How do you combine having your own place to live, working, hobbies and having a girlfriend with video games ?
Protip : seems i can't.
How do you combine having your own place to live, working, hobbies and having a girlfriend with video games ?
Protip : seems i can't.
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There is a solution to everything user
>having a girlfriend
identified your problem.
>having your own place
Dump the hoe
??? Are video games not a hobby?
date a gamer girl user. my gf and i play league and warframe together.
stop being a normalfag faggot
Proper time management and finding compromise with your gf?
Doing everything according to schedule, at least loosely, is more satisfying than playing vidya for 12 hours straight with rare exceptions
>having your own place to live
I don't see how this is a detriment to gaming.
I'm sure you're not at work 24/7.
If video games aren't your hobby why are you even on Yea Forums?
>having a girlfriend
If your girlfriend is causing you stress, leave her. Remember: vidya comes first.
Hope this helps.
>Being gay
Commit suicide
sleep 6 hours. enough for a grown man. Use these 2 saved hours. think about it
sleep 6
work 8, thats 14
travel and morning oblutions before work, lets say 2
thats 16
dinner and evening ritual 1
thats 17
guess what
you have 7 hours of free time, that's a high schooler tier of free time, enjoy.
use it for hobby or what not, forget women, a waste of time
Life sucks.
Join the military but avoid infantry
Airforce is the perfect branch to do fuck all in an office job but call yourself a military member
i can do work, uni, exercise, guitar practice and vidya in my own apartment and still get 6 hours of sleep a night
why can't you OP
Protip: A kotatsu.
A place to sleep, work, video games, and gf.
I end up playing less but enjoying myself a lot more, but that’s also account of removing myself from competitive MP completely.
But, yeah working towards your future and treasuring the people around you provide more happiness in the end. It’s a fair trade.
It's fucking not easy mate, but you can manage it.
I manage it by living with my girlfriend, who also has time consuming hobbies, and thus does not mind when I play vidya or take time for my own hobbies.
Imagine the smell
I go to uni, have a job and still make time for vidya. Ain't got a gf though. But that's all for the best I suppose.
Go away fucking retard
>Life sucks
Yeah you deserve worse even still you piece of shit
The last thing I need is one more shitter in my Dota games
Don't get married or date. Use girls for sex only. Hoes ain't loyal.
Why all the hate?
ProTip: Ignore the girlfriend.
>He fell for the girlfriend meme
Find roommates if you want to pay less for your home
Make sure to find a job that doesn't sap your energy throughout the day so you still have willpower when you come home
Hobbies and video games occupy the same cubicle, you should see video games as a hobby because if you don't then you're just some cuck who uses it to shut his brain down completely
Try to tell yourself why you need a girlfriend, if you have one and it doesn't make you happy then what's the point
>white degenerate trannies take picture
>this is clearly the fault of black people
t. niggerjewfaggot
I envy you user. I dated a gamer girl for a while be she was just crazy toxic and was no fun to game with
You're literally obsessed with black people lol
Welcome to adulthood
It's Jewish subversion whether you realize it or not, Shame
Go ask Sako. He's 40 years old, has a wife, daughter, and travels the world playing fighting games.
Living the dream aside from the wife and daughter.
>Blacks are responsible for Jewish subversion
I work Saturday but take Thursday off, soI always get an entire day to myself by staying home Thursday while my gf works. Taking my comfy morning shit and weed vape right now, will play MTG Arena's new War of the Spark as well as some Sekiro and maybe Dragons Dogma today
Try hobbies, kids, house, work and vidya.
Wake up in the morning.
Go to work.
Finish work.
Come home.
Play games for the rest of the day.
I'm a literal retard and I can do this so if you can't manage your time well enough to play games between the time you are at work and sleeping you should prolly just kys
>phoneposting in the bathroom with stench of weed and poop
Kill yourself please
>Has a girlfriend that doesn't like vidya
>I don't see how this is a detriment to gaming.
Do you even clean ? Having a well cleaned interior takes A G E S.
Time for games won't just happen unless you have a lot of free time. You need to make a conscious decision to make some damn time. If you can't or won't make time for it, it's simply less important to you than you other activities, like shitposting on Yea Forums(nel).
