>Starts 200 years before Rome was of much relevance
>Ends before the Roman Empire
Coukdn't they just have named it Europe Regionalis?
>Starts 200 years before Rome was of much relevance
>Ends before the Roman Empire
Coukdn't they just have named it Europe Regionalis?
Other urls found in this thread:
Imperator doesn't mean emperor, it was a title akin to general.
Brainlets, I swear.
Which faction will you play as first lads? I'm going with the Seleucid Bully, and I haven't even read all the diaries or watched the play throughs
Imperator literally means commander or conqueror.
Jesus dude you thought you were big brained but guess again
what is this?
paradox interactive's latest money magnet
Centurion is very obvious correct choice
>"historical" game
>97% of the map is made up bullshit
What a shitty timespan for the game, though. There's really no point to the late game if it doesn't end with the possibility of an establishment of dictatorial or imperial rule.
you can establish a dictatorship
Is this game gonna be more like ck2 or eu4?
Don't worry, in just a few years you can by the DLC that push the timeline
Half way between the two it seems.
First Rome
Second Bactria
I don't understand why anybody would play this game rather than Europa Barbarorum II, which has an enormous wealth of interesting historical information, and real battles with authentic classical units, from India and Bactria to Rome, Britain, and Lusitania. All Paradox games play the same, they are nothing but dull map-painting simulators with basically the same mechanics. Whether you play during the World War Two era or in antiquity, the only thing that distinguishes between nations is what they are called on the screen and what colour they possess.
Gonna establish a steppe kang empire and bully efeminite greeks.
Hey, retarded Burger, do you even know that imperator was a proper title of the Roman Republic?
>4 types of mana but only one consul
I have an i5, 12 gigs ram and a 960 m on my toaster laptop, do you guys think I can run this?
Don't support this bitter geriatric out of touch autist's ego project with your money. A programmer can't ever be a great game designer and vice verse.
Two consuls now, check Jewhan's Twitter
Check your literacy level. Won't be two for quite some time.
will it be like crusader kings 2?
Gonna do the classic paradox noob strat and start in some divided shithole, like spain or gaul and learn the ropes. Once I actually know how to play it I think I'll try to restore the Persian Empire or something
That's not a mechanic in the game. I don't know what else to tell you.
Im pretty sure it's going to be more like EU4, which is good because CK2 is an incest autismfest
Hell in Hibernia dlc when?
Rome: Total War had roughly the same timeline and it wasn't bad nor it did not take away the "Roman-ness" of the game.
>Game called conqueror rome
>Set in the period rome conquered most territories
I fail to see your point
Could you please explain to me again
That's what the DLCs are for, in the same way old gods pushed the clock back in CK2, we'll get new gods expansion that pushes the clock forward.
Calling all anons for DLC ideas for the future. This is your shot at being ripped off by Parajews.
Because EB has the most boring mechanic ever in the handling of units reinforcements: you have to shuffle units in a conga line to retrain them.
Shut the fuck up. Go play your $5 weeb trash and stay go!.
What year is the game gonna take place in? I meant in CE and the likes.
304 BCE is the start.
its supposed to start in 304 bc
Fuck off you SJW, either use BC/AD or AUC, none of that CE cuckery.
Anime portrait pack.
Praetorian is cute. CUTE!
Most games do the same thing with Rome, it's either just before the Julius Caesar era or right at the end when it was shit. Never in the middle and never Augustus, Claudius or Nero.
Carthage or some other Phoenician city state.
Nobody call Pompey because I'm going to pirate the shit out of this.
>TFW no game about Trajan era when Rome streched from Britannia to Mesopotamia.
>Please Don't Bully Me, Legate-Chan
You forgot Ol. (Olympiad).
I mean when you really think about it, a GSG featuring peak Rome would be unbalanced AF
>date uses years since Rome was established instead of BCE because Johan said years ticking down was weird
...are you fucking kidding me?
Pax Romana would unironically be the best era to set a paradox game about Rome in, fuck hellenes
have sex
That's a dumb reason but using AUC is totally valid IMO
>Our army will arrive two years earlier than we started moving
Yeah, it would be weird as fuck
>Years tick downwards
>Suddenly years tick upwards
That'd be too hard for americans to comprehend. No joke, like 10% of them believes Earth is 2019 years old.
That is good as well.
Only to people with tiny brains.
Before Christ Existence? Wtf is BCE
Not if they balanced it correctly
Correctly meaning being big doesn't mean you have a ton of surplus money to pump out doomstacks that you can effortlessly shuffle from one side of the map to the other and shiet
>20 years after alexander died
>the time of relevance for the diadochi
>the time when rome rose from a small power in italy to a major power in the med
no, I don't WANT to conquer everything I just want it all handed to me on a platter
Rome, then I'm going to uninstall the game because it's going to be trash
Even worse, Before Common Era, look it up
People are getting really upset about the superior CE year system, huh?
Common Era
Whichever was occupying my home region when the game starts. Hoping they're not muzzies
Before Common Era
It's a way for fedora tippers to refer to BC.
Velites-chan pierces my heart with her pilum,
They don't tick upwards
But using bc in bc period is weird as fuck
>Character says how he travels back in the time
>lol you just have tiny brain
You know, humans have rich history
But for some reason no one ever counted years backwards in time they lived in, because it can only go forward
CE means Common Era. It's so pathetic honestly, they're too lazy to come up with a completely new ideological dating system so they just take the old one and sanitize it for their ends.
None it seems really boring, all you do is blob the map.
Politics etc are trivial.
>tfw no Sulla era.
>tfw game set in the Kingdom of Rome 600 BC
>I'm still gonna count years from this event, I'm just not gonna mention what that event was because fuck xtians! woohoo, mom's gonna freak
What's the time span of this game?
>I'm going to count years from a fictional event, the Rabbi's gonna freak!
>200 years before rome was of much relevance
in 100 BC rome was already ruling the med uncontested. who the fuck wants to play that? why would you not want to play as rome rising into power rather than trying to hold on to it?
It's stupid because it isn't a new system. It's just the old system with a different name so it won't offend people (even though nobody actually complained about BCAD).
have sex
Don't make a game about Rome and then take all the interesting parts of Rome's history out of the equation. We don't get to fight Rome's early establishing conflicts and we don't get to adequately experience the Late Republic, i.e. the bit that warrants Roman history's cultural significance.
Sarmatia and form Great Lechina Empire.
Claudius' conquest of Britain is entirely attributable to his ability to shuffle around his doomstacks.
Post 14AD would boring because it's every late game in this "genre," Roman blob vs Parthian blob vs Kush blob.
Post 14 AD could be very interesting if Paradox just understood how to make a game fun outside of map painting. You'd need a deep character and political system for one thing.
>Christfag calling others virgins
>the bit that warrants Roman history's cultural significance.
