Would you faggots mind explaining the appeal of Dota 2? How can you play this game for thousands of hours...

Would you faggots mind explaining the appeal of Dota 2? How can you play this game for thousands of hours? Is it really that good?

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books.google.co.uk/books?id=x93VAAAAIAAJ&q="toxic attitude"&dq="toxic attitude"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjXnp75nOvhAhW5VBUIHQtMC20Q6wEIMzAC

It's just retards with shallow lives getting hooked up during teenagehood

one day i will show my booga team and get the #1 ranked spot i deserve

the time to get addicted to this game is long gone, sorry for that pal
it's golden era being 2013~2015

It can be. I only have a lowly 150 or so hours in, but its a game with alot of tension. Theres alot that can go wrong very fast in a game like this, but its extremely rewarding when it goes right.

Some of my fondest memories were more than a decade ago playing wc3 custom games with my mates.

It's just a fun kinda casual game once you learn all the skills and quirks of the game. I don't play it that much anymore but what I always liked about Dota 2 more than League was that you can outplay your opponent with items, juking, hero position, all kinds of shit. It's more crazy than it's competitors (except HoN but that game was great too).

literally boomercore game

just like tower defense, treetag, footman frenzy, and all that other garbage

There's a lot to learn and lots of characters.

me ooga team booga

Its addictive and complex and the f2p model can bait you easily to get into it. Plus, the average game lasts around 30-50mins so you get invested especially if you lose. Also remember the fundamental rule of teamworking competitive games:"Its never you fault for losing a match, its everyone else for being a noob on the team"

You don't play dota like you play a normal video game.
You play dota like you play a fucking guitar or a piano.

Except after thousands of hours of playing you still have no genuine skill to show off.

dota is probably the greatest game ever made in its own right, there's layers upon layers upon layers of complexity there. Every time you uncover the next layer, you realize that you haven't really been playing dota right all along.

Also, dota is worse than heroin. Winning a long game feels pretty good, but losing is pure torture.

There is no appeal to dota you retard. Don't even fucking touch it.

you can be creative and do A N Y T H I N G unlike other assfaggots

Io mid bro

of course you can do it


Whether the game is good or not I won't comment on that.

However I genuinely want frosttoad to release an autobiography or a book on his time as a dota dev. He's unironically one of the most interesting game developers I've ever come across.

If you want to endure countless sleepless nights, playing game after game until 6 o'clock in the morning, changing night into day, and day into night;

If you want to be mocked, ridiculed and abused in the most disgusting ways on a daily basis;

If you want (like taking drugs) to feel numb and barely "normal" only when you are winning, but infuriated to the point of shouting and smashing your computer desk, or even breaking things, when you are losing;

If you want to throw away thousands upon thousands of hours of your life;

If you want to damage your eyes by strain, your hands by carpal tunnel, your body generally by a sedentary lifestyle;

If you want to immerse yourself in one of the cruellest and most unintelligent communities in the world, among people who will wish death to your family because you made a small mistake, or even did not make a mistake at all, but simply did something that they did not like;

If you want to be stuck in an addictive cycle of queuing for game after game, losing all interest in every other pleasure in life, great or small, from the sound of birdsong to the enjoyment of a good book;

Then, and only then, do I recommend you to take up DOTA.

If you want to corroborate what I have said above, then you need only look at the Steam reviews.

>doesn't shitpost on social media
>doesn't like attention
>occasionally memes
>considers both pro and casual opinions
Truly the maddest of arabs

It's pretty much pure game and mind play. There are 100s of ways to win and 1000s of optimal strategies, and it refreshes the entire chess board with each new [Accept] game button. Maybe the best game of all time? Who knows, but millions of people can't be wrong and an endless amount of hours sunk can't be for nothing.

Give it a go.

There are 100 ways to win, but tens of thousands ways of losing horribly.

I love it.

If millions of people can't be wrong, then modern WoW must be worth playing.

Not even that.

>stick with a game for over a fucking decade from the small leagues of wc3 custom maps to working with god damn valve
>despite your name being an open secret people still genuinely care enough to never mention it in a world where vitriol between dev and gamer is at an all time high
>arguably widely respected by pros and the casual playerbase alike despite how fucking retarded his balance decisions can be
>actively chided by the playerbase to FUCK THEIR SHIT UP
>even if you reach arguably the optimal balance for a game still choose to fuck everything up for shits and giggles
>has never once gave a single line of reasoning for any of the balance changes he does, he just drops it and lets people figure it out
The myth that is icefrog is a wonder in the gaming industry.
I wonder how many devs balancing competitive multiplayer games can learn from that autist.

>modern wow
>millions of people

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How toxic are the people who play this game?

>Would you faggots mind explaining the appeal of Dota 2?
The satisfaction of pulling off a teamfight, a combo, winning with a new itembuild and stomping the other team completely.
>How can you play this game for thousands of hours?
I personally played it a lot when my PC was running on a shitty graphics card, so I got used to not being excited for other games. After a while I just got used to playing Dota 2 whenever I had time.
>Is it really that good?
It's a great game and I had the most fun during the learning period when I was finding out about a lot mechanics and general optimal play, I stopped playing only when that urge to learn more kinda left and I only wanted to climb up ranked ladder.

Anyway still not sure if I would ever recommend this game to anyone since it will get you frustrated a lot and it's way too much time wasted.

don't even bother m8

Dota 2 is the posterboy of """toxicity""" mate. Other games wish it had a playerbase as cancerous as dota's.

see for yourself

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pretty much this sums up my 300+hour experience with dota

Thats league of legends, dota is for people that just hate themselves and want to feel better through suffering

If you use female words like toxic you probably are too much of a baby for it

>female words
lol wut?

I could write a huge ass thesis like all the other faggots in this thread, but the truth is that the reason I like dota is because it's a perfect scale simulation of war.

You'll likely spend an hour of your life with 9 other complete strangers who can be complete retards. you'll wish that you could just control your teammates units and conquer the whole world, but it doesn't work like that.

If one retard, be it enemy or teammate, does something really retarded in a single fight it can determine the whole game. all the work you put in just go flushed down the toilet.

the best games are those where your teammates are screaming at each other in 4 different languages over voice, but nobody is giving up for some reason that nobody can pinpoint and you end up winning. and then you all report each other afterwards.

everytime I play dota I'm reminded that all kinds of philosophy, ethics, and religions are complete bullshit because we're just retarded mutant apes that will wipe each other out for sure.

It's the most deep multiplayer game. After playing Dota for nearly a decade I'm still learning new interactions and have only "mastered" like 5 heroes.

>the best games are those where your teammates are screaming at each other in 4 different languages

Doesn't stop shitters raging and throwing games though. I remember doing Radiance/Solar Crest Lifestealer about 2 years ago and had so many people throwing games over it. A month later it was meta.

I never played Dota before. Should I try it?

"Toxic" is simply a neological slang word for older ones like incivility, coarseness, vulgarity, and disrespect. Which are attributes that no civilized people has ever prized, from the Greeks and Romans to Europe in the 19th century. In fact, facile vituperation was traditionally seen as a female attribute bespeaking a feeble, undisciplined mind.

It's a game that made me wish I was playing 1v1 in Broodwar instead. Don't believe faggots that say ASSFAGGOTS are RTS for APMlets. You'll fucking wish you were just playing alone dealing with the stress of high APM instead of having to deal with four other mouthbreathing dogfucking braindead retarded shitters on your team.

it's free so why not?

I have almost 5000 hours, it's a game that stayed with me trough all my life, my brother introduced me into it.
The solo queue can be frustrating but very satisfying. The meta rarely gets stale and every game is unique.
But the real fun is party queue
Going 5 of your favourite retards against another stack of 5 is the most fun. Trying silly combos, meme builds or just playing like always, it's just fun because you're invested in it
And its the most complex so you never stop learning

well thats a nice philosophy that you use to waste your time with this game. I had that "tower of Babel" moment once as well in Dota

try it but never take it seriously like those other niggas that play all day because they won a couple of matches and think they are esport material

God I love this game.

