Now that Phoenix Point has been delayed by a year, what do you want out of XCOM3?

Now that Phoenix Point has been delayed by a year, what do you want out of XCOM3?

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fish tits

> Delay it for a year.
> Epic exclusivity is for a year.
> Get to release on Steam and Epic at the same time.


I was just joking about the steam release being a year later, sorry user

Cyborg trooper, I want my mechanical waifus back.

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More than 2 damn action points to work with, though maybe not to the point of TU autism.
Less emphasis on super special soldier levelup abilities, more emphasis on making your troops an expendable resource.
More fleshed out base building with multiple layouts.
Less cinematics, who gives a shit about Bradford's face.

Oh, and cut it out with the goddamn pods. Let the enemies, you know, move normally through fog.

Bring back the mech troopers and the genetic modifications (and maybe add more to the gene mods this time).

Also, I want some bonuses to ending a mission with a controlled enemy.
At the very least give me some resources obtained from them.
Better than that, give me an interrogation option that provides bonus intel.
Maybe even a chance at conversion, depending on the type of enemy?

>feel like playing xcom2 again
>remember that it's like 4000gorillion GB to install
How bad are the load times on a hard drive instead of SSD? I've got plenty of hard drive space but all the games I play regularly are basically SSD Mandatory because of load times.

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Or I guess just bring back the interrogation option from the last game, and let you throw mind controlled enemies in there instead of just ones caught with a specific stun weapon.


Damn how many games do you play regularly?

A lot of that is work related shit, but it doesn't help that most modern games are like 100 fucking GB on their own.

>War of the Chosen was meant to have 1 more faction and chosen who were cyborgs

My main hope is they dont get rushed and have to cut cool shit

I want to be back in control of a government, even if it's a revolutionary, rather ragtag government following XCOM 2.

Or rather, a government funded initiative.

Tie perks that improve turn economy to weapons instead of rank. Turn economy improvements is a big factor into the reverse difficulty curve, and it also causes squad wipes to be brutal campaign killers.

Nerf XCOM and alien abilities. Aliens should not be so unbelievably dangerous that letting them take a turn damns you. If alpha-striking pods is a rare opportunity than players will need to actually engage with aliens beyond them being different coloured punching bags with different health and armour thresholds.

Make cover destruction harder to do. XCOM 2’s grenadier trivializes so much of that game. Long War’s Rocketeer class is a good example of better designed cover destruction, since it involves planning the positioning of a low mobility soldier ahead of time in order to use it reliably. This is the biggest nerf XCOM needs.

Promote Red Fog to full feature for damage to base HP (not armour). It gives you more crowd control options and makes medkits more viable.

Increase squad sizes.

- Mutations, meaning randomized abilities or behaviors on certain missions. This includes The Chosen hero units, and regular units as well.
- Being able to target specific body parts as an unlockable ability
- Manually aiming to target those parts
- More mod friendly
- Fuck pod concept
- Maybe expand a bit more on the strategic portion (base building, asset placement on map)
- Expand on sub-factions. Could make them enemies. They might randomly appear on missions by "following the same leads". So you can randomly encounter a squad that might be friendly or hostile and change the dynamic of the mission
- Emphasize on stealth
- Cool animation moves when two units engage in melee, like in the first game.

If it follow the event of XCOM2
Then it's going to be Stargate-style
YOU become the invader.

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>chop up a healthy soldier instead of converting the surviving cripples that fall under the "lost" blanket
XCOM was narratively retarded on many levels but this was probably the pinnacle.

A non-boring art-style. War of the Chosen and The Legacy Pack were the right direction but vanilla X2 looks pretty bland and the little DLCs looked grosa

Aesthetically speaking, xcom terror from the deep combined with bioshock's retro steampunk style. And bring back the horror aspecrlt the old xcom games had. Gameplay speaking, the basic xcom formula for starters, and maybe add an exploration kind of system and if it takes place uderwater, add factors that will need a special equipment in order to send your troops to fight there. Example. You discover an alien base but it is very deep. You gonna need pressure proof equipment and light source equipments to fight the aliens that lurk in the dark waters. You found an aliens colony that is close to a volcanic rift. You gonna need some high temp suits and equipment to approach there

Limbs and organs being replaced by prosthesis would actually be a pretty interesting injury system.