>not the unification of Italy and the Punic wars
sadly no. it's more like eu4 and its autistic map painting
>everybody who doesn't use my snowflake terminology is a christfag
How long after release we get a working crack?
>Don't make a game about Rome
the game is set around the time rome rose to power
>then take all the interesting parts of Rome's history out of the equation
like what? continual collapse?
>we don't get to adequately experience the late republic
according to whom? you?
>the bit that warrants Roman history's cultural significance.
nigger name me events with more historical and cultural significance to rome than the punic wars and conquering greece
Exactly. All this stuff has the potential to be as interesting as the history if the game was actually up to the challenge.
But as it stands I'd prefer a RTW 2 done right to any attempt that Paradox will take at the era because their games are all derivative mana spending simulators.
Carthage > Romeshit
Hope there will be asterix and obeelix gaul chieftains
>no AUD
You're the pleb. 90% of Rome's best characters, most memorable stories, and most stirring moments occur in the late Republic. The vast majority of authors of note, too.
The Hannabalic Wars are just exciting to proletarii brainlets who can't get excited by anything but wars and
>Carthage DELENDA EST xd
Counting down would no be weird but basing your year count on a future event is weird
Gotta leave something for the DLC!
Are you fucking joking
Rome's cultural zenith was the time of Cicero. Do you even know who Cicero is you meme? Let alone the dozens of other figures of cultural importance.
seething christcuck
550 turns to marian units. That's fucking way. Hurry up and wait is not good gameplay. I've got a bookshelf full of history books if I want to read a book.
I thought this game is gonna CK2 but in the Roman empire era. What a disappointment.
What's the thought process here, who thought this was a good idea?
But it is superior. A lot of the world uses BC while believing or not believing in christ while some groups use other systems due to desbelief in christ. Since a start date for the calendar is always arbitrary, might as well use the start date most of the world uses and disociate it from christ. That way those who disbelieve him might be convinced to use it too and we can be spared a headache.
Common Era is an ugly as shit name though.
>Common Era
What is that even supposed to mean? Common to what or whom?
It's even more idiotic, because now they're essentially saying that the "Common Era" of mankind is defined by Jesus, whereas before it was mostly neutral, simply before and after this specific event.
Carthago delenda est
>sacrifices babies
yeah no. Carthago delenda est.
fuck outta here Dido
>another blob simulator hiding behind to 'historical' label to excuse boring mechanics and no lategame
>it's 90% copy/pasted from the last one codewise with some changes to the visuals menus and map
>it also fails as a game trying to portray history
I can't believe people pay for this shit. I'm not even going to pirate it.
>Common to what or whom?
Our Western civilisation built on Judeo-Christian values.
is there anything more cringey than romaboos?
I believe it is defensible on the grounds that Jesus marks the beginning of a shared calendar among many nations of the world, one "in common." The true reason why "CE/BCE" is wrong is because it is a wilful left-wing political erasure of our history.
It's supposed to be a successor to europa universalis rome. Which, as the name implies, was similar to eurpoa universalis 3. No one is going to make a 4X game about imperial rome. A game about imperial rome would have to be something very different CK2 or anything else paradox makes.
>Our Western civilisation
It was by no definition created with the birth of Christ. There wasn't even a single Christian country by that year, obviously. If anything you could make this argument for the year Rome became Christian, but even that is a stretch.
I was going to say that "Judeo-Christian" is even more stupid that Common Era, but then I realized that this must be bait.
What, didn't you know that Christians and Muslims were an offshoot of Jews? In a way, jews were responsible for the fall of Rome
It's obvious that Johan's brain doesn't quite work right.
It's the standardised calendar, even cultures which have their own use it as a global standard, so CE is perfectly fine.
Romaboo is the most patrician kind of -boo you can be.
>Romaboo is the most patrician kind of -boo you can be.
>posts a Gre*k
True Romans are Latin
>Rome's cultural zenith was the time of Cicero
Rome did not have a cultural cycle like the italian states when they embraced the renaissance you cucknigger.
Cicero had extremely little to do with any cultural impact on Rome, it's just a name you throw out because you're retarded.
The Punic Wars changed the romans approach to foreign policy ENTIRELY and after rome conquered greece the idea of what a roman was was LITERALLY REDEFINED.
Hey do you want to know something actually quite ironic? All the "roman cultural figures" were inspired by greeks, Cicero and Plutarch both modelled their speeches on Polybius
Group think.
>Blaming Christianity for the fall of the Roman Empire
It's not like the empire was decadent and full of incompetent leaders after the Five Good Emperors or anything.
You realize Islam was established in 600 A.D.?
Yeah, because Christian nations have dominated the world for centuries.
>even cultures which have their own use it as a global standard
I mean, I can accept that the Chinese use it like that to preserve some pride. But even in that case it's stupid, because it's using a calendar based on an important event while attempting to avoid mentioning it. It's outright childish.
But using it as a white Christian (believer or not) is just pure cuckoldry.
All I'm saying is that Rome went to shit around the time they told the old Gods to fuck off.
Even the Five Good Emperors weren't very good desu (Trajan was fine but the constant conquest was unsustainable).
Italians were irrelevant for half of the empire's existence.
who /pirate/ here? Fuck Johan
>All I'm saying is that Rome went to shit around the time they told the old Gods to fuck off.
Not really
La Creatura...
I'm not a very smart user.
Italians built the empire. You barbarians and Greeks stole it and drove it into the ground.
well that was obvious because you are interested in playing this bad game
>they lived like Mad Max style barbarians in Rome while true Roman culture flourished in the East for another thousand years
Don't delude yourself, Latinshit. And don't forget to kiss a niggers feet like the Latin Pope.
>Blaming Christianity for the fall of the Roman Empire
Yeah. Christianity had nothing to do with the fall of Rome.
Germans on the other hand...
That's what you get for subjugating and incorporating the Greeks m8
Carthage will rise and Rome will burn. Glory to Melqart
That or sustain the greatness of Egypt.
Anyone can be smart as long as they seek to improve, user. Believe in yourself!
Yes really
How do I make Hastati-tan happy?
have any other nation trashed western civilization more times than the germans? i actually cant think of one
I think no one else can compare
I'm going to play the Tartessians or Turdetani and I'm going to genocide all st*Ppoid nigger dogs occupying the continent
>not playing druidic tribe uniting the iberian peninsula
So why haven't we genocided the warmongers yet?
>forcefully incorporate a superior culture
>cry when they hold your empire together for thousand years after you managed to destroy your own half
>edited out Martin Luther
Based and Christpilled
They were still persecuting Christians by the time the fatal crisis is raging on. Only after the crisis did Rome started abandoning the Old Gods
You tell me user.