This is why i don't like LOL. I am forced to play like developers intented which sucks the fun out of it.

The old dota threads on Yea Forums were max comfy. /d2g/ used to be the best general too.

This, i have 5000 hours in it and never got above 4,5k mmr, though i played unranked 95% of time
Now i havent played in 6 months

Is this game at all worth getting into unless you already have a group of friends to play with? I've heard that playing with pubbies is a nightmare.

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I remember that there was a 6.5k or something guy who spammed jungle io

Extremely toxic because you can't get perma banned.

Toxic is a world used by women to shame men for things they dislike and want control over.
You never realized that the word became common because of this, women memed this idea that something is inherently toxic as an excuse to get rid of it out of public good, when it's actually just selfishness, like needing trigger warnings.

It also has THE best esports scene if you are into that. Because like Smash bros it's a scene msde by the players and not a forced league

Go be a woman somewhere else, this is why women don't play dota

For people who keep asking. No. This game isn't worth it at all. It was maybe worth it a decade ago when you could forge friendships forged in the fires of AIDS and cancer but it's not worth it today.

Don't sell your soul to the devil.

I just like ruining games and trigger people without consequences

The proto MRAs came up with the term toxic masculinity. It was men, not women.

Why cant you do it today?

It's interesting how enthusiastically some people allow SJWs to define their language usage. Perfectly normal words like "toxic" and "problematic" are used by trannies and fembots? Whelp, you win, looks like we have to stop using them!

It seems more fun to fuck with people than to actually play the game.

Moments such as these makes me want to play the game again. I miss when you could kill Pugna as Skywrath by buying Blademail and taking that fucker with you

Agreed. Thats why broodwar is still the superior esport with the good mannered community(setting aside some elitism)

What’s the first thing you should do in this game?

In DOTA culture, the word "toxic" is simply synonymous with "incivility." It doesn't have any feminist connotations. You are mistakenly inferring it does simply because it is a part of one of their stock-phrases, "toxic masculinity."

play a couple of bot matches with the heroes that look the most interesting to you

I'd say that unless you were referring to a puzzle or a genuine logical problem, "problematic" is an inherently left-wing word, because it is employed to avoid calling something, or as a euphemism for the words "bad" or "evil"; that is, it is designed to eschew making objective moral judgements, and to maintain the facade of non-essentialism and cultural relativism.

Absolutely right

t. 3000 hours

you can still do that

Toxic is a mainstream feminist word for masculinity.

it hit a sweetspot of repetitive/creative, and because of the amount of variables it really is very deep. the skill cap is basically theoretical: no one knows how to play dota perfectly, and still the same game can be played at a novices level and be fun there too.

"War.War never changes."

t.300+ hrs guy

I have over 2000 hours on this game and I still learn some new interactions.

there's plenty of ways in which political/philosophical/social views can be problematic, e.g. when they're contradictory, unrealistic, illogical, etc. "problematic" means something poses a problem, don't let lefties redefine it. instead, double down on using these words correctly.


>The mythopoetic movement tends to regard gender as biological realities, "hardwired" into the psyches of men and women. This gender essentialism is consistent with the Jungian philosophy undergirding the movement. Mythopoetic men thus speak of the need to recover "deep masculinity," to distinguish what they regard as genuine or mature masculinity from the problematic toxic masculinity of immature males.

This is what it means. The mythopoetic men's movement came up with it.

A keyword search on Google Books for "toxic attitude" turns up books from the 1970s, but the earliest reference to "toxic masculinity" is in a work from 1988: "In addition, many male feminists seek to rid themselves of what they regard as toxic masculinity promoted in men by socialization and to develop in themselves sensitivities and tenderness more typically socialized into women." (Freud, women, and morality: the psychology of good and evil, by Eli Sagan).

It's probably the closest that video games will get to a competitive sport.
Unlike other mobas and assfaggots it gives you a lot of ways to be creative and counter the enemy in game as opposed to just losing strictly based on picks and bans.
The devs don't enforce a metagame and changes happen organically

>The devs don't enforce a metagame and changes happen organically
>when the fraud has been forcing le epic team fight for years now

Toxic is a feminist word to describe men.
No amount of autistic argumentation will change reality.
Using the word toxic is like flying a rainbow flag.

You can still rat dota, you can still 1v5 rice farm carry

You don't get to just decide what a word means when there's decades of it's use in a different way, just because you've heard it now.

the word "amount" is feminist, stop using it.

Not like it used to be. Pugna used to receive reflect damage from his ward before it got patched 2 or 3 years ago.

Single handily the reason I'm so racist in my opinions on Eastern Europe. Bunch of potato fucking, paint drinking, hammer and sickle loving retarded apes that deserve only a nuclear obliteration.

Do you want to experience true nihilistic misanthropy? Go play in Dota 2's SEA server.

This is the only real redpill competitive game left.

You don't get to decide how society views you when you use a word co-opted by everyone else.
You say the phrase cheese pizza on this site, people don't think you are talking about dominoes you brainlet.
Only intellectually immature people are blind to the world around them and fall on literature as a guiding principle of reality.

Here is an instance of a psychotherapist employing the phrase "toxic attitude" in 1972. I invite you to find any usage of the phrase "toxic masculinity" before that date.

books.google.co.uk/books?id=x93VAAAAIAAJ&q="toxic attitude"&dq="toxic attitude"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjXnp75nOvhAhW5VBUIHQtMC20Q6wEIMzAC

It is as if you should seek to censure the word "privilege" simply because left-wingers decided to concoct the phrase "white privilege" in 1988.


Go stay mad somewhere else, your high estrogen levels are embarrassing

The word hasn't been co-opted, feminists use it the same way the mythopoetics did.

You don't get to decide the evolution of ideas, lament being the faggot you are somewhere else

I never should have made this post.

Probably one of the last multiplayer games where the playerbase is comprised of mostly men who still have their balls.

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It's used by women, for women to use.
Just because vibrators were invented by men doesn't mean it isn't for women you retard

Is there a reason why there are no players that act like healsluts in this game? Like this is the case for TF2 as well, Medic players are some of the manliest fuckers I've met.

You'd think a support like Crystal Maiden would be the perfect hero healsluts will latch on to like those attention whores do to LoL's Sona or Soraka.

It's kindergarten compared to old HoN

unironically don't know where this is coming from. I regularly que both EU north and Russia to get short queues and 99% of the russians I come across are chill people who just want to do their best.

I just finished a game.

It is a grueling grind to win and an absolute downer to lose.

Maybe play Souls games instead, but for some reason I cant handle those.

There are other words to use. Why would you choose to use words that were popularised by a group you dislike or disagree with when there are dozens of other words you could use?

You are an embarrassment and don't deserve to play games with men, fuck off with your vagina somewhere else

that's because all the subhuman russians queue EU west for faster queues

Dota has a higher skill floor so just less women in general. Out of all the girls I've run into while playing Dota, CM is definitely the most popular hero for them to play.

They have autism

few if any heroes are only defendors. there is hero that is only a buffer/healer. dazzle was kind of but nu poison touch is strong and I like his -armor for offense, it often wins teamfights

The game definitely has supportcucks, healing is just never a base requirement for supporting because not all supports can heal, like your position 5 last pick Sniper.

CM is honestly hard to play right. Theyre dead wrong if they think CM is an easy braindead healslut hero.

lmao ye maybe

First you claimed that "toxic" was a "feminist word," now you are shifting the goalposts and speaking of the "evolution of ideas." If what you meant to say is that the connotation of the word has changed, that is obviously untrue, because, as has been already pointed out to you, "toxicity" in DOTA culture means "verbal abuse" and nothing more. When somebody says to you "I hope your family dies" because you chose a hero or a position that they wanted, that is the sort of thing which a DOTA player intends when he uses the word "toxic," nothing more.