Pls don't do this to me. I don't want to dream anymore.

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To start a mission and find out none of my weapons work on land.

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That's what XCOM2 ending implies.
You'll use that portal technology to travel between worlds and maybe free the other enslaved aliens like the Katana Chosen said.

>Bureau: X-com declassified was an absolute kino premise
>wasted on a shooty spinoff instead of a proper strategy game
It hurts.

I just hope it's good, I want them to piss on that fucking retard Gollop. Honestly if you're going to make a new game and boast about making the first X-Com then why the fuck do you make your game so fucking similar to nu-XCOM? Even the UI elements are the same. Going straight up against nu-XCOM is not a battle he can win.

One can only hope.

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What ever happened to that Gears of Wars XCOM-like from E3?

>XCOM game where you fight a eldritch cult trying to summon a elder god.
Yes pls

Let us play as EXALT in the next game and fuck up both the ayys and the normies.

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you posted it. underwater xcom 2. tftd was just a reskin of ufo, i'd be fine with them reskinning xcom 2 with underwater environs and aliens, make it fucking hard as balls too.

otherwise, anything they wanna do is fine as long as it remains tactical turn based, not like all those bullshit spinoff trash like the beareu

I want the Chosens back or some bosses like them

Manual aiming
We all know target locked aiming was included exclusively for the benefit of console faggots
Now that we know console faggots can't into XCOM, can we finally remove it?

even better, a base defence. time to strap some grenades to some rookies and send em in to the hangars. godspeed

Also, the monster designs could be lovecraftian. They maybe could add underwater missions like "search this old shipwreck due to alien activity". You gonna equip your solders with light source equipment and you can use sonar to find the aliens. In my mind this scenario could go like this. There is an alien only in the mission but its very evasive and with the psi powers can reanimate the bloated corpses inside the shipwerck. Also as for the late game, they could add mutations that can make solders more durable underwater and have some effect on their appearance making them look like humanoid fishmen

That would be a fun new spin on the series
Kinda like syndicate for SNES where you capture regions by doing missions, each region giving you more resources to research and build?

No fucking world timer like in 2. That alone was enough to make the game unenjoyable for me. Had to mod the fucking thing out. I like to do everything

>some effect on their appearance making them look like humanoid fishmen
Lobster men. You want lobster men.

Getting your limited gear slots restricted for mission-specific equipment sounds fucking awful, both for impact to the tech tree and for making squad compositions on the tactical layer.

fucking BASED.

although in all honesty I wouldn't mind some inter-planetary warfare like just on the moon and mars and shit.

The world timer let's you do everything though, it's not a problem at all. You can delay it infinitely

yea this changing feature can be something that can be used in the lore to make a connection between humans and aliens

If they just include all the classes from XCOM:EW and XCOM2:WotC I'll be happy
I'm sick of fucking snipers and supports and having nothing to switch them out for in the base game

on top of that, the longer you wait to.kill the chosen, the more it feels like you get base invaded. and the xcom 2 invasions are shit, it just takes place on the forest floor like a normal mission but you get a ton of soldiers so it's even easier

classes are gay, remove them and go back to the ufo style, every character starts with random stats, which you improve by using them in missions. give guns to the high accuracy guys, grenades to the guys with good throwing, etc. high intelligence guys get a gremlin

Considering Jake doesnt like TFtD and Phoenix Point is ing the whole underwater mondter theme I doubt X3 will feature them ouyside of a couple missions

>what do you want out of XCOM3
Michael McCann. The soundtrack for XCOM 2 was piss poor, except the Tactical Legacy Pack. Adam Schneider is a real good composer too.

I'd only be ok with this if they had some kind of perk system built in, perhaps with unlockable perks tied to attributes.
I've played a lot of the older style TBS games like JA2 and they're not really as strategic because everybody is basically the same, just some people have more accuracy, etc.