>effeminate fagboys
>superior culture
Go back to your books nerd.
you seem to have the wrong image there proddy
Well, the Romans mostly wiped out indigenous western civilization and replaced it with oriental hellenistic civilization.
>Anglos crossed out and replaced by slavs
Very based and very historically accurate. Mutts shouldn't steal the slav's thunder just because they make better WW2 movies.
>Common Era
>Easter Worshipers
>Happy Holidays
America delenda est.
>Very based and very historically accurate.
>Amerishart doesn't realise that 90% of wehrmacht casualities were on the eastern front while they "fought" children and old farts in the west
>He actually thinks anglos did any real work in WW2
Well maybe except the brits. Can't have been easy to defend the island for that long.
based nomad chad
Every fucking day you European shits make me wish America and Britain sided with Hitler. You fucks didn't deserve to be liberated and all Russians should be gassed.
Ah yes who wouldn't want to play a paradox game where your country is already 99% of the map
>using BC before Christ existed.
Brits literally didn't do anything except not die. At least the Americans shipped out supplies for the Red Army and dealt with the Japanese so more resources could be allocated to the germs.
I beg to differ. The Old Testament is is in great part inspired by the epic of Gilgamesh. Christianity is thus clearly an offshoot of Sumerian cult of Namu.
>The term "Common Era" became more widely used in the mid-19th century by Jewish academics. In the later 20th century, the use of CE and BCE was popularized in academic and scientific publications, and more generally by authors and publishers wishing to emphasize secularism or sensitivity to non-Christians, by not explicitly referencing Jesus as "Christ" and Dominus ("Lord") through use of the abbreviation[c] "AD".[10][11]
>As early as 1825, the abbreviation VE (for Vulgar Era) was in use among Jews to denote years in the Western calendar.[46]
>Common Era notation has also been in use for Hebrew lessons for "more than a century".[47] Some Jewish academics were already using the CE and BCE abbreviations by the mid-19th century, such as in 1856, when Rabbi and historian Morris Jacob Raphall used the abbreviation in his book Post-Biblical History of The Jews.[48][g]
>Adena K. Berkowitz, when arguing at the Supreme Court opted to use BCE and CE because "Given the multicultural society that we live in, the traditional Jewish designations – B.C.E. and C.E. – cast a wider net of inclusion" [67]
Are you implying my mom is religious? I'm not an Amerimutt or a Muslim
>make me wish America and Britain sided with Hitler
Hitler declared war on America first, just to please japs, it's always funny how "honorable" japs didn't payed debt back, and despite all his demands didn't declared war on soviets
He wouldn't have if we weren't obviously on the side of the allies. Also, why do people think the Japanese are honorable when literally everything in their history says otherwise?
There's not a clear cutoff where you can say this is where the new ideas started. The best you can say is that the 6th century bc is when religious and philosophical writing around the world simultaneously took a form a modern reader identifies with.
Yeah, kinda sucks. Balancing your power and popularity against the other Consul could have been fun.
The turd stands for the shit I'm going to take on your corpse ST*PPOID BICH FUK
Until the first patch.
The map is complete shit, will look again after 2-3 years and maybe it'll be playable then.
>He wouldn't have if we weren't obviously on the side of the allies.
America traded with both sides though
I hope you are a pirate my friend. By that time the game + all DLC will be over $300 (game is almost unplayable without the DLC lol).
Of course, I'll only ever get the base game when it comes to PDX so I get access to mods.
They have a little shame. It'll be the 3rd or 4th a year or so from now after memories have faded a bit.
it's incredibly easy to pirate paradox dlc after buying the base game. not that what I've seen of imperator even warrants buying the base game yet, but still
Yes but FDR was an obvious crypto commie. Hitler would have been much more sympathetic to America if we had a president who less radical.
>They have a little shame.
bullshit they do
too late
first major update. not that far away all things considered.
>who is diocletian
rome survived for longer than it deserved to because of good emperors.
this is going to suck if it leans more to eu4 than ck2. waiting around for your mana to recharge, and no real court or political intrigue. battles consisting of who has the biggest army.
Paradox have been decent at putting in stuff in the first free patches or so that would look like a dlc, it's their way of getting you hooked to the patch cycles then they start the DLC machine.
You're going to be really disappointed in a couple hours.
>white Christian (believer or not)
What does this even mean?
Just white?
Going with Macedon to reforge the empire of Alex.
Wtf is ce
Romans would have appreciated anime roman girls.
>it's true
I can't tell if he's kidding or not. That better not be a fucking DLC feature.
Actually it was the Greek States/Macedon first that laid the foundations of Western civilization and then the Romans came and made wonders on them. It's more accurate to say that the Greco-Roman civilization was the foundation of the West.
I totally agree with the rest though.
>state it's for the update
>have already said if they found a way of doing it that satisfied them, it wouldn't be dlc
are you pretending to be retarded or are you actually retarded?
Parthia shall return to dominate all the lands from the Indus to the Nile to the Bosporus and beyond. As it Was, As it Is, As it Shall Be.
Who cares, they just copied from the scraps of the finnish empire that existed prior to the finno-korean hyperwar.
he never once says the feature is coming in a free update
>believing those guys
right back at you.
Is there an option to turn of female generals like in Crusader kings 2?
Not if bactria gets to it first.
>game is almost unplayable without the dlc
why do people continually spout this shit? EU4 was fully playable on released
the only reason you would be playing it with DLCs now is because it has had 6 fucking years of continual development, if it wasn't looking barebones in comparison to now paradox would have made a giantass blunder
mixed generals are opt-in afaik unless you play the sythians and then you get female generals
>And the fall of the empire is also interesting to anyone living in.... uh.... any society!
Based CEO implying it like it is.
first update not dlc
why shouldn't I? what has paradox done to warrant a breach of my trust?
>unless you play the sythians and then you get female generals
Before or after the Wakanda-Dothraki War? I don't remember the dates.
iirc it's togglable at the set up screen
With PDX releases, I usually play a game or two at release and then let it stew for a year or two so that DLCs can come out (and in Stellaris's case so they can fuck shit up completely and change the entire game FCUK YOU ASSHOLES).
Pretorian only.
Plebs leave.
Because Scythians among other nomadic horse peoples were famous for having female fights and leaders. How historically accurate it may be is up for debate but the precedence is still there.
It was some time after Atlantis sank
DRUCHII and Praetorian-chan
A based match made in heaven. Whoever thought about and made that pic is a genius.
There were a few female leaders yeah but not fighters.
will be in 1.1 for free
When have the Bactrians ever done anything first?
Normally I would wait until the game was aged with paradox but the mod community and options in this game are even more powerful then usual so i will probably jump right into loverslab
I played stellaris for 150 hours at release, around 100 hours of those were in multiplayer. I dislike a lot in the new update but I still think the changes made were overall positive. I have maybe 1,000 hours in it now having spent like 80€ on the game.