CM has the highest amount of women that play her, along with drow.
Thing is, those two heroes have huge flaws and require good positioning and use of items that new female players can't do well, and it causes them to quit

My gf tries really hard to play DotA with me but she just gets too distracted to position and plan 5 seconds ahead, she plays smite and fighting games well, it's just Dotas mechanics are antithesis to women brains

can somebody answer this?

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I tried that cancer-harass/get every deny support sniper meme once and it worked out fine, but being a sniper with low farm is... probably not worth it. you'll have to steal someones farm and even then you add almost nothing in fights

Too much toxic discussion going on here.

I think you want someone to teach you the basics, someone to play with

I'll continue using it because I won't allow loud minorities to dictate the language usage of the majority.

Because supporting in Dota 2 is absolute fucking cancer. Healsluts only want to ERP in a braindead role. In Dota you're expected to:
>do all these fucking horrid chores like stacking, pulling, warding properly, zoning people properly, actually paying attention to the map for TP responses
>live a miserable life as a poverty-ridden poorfag that has no money and is always underleveled
>can get one shot by the carries in a heartbeat but still have to position yourself perfectly so that you can use the items you have
>shotcall like a chad so your braindead teammates play properly
>also your entire team fucking hates you instead of wanting to ERP with you as well
Basically the support/"""healslut""" role in the game asks too much of the player for healsluts to enjoy.

As a side note, this is how medics work as well. You have to be an absolute chad so that your braindead team actually plays around your uber.

It's not shifting ideas, you just have autism and superfluous reading comprehension.
No one owns a word or idea, but the society around you accepts that Toxicity is a feminist idea about men.
Accept it and move on.
One day it might not be the case, which is the way ideas evolve, but until then, you will be ridiculed for being a woman when using that word.

pubs are really hit or miss. just play Turbo like I do, at least its quick loss and you can play another

Go free bleed somewhere else faggot

based supportchads

I hate the game but I can't stop playing

toxic behaviour

Playing with pubs will grow you as a man

go be toxic somewhere else

It has a lot of depth and every game is completely different
Only stopped playing because it is very unpolished and you have to play with subhumans that don't speak english

Get flossed on nigger


wew this thread sure is toxic

demanding, unforgiving gameplay
rewards game knowledge
fun with friends
cool characters
i say all these things unironically, a couple of times a week me and whichever of my friends are on play a couple of games each night

League is polished and unfun to play, winning never feels good

How is turbo? My friend keeps trying to shill it to me since i have no patience for those hour long games anymore, but i'm not sure if i would be able to leave if i install it again.

40% you tranny, tick tock

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Supportcucks are most definitely not chads, a support missing his pull or never buying wards is nowhere near as negatively impactful as your carry not getting farm. People choose support because they don't want to take the blame if shit goes south and are too pussy to play real chad positions like mid or hard lane.

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"Superfluous reading comprehension" gave me a laugh, thanks. You might as well speak of "superfluous courage" or "superfluous virtue." And as "autism" radically means an obsession with one's self, and an inability to comprehend other people's feelings and points of view, in other words selfism, the irony of you of all people employing it is not lost on me. The rest of your post has already been answered in the very one which you are replying to, so there is no need to repeat myself.

People who unironically use toxic will never take over dota because valve themselves like shit talking. Tipping,changing denies from ! to ?, dota+ lines, taunts are all too much for thin skinned faggots.

Some heroes do well or worse in it, depends on who you like to play


Take your medication Chris chan

>or never buying wards is nowhere near as negatively impactful as your carry not getting farm
at a high enough level I think these are the same thing. the vision game determines where you should farm. probably, I'm like 2k but it seems like it would come down to that

as long as your friends are the patient sort, it can be fun
they have to be really fucking patient though because even once you've learned how to play it's easy to make mistakes, and you will lose games. only the most saint-like of friends are tolerable to play dota with

its really better than normal games. getting stomped? its done after 15 mins and you can play one more. though sometimes even turbo lasts 50 mins which is the equivalent of 2 hour long normal games so everyone has everything twice

Not to be a fag but think of it like any other sport. You spend thousands of hours on the same field, but every game is different because that map is really just a sandbox that enables a basically infinite variety of tactics.

A small mistake can ruin the entire game?

I'll never understand people who say playing support is boring in dota. If you're doing it right you're fucking all over the map setting up ganks and defending shit, and when it comes to teamfights the gameplan for most of the popular supports is "jump right into the goddamn middle of the enemy team and fuck 'em up"

>a support missing his pull
what patch are you from rofl
this is babysit meta

Rice farm?

After about 45 mins or so, yes

Thank you for the recommendation, Mr A-Log.

Dota 2 is the biggest case against diversity I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

>Filipino on mid
>Russian in jungle
>Peruvian on offlane
>Chinese carry
>and you're the only one speaking english
Awful. Just awful.

Don’t a bunch of Chinese people play this game?

Hey Yea Forums hey.


>US servers

Attached: 1446257824855.png (878x842, 502K)

Kind of, but they aren't very good, Asians aren't good at dota, requires too much open ended thinking on the spot, nothing you can robotically train for like in LoL

>hear this at a bar back in like 2013
>it's an English version with completely different lyrics about sex or whatever

>guys look we have the cancerous playerbase we're sooo cool!
never got why this is something to praise about

It's the same with all other MOBA. This is exactly how I felt when I was heavily involved in SMITE.

It's not like I am not internet and news addicted and have more than a 5 second attention span, but MOBA games get the unhealthiness to the next level.

unironically this

the enemy can cause you to lose by playing like an utter fucking retard even.

you spend 40 minutes thinking of the enemy as another human being, and then it suddenly dawns on you that you've actually been playing against a monkey. entirely unpredictable. your plan has utterly failed.

The fuck is this shit? I'm more toxic in one game alone than all of this

>what is wings gaming
wings gaming made it a point to create alternatives to getting bkb. if that isn't creative I don't know what is

back when i was really big into dota 2, i started applying military training techniques to my own ranked solo queue without realizing it. basically, treat myself as a mere tool within the team, strive to maintain unit cohesion, always follow orders without question and so on. playing the game really is a lot like a military exercise when it comes down to it. it's stressful, hard and annoying, and you have to coordinate with 4 other people to achieve a common goal

foolish burger in the SEA server we communicate through our shear hate for the other races

Honestly how do you deal with this scenario? It has happened to me several times recently, the enemy team plays like crap the first half of the game until suddenly they win 2 team fights in a row and win because everyone on my team including me got used to their bad playstyle.

you tell your team to do objectives on voice chat and ping them

it works on 90% of people, the remaining 10% are those braindead freeloaders who somehow hover at your MMR despite never actually doing the actions that lead to victory

Dota 2 has the best story out of any game.

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Anyone here play or make custom games?

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i used to play DAC with the boys but honestly that game is infuriatingly random so i'm glad we don't play it anymore

I am still legitimately baffled by OG's storyline. Like you can't make that shit up.

Reality really is stranger than fiction.

This is actually solid advice. Whenever some idiot griefs and feeds I start feeding to. Make it a shitfest. Trying to reconcile with people and compromise is fucking pointless in video games.


I don't know if the answer is obvious but why aren't any niggers playing this game?

OG's storyline was the main plot of Dota from the get go. Build up friendship with Fly and Notail only to have a sudden classic twist at height of competition. The writers of Dota are geniuses to be honest.

Niggers can barely handle a gamepad and you expect them to use a keyboard.

Dota unironically requires some level of teamwork and strategy. Something that you dont need in League of Legends. Hence why League has a lot of beaners and nogs.

