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Other urls found in this thread:

I never even finished the base game and I honestly have no idea what to do now.

>tfw played it on PS3

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Why would you even play Persona over literally any other JRPG?

With the art style going from 1080p to 720p is barely noticeable.

This wouldn't even exist if it weren't for us cucks proving that there's a demand for it

I never got around to picking up the original, so I'm actually pretty glad I'll be able to play the expanded version from the get-go once it releases.

it's ok when japan does it.

>Tfw bought P5
>Tfw bought the limited edition
>Tfw will do the same for this
>Tfw will probably buy whatever P5S is
I regret nothing. I'm not poor.

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Seriously, why would you buy any Megaten game on initial release?

I'm not even really a fan of the series but I've already gotten burned by Devil Survivor Overclock, P4 Golden and Strange Journey Redux

You can be not poor but still be bad with money, user

Same except I am poor, I just have very little self-control.

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I'll probably get it just for another 150 hour long platinum trophy

>a fool and his money are soon parted

>Fixes absolutely nothing with the base game
Personakeks are pathetic

Nah fuck you leatherman
When is today's concert?

Want to play P5R? Too bad, you have to lick my feet first AHAHAHA!

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Actually fuck Atlus for doing this shit. There was an excuse when it was on PS2 and you couldn't do DLC. It was still scummy, but they could pretend they had innocent intentions. Now it is just complete and utter fuckery.
I fucking hate Atlus, and I hate myself even more, knowing I will buy the LE despite already having the orignal LE, with no desire to replay for at least another 2 years.

It is. Now what are you going to do about it bitch? Baby gonna cry about it?

L-lady Ann~

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no way fag

Why anyone care what other people spend their money on?
Do you guys also care when you see celebrities buying multimillion dollar mansions and cars?

People were up in arms when P4G wasn’t on PS3, so it’s very much a damned if you do, damned if you don’t kinda thing.

Why make this exclusive to the PS4? Is the Sony paycheck that good?

No one is going to fucking buy this again there.

people buying bad games is the reason the industry is in the dire state it presently is

>Just bought p5 like a day ago
>see this
>have suddenly lost all interest in playing p5
>don't wanna shell out about $60 for the "real" version
Yeah nah, I'd just get a refund at this point if I could, but hey fuck me senpai.

I think i bought different p3 versions 2 or 3 times and picked up a vita just to play p4g.

seems kinda gay to release this when it already had a complete edition

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>People were up in arms when P4G
I don't care so much about that because I probably would have played on Vita anyway. But I am totally fine with porting it to another system. My gripe is that this isn't a remaster. It isn't a port to a new system. It is the same fucking game with some DLC thrown in that you have to buy a second time for full fucking price, only like 2 years after the game came out. I own the game. Why can't I just download this shit for $15?

You're a niche retard. I doubt Royale will break 500k because most people already have this game on the PS4.

This shit should've been announced to PC and the other consoles. But Atlus doesn't know how to run their business.

This may be the shitposting thread but to saves transfer? took me a while to make an Alice that rapes everything.

Bamboozling their already existent costumers while not creating a new user base on a different platform. Atlus is so smart.

How the fuck can Atlus still not grasp the concept of DLC in 2019?
PS2 era games didn't support it, so they had an excuse for doing re-releases.
But now they're just being jews.

or at least just be sold as fucking DLC. No way this sells 3 times as much as it would if it was $20 DLC.

It will come to Switch, with some Royale features as to make up for the late port and induce double dipping.But Not not all of Royale's aditional content, as to induce triple dipping by the most dedicated.

Thanks for the free publicity, Sakurai.

Here's another remake for the PS4.

sound like as sjw argument. Are you alright?

Good for you. Supporting the worst Persona ever.

>It will come to Switch
At this point I don't believe it anymore. All we got was a DLC for Smash.

Who plays stuff like that?
Like normal people would ever have enough time to play 100h+ games

I'll grab it again when it's at 20$ or less. Not that Persona 5 deserves more cash anyway, the base game was pure trash past the first twenty hours. Trash story, one-note characters, stagnant gameplay, a complete style-over-substance experience.

I'll just buy Royale to see if they fixed anything

I love the smell of cope in the morning

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>Impeachment a-any day now

Crying it is then. Just keep it down, and don't expect me to change your shitty ass diapers, okay?