I honestly can't think of a game that would give me the same amount of value that wasn't free like EVE or DOTA2
I think I'll play as the uninstall faction first, and then strive to launch Victoria 2 instead.
Good goy.
Hard to say. Nothing they wrote survived. Maybe they built a rocket ship in 200 AD and left for alpha centauri.
Literally all they had to do was set it up so they were the leader of a faction within the Senate, with Senators cycling through the Consulship.
Well Herodotus is a bit romantic but he says otherwise, and there is some archeological evidence to suggest some women lived a more violent lifestyle.
You know that because you live in those times?
But user you can't play as Bactria in Victoria 2
what the fuck do you do when your faction leader isn't a consul then?
The same thing the IRL leaders did, pull the strings on their puppet.
Writhe in obscurity like you deserve you consul-less pleb
so what is the point of playing as a faction leader if you're going to have direct control of the senate anyway?
Blessed thread.
Oh those Eastern Romans and giving everyone really big eyes.
whens the fucking fitgirl repack, im waiting..
or any pirate for the matter
Real ones, not the ones pretending in nowadays Vizcaya.
never once stated it's free
Gonna try and unite Britain
The Anglo
torrent when?
sup /twg/?
>not free
Really, nigger?
Looks fun, but knowing Parajew, it will only be good after tons of DLC
>DLC isn't an update
Do Paradox's EU-like game feature wiki links to help you learn more about the factions you play as?
No, that's not it. It will be good at first, but then they'll start to "update" parts of the game by making DLC centered around them. As a result, these parts will be completely removed for anyone who does not buy the DLC. In the worst of cases, this ends up degrading the game if the replaced mechanic was better before the rework.
That only happened in ck2, and only because it was their first dlc game
EU4 and stellaris are fully playable without dlc
EU4 is not playable without DLC. I own EU4 without DLC. It is what I based my complaint off of.
Crete until I git gud, I want to play a Northern Germanic tribe and work down.
Victoria 2 and the UK rules or is allied with about 85%.
i'm mad as fuck at this stupid faggot, he just had a conspiracy theorist historian on that talked a bunch of bullshit, including repeating the meme that Mesoamerican civilization actually had root in africans just because the big Olmec heads had big lips
the fucking podcast was a day ago and it already has 1.5 million views; there's already so much misinfo about Mesoamerican culture to begin with fuck
I got eu4 vanilla(aka version without dlc) for free during gave away, still fully playable even on the last update
One example of the game being unplayable, from what I recall from playing it before I went back to Victoria 2, is the fact that the AI can build (certain) provincial improvements which are DLC-locked, but you as the player can not. That is, in my opinion, the definition of unplayable without those DLCs.
Here's a (you)
>Ritalin kicks in an hour
>Game launches in an hour
I'm ready.
paradox has always used the term DLC when it's a DLC feature and update when it's a patch feature
so is warhammer 2: total war unplayable because the AI can play as DLC-locked factions while the player can't because he doesn't own the DLC?
All I see here is that you're complaining about the game having features that are locked behind DLC and that this somehow makes the game unplayable for you despite it still being fully playable
forgot to reply to this in Given that the base game of EUIV put both Mesoamerican and Andean civilizations in a fucking lower tech tier then all of africa and at the same tech tier as random tribes in north and south america; I wouldn't trust any sort of in game resource on them. The rest might be fine though, since unforantely even people and devs who know their shit with european and asian history tend to know only as much as any random fucker on the street when it comes to the americas, so their ignorance their doesn't mean they don't know shit about Eurasian stuff.
I will shill Mesoamerica Universalis, though, which is an overhaul mod made by a bunch of autists and actual historians to make how the game handles that region actually good and accurate
goes into the map overhaul and religion overhaul; elements of the mod in particular, though both also serve as a short tl;dr crash course of the state of the region's politics and religious status in the mid 1400's in general
reminder that Mesopotamia, Egypt, etc are actually the founders of Western Civilization; there wasn't an actual split into distinct European and Middle Eastern cultural spheres till the middle of or arguably even after Classical antiquity.
T. Creatura
Playing as DLC locked factions is perfectly fine, because your factions are capable of doing anything those DLC factions can do, apart from some special mechanics inherent to them. Not being able to build a common building which the AI can build because you lack DLC is buillshit.
No, not having dlc literally locks them from the game
So you more likely lying for some reason
Do you also assume everybody interested in Japanese history is a nip?
i'm murican and my family is from central/eastern europe
>my family is from
shut the fuck up mutt
Mesopotamia and Egypt had virtually no impact on Greek civilization. They may have been 'first' but everyone lived in a bubble back then and civilization didn't spread because one guy found out it was a good idea to lived clumped up to increase your PPP and started to going around telling people about it but because of necessity.
tldr: the Minoans developed entirely separately from the Babylonians
>not historical
>theme that has been done to death
>empty and boring like all paradox games at release(and many many years afterwards).
If you support them at this point you are a fucking moron.
>not historical
why yes I truly want to watch the game play itself out whilst accepting no input from me, that's my idea of fun
>theme that has been done to death
subjective and not even an argument
I forgot women only came into existence after the women suffragette movement
>empty and boring like all paradox games at release
how's it empty and boring? compared to what? eu4? a game that has been in continual development for 10 years now? no shit it doesn't as many features
>If you support them at this point you are a fucking moron
you still haven't given me a reason not to
No they didn't live in a bubble. Ideas didn't spread in a year like they do now, but they clearly spread through trade, migration, and conquest over time. The archaeological record shows how burial practices, art styles, and technology spread. Greek art was influenced by egyptian art after the greek dark age. Their alphabet was influenced by the phoenician alphabet. The written record even states that pythagoras and thales studied in egypt.
>Greek art was influenced by egyptian art after the greek dark age. Their alphabet was influenced by the phoenician alphabet. The written record even states that pythagoras and thales studied in egypt.
well yes and if that was your point I would have agreed with you. but it wasn't.
your point was that mesopotamia and egypt was the founders of western civilization, which isn't true. because civilization developed in greece independent of mesopotamia and egypt. greek culture was influenced by egyptian and babylonian culture, but culture is not the same as civilization.
>they didn't live in a bubble
they did. eventually when civilizations popped up all around them they started trading and what we now call the bronze age sprung forth, but that was a thousand years later on
the game is easy so even monkey can play it just watch any of these youtube let's play ... it just boring no challenge at all
We have evidence of trade between the very earliest civilizations, coins from indus valley in mesopotamia, and the like.
I don't think "western civilization" is a well enough defined term to have a serious conversation about where it originated and where it existed. It's Yea Forums tier shit talk, not a serious idea.
So many shills here.