I member Yea Forums did a raid on some nigerian vidya forum in like 2015 or something. I think they were into pretty much the same shit as us, but they had a lot of stigma from family. proper RISE UP territory. Africa is a social continent, not a sit in your room continent.

wish new heroes came in larger numbers ie 4-5 at a time, or at least 2 supp 2 cores

game is fun if you remember its just a game

usually the best thing to do with game ruiners is to ignore them and try to stretch the game out. once you stretch the game out to 30 minutes, and despite their feeding you're still in the game, the anger and righteousness start to die down, and what remains is a dull sensation of guilt, and they realize they just ruined the game for 4 other people, as well as themselves, just because they couldn't control their emotions. and then you finally lose, and they realize they only cheated themselves out of 35 minutes.

if you respond to their vitriol with your own form of anger and hate, you'll only feed their emotions and justify their actions, so the best thing to do is always to kill them with kindness. best case scenario is that they get bored of feeding and eventually work towards winning the game instead, usually when winning the game turns out to be easier than ruining it.

you may ask how i know so much about a feeder's psychology. if you are smart, you already know the answer: i am one

I think icefrog is having a hard time making new heroes that are unique, don't introduce brand new gimmicks and don't have spells that do 5 different things.

Holy shit this game is like heroin for you people.

Game is dead even the official forum I used to read back then for strategy tips is dead

That's because it is. Except it's worse because at least heroin is illegal.

The game is worse than heroin.
It is easy to overcome a heroin addiction than to stop playing dota

>official forum
no such thing

I don't think the game needs more heroes at this point, think about, how many people can claim they know more than 5 heroes completely and have mastered all the different builds to play around counters or different team set ups? Not that many, in fact most people's heroes roster doesn't go beyond "I know what this hero does".

unironically what's wrong with you peopl
if you're not having fun, why are you playing this GAME? why do you not choose from one of the million and one other games at your fingertips that might be fun?
people said the same thing about EQ and WoW, never understood this meme

i could come up with 3 new unique heroes that work within established dota design parameters off the top of my head. it's really more that valve is lazy and doesn't think they need to commit resources to new heroes.

mars, mk and pangolier are already encroaching on each other's design space, so the few heroes they HAVE added are embarrassingly similar to each other

>ability that scales off attack somehow and/or applies attack modifiers
>passive ability that rewards standing ground and attacking
>big gimmicky teamfight ult

It's so much fucking fun.
But damn, remember to balance your life around it. Personally I reward myself with one game for doing x task that day etc.

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But dota is fun.
a lot of fun. More fun than any other game could hope to be.

I think some fresh air will help you dota addicts.

have sex

it's a chill game to play while drinking a cup of coffee and listening to music. but at the same time it's challenging and engaging. but at the same time it doesn't demand your utmost focus since it relies largely on strategy, tactics and game knowledge.and it has a massive amount of replayability due to the huge number of different variables that come into every game.

it's a very special kind of game. i don't think it's unfun or bad for you, it's just a very time consuming game that occasionally has really bad balance patches

Dota is not about fun. Dota is about inflicting suffering on the enemy team.

That forum where you can talk to icefrog

I like dota because it's one of the few games left that rewards the winning team by having them revel in the suffering of their opponents.

It doesn't allow the losing team the rob the winning team of their fun.

if you're just a passive healslut in dota you're gonna get flamed and nobody will like you
even if you're a proactive chad support carrying your team on your back you're still gonna get flamed
and all in all there isnt a lot of time during the games to vibe out on your magic wand for the masochistic people

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>It doesn't allow the losing team the rob the winning team of their fun.
Say that after you tried to end the game with megas for an hour.
You can absolutely make them winner suffer for their victory.

Would you faggots mind explaining the appeal of life? How can you play this game for thousands of hours? Is it really that good?

If you care about this you are already cucked. So, I suggest blizzard 2010+ games.

Dota 2 only has one fault and that's the fact that it doesn't pander to my dick more. LoL has some great porn that I wish this game had as well.
But hey at least loli Pugna is eternal.

Wtf is wrong with the sea server

>Is there a reason why there are no players that act like healsluts in this game?
Because the support in dota is the guy who runs in and fucks you up.
There are no "healsluts", every hero with a healing ability also has abilities that fuck your shit up harder. CM is the epitome of this, while she does give mana to her allies, she has two insane damage spells and one of the most damaging ults in the game.

more to accomodate how the game has changed, the new heroes I feel have a greater focus on positioning and a more robust toolkit and less emphasis on chain combos. The majority of the reworks seem to address this too. I feel this is designed to make it more appealing to watch, more risk, more reward that accompanies spells that have a chance to whiff.

And that's the great part. The suffering and fun works both ways.

If you played so fucking shit that the other team is just fountain camping you for ten minutes then that's the privilege of the victor.

she is also not portrayed as a meek little girl but instead as a batshit insane cunt like virtually every valve character.

Dota panders to the dick exactly as much as it needs to

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what heroes would you make?

Dota 2 gave us Artifact.
And Artifact most definitely humbled Valve a fucking lot.

That lazy ass company needed that slap in the face. Now give us Prellex and Kanna as new heroes.

It felt like a storyline straight from WWE ot something

All of those were in the game before.

>ability that scales off attack somehow and/or applies attack modifiers
Curse of Avernus, Bash of the Deep

>passive ability that rewards standing ground and attacking
Moment of Courage, Coup de Grace

>big gimmicky teamfight ult
Black Hole, Requiem of Souls, Echo Slam, you get the idea.

>Prellex and Kanna
based and creeppilled

a bat hero that is essentially "blind" but can fire a sonar pulse every few seconds that reveals enemies and adds magic damage to damage instances taken by those enemies

a martial artist hero that plays like a fighting game character, combining QWE combinations to use various close range "combos" that stun, parry and perform acrobatics, kind of like a chad invoker

then also goku, but in dota 2

I want a PPY vs Kuro finals with Kuro overcoming his mentor and becoming the first 2 time TI winner

Obviously he means having them all at once

>a bat hero that is essentially "blind" but can fire a sonar pulse every few seconds that reveals enemies and adds magic damage to damage instances taken by those enemies
This is awful.

>a martial artist hero that plays like a fighting game character, combining QWE combinations to use various close range "combos" that stun, parry and perform acrobatics, kind of like a chad invoker
There was this hero in HoN called pandamonium, he was kinda like that.

>a bat hero that is essentially "blind" but can fire a sonar pulse every few seconds that reveals enemies and adds magic damage to damage instances taken by those enemies
Batrider? Sticky Napalm?

>a martial artist hero that plays like a fighting game character, combining QWE combinations to use various close range "combos" that stun, parry and perform acrobatics, kind of like a chad invoker
Now that's something people have definitely been asking for for years now.

>This is awful.
nuh uh

>There was this hero in HoN called pandamonium, he was kinda like that.

not quite what i thought. more like Q is a punch, W is a kick and E is some form of vault, and the abilities do different things under different contexts. QQW would be a basic damage combo where the final hit knocks the enemy away. QQE would let you dash towards your mouse target location with the final move. EW would be like a jumping kick. and so on.

grind normal unranked match or turbo till you're good with whatever hero you want to play

This is way too gimmicky.
HoN had heroes like this, but also the restraint to make them not stupid.
Notably HoN Monkey King, Drunken Master (the best hero of all time) and the Panda.

it's hard for me to fathom that as too gimmicky when shit like invoker exists in the game

HoN drunken master is excellent though, too bad he's stuck in a dogshit game

We need a new micro hero again.
And a loli.

>12 million unique players last month
>700k players in game now
I don't know but glad to see that game is still alive and well.

Is there any other game that infects people with Dunning–Kruger effect on the same level as dota does?

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the autochess fad came and went

I have deep nostalgia for dota, wc3 custom maps, and playing them with my pals inbetween MMORPG sessions.