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>haven't finished 5 yet The UFO? Robot? whatever the fuck world that is, is boring as fuck and something oneshot my party despite being pretty OP so I just didn't go back for a bit
>These new additions sound pretty crap
>No desire to play the new version at all, especially when you need to do 2 playthroughs of a game to even get all the social links

Persona 4 Golden would have been better without that new character

>Snoy actually happy to have such an undercooked JRPG in its library

God I want to beat the shit out of this little slut

>At this point I don't believe it anymore.
Well they have to sell P5R first. There is a P5S and a third Persona game announced anyway.
I do, I just have no desire to play it again so fucking close to when it just came out. That is what I will never understand about shit like this


They always do this. Look how many editions P4 had. They literally stopped rereleasing P4 when P5 was announced with a solid release date.

Is this a bait post?
Serious question?

my wife lets me play only 2 hours a day after work. would take me aeons to finish Persona

How is she a slut?

I bet this was just an excuse to cram some of the new SMTV assets/demon models into Persona 5 and just resell it before SMTV comes out.

It isn't bait.

>my wife lets me
Why does she have a say in this in the first place?

>w-we didn't want it anyway
and the cope keeps coming
and the cope keeps coming
and the cope keeps coming

thats how marriage works neet-sama


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Have sex.

>he says to an user who finished this game on PS4

>This shit should've been announced to PC

So your filhty broke ass can pirate it and then stick it to the man, right? PCuc.ks are the worst

Well if she ever gets into a TV drama and wants to binge tell her she only gets to watch one episode a day.

Oh I misread the first part. But you can finish all the Social Links in Persona 5 with so much time to spare it is ridiculous. your first playthrough, with no need to even consult a guide, just finish hte fortune teller first. Also savepoints are so plentiful I wouldnt worry to much about zoning out and getting oneshot.

So we're only getting a port in 2020? lol

is cuck now filtered?

>Have sex

Pretending to be an idort again, huh?

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I have a Switch and an Xbox. This is the only game I want. Otherwise I'm good.

>But Atlus doesn't know how to run their business.
ah yes, such a brilliant tactician you are. you certainly must be running your own business, are you not?

Capital cuck is still filtered to kek

It will be at least 1 year from now before we get P5 The Royal. You can easily finish the base game in the meantime, let some time pass to refresh any fatigue and be ready by the time it releases.

My money is on after Royal coolsdown lol.

Yup. 100% NG+ file and some DLC too

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Such a cuck how I could've completed game 2 years ago and you still have a year of waiting

Only in caps. And it's been for a long time

>P4G sold 1.5 times more than P4
>hurr Atlus should sell P5R as DLCs, I know how to run their business better

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So, are you planning on buying this game again?

yeah. Kinda sucks how P4G was PS2 exclusive though. I mean you wouldnt be saying something stupid like a port to a brand new system as a launch title sold more right? you are doing an apples to apples of a rerelease on the same system?

Just like P4G the general consensus will go that if you already own the game and aren’t a massive fan that it probably is t worth it. They’re more cashing in on the people who haven’t played P5 yet and switch owners.

This would be a fine analogy if Persona5R was a PS6 release.

Shouodn’t have bought a shitty xbox lmao, cope.

>tendies talking business when the gladly toss money to amiibos and labo

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>Just like P4G the general consensus will go that if you already own the game and aren’t a massive fan that it probably is t worth it.
P4G was worth it cause I wanted to play it on Vita. Simple as that.
>hey’re more cashing in on the people who haven’t played P5 yet and switch owners.
This isn't a switch announce. I wouldn't have a problem with that. Fuck it, I'd be more happy to double dip if it meant getting it on a handheld, or at least a system I dont already fucking own it on.

You fucking wish. Game Pass alone makes it better than the PS4. I use my Switch for the panty sniffing weaboo games.

Or Vita 2.

So it turned out to be an enhanced re-release?
Did they reveal what persona 5 s is yet?


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luckily Captain Cuck is not, so you can keep your nickname faggot.

No, they're revealing it in approximately an hour. Link here

Absolutely based

Your mother is a bitch whore cunt cock hungry AIDS filled slut?

Everyone already knows that, faggot

you volunteering? First you got lose weight, femcel if you want to ride this.

No user, it just means I get to experience it all over again

>brand new system
Vita was 1 year old and flopping hard, while P4 was on the most sold home console ever.
Fine, if you want better analogy 3 and FES were both on PS2, released less than a year apart and FES also outsold orginal by 1.5. Atlus knows how to run their shit.

I played it for free.

At least it looks very good for a PS3 game
On PS4 it's a joke, especially in 2019/20

*Atlus knows how to take paychecks from Sony
Sony can't bribe Square Enix like this anymore, guess why.

It will sell, at least, a million copies. Mark my words.