I hope this company fails cause of the obsessive fanboys who slurp all of paradox's shit without daring to be and forcing paradox to improve.
You know what would make force them improve?
Shame, no one else interested in genre for few geeks
But go on, be sjw and complain that game isn't mainstream enough for your tastes instead of making your own
t. postmodernist
Western Civilization started whith the Catholic/Orthodox schism
the west is greek phylosophy + roman law + catholic morality
I just told you they did engage in trade, you fucking mong. the bronze age would never have happened if it wasn't for trade. all I said was that civilization didn't spread to crete from the babylonians or the egyptians, rather that they reached that stage independently. the babylonians just happened to be first.
western civilization is definitely a real concept that stems from the roman adherence to law and order. no other civilization valued law as much as the romans did
who are you shilling for, friend? will they still pay you even if you don't explicitly say what product you are endorsing?
This. "Western Civilization" can mean almost anything depending on who uses it.
Rome, then Etruscans or Carthage.
My ancestry is entirely from hungary and germany you dumb faggot
>well yes and if that was your point I would have agreed with you. but it wasn't.
Yes, that was my point.
>your point was that mesopotamia and egypt was the founders of western civilization, which isn't true. because civilization developed in greece independent of mesopotamia and egypt
No, it did not. Obviously greek culture existed before feritle crescent influence, but greek "civilization" was heavily influenced from the fertile cresecent and essentially descended from it
Except those things developed due to influences that trace back to the fertile cresecent and for the bronze age and early classical antiquity it was all essentially one cultural sphere.
>hating on early Republic
>hating on my boi Cincinnatvs
>hating on my boi Marcvs Fvrivs Camillvs
>hating on my boi Scipio Africanus
>hating on Gracci rebellion
>My ancestry is entirely from hungary and germany you dumb faggot
you arent german or hungarian, faggot. you know nothing of your ancestors, their home, their culture, their music, their literature, their history or mythos. you're just another dumb mutt going on about muh ancestors as if that separates you from the hood nigger or the texas redneck.
Nice civilisation potential.
>Except those things developed due to influences that trace back to the fertile cresecent and for the bronze age and early classical antiquity it was all essentially one cultural sphere.
and if we go back far enough we all lived in malaria huts in Africa, what's your point here? The Bronze and Early Classical cultures have 0 relevance in modern western society that isn't already credited to Rome
Why didn't Tiberius just restore the republic if he wanted them to take charge and pass laws without him?
>My ancestry is entirely from hungary and germany you dumb faggot
Whatever you say mutt man.
Which nations are "Western" then? Britain and its colonies? All of Western Europe? All of Europe?
Scandinavian nations have historically been very different from Central European, which has been pretty different from Mediterranean. The Scandinavian nations, for instance, haven't had as much of a Roman tradition in law as Southern Europe, instead preferring their own way.
Greece is often cited as the birthplace of "Western Civilization" but is a South-East European nation which has much in common with its neighbors, Romanians and South Slavs.
Are Slavs also Western? Historically the Serbs have had close contact with the East Roman Empire, Poland and Czechia with Germany. Is Russia also a Western nation then, at least after Peter the Great?
What about Japan? The last couple of centuries it has adopted many European ideas and has a sizeable Christian minority.
Can a nation become Western or stop being Western?
The term is a fucking mess and can't be used seriously in regards to history. It can only somewhat be used as "USA and friends" in the modern context.
>early classical antiquity it was all essentially one cultural sphere
you are retarded
Postmodernist, there's another word whose definition no one can even begin to agree on. Ok, if western civilization is greek philosophy, roman law, and catholic morality then we're only 1/3 western civilization. Greek philosophy isn't the view through which the average person sees the world these days, nor is it relevant to academic philosophy or the practical application of it. Roman law was replaced by the french civil code. Christianity is still around though and very relevant.
>no other civilization valued law as much as the romans did
I think all civilizations valued law and order. They had religious cults devoted to it. Do you mean they weren't as effective at writing and applying law? That's something that's more quantifiable, but I think china is a strong counterexample. Let's not forget that roman law was influential because the romans won. If, say, the carthaginians had won instead then we'd be talking about carthaginian law.
she can be strict with my dick
>Shilltubers have been making videos of this shit game for almost a month
>still have to wait until 7pm to play it on release day
what an absolute shitshow, Studios who do shit like this deserve to burn down
Kill yourself, historylet
>My ancestry is entirely from hungary and germany
if you go to Germany, can you speak German, know the culture, and not act like a tourist? Americans with their "muh ancestry" or "we wuz" shit is getting out of hand - if you know nothing about the country, you shouldn't be able to claim heritage from it
She'll cut your dick off.
it is about the World that allowed for the rise of Rome, and the early days of Romes expansion that actually decided the rise or fall of the young Nation.
And Imperator is a title of great Roman Conquerors, not the later Augustus "Emperor" title
just shows how fucking retarded and uneducated 90% of Yea Forums is
>I think all civilizations valued law and order. They had religious cults devoted to it. Do you mean they weren't as effective at writing and applying law? That's something that's more quantifiable, but I think china is a strong counterexample. Let's not forget that roman law was influential because the romans won. If, say, the carthaginians had won instead then we'd be talking about carthaginian law.
no, no other civilization has gone out of their way to actually codify laws the way romans did. everyone else basically followed a "king's rule" system where law would change based on who was king. rome had shit like: en.wikipedia.org
>no other civilization has gone out of their way to actually codify laws the way romans did
>Greek philosophy isn't the view through which the average person sees the world these days, nor is it relevant to academic philosophy or the practical application of it. Roman law was replaced by the french civil code.
not sure if bait... modern and most western philosophy evolved from Greece, French Civil Law evolved from Christian virtues and Roman Law... Are you being dense on purpose or are you having some sort of existential crisis where no colloquial definition fits 100% ergo it's all lies.
Legalism in China predates the invention of Rome.
there's no point dude, moral relativists think all cultures are equal
Rome literally had no written law until the theodosian code
yeah what a great civilization. Have a general completely stomp on Rome and fuck Italy in the ass, then lose the entire war when you can't even defend your city when Rome counter invades. What a joke of a city.
Furthermore, I believe that Carthage must be destroyed.
Based and Catopilled
>Legalism in China predates the invention of Rome.
Legalism still had more to do with men creating and enforcing the laws rather than the laws themselves.
Tell me cool nations to play as other than rome I know fuck all about the period
Who should I play, why are they cool and what should by goals be
even better, then i can be a better tranny than those in discord
They would have looked down on it as effeminate before returning to sodomizing their slaves like a true man.
Germany will be Yea Forums's favorite, like always
to be fair, Carthage learned the hard way that Rome wasn't great because of their tactical brilliance or superior technology. Rome was great because of their religion and culture, ie: sending waves after waves of men at you until they rape your wife while you cry and watch in a corner. Military defeats just become recruitment drives with 0 morale loss.