To this day one of my oldest online bros I met while playing dota and we still sometimes meet up with what little of the crew there is left to play some boomer dota. But most of the time we just keep up with DIGITAL SPORTS and talk about what new games we're playing these days.

Dota is probably the least-toxic MOBA community in all honesty

people can do or say pretty much whatever they want without being scared of getting punished by valve which makes for some really juicy drama that you don't get anywhere else
there's also no strict meta enforced (hello riot and blizzard) by valve so how you wanna play the game is only limited by your imagination

>loda crying about fountain hooks in TI3
>valve makes a short film where puppey and dendi make fun of him

The scene is great because everyone loves shitting on NA.

Now i miss HoN.
Where my electrician bros @


guess they never miss huh

They need a snek hero which has a innate passive that gives him a trailing body used for his skills

It is unironically a very complex game with almost unlimited skill ceiling. You basically just start playing it after 1000 hours. Even if your team is losing it can be turned around if you use your brain. All heroes are viable. If you play it for fun and to improve your cognitive skills and don't get mad when you are losing it is very rewarding.

thank you anons, I will consider this information

I'm just thinking about electrician would spark the exact same debate as ember.
Grip or mana shield?

I don't know, I mute everyone and pick anti-mage safelane. Feels good man.

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>still no genderbent Invoker arcana
Fuck Valve.

>All heroes are viable
except antimage

didn't alliance abuse the game in so many ways that icefrog released a patch that ruined all their strats?
funny how loda out of all people is the one to get upset

I too like to shit on OD because he has 30% winrate in 2k.

Reminder that techies needs to be fucking removed from the game before techies players become literal fucking gods with the hero

Crystal Maiden is a crazy bitch with insane burst damage and dictates the tempo in the opening minutes. Overall supports are the ones making plays, carries just kill shit presented for them by supports or run away to safety when a dangerous situation happens while supports are in the front line trying to survive with basic items.

All heals are offensive tools or clutch skills, there are no parasitic walking tango healers in dota

This. Even Oracle and Omniknight will never play like the average healslut.

It is worth it if you can train yourself to not be affected by toxic and retarded players and just try to play with what the matchmaking gave you. If you are good you can win the game still (not always). Expect 55% winrate if you know what you are doing. Mechanics are hard and need time to get into muscle memory.

One of my friends plays techies. I'd like it if he played the hero to its full potential, I know it can be really good

>as a batshit insane cunt
She's nice, but she also very much enjoys freezing things to death. I love CM and one day I will figure out how to take her mid.

I miss Dota ~6.8 era

Warcraft 3: Dota reforged will kill Dota 2. Mark my words valvecucks.

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That's quite a mediocre play though, he used what seems like more than a dozen mines to kill a venomancer. That probably took several minutes to plant and move together into the right position, all for one kill. A good techies will pepper every corner of the map with all types of mines, ensuring the enemy can never have a fight without getting rooted for 10 seconds while taking hundreds of magic damage every few seconds. This is all while defending every lane and making the base into an unbreachable hellscape minefield for the enemy, so even if he dies he still has a major contribution unlike that clip where the techies blows his load to kill one hero.

I miss the king.

>One of my friends plays techies. I'd like it if he played the hero to its full potential, I know it can be really good
I know exactly how you feel. I wish people would play Techies as some disgusting monster that secures a kill at Level 2.

I wish I didn't dread every time I saw a fucking Techies. I wish that I could expect to have something useful secure the lane instead of some guy who wants to just fucking auto cast mines in the worst fucking places and cherrypick those moments when the mines actually do something.

>I miss the king.
Leoric coming soon in Wacraft 3: Reforged.

>blows his load
>can still see remotes after he "blew his load"
What did user mean by this?

Supporting in dota is a chad position unlike another MOBAs

Yes, the kingraven

How come after 6 years the dota 2 pro scene and personalities are pretty much the same with just a few additions?
I don't think I've ever seen a bigger circlejerk filled with neoptism than the Dota 2 scene, I dare you to defend why people like EE and Bulba still gets drafted into top tier teams.

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>are pretty much the same
Because Valve's neglect has made it impossible to make reliable money playing arguably the best game ever created in human history.

If people cannot secure reliable income because Valve won't use their mountain of money to enforce rules, regulations, and structure and provide oversight like a proper sports organization, then the smart and competent ones will simply go find a job or game that will.

Why the fuck would you play, cast, or organize shit for anything if you can't reliably get paid to do the exact same thing next year. Furthermore nobody new would join because not only is the barrier to entry fairly high (changes to the game prevent it from going to impossible levels) but because there's absolutely no way to paint a reliable roadmap to success no matter what job you want associating with DotA.

DotA the game works excellently. Everything around DotA is a fucking dumpster fire including the community. In the minority of the community are paragons of humanity who are attracted to the greatest game in history but they're drowned out by a cavalcade of sewage in the form of Reddit and Twitch Chat.

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>It took almost 10 posts for someone to give an answer.

Yeah, it's like playing a guitar with a team of four random people trying to coordinate. This is the dumbest game design I can think of, somehow it became popular.

Because there are already too many casters and players than there are slots at TI..

Every game is different. It has a large skill ceiling and you can play over 100 different heroes.

Describe the pos 1-5 players please.

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So it's like a band?

From the player side, I think it's extremely hard to stand out because the game is incredibly difficult. There is countless streams and countless players even with high MMR, probably many who would make excellent team players but never even get the chance because they don't reach that absolute pinnacle that is enough to make you stand out. If you're top of the leaderboard, you're probably going to get a slot on a team, but if you're say top 100, nobody barely even notices you. But it doesn't mean you wouldn't be good on a team, and doesn't mean you aren't a top tier player. Many of these players probably deserve slots on teams, and many others have basically one hero spammed up to the top. There's such an imbalance between how the MMR works and how it's related to how relevant you are. You could be a top player who is only good at one hero, or you could get lucky on a patch and be at the top, or you could be a great player but play a variety of heroes or even support so you aren't exactly carrying games, I have no idea how you get recognized. It's all just luck and connections and hoping you can eventually stand out. And like you said, they just shuffle the same players over and over again because there's no structure to it all and no chance for anyone to stand out specifically because it's a team game. It's not like chess or a fighting game where you can just head to an open and receive overnight fame by kicking everyone's ass. There's nothing like that in the game.

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Yes except none of the band members speak the same language, they all hate each other, they barely even know the instruments they're playing, and if given the chance they would slit each other's throat in a heart beat yet against all odds that ragtag bunch of retards are still able to make the most beautiful cacophony of ear rape you'll ever hear in a lifetime.

And when all is said and done they'll do it all over again.

But most top 100 players that tries to play in a team are often complete dogshit, like /ourguy/ wagamama and the bitchy Syndaren.

There's a huge skillgap between professional players and pubstars dude, you have absolutely no idea

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>guy who pretends to do everything
>guy who actually does everything
>fills out the team comp
>"support" that does everything but
>ward bitch

>pos 1
>can only get an erection listening to the looping sound of last hits
>pos 2
>thinks he's a rock start while actually having dozens of psychological issues
>pos 3
>egomania incarnated
>pos 4
>lost the mid/safe roll, picked pudge
>pos 5
>thinks buying the courier and 2 wards gives him a license to feed

Haven't played since 2018. What's the current state of the game and what's the meta?

>climbing in MMR is still just picking a last pick hero that can't lose unless he's hard countered.
Fun game.

1 : a baby
2 : a bigger baby
3 : the TRUE CHAD
4 : only there to sap your exp
5 : IF he's good he can be your second coming of christ. if he's bad just shout at him, watch his cock twitch and leak precum.

