Why is this aesthetic so rare in video games?

Why is this aesthetic so rare in video games?

Attached: Npc_zoom_3030056000_01.png (960x800, 148K)

>she has armor on so it's more realistic
Everything about that image is retarded.
Might as well just draw her in a bikini at that point.

>It's not hard realism so it should just be fap bait
Go away and take the perverts with you.
I dig cartoon chicks in armor more than chainmail bikkinis.

Patrician taste.

That's because you're a dumb bandwagon-hopper. Omg le chainmail bikini bad omg omg

Nigga you're railing off the charts.

>no helmet
full retard

Sadly, high fantasy has become way too retarded in both JRPGs and WRPGs. Last game that scratched for me the right spots was Pathfinder Kingmaker to the point that I've been getting into the board game itself.

>No helmet
>Shield too big
>Sword too big


>long hair
>retarded shield design
>meme cape

Honestly this turns me on 100x more than bikini armor. The most beautiful part of a women are the parts she keeps a mystery

Man I felt that way for years, even since I was a teen even. You just can't express it now because dumb Social Media slacktivists have polarized everything in to two opposed camps. If you're not some sort of super perv who despises women and faps 20 times a day dreaming about Gynoids, you're a pre-op transexual ranting about how gender isn't real and trying to get into women's bathrooms.

I hate this mess.

A common mistake for rookies.

Women in full armor make my pee pee too hard, I wouldn’t be able to play the game, I prefer get half hard with bikini armor.

Still unrealistic, maybe lighten that armor a little to a bikini top and thong.

Her second art is really nice.

Attached: af81500e-e71f-4df4-84c8-a2b43c6a76cc.png (1920x1600, 2.51M)

She also wants to have children, very weird

I like both OP's and pic related,what does that make me?

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040028000_81.png (960x800, 124K)

>dude belts lmao

a gacha tard apparently

>no helmet
>sword and shield should be half the size
this is more unrealistic than bikini armor

This is a female knight
Say something nice to her

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040082000_01.png (960x800, 184K)

Ass too big

Looks like Gaius

The knights in the game have boners for big shields and stuff.

Attached: Npc_zoom_3030053000_02.png (960x800, 186K)

But that's a girlus not a gaius.

Naoise probably has the most reasonably sized shield
Shape on the other hand is another topic

Attached: Npc_zoom_3030000000_01.png (960x800, 155K)

Wtf is this Fashion Souls mobage?

you're retarded

Granblue Fantasy

Farrah too and R Volenna carries a somewhat small round shield.

Attached: Npc_zoom_3020006000_02.png (960x800, 81K)

Also, you're better off playing browser version than app version

Well, it have good art i need to say.

Because if you make a female character that looks like this the otaku like
will be offended

If you want this shitty no helmet anime sword charectar aesthetic play any jrpg ever

We need bigger shields.

Attached: Athena.png (1920x1600, 2.68M)

Because the market is dominated by sexually frustrated young men and teenagers who instinctively prefer women with more exposed skin
and visible feminine traits even if it's lower quality or makes no sense for a women to wear those clothes in that context

Attached: 8207f8_7005898.jpg (2120x3000, 1.68M)

CUTE girls with BIG shields

Attached: 1459495695914.jpg (640x940, 271K)

And bigger swords.

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040194000_02.png (960x800, 221K)

>Million belts and doodads.
I hate this shit.