It was like kicking a hornet's nest, the counter invasion wasn't even sanctioned, Scipio just asked for volunteers and voila, instant army to fuck Carthage up.
>Carthage aren't black
>Romans aren't brown
What the fuck, swedes?
You wasted such opportunity
>huge successor state with Hellenic, Central Asian, Persian and Indian influences
Some Iberian Tribe
>nice location, good manpower, resources
>cool starting position, warrior culture, semi barbarians
I meant more civilised areas. I like Empire building games which is why beyond Rome itself I've fuck all who to play, blobbing without it feeling relatively immersive kills the fun for me
God I hate that user.
What he's doing is completely counterproductive towards actually spreading information about and getting people to realize how complex Mesoamerican and Andean civilizations really were. Like say what you will about me being autistic in threads and making paragraph long posts, but I at least make an effort to be intellectually honest and make new replies to people and engage in conversations.
All he does is spam is fucking copypasta, asif "civilivization potential" isn't an inherently bunk, flawed idea he basically just made up.
Why do you find it so hard to believe that somebody that's not a spic would be interested in Mesoamerican culture? Anyways because I happen to have an image of my family tree, here's a small bit of that for you
>you know nothing...
As I said, not a spic, but you'd be suprised how much we actually still know.. The Spanish burned almost every book of course, but there's hundreds of detailed inscriptions of the political histories of Maya city-states, for example, and Aztec both native nobles and royalty, as well as their descendents, plus Spanish friars made pretty detailed records of Aztec history, society, daily life, cultural practices, religious views, etc. Combined, we have hundreds of seperate documents in Nahuatl, the Aztec language, and hundreds more including Spanish ones. For example, Sahagun''s a History of the Indies of New Spain is a 2400 page document split into 13 volumes detailing Aztec society, daily live, govermental structure, history, their worldview, and even stuff like figures of speech, moral ethics, and philosophy.
There's enough that there's entire books written about specific Aztec indivuals, such as "The Allure of Nezahualcoyotl" or "Tlaclelel remebered": Other civilizations such as the Zapotec, Mixtec, Purepecha, etc have a small handful of similar documents as well, as uch as the The Relación de Michoacán for the Purepecha, though there's much less.
Rome/Macedon/Seleucia is the new Germany, grandpa
>forgetting about the big nig Gaius Marius
Don't reply to empire niggers, it only encourages them in their faggotry
my point is that without Hannibal and his father, Carthage was nothing. Imagine a Carthage without them, they probably would've maintained a strong trading presence on the Med until Rome just annexed them without a fight. That's basically what happened in the Third Punic """"War"""".
Those were the greeks user, Rome hated the greek culture until mid empire. Early Republic encouraged young men to marry widows of soldiers (MILFs and straight shota), and Early Empire was full of Octavian's sexual morality laws (that no one followed), and harems for emperors.
SS would of been very popular in early republic
with paradox games they like to test the waters with a wider audience to try and get a good feel of where to take the game and what mechanics to develop
obviously this does perpetuate the DLC model that paradox loves, but it works for them so long as the consumers keep buying it
Are you the same guy that likes to talk about mesoamerica in all the grand strat threads?
If so godspeed blessed mesoamericanon.
Magna germania isn't a playable area so it's not like you have a choice there
>the west is greek phylosophy + roman law + catholic morality
>modern and most western philosophy evolved from Greece, French Civil Law evolved from Christian virtues and Roman Law.
>evolved from
The difference matters. We were in agreement the whole time. It's important to be talking about specific things like changes in philosophy, law, and religious beliefs rather than a term as vague as western civilization.
Marius started strong, but he's the sole reason the Republic ended
>fucking with Sulla
>Sulla fucking Rome in the ass and becoming dictator for life
>Julius Caesar being inspired by this and said "ohh, I wanna do that too"
Marius's ego after his 1 glorius victory started a chain reaction that ended the republic. Fvck that guy
I assume germans are supposed to migrate into those unoccupied areas.
Gay jokes aside, the romans did look down on men engaging in effeminate behaviour, which is basically the polar opposite of the "mamoru" thing the japs have going on.
Wrong one, meant to post this one
You can play as saxonia aka anglos, germans ancestors
10 minutes.
>becoming dictator for life
while technically correct, Sulla gave it up that title after accomplishing what he set out to: fixing the absolute mess caused by Marius. He died in retirement on his farm.
It was, though: The cultural and geographic distinctions between Bronze Age Greece, Antoalia, Mesopotamial, and Egypt isn't any greater then the variation you'd see between various Far Eastern cultures, or fuck, different parts of China
Except a greak deal of what people associate with "Western civilization" is as associated with Ancient Greece as rome, and much of THOSE things Greece either got from the Fertile Crescent and they were as culturally descedent from as later european traiditions were from Greece itself
I don't know shit about German or Hunagarian culture, I was just replying to the user insiting I was a spic
Imagine being this delusional. Off the top of my head, various city-states in what would become the Aztec empire, namely the core cities that belonged to the Nahua culture had codified laws, as well as a formal judicial system with appellate courts. King Nezahualcoyotl of Texcoco in particular is famous for his legal and judicial reforms that became standarzied throughout Nahua cities; while on the flip side you have Tlaxcala who had that but + were a republic with a senate.
Though nowadays it's thought that Nezahualcoyotl's legal norms had already been standard practice amongst Nahua cities for hundreds of years (and in other cultures for thousands: Teotihuacan seems to have had democractic or represenative rule like Tlaxcala) and that the emphasis on his reforms in particular is largely the result of the accounts on his life by later Texcocoan nobility from the colional period were glorifying him to make themselves look better. The book on Nezahualcoyotl I mention in is all about cutting through the myth and fact of our records on him.(tl;dr what I said and him rejecting human sacrifice is probably BS, as are some of the poems attributed to him, but some of the poems are legit, see pic, and he did actually design a lot of the hydrengineering systems he was said to have)
which is a shame, Romanaboo-ism is pretty big in Asia. Westerners could have all this Three Kingdoms and Samurai shit, I'll take Roman history any day.
>tfw Rome never conquered the world to make superior roman nippons
Sengoku is the most kino period of all history
Considering Paradox talked about extending the map to China at some point, Japan could be a possibility too
>mid empire
By the late republic many historical figures were fluent in greek. It's an exaggeration to say all romans hated greek culture in the early and mid republic. Italy had many greek colonies and the romans had a working relationship with them for a few hundred years before the empire. Super traditionalist proto-/pol/ romans like cato the elder hated greek culture, but he was complaining because roman culture was already slowly being hellenized in his lifetime.
>he isn't picking Rome for his first playthrough
Explain yourself.