Its alright, but like all the popular steam games normies jump on the bandwagon and play all day just like tf2 and csgo. Don't forget about autochess somehow is big on twitch

>pos 1
should probably play Diabolo or some other grinding game
>pos 2
should probably play a fighting game instead
>pos 3
>pos 4
either the designated game ruiner or the only one who wants to play dota
>pos 5

Same as it ever was absolute dog shit and still one of the best games out there

it was before 2016.

I guess you could sort of say its like multiplayer rock band except character synergy matters a lot more in this game compared to league

People will never know true hell until they experience living in low prio.

Dota is shit and I hate it. But I also hate myself for losing 2000 hours in it.

Nah, teams who play together constantly develop styles and teamwork that is literally impossible to develop as a solo queue player. So while the people on pro teams have a HUGE jump above the pubstars, it's simply a matter of opportunity. There is plenty of completely garbage top players, but they have skills that solo queuers can't develop. It's a completely different game, and like I said, because there is little opportunity, they have no ability to develop the skills they need to succeed on a team.

Also, many people who rise to the top of MMR have a specific mindset that makes them poorer on teams because they are so used to ignoring their teammates and having raging ego boners making it further difficult to communicate with others. There's many factors into why the infrastructure to succeed in Dota is completely and totally unfair for up and comers.

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It's the same appeal of sports. People put thousands of hours into watching that, it's the same but you're playing.

I think the other regions are fostering their lesser teams better but I don't know about NA. It's such a fucking clusterfuck at the moment. Like even if valve weren't such lazy fucks in making up rules, NA would still be an utter shitshow aside from EG.

That's the problem. You can be 20k MMR alone at the top the perfect mid core player with ultra mad skills. If you can't think in terms of the team in 0.125 seconds as the fight begins and work as a team you don't matter and would never matter in the pro scene. And it's hard to develop the skill since it's self-contained in the pro scene.

Dota would be better with true action game movement/attack

Inb4 people bring up a shit assfaggot that has those but sucks for other reasons

This shit is magical.


you mean smite?

This isn't even the best SEA has to offer. I played in that place when I travelled to the Manila Major years ago and fuck is that server something else.

>because Valve won't use their mountain of money to enforce rules, regulations, and structure and provide oversight like a proper sports organization
What does this even mean?

>I have no idea how you get recognized
That's the problem. As you said there's no structured pathway to identifying the best and giving the best a mechanism to reveal themselves.

You ask any DotA player what it takes to be the best and nobody will give you the same answer. And that's straight up a problem because it shows nothing has been codified. Even with the disruption of patches there has to be a core foundation of skills and ability that can be put into some sort of curriculum but there isn't. There is some sort of authority overseeing sports training from high school all the way up to the pro league that doesn't exist for DotA. There would be no fucking way I would still be playing DotA if I had started any time in the past five years.

There is no fucking help in the client, on YouTube, Twitch, Reddit, anywhere. And there needs to be authoritative help at all skill levels for every fucking hero no different than playing each position in a sport at all levels of play. Anybody from new players to players with natural talent have no means of "levelling up" besides applying hard fucking effort and smashing their faces against a wall and hoping some insight comes from it. That might be fun to some degree if you have infinite time but it's infuriating if you don't know what's worth learning. I couldn't give a shit about professional play but personally I wish there was some fucking way to get better besides smashing out a pile of games with a shitty series of YouTube videos and a wiki page under my belt.

it means he wants valve to rule the game with an iron fist


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He means memeshit like the Overwatch League.

>Would you faggots mind explaining the appeal of Dota 2?
I play it for my husbando Terrorblade

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Game doesn't even let you jump, it sucks

TI8 True Sight took me back to the earlier days when games were fun and bant was a normal part of it. Is there another multiplayer game where you can shittalk about your oponents and it is even put into a documentary?

Nofunallowed.jpg was the first thing that came to my mind reading his post.

Imagine having an edgelord so edgy he got sent to Hell's Hell as a husbando.

imagine unironically thinking this
holy FUCK
6.80+ was a total clusterfuck. Fuck you retards.

Having invested thousands of hours into it and still sucking, it's great. Every game is different, every hero has their own things you need to pay attention to, not to mention the roles you need to divide in your team. Playing as a core or a support is vastly different in what you need to do to win. The strategies to win are endless. Sure most games fall into a familiar pattern but you can still change it completely if you have enough creativity. In fact, the only bad thing about Dota 2 is the fact you have to play with other humans, and humans suck. Other than that it's the perfect game akin to Chess.

>Still no good English speaking streamers
>Only English speaking streamers are ex-pro players like Bulldog that doesn't even like the game, Redditors like Wagamama or whiny bitches like Syndaren.
>No comfy wholesome English streamers.

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>Game doesn't even let you jump
being able to jump is the defining characteristic of whether something is a video game or not.
You can't jump in dota, but there are some heroes that can jump, so I guess dota counts as a visual novel.

>not husbandoing a video game character with a backstory that even a thousand Dostoevskies combined couldn't surpass in terms of writing

>giving a fuck about non-tournament streams

>You ask any DotA player what it takes to be the best and nobody will give you the same answer.
That's why it's a great game.

Yeah it's so fun to see the same few teams and players play against each other for the thousand time each week in a tournament that does not matter.

>Game with 3rd person view but 2d movement.
Why is that even a thing? Gigantic was perfect but Microsoft fucked it during development.

and that's why you want to watch the same one person all the time?

Why do newfags always shit on this game?
they're trying to fit in too hard

Reminder that only Chinks and Russians(third worlders) play this gamer.

If you are white and actually play this game frequently you should feel ashamed of yourself.

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You can actually, but it's only done for cheaters and/or abusers. Not for silly stuff like saying nigger or being mean to people. Hell you can purposely ruin every game and you hardly get any punishment at all.

As it should be.

Its not newfags necessarily. While the cyclical nature of the game changes and patches do change things up, which is a plus, its plenty possible to have a patch or two that's just not fun to play for a lot of people. Everyone enjoys different aspects of the game, so its plenty possible to love dota one year and then find it boring the next, depending on what the patches emphasize.

It's comfy.

wow we made it to 300 replies before the shitposters found the thread

>Hell you can purposely ruin every game and you hardly get any punishment at all.
You get sent to prison where you play with other manchildren.

stopped playing when they started changing heroes too much, changed the map... who the fuck asked for that? not me. so whatever. i liked spintd but even that i think they ruined the rng on, before i would get like 3 bfuries on my ember by the end but i played this past week and got not one fucking bfury spin in any match. and i cant even join an autochess match to play because i've never gotten past the "accept" portion. so yeah dota is fucked.

Its not as bad as people say. A lot of dota players try to be edgy and shit and complain about how toxic the games are, but 70% of the time nobody on your team even speaks english, and in the 30% that they do nobody talks.

White people should be cobbling and making white babies but if I'm playing videogames I'd rather play with retards chinks and russians than bugmen.

For as long as dota has existed you'd think it would have more streamers like LoL does because dota viewers are fucking autistic. They just want to watch high level dota, anything else beyond that is a wash.

You just cried about how watching the same teams play is boring. But watching the same guy is comfy.

The OG storyline last year was great.

But dare I say, this year's TI might be even tastier. What with the massive rivalry between China and the rest of the world.

That's what I'm saying, and I agree. But also think about how an irrelevant player like Mason actually had a chance all those years ago to play on a top team and actually do fairly well. It's the same for all team games, if you have a good team an alright player might have a chance to shine more brightly aswell. I haven't played in years though and I don't follow the scene anymore. It makes me wonder how many people have serious potential to be top players, but lack everything else because either they are young upstarts with no sense of teamwork due to how much solo queue inflates your ego or the fact that they just haven't gotten a lucky break. It blows my mind that the same top players are still being recycled over and over into different teams, making their own, kicking as they want and please. I feel bad for people who really deserve a chance, but the game has utterly no consistency.