>Vita was 1 year old and flopping hard, while P4 was on the most sold home console ever.
Wait, so it was a port to a DIFFERENT system!?
Also P4 was one of the biggest games on vita. It was a very late game on PS2, in a series that I am pretty sure did not get popular until P3P came out.

the game is 3 years old and they are creating new content

The PS4 is already dying in Japan and the US. Nope.

Not in the PS4 at least.

SEGA bought Atlus from bankruptcy. There would have been no Atlus if not anyone buying their parent company.

Atlus is run by idiots with no business sense.

PS4 version is a 1080p upres port so I don't get it myself? I bought it $40 on PS3 and I never bought any of the DLC. I now own a PS4 and I'm getting P5 Royal on it. I don't regret buying it on PS3 at all. To me it will really be an upgrade from 720p to 1080p and more visual flair and bigger levels; the PS4 Persona 5 base version isn't really a homerun of engineering just a barebones minimum port.

Now the people who bought P5 PS4 and all the DLC are basically cucked hard by ATLUS. $60 and all that DLC, jesus.

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I was just mad because the thing that killed me was just having a party weak to X and it fucked me over in a way I didn't see coming.

Easy to overcome, it's just I'd played it so much at that point I couldn't keep going anyway.

I'm sure I can do all the social links too, but I hate feeling rushed in those games. I know you have WAY more time in a 2nd playthrough so I'm just doing what I want and focusing on the characters I like first.

So what if it's a different system? Atlus wants to sell their games twice and have been successful with since 3. No one cares about your arbitrary requisitions like releasing it on other systems or whatever the fuck.

Still gonna have to wait till 2022 to play the 'complete' collection

P3P was the least sold Persona entry since 3. Get your facts checked.

I'm surprised that Atlus is giving us native 4k with Royal.

They should've at least let P5 PS4 users to upgrade to P5R via $20 DLC. If this shit is being done by western developers/publishers, journos or general people would be REEEEEEEEing hard. But since it's a weeb game, somehow it gets a pass. Fucking hell.

I'm not. Instead of releasing a patch for the original game we have to buy a new game. Good for their business, bad for those who want to play it in 4k without paying 60 USD.

yeah that's right, I haven't seen anyone complain about Atlus doing this


>Leak: persona 5 S will be announced to PC and PS4 on May 9.

Atlus's core audience is japanese otakus buying shit on release for outrages prices. 3rd world poorfags need not apply.

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>So what if it's a different system?
That is an incredibly huge difference you fucking autisit. You know how many idorts here are begging for a switch version? Now compare that to PS4 owners who just want to buy it twice. That is like saying "yeah a blu ray release sold well, so releasing the same movie on DVD twice would sell twice as well!"
>Atlus wants to sell their games twice and have been successful
Successful, is something Atlus has not fucking done until like P5. I think their greatest business move was getting bailed out by Sega. additionally you keep spouting dumbshit like "it sold more than the orignal" as if, the games not getting a rerelease would mean they would not sell more of the orignal. It is not about outselling the basegame. It is about making more money selling this, then you would the base game and $20 DLC. Do I think they will make a tonne of money selling P5R to people who don't own the game yet? yes. Do I think it will make more money than it would if they sold the additional content as DLC, as well as sold this? no. But I am sure Square Enix doing this with FFXV are fucking retards.Not like FF has ever made more money than Persona... dumbasses selling all these episodes instead of just forcing royal edition on everyone. Would I be surprised if Royal Edition sold more than FFXV base edition did? not really, given it probably has been on the market longer now, and faced more chances to price drop. Do I think Squenix made more money between royal edition AND selling the episodes seperately then they would just selling a royal edition? yes.
I would like a citation on that please kind user.

zoom zoom into your grave zoomer

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3rd world shitter who bough both digital and TYH edition; i can't wait for the royal

>Why can't I just download this shit for $15?
Modern gaming is shit!

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NAAAAAAAAAAH this new cunt and chars looks like they're out of place, so vanilla P5 > this turd

i literally just bought it a couple days before anything about this surfaced
good deal for 20€ but man come on

this is the case most of the time Atlus goes full George Lucas on their games. This does not look as egregious as full body though.

your fault

I hope you dont mean recently. Cause they literally teased a teaser for the announcement of the trailer. Shits been going on for months and months

>Successful, is something Atlus has not fucking done until like P5
>I think their greatest business move was getting bailed out by Sega
And that's how I know for sure now that you're a zoomer with no actual knowledge of Atlus's history.
Atlus wasn't bailed out, it was bought from a bankrupt parent company as one of its few assets that was making profit. Atlus was never in any danger financially, if it wasn't Sega it would be someone else.
The rest of your post highlights your lack of understanding of Japanese market which operates on selling high cost goods to a niche market. The most blatant example of this are gacha games where most profits comes from 1% of its userbase, while poorfags who buy shit on sales for fraction of the price mostly serve as marketing.
Same thing happens here with major bulk of Atlus's profits coming from overpriced merch, limited editions and rereleases at full prices.

this argument falls apart entirey when you relize whales would be the LE regardless of if it was avaiable as DLC. But sure another werb gonna LARP about how different Japanese business is cause he saw it in his cartoons once!

