's just not very enticing imo.

If they keep it stale and safe like this the kids are going to stay on fortnite.

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>Don't know
>Buff niggerfist

Mei, D.Va and Hammond
Junkrat and Moira
Haven't played comp in like 2 years; was mid-diamond when I took it somewhat seriously
Too late at this point to really salvage it in any great sense