I think it's just the nature of a game that nonstop receives patches. Even something like Brood War has started to solidify and receive small critiques for example in the ever evolving meta for the past 20 years despite being the same game. There's huge phases you can point to, compositions, general goals in the game. But for Dota, like you said there's no solid ground, you're basically walking on thin ice constantly, as a team, a player, even the game itself has a precarious existence. It's honestly a game that requires incredible understanding and ingenuity to adjust to the constant patches being barraged at it. Yet the patches are so consistent that many times the changes almost feel like a fresh start, or a huge uproot of understanding. Before anyone can gather their bearings, they patch it and the cycle continues.

like says it's part of the fun of the game, at the same time you never feel good at it and so it doesn't feel as rewarding as getting good at something more stable because you have to constantly sink more hours in to adjust.

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seems contradictory

Guys, I'm in China, dare I queue for a game of Dota 2?

Dota 2 is the only MOBA worth playing because items drastically change the way you play so every game plays completely different if you want it to. Feel like building Dagon on every character? Do it.
Dota 2 also has appealing characters, but that's subjective. Almost every character in League is stupid to me - most Dota characters are great.

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For what it matters, I believe that fun shittalking ought to be allowed and sarcastic banter permitting among the casters. I disagree with the family-friendly atmosphere Valve has encouraged by snubbing people like Redeye, Pyrion and Blitz who have a sufficient amount of sass. And I think Slacks is a cancerous fuck not because he's a bantering shit-talker but because he's fucking bad at it and is a memespouting faggot who is not witty in the slightest as indicated by his usages of numerous fat jokes throughout TI and no ability to improv with Kaci.

Valve doesn't say anything about what will make or break you and seems to take cues from Reddit or is down with nepotism when you got retards like Lumi getting a spot over people who have worked their asses off over the previous year. Wrong or right isn't clear and that's a problem; perhaps they aren't taking cues from Reddit but it's fucking hard to say that when nobody fucking knows anything. Whoever decided to bring in people who can't speak fucking English clearly, and not just Lumi, on a fucking English panel should be shot but we don't even know who to shoot.

ESL seem to appreciate the value of Blitz and Redeye. It seems they understand that sort of intelligence is fucking good as shown in their Starcraft talent with Tasteless and Artosis. Why the fuck can't Valve be that reliable?

Dota players are woefully unconscious of how to practice good fatigue and anger management. You routinely get queued with people who are already on tilt and get very buttmad.

It’s terrible and damaging to any game for both teams. Learning the game and coming up with creative solutions in a pinch is stimulating, but long match times means you have many opportunities to mess up and set your team back.

Change your name to winnie the pooh

You are trying to imply that watching a tournament game hosted by shitty casters is the same as watching a shill stream of a 1 guy you can follow his playstyle and progress throughout the game.

You have some good points but let's be completely honest here. If a team is good, they will almost always shine despite the changing patches. It's just another skill as a player that people need to get used to.

Winnie the pooh isn't actually banned here its just a meme

Completely right.
t. 6k hours and 5k mmr

you don't watch tournaments for the casters

It is seriously all nepotism and the reason why I don't follow Dota 2 pro scene at all anymore.
Reminder that 2GD was kicked just because Gaben personally didn't like him.

A couple of years ago the Chinese had this brilliant strategy of picking a single hard carry and have 4 supports help them "farm". Chinese loves rice, hence the rice farming name. If 2 Chinese teams would play each other back then, it would be 2 hours of avoiding each other, waiting for the small tipping of the scales where one hard carry just has a little more gold than the other. It was boring to watch.

>one team famous for being the complete opposite of people expectations for Chinese teams define the Chinese playstyle.

You know this is dishonest right?

>advertise for VPNs in fucking china
>advertise porn in china
>get told to stop
>don't stop
>wonder why you get blacklisted

Haha, nothing feels stranger in Dota 2 than getting triggered, wanting to ruin the game, but your team wins without you.

>If a team is good, they will almost always shine despite the changing patches. It's just another skill as a player that people need to get used to.
But this is not true and nearly every single TI winning team becomes a shit team after TI because of a new patch that changes the favored playstyle of the game.

That is why we had teams like Alliance that could dominate and not be beaten because that one patch favored their playstyle. But after the game got patched and their playstyle was not favored anymore they became a dumpster team.

Change your name to T1ananm3n_M4ss4cr3_1989

Out of the 10 games you play, you have one perfect game where your team works together, you feel camaraderie and the enemy is challenging but there is a chance to overcome it. You just have to get through the horrible other 9 games to get to that.

It has been a long time since I played Dota before trying it now again, but I have no idea how I ever manged to play mid most of my games back then.
Everyone just instantly "locks" mid and if you manage to get it first there's a high chance the Russian on your team will just grief and throw the game unless you give it to him.

>implying TI is the greatest indicator of skill, and you have to be truly good to win TI
I get its the biggest and most important single tournament but imo the current DPC system is a better indicator of skill than TI is. TI tells you the best team on one given patch, in one given tournament. The DPC system shows the best team year round, who is able to perform across patches in metas. The TI winner is always different, but if you compare DPC from last year and this year you'll notice its shockingly similar.

Nah, it's more that they found a winning strategy and got so good at it that it seems unfair to other teams. But then again, there hasn't been a TI winning team that hasn't fell off hard, i mean 6 years later this is even more true. Every team can get found out and countered.

did that, now what?

I pul them fukers in

This desu

Although you kind of get used to the unthinking belligerence of russians after a while and at that point you simply endure in the hopes that you'll be able to play one of those +1hr-multiple-buybacks-on-both-sides-with-extremely-close-teamfights games every once in a while, man I fucking LOVE those games

t. 6k with 3000 hours

>/ourguy/ wagamama
Our guy is a beta cuck swede?

That's Bulldog though, Bulldog actually got cucked for real unlike the chad Wagamama that slept with female streamers.

I don't mind that we're constantly standing on clay or thin ice. The problem is that there has to be some core curriculum that a player can hold onto that can be bedrock to jump to a new patch to establish a new bedrock. If something changes there needs to be what I want to be a universal understanding that shit has shifted in a way that can be useful. I guess the way I see things with the people around me is that they're constantly saying shit has changed without quantifying it or saying it in a context that isn't relevant at our level of play. I'm not a pro, they're not pros, some fraction of the information they glean from pro games is completely fucking useless to us yet they hold it as gospel as the meta when there's absolutely no representation of that sort of play in our meta. But you can't fucking refute it because "your betters are doing it". So I'm told that the guides are useless, DotA Plus is wrong, and it seems like the only authority is watching pros slap each other or fucking DotA buff.

And all I want is to get better. I have the luxury of friends to play with as a full stack and want to genuinely get something fucking concrete in my hands to practice. But everyone seems to think you can pile a bunch of pro-level broken shit together and it will work but nobody seems to fucking know whether or not those picks are actually good in the situation across from us.

Take Beastmaster. He's good at the pro level. But guess what, nobody at our level can take advantage of Beastmaster no matter how fucking good the person playing him is. It seems completely fucking cancerous that people seem so confident in offering advice to help when they don't even fucking know why it's good besides the fact "he's played". And I'm just so (whiny and) tired of not having some sort of help to make learning easier and that shit unqualified statistics are the governing authority. Yearly transformational patches is too fucking much/fast.


Low prio are actually better than 90% of ranked matches. People genuinely wants to win, and skill level is all over the place.

Just play better. Like what the fuck are you even talking about mate?

High enough game sense teaches you what to do and what not to do with each new patch.

It's funny how Dota players are so obsessed with MMR and MMR numbers when Dota has one of the worst ranked plays there is.
Solo queue is still just about abusing the strongest hero of the patch and try and get lastpick and pick a hero that must be hard countered to be able to lose with.