>one culture sphere
>different parts of China
>who are the Uyghurs
>who are the Tibetans
>who are the Hong Kongers
>who are the Mainlanders
>who are the Miao
>who are the Hmongs
>who are the Cantos
wat... different parts of China are so fucking diverse they are struggling to unify the language and stomping out rebellions for independence every year
Prove me wrong
WW2 exists.
>Romanaboo-ism is pretty big in Asia
is this just another form of counter-culturism? Westerners like weeb shit because it's foreign to them. So do asians love roman shit because weeb is local and rome is foreign to them?
Alright but not kino
when's CODEX?
>history of rome podcast
what are your guys' thoughts? i think it's kino
From what I’ve seen Imperator is a shitty EU4 reskin, with some mechanics from EU:Rome half-heartedly tacked on. The game is full of mana bullshit, the pop mechanic has no depth, different cultures don't play any differently, the trading mechanic is just a nuisance and you can just see the empty space that will be filled by DLCs for the next 5 years.
How did Marius f with Sulla?
I don't know all that much about the early Republic.
>Either American or Irish, either way has no right to talk about actually European religious politics
There achievement to unite germany as germany tribe
Hope pol is happy
not dying in wartime is actually somewhat difficult
The aristocracy started importing greek tutors to teach their kids after Rome conquered Greece. Because that was the cool thing to do. That's why historical figures and politicians were helenized. But the Aristocracy/Patricians were not the majority by a wide margin. The plebs were still just average joe romans who thought greeks were "takin' our jobs"
>germ barbarians
>capable of creating a state
It's pretty good until he gets to Antonius, (around episode 100 or so), then his jokes and humor just got repetitive.
I also found out he is a historical consultant for Netflix's Rome series - so everything I learned from him is now in question. He is definitely not a historian
>game looks interesting
>all pdx titles seem to have massive learning curves requiring literal hrs of dev diary investigation to figure out how to play
>pdx also notoriously bad w/ their dlc
First playthrough, I'm gonna destroy Carthage as soon as I possibly can. Never has there been such a hateful and degenerate people as those damn Carthingians.
Marius maneuvered to be given imperator over the war in pontus from the Senate which Sulla wanted because it would pretty much make whoever did it rich with the spoils of war. Sulla marched on Rome to get this changed and left for Pontus. Maruis and Cinna ruled over Rome as consul until he came back and marched on Rome again and won and then instituted his reforms.
>all pdx titles seem to have massive learning curves requiring literal hrs of dev diary investigation to figure out how to play
You''re just dumb.
gauls are cringe
>no torrent
denuvochads won once again
good man
>all pdx titles seem to have massive learning curves requiring literal hrs of dev diary investigation to figure out how to play
It just looks like they do. Play a single game and you'll get how everything works.
This but unironically
is you retarded my nigga? DLC features are just a new button or a sider
Oh god damn it, Steve, how difficult can it be to guard a fucking bridge?
codex is out
he makes it pretty clear that he's no historian, just a hobbyist
>pdx also notoriously bad w/ their dlc
this just translates to
>they have dlc
Here's the full list of achievements
There is indeed an epic grossgermanium one
its time
Explain. What did they do ?
Which one let you expell the jews?
Almost beat the winners. You can't commit a greater sin.
do black people play grand strategy games?
Sounds like Sulla was a proper chad.
>Carthago Delenda Est
>Conquer Carthage and sack it.
Protip: if you own the base game on steam, you can easily pirate all DLCs and have them recognized by using creamapi. I picked up CK2 when it was free months ago and pirated all the DLC.
exactly, >they have dlc
Early Republic truly was the best of times
Can't steam detect this? I don't want to lose my account.
No, steam won't do shit about it.
shill detected
go to bed Göran
>failed creating render backend
They're not that hard, you don't have to do a world conquest on your first playthrough.
Cya in two years when the game is playable.
redpill me about the jews in rome
Sassanian Persia.
>No joke, like 10% of them believes Earth is 2019 years old.
Imagine actully thinking people here think this.
>in 302 bc
bad bad bad bad
there's a difference between good and bad dlc, user. most of paradox's shit is entirely optional, music packs and cosmetics. if you don't like it don't buy it.
but the only thing you are complaining about here is >they have dlc
If you aren't playing rome for every single one of your playthrough as you're playing this game wrong
>Ends before the Roman Empire
It's paradox, they'll charge you for that in the DLC
See those Jews? You can convert them.
>show proper date in the tooltip
>don't have an option to switch to bc format
I don't fucking get it.
>there's a difference between good and bad dlc
>he bought
Based and aryanpilled
Listen you ignorant nigger. You have literally never studied Rome, you've seen some entry level military history. You don't know jack shit about Cicero, Catullus, Catullus, Ovid, Virgil, or any kind of literary culture. Also 146 is the late Republic, dipshit. Hellenic culture had plenty of influence but that influence only really directly manifested in the late Republic.
crack eet
and the reason why you think that is the reason why your argument will always only be >they have dlc
You're about to get Cultural Marxism'd
Let those barbarian savages cross the border, Roman, you don't want to be a racist now do you?
game starts in 303 BC so you'll be playing as the >seleucids
Or as I like to call it "replace"
Literally got bum rushed and conquered by goat fuckers.
Literally forsaken their ancestral religion that existed for nearly two millennia to suck on cut Islamic dicks
steam will never ban users for pirating because it just means you wouldnt be able to buy shit from them
Pretty great, around 140 hours of podcast. He goofs occasionally but it’s a great place to start with Roman history and get a foundation for how it plays out. You can expand on your own favorite time periods on your own after that
Noice, I was wondering how long they would take.
>Literally bot bum rushed and conquered by goat fuckers, literally forsaken their ancestral religion that existed for neraly two millennia to suck on cut Jewish dicks
>he bought
illyrians are white
the game is on gog this is expected
Are you the fucking pleb that corrected the orignal ladies hair colour in that /his/ thread? Same fucking file name and everything.
What? I'm confused, how is CE, the Current Era, sjw Bullshit? That's all it stands for bud
I've been playing paradox games for 15 years. I can at least shell out for the base game. We'll see about the DLC.
Both the Persians and the Romans were reeling from 30 years of the most destructive war fought between their empires in centuries, then on top of that the Persians had nearly a decade of civil war while the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flooded vital cropland the Persians needed in Mesopotamia and Western Persia, killing nearly half their population at the same time the resurgence of Justinian's Plague resurfaced in Western Asia and Eastern Europe as well as parts of North Africa. That's the only reason why both empires got fucked by the Arabs who were isolated from such events due to their largely geographic placement in the hot climate of the deserts. Cringe post, dude.
it stands for Christ's Epoch
>If I can list a bunch of important cultural figures that means I know what I'm talking about!