You're missing two of the things mentioned in the OP.
It's not that great desu. I have a gaymer girl gf and she has a lot of online beta orbiters. It does inflate her ego and she thinks she can find another man easily. I am more than willing to show her neet ass the door, but she knows her place and does what I ask eventually. It's great listening to beta orbiter sweet talking her on discord when she has my sperm swimming in the womb at that moment. Makes me diamonds.
This is your fault for owning way more trash than you need and exposed on open air.
The majority of my living space is drawer, cupboards and glass shelves. I only have two rooms that require any real cleaning effort, plus kitchen.
you don't
>It's not that great if your gf loves cucking you while being an income parasite
That's your problem, and yours alone for picking a gf like a loser. Not at all a common issue.
>Dating an egirl
Unironically kill yourself you have no reason to complain it's your fault
I own a small business opened from 5pm to 10pm, sometime midnight, 6 days a week.I can literraly play vidya and boardgame at work.
I have a girlfriend and a fuckfriend. I play vidya with both
I have a thousand hobbys, including vidya, music, lego and cooking.
I play vidya everyday
I sleep 6 to 8h everyday
I pay my rent, living in a huge house with a few students, because i hate being alone
Life is good
i'm still depressed as fuck, longing for a love i lost last year
Lmao the girlfriend part is the biggest consumer of time. My GF does not really have a hobby of her own (other than watching some dumb series now and again) but when shes not doing that she wants to spend time with me, and most of the time i wanna play games. However she will say that i spend to much time on it. Heres the thing tho, when you are in a relationship you crave gaming a fuckton, but trust me, if you end up splitting the relationship you will fucking hate yourself for letting gaming get in the way.
>28 years old
>never had a girlfriend
>never have had friends
>i should be the best med student in the world with all that free time
>i don't know a shit about medicine, and i'm about to start my intership, where everything that i supposedly learned (including social skills) is put to the test
Thank you, Yea Forums and video games. There's no day that i don't regret all the time wasted.
There's your problem mate.
>sleep 6 hours
Commute to work by light rail, 30 mins. Play Switch. Driving yourself is a hassle.
Play Switch during lunch break.
Play Switch for an hour after work.
Then a couple hours Saturday morning.
The Switch is a goddamn blessing for a busy lifestyle. I can stop anytime, turn it back on, it loads within seconds back to where I left off.
Work 6:30 to 3pm, spend time with woman, play some vidya. Hobbies on weekends. Too easy.
>living with a few students
Grow up.
I'm mostly like you but apparently I'm really good at acting and feigning emotion and/or interest. Everybody around me end up making me their confident and keep insulting their supposed best friend behind their back. Fuck me I'm really losing my faith in humanity.
You motherfuckers are going to die real fucking quick if you only get 6 hours of sleep every day...
Have sex incel
I read in a recent article from a "sleeping expert" of some sorts that those are the effective sleeping hours, but i feel like the standard of 8 is the correct amount.
Damn i get about 4 hours of sleep and lately I've been feeling sick like physically sick, stomach aches, fatigue, headaches, aching. Maybe i should change some things
Married guy who works 55+ hours a week here. I stay up until 6 am after work when my next day is off to play sometimes. If your girlfriend isn't a bitch she'll get it. Everyone needs time to themselves. My wife is sleeping right now while I stay up to play vidya and watch tv by myself. If she doesn't understand that sometimes you need time to yourself, maybe you're dating the wrong person? Good luck, it can be hard to balance it all, but always make time to take care of yourself so you can continue to work and maintain healthy relationships.
videogames are a hobby though. Alternatively, have a girlfriend who shares some of your hobbies with you to some degree (videogames included) so you can have both at once.
tl;dr: git gud
How are you unable to do this? Just make time for it. If your GF is getting up in your shit when you just want to relax and play a game, stop being a fucking pussy and tell that bitch to fuck right off.
It's easy.
>night before work
>force myself to sleep but can only get like 3 hours of sleep
>go to bed at a proper time on my day off
>end up sleeping for 16 hours and the day feels ruined
Maybe you should stop hooking up with hoes and hook up with a real woman then.