Grip if you trust your allies to do more dmg.
Mana shield is rather mediocre by itself early on but better than completely useless allies

>Redeye, Pyrion and Blitz
The fuck are you talking about. Pyrion is a 3k boomer who isn't funny. Blitz get's consistent work and is one of the tamer hosts, and Redeye is completely professional with some slight banter and everyone loves him.

If you want a real "toxic" personality, look at James Harding, now that dude was hilarious and snubbed by Valve.

And that is why every single TI winning team becomes shit because they can adept to the new patches? If the best players in the world can't do that, then who can?

you go mid and you dominate the lane with mana shield.

>Styles of Beyond - Nine Thou (Superstars Remix)

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TI is a different beast altogether because the internal meta in that tournament warps itself constantly.

dota 2 made me racist against venezuelans and third worlders

TO BE FAIR, peruvians, venezuelans, and other such south americans are niggers and I am going to make them slaves again. They never should have been allowed to queue on USE and literally everyone agrees russians are better than sand-nigger tier teenage shitskins skipping school to play dota 2.

I remember when valve made the USE region only available to USE players. It was a golden week

Try playing over watch sometime

Try it, try co-op botmatches to learn the game, and spend time reading the wiki. I had a hell of a lot easier first 500 hours by reading everything on the then-known wiki about dota 2 and it really helps when you can point out some tilter's wrong about a damage tick or a stun duration or even guess when someone's got a specific item. It's not required, but it helps so outright heavily that I can't not recommend it.


Bizarre circumstances aside, this sort of shittalking is the best thing in DotA commentary. And Valve has fucking made every effort to stifle it with their nepotism and horseshit.

All I want is to watch these casters genuinely laugh at something that's actually funny. Instead, the casters they've chosen have shit senses of humor which means they'll laugh at garbage or they're so fucking broken inside that they have to suppress their smack talk because it might get them "fired" from TI in the future. Even GrandGrant whose fucking acknowledgement and rise to fame was built on being a smarmy shitter with hilarious stories and yet he cannot demonstrate even a fucking scrap of that personality doing work.

I'll fucking say this because I can't anywhere else. Sheever fucking sucks. She's not funny, knowledgeable, or even asks questions that fucking matter. I don't know what the fuck she does that's considered exemplary compared to a long fucking list of her peers; I would welcome anybody who can give a good fucking reason why she's there besides the obvious fact she's a woman. She's just the only woman on the scene and that gives her a seat at the table and that's fucking disgusting when there are so many people who have the merits for her seat. I would fucking love to have a woman holding her own on a panel both being informative and having some back and forth with someone like Redeye; there would be nothing more empowering to have a team of women shoot the shit on even ground with the boys who wouldn't have to hold their punches just because she's a woman.

>when Blitz still browsed /d2g/

Good times.

>Sheever fucking sucks
She is an inoffensive host who understands her role and manages to be non-intrusive.

If you want to hate someone who is only there because she's a woman try Moxxie. She doesn't know shit about the game talks in an annoying put-on voice and has bad casting manners, such as openly berating players for the decisions when she's barely 2k.

I think Sheever once did some kind of interview in which she said she could get up to 3k USD for being a caster a single day.
Imagine getting paid that much for being a woman.

Valve has done very little if anything to stifle shittalk. It's because the fucking casters are retards and would rather play it extremely safe than talk smack. Ever since 2gd got canned they've all been walking on egg shells, but it's not like they have a reason to. There's a difference between flaming players and telling chinks that there is porn beyond the firewall and how to get past the firewall.

I agree with the sheever part though. I think she's there so valve can't point to her when some dumbfuck accuses them of being sexist again. Also she is extremely inoffensive and pulls in the types of people who donate to titty streamers.

It's ez sympathy points because she got cancer.

Valve got the best shield.

Was her cancer not a super early stage cancer that was not even that dangerous?
I remember how she couldn't work at all and was so tired, but for some magic reason she still had the energy to work at the biggest e-sport tournament ever.

I created the original island troll tribes for wc3. Someone tried remaking it for dota 2 but failed hard

She had early stage titty cancer. Lost the titties but still alive. And her surgery was months before TI8. And as we all know she is a convenient shield.

Do you still keep in touch with your old ass wc3 custom game bros?

I don't need ALL my casters to be fucking master-level pros. I just need my casters to bring something to the commentary table - to contribute to the dynamic. On a "team" of four panelists some number can be masterclass DotA players and the others can be there to play off their knowledge or mediate or inspire the other panelists to say something. But they have to contribute to the dynamic; there has to be a fucking dynamic.

The point is that Sheever brings fuck all. Being unoffensive is hardly a perk. And it's not just her; basically everyone around her on the panel has the passion of a stump because it's just a universal situation that a post-game panel is a sterile and cold environment. I'm just focusing on her because she's uniquely MAYBE not there because of nepotism but because she is a woman. And now she's a cancer survivor which means nobody can fucking replace her, even a woman who is actually good at shooting the shit OR good at the game. Look at that video. Do you think Sheever can hold her own in that conversation? No fucking way. 90% of talent couldn't play in that sandbox. Even Purge doesn't provide much beyond being technical. That laughter is fucking magic.

Sports casting, which Valve tries to emulate, is pure fucking trash. I want panels to be conversations and not just conversations but a discussion between the greatest human beings on the planet - people who could make fucking knitting interesting. It's flagrantly clear panelists can't mention pop culture, other games, or brands for fear of getting sued. I don't want memespouting retards but they won't even say "yolo" ironically or sarcastically. How fucking boring is life if a conversation has to exclude references to life. Even if you fucking disagree with me with what is considered "good" or "funny" there is absolutely no denying that the present state of DotA commentary is the fucking worst of any conceivable world.

>>I don't need ALL my casters to be fucking master-level pros
I need my casters to not be annoying fucks who have no idea what they're saying.

>a woman who is actually good at shooting the shit OR good at the game
Name one, the only ones I can think of are Sheepo and fucking Invokergirl.
And Sheepo is Sheepo and Invokergirl barely speaks English.

how's tobi doing? Is he still lamer than a niggers baby?

as a person who experienced both i certify this post to be 100% true.

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I don't know who the fuck you're talking about. It's possible that there are no women qualified to sit on a DotA panel. The point is that even men who have either the knowledge OR personality for some reason cannot secure work on a DotA panel. The point is that we've just given jobs to people who fucking suck, which includes being annoying fucks who have no idea what they're saying.

I don't know why the fuck you're deflecting to something I probably would agree with you about.

this user is right
sheever is awkward as fuck to boot
and dont get me started on that moxxi alien casting

Not him but I assume it's because the genre isn't the trendy thing everyone's playing anymore so it's likely harder to find friends to play with.


>Yes except none of the band members speak the same language
But you do, the language of ROCK

Unless I'm talking about actual poison, I have no reason to use toxic, I never did before the left started using it. 'Problematic' as well. I never used either of those words to describe people, and I don't intend to start, both because I dislike the people who do use those words and because I dislike the concept conveyed by using them against people.

Just play a game. You'll be absolutely garbage and get flamed, but if you can't handle that then imagine how much worse it will be when you have 1k+ hours, actually know what you're doing, and still get flamed.

>when you grief your teammates,walk down mid, give away wards and courier and yet somehow your team still wins despite your feeding ass.

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Fuck that shit was kino.

it WAS that good, but its not anymore. its still better than any other moba and most online games though. the hours dont just come from playing either. you do a lot of stuff in the dota client.

fy walking out with the cigarette between his lips and that thousand yard stare was even better than Sccc staring down at the arena.

Absolute raw emotion.

True Sight is peak DIGITAL SPORTS

Game has good and interesting mechanics. That's about it.

True Sight is true Kinography.

Wait what? He tried to throw?


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>3500 hours
>barely managed to get to 5k
I can't believe I wasted my life on this lads

>honest chinks got their soul robbed by chinese dota mafia episode
name one worse episode

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