Are you seriously going to argue that the time when Rome became the Mediterranean superpower isn't the most important in its history?
That's a bit underplaying the civil war - here I help
>be Marius, biggest Chad Rome has ever seen
>reformed the army
>loved by the people
>6 Consulships
>notice Pontus-chan and her plump coffers
>whoever pillages her will be rich
>start working on getting a war started by taunting their king
>social war starts
>unrelated to Pontus-chan, just a minor rebellion
>some italian men wanted citizenship
>some new upstart gets a higher score
>Sulla or some shit, who the fuck names their kid Sulla
>people and Senate approve of him
>brush him off
>Pontus declared war
>my time has come and so have I
>Senate chose Sulla
>I've been planning this war for YEARS then some upstart just grabs it from me
>call in a favor from my friend Tribune of the Plebs to revoke it
>Senators refuse to get veto'd
>Senators really like this Sulla shit, but how much...
>start a riot
>fighting in the streets, statues being broken
>Sulla comes to my house and begs me to stop the riot
>let it fan out
>Sulla leaves the city, his son-in-law died apparently
>Senators fall in line and get Sulla kicked out
>time to get back to my sweet sweet Pontus-chan
>wake up from night of celebration
>get a note from my scouts
>Sullas is at the gate
>with an army
there's pt2 and 3, but that's generally how the civil wars start
>What is it about the Roman empire that makes it so enduringly fascinating, when other historical empires eclipse it in so many ways?
>Implying modern day European Snow Niggers aren't forsaking their 2000 years old religion while sucking the the dicks of Islamic conquerors
I'm implying you are a cringe poster either way.
the hre is better than the original desu
Gotta form Crete and revive the Minoan Empire
also Rome must fall.
>first empire he mentions is the british one
of course this article was made by an anglo
Before Christ Existed
You can buy mana with gold
>tfw Imperator.Rome-CODEX
Yarr, mateys
>snow niggers
>2000 years old religion
It's clearly "Before Caesar Existed" you hebrew
>I don't even know 5 extremely famous Roman cultural figures even though I claim to know about Rome
Obviously it's not the most important period in its history you dullard. Rome's transformation into a superpower was not complete, and its political evolution was hardly even begun. All that can really be said for the middle Republic was that it turned Rome into something capable of becoming 'world' hegemon, and that it began its moral decline. Things only really start to pick up immediately after, with the Gracchi. Obviously it's important, just a long way from being the most important. Having a game that ends before the Republic does is pointless.
>he downloaded a bitcoin miner
Holy shit you triggered faggot the dude is pointing out that he's ethnically not a Latin American mutt, but a European
The language you speak doesn't change your DNA retard
>play Sarmatia
>can't form Poland
>better than glorious Rome
didn't Latin America get raped and pillage by Europeans? Having european DNA don't mean you're not a spic
rome doesnt need any more pulmbers sorry user
>city of Rome was founded like 500 years before Caesar, and was a regional power very early on
>imperator means military authority, and either was a title, or used to refer to the authority of an individual to command troops
Imagine being completely ignorant and then assuming it's others who are wrong not you.
he don't know how to pirate games...
>I don't even know 5 extremely famous Roman cultural figures even though I claim to know about Rome
But I do though
>Rome's transformation into a superpower was not complete
The most important events in it becoming a superpower all take place during the republic, Punic Wars, conquest of Greece, conquest of Spain, conquest of Gaul. Is having the game end before the republic dumb? Yes, paradox is retarded. But calling the period the game portrays insignificant is just wrong.
More like 650 before Caesar, but yeah.
shut up frog
Does anyone have the actual end date?
Yes it did. Do you know how to read though? The guy said he doesn't live in Latin America
>If you have 100% European DNA but move outside of Europe you're no longer European
Okay retard
It's not at all insignificant, but it's like telling a story without an ending. It's a play that only includes the second act.
>love ancient Rome
>hear about this game
>install it
>it's just a bunch of maps
What the fuck
>What is it about the Roman empire that makes it so enduringly fascinating, when other historical empires eclipse it in so many ways?
It might not have been the absolute biggest (though it was huge), the oldest, or the most ferocious (though they were quite brutal), but what makes it so enduringly fascinating is that it stuck around so much longer than other empires. Most empires don't survive more than two to four generations of rulers. The roman empire survived hannibal's rampage through italy, many disastrous military defeats, the senate slowly losing control over its armies, the great civil wars and huge changes in government structure, numerous massive uprisings, constant pressure along its european and persian borders, the crisis of the third century and more changes in government structure, a switch to a new religion, and the fall of half of the empire and its titular founding city. The united roman empire survived 400 good years plus hundreds of years of empire creation during the republic. What other empire even comes close?
Dumb question, the Eternal Anglo of course
it's a weird concept at first user but trust me it's addictive
Get out of here jerrycuck
In EU:Rome whenever you put a commander for an army, they would become loyal to him after like 2 months of standing around and you couldn't disband them and he would civil war you if he became unhappy
Is Imperator still like that?
727 AUC
Marx was not German but a Jew, the root of all our problems
Pt2 and 3 plz that was interesting
>he doesn't know
You can literally see /gsg/ melting down.
Depends on your views on whether the different Chinese dynasties constitutes the same empire or not, I guess
Liberated? From what? The Reich was saving Europe. You Americans are the bad guys.
>just up to the first settlement
I suppose it could be worse but still, why
IIRC, Johan said making mechanics to both model the republic and the empire would make the scope way too large
Go bait in another thread, Hans
Given how little the existing mechanics seem to model it anyway, they must be a remarkably incompetent team. Is it bullshit what I saw some people saying, that the mechanics were more based around the Diadochi?
holy shit learn how to read -
I said culture and language identifies you, not your ancestry. His/your ancestry claim is stupidly week an anti-vaccer makes stronger argument.
>Do you know how to read though? The guy said he doesn't live in Latin America
Wow, nice backpedal - Let's get back to how you think having european DNA identifies you as a non-latin american
>If you have 100% European DNA but move outside of Europe you're no longer European
If you were born and raised in Germany but don't fucking speak German, no one will consider you German - End of Story.
Translation from Hebrew: Yeah, it's DLC.
What nation should I play for forming Persia?
I thought it was Parthia but they're Greek Hellenic.
America wasn't really even needed in WW2. Russia was already kicking Germany's ass when Americans came to "save" Europe. Sure America helped and made the war slightly shorter, but the course of the war was already set and Americans just came to kick Germany while they were already down.
Fuck off Juno.
China could be said to have experienced great cultural continuity in the sense that the idea of emperor was enduring. But it certainly didn't experience political continuity.
this ui just makes me want to go to sleep
these clouds are bugging me.
not him but this is how they're supposed to look like
you're not med hans
holy shit /gsg/ is autistic even for /vg/