Women are parasitical vermin that have never contributed absolutely anything to human society they merely destroy every single thing they fucking touch and i'm sick and tired of this.
All women are subhuman vermin incapable of loyalty, rationality or basic human decency and it's about time they get what they deserve, They all deserve to be raped, dismembered and skinned alive, melted in acid and beaten until every single bone in their bodies is broken without any exception regardless of age, looks or race. Women are the fucking reason why biological life shouldn't exist, i hate these disgusting things so much that i even beat the fuck out of my mom and nearlyc hoked her to death last week when i ran out of SSRIs, i'm at the point where i would only feel happiness if a toddler had a fucking hot iron cramemd into it's cunt.
Go ahead and call me an incel one more fuckign time you stupid pieces of shit, you're only playing into their hands. I'm sick and tired of the bullshit traditionalism also, all of these whores need to be exterminated it's fucking illogical that parasitical leeches have the right to ruin the lives of men.
Cut out the gf out of your life, OP. You'll be much happier, trust me wymyn aren't worth it.
fuck bro. just kys already. damn.
You deserve to suck
But how are we going to get a vagina to pump our seed into, user?
Why does Yea Forums hate california?
ya don't
California is the liberal state
You redpilled me on vasectomy user, probably gonna get one when i can make the scratch. They dont hurt do they?
lol edgy.
>How do you combine having your own place to live, working, hobbies and having a girlfriend with video games
You play different games. I don't have a girlfriend, but I have the other three at this point, and I mainly play lightweight, portable, time respecting games. I don't play Cinematic experiences because I simply don't have the time or money for them.
I even play Cellphone games because they are cheap and many known indies are porting their games to Mobile, like Ludosity. Don't let the teens fool you: You don't get any points or prestige for playing video games unless you're in hyper competitive stuff like fighters and MOBAs. Learn to enjoy smaller stuff.
>not planning a 12 hour gaming session and hyping it up after a long week of work
Only way to live with a job.
Why the fuck would any living man in 2019 want a girlfriend?
Sex? Fwb and hookers on ya phone instantly
Lonely? Men are supposed to be lonely.
Your first mistake was having faith in then to begin with. Everyone is a brainless troglodyte.
I'm too scared of getting arrested, even with online shit.
What state you in?
>being this delusional
You need to go out more and meet people, instead of sitting at home raging at internet comments and imagining women being like this.
Prostitution is legal for the girls but you can still get arrested if you try to buy them
At most, I'd want a good friend that just happens to be a female. I can't speak about marriage or serious relations or whatever, but I do feel that being able to get along with a girl for extended periods of time is a prerequisite for everything else. Funnily enough, no one ever mentions of focuses on that, and instead just slobber about sex.
Sex can take a hike: it's over hyped and the people who are obsessed with it are just the worst to be around, may they be man OR woman.
Any less than 8 hours per night has been very strongly linked to brain damage later in life
red and basedpilled
>tfw just fucked my gf like an hour ago
I only have video games so it"s super simple
>having a girlfriend
Why would you spend all that time and money on someone who's just going to leave you when she finds someone better?
>anniversary, valentine's, her birthday, Christmas, vacations and every time you screw up
Everything is rigged against us in a relationship, and that's not even including divorce and child support.
Alcohol my friend. Especially once you add anime and a kid to that list
me with my gf
Only fuckboys have female friends.
>Become rich.
>All your problems are now solved.
Oh sweet Jesus I hope so. 4-6 hours a day is what I am getting lately due to a lot of noise where I live. My aim is to keel over and feel the end coming.
Set up an area that both you and your girl can enjoy movies and videogames separately and be together at the same time. I mean I have like 4 screens just for me.
How does it feel to have your own place Yea Forums?
I cant focus at home. There is always noise. There are always people ready to get in your room. You always have someone breathing down your neck
I cant live like this anymore but Im too depressed to get a job
Man up and get a job. Having your own place is freedom user
I'll tell you in a week.
I do know this feeling though: Family is good, but being subject to their expectations and standards 24/7 beyond a certain age just becomes unbearable pressure. It gets to the point where you can barely function, despite there not being anything "wrong".