Solders could have some enviromental characteristics to consider as well. This troop is a good sharpshooter but he can stand the high temperatures so he gets a bonus on his movement/attacks. Another solder has sharp eyes and can detect enemies in dark waters easily. Of cource after midgame progress, you gonna have a facility option to tweak with that stuff. the main missions will be standard so you can take every solder you want. Those, high pressure, low/high temp missions are special(like base invasion or Advent facilities) so if you dont have the proper equipment you cant go

How is pp similar to nucom aside from the ui

>Phoenix Point
The mechanics of this game sound really cool, but the art looks like garbage.
Soft pass

I just looked it up
>Phoenix Point is releasing on macOS but not Linux
Yeah fuck right off
Macfags don't even play games, they suck dicks for fun

Stealth guerilla warfare and split squads are a viable strategy, stealth is more complex, alien AI is smart and controls their forces like an organized military on the missions, guns are varied between classes and not just reskinned rifles, enemy mutators, a strategy map that's more than a deck of random events, difficulty ramps from hard to harder instead of hard to easy

I think tying perks to loadouts instead of classes would be a good way of doing it.

>The guy with high base defense gets the SMG with Low Profile and Lightning Reflexes

>The guy with low accuracy takes the machine gun with holo-targetting and AoE suppression

Shit like that.

I don't see why they couldn't have simply made mech suits for unmutilated soldiers. The torso was already man-sized, just have a soldier squat in there.

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Beagle is doing something similair in his current playthrough/mod set hes making and it works really well.

I seriously wonder what features they can further strip before there is nothing left. Multiple bases? gone. Multiple base defenses and alien base assaults in a single game? gone. The air game? gone. Being able to dispatch multiple teams? gone. MECs? gone. Bio-enhanced soldiers? gone. Going from base sizes of 6x6 to 6x4 to 3x4. Going from a potential 26 soldiers to just 6. Going from 23 inventory slots plus left and right hand slots to just 1 primary weapon, 1 secondary (both unchangeable and tied to class), and 2 utility items. Going from 8 UFO types to 5 to just 1. If xcom 3 continues the trend there's barely even going to be a game left.

They could add in lootboxes.
Stuff like skins for your characters, voice packs, resurrect a dead soldier, instant heal after mission...

No squads, just one soldier
Instead of researching tech it's dropped by enemies like in Call of Duty (no scientists, no research, duh)
To reduce frustration among people who don't understand strategy, aiming is now 100% QTE based with no RNG components
God tier customization and progression though


can anyone recommend a good youtube channel for xcom? i've watched lewis & ben ufo, tftd, and some of x files. i saw some episodes of chris odd too but i mainly want the older xcoms or tftd, or modded xcoms

XCOM2 has multiple base defenses.

Fuck putting development focus on the strategy layer. Get it working to the point where the tech tree has lots of room for research path experimentation and move on. They should put their focus on fixing the tactical layer before fretting over the number of bullet points they’ve drummed up for the window dressing.

I dunno if he does XCOM
But half a decade ago I enjoyed watching Scott Manley doing a Xenonauts playthrough

I never want to see guerrilla war again.

Check out SHIVCOM or Beaglerush. Both basically require playing their videos at double speed, though.

>Multiple bases? gone
Still exist in the form of civilian camp rescue
>Being able to dispatch multiple teams? gone
Added back in WoTC
>MECs? gone
Spark units exist
> Bio-enhanced soldiers? gone.
You get Psi-soldiers instead

WoTC added lots of other stuff too, namely fatigue system and missions variety

I forgot a few things. Having to manage and account for how much ammo to bring on missions? gone. Multiple researches at the same time? gone.

I must be miss-remembering it and thinking it's triggered to happen once you get to a certain point in the story. I don't recall ever having to do more than 1. Besides, it's hard to tell the avenger ramp defense a proper base defense, but if you lose it it does end your game so I guess it counts (evne though in OG xcom you could lose a base and still continue on just fine).

>Still exist in the form of civilian camp rescue
These are rebranded terror missions.
>Added back in WoTC
covert ops in which you send 2 to 3 soldiers and then maybe have to do a mission only if they are ambushed don't count as being able to respond to multiple threats and send multiple teams to multiple UFO landings or shoot downs at once.
>Spark units exist
Sparks are a replacement for heavy weapons platforms.
>You get Psi-soldiers instead
you always got psi-soldiers.

I'm referring to features or elements that were eliminated, not slightly changed.

I want my smug sniper back.

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XCOM 2 base defense is triggered by dark events or chosen plots instead of story beats.

XCOM:EW base defense/assault was based on plot progression though. Long War made them procedural, which was way more interesting.