I just started Persona 3 and it's definitely showing its age.
I already played subobtimally by rushing through the beginning and forgetting about seeing a movie. Savescumming is such a pain in the ass I'm just going to let it go.

Pirated vanilla on PS3, have fun paying $60 for an "upgraded" turd lmao

How will we play this men? Buy PS5?

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I'd pay $40 for a The Royal DLC, but I'm not buying a new game

>business operates the same in every country
Never gonna make it.
Go google gacha profits in Asian countries and rest of the world. Shit like F/GO makes 2 million everyday in Japan and goes to 2 bucks from time to time worldwide. And that's one of the most famous weeb franchises in the west.

>people actually complaining it isn't some sort of a Vita 2.0 release
Mobile gaming is cancer and that extends to mobile consoles.

damn you got me there. F/GO makes all it's money because they do rereleases of fully priced $60 without selling the rereleases' aditional content as DLC. Kinda like in the United States the only reason videogames are popular is cause no form of gambling exists. Gacha is popular, slot machines and loot boxes are popular. People like gambling. You are comparing entirely different beasts, gacha games hve literaly nothing to do with fully priced games. The question becomes are enough people going to doubledip around the world, day 1 at $60 that they make more money than they would with a DLC option. Answer is no. profit maximization is not a regional concept.

Actually it was €69.
Everyone else already played it 2 years ago. If you managed to avoid all the spoilers you have my respect.

I found myself in the same situation with Witcher 3. Didn't play it until last year.

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F/GO makes its money by pandering to the right market. Atlus does the same thing.
Instead of selling their game as cheap DLCs in hopes of attracting poorfag market, they sell 60$ rerelease for their cult following that will buy their product regardless of the price to support.
P5 was the first game that sold slightly more in the west, but they've been profitable long before that and seeing as how they didn't switch their formula they're still getting most of their money from whales rather than normie market.

yeah, as i said, a couple days/a week before anything of this was known

but it looks almost identical

the problem is
A) this is grossly untrue
B) it is not zero sum
Just because Whales will buy the LE, does not mean they cant also make money off the DLC. especially when the audience for fully peiced games is different than that of gacha shit. Japan is not one monoloth of gacha users. Just like the entire US gaming market is not the vegas strip.
of the people who bought P4G
How many do you think bought it because,
A) they wanted a portable/vita version
B) They did not yet have the game on PS2
C) had the game on PS2, and were indifferent about vita vs ps2. Just fet the aditional junk was worth $50
sales when it drops to like $25 are asinine cause you can make that on DLC as well. off this comparison is dumb to begin with because they would hve seen even more success if they had a DLC lane to explore, and more importantly, Persona 5 was the first commercial success in the series.
OFC I am sure all these previous succesful rerelease made more money than FFXV+ the DLC combined with royal edition right?

Somebody, please, explain what tf P5R is. Does it incude all of the content from OG P5 or not? And how huge is the new content going to be? Like the whole new game or your average AAA-singleplayer DLC?

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>the cast is cut by at least 2-3 characters
>the last 30 hours of the game is cut by half
>you can do activities every day and the fucking cat doesn't force you to go to sleep
>confidants actually impact the plot
>romances actually impact the plot
>romances feature sexting and cut scenes like in Catherine
there I fixed the game

It's what P3FES and P4G were.

I've only ever played Persona 3. I thought it was fun, but nothing to write home about.

Are 4 and 5 worth playing?

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It's like P3 FES and P4 Golden. It's the game but with more content and is an upgrade in everyway so that the buyers of the original look like complete cucks.

We don't know for sure. It sounds like the old dungeons will be expanded by a little bit because a grapple mechanic is being introduced, there are some new locations to roam around in and they have new confidants, but from the first reports, new days aren't added to the calendar so it's gonna be pretty hard to complete all SLs in a single playthrough.

>but from the first reports, new days aren't added to the calendar
>New semester added to the game
Why do you like to that poor user like that?

Yes, both 4 and 5 are better than 3, at the very least by the virtue of having better dungeon and actual control in the combat.

I didn't know.

>this is grossly untrue
Ironic when you spout shit like
>Persona 5 was the first commercial success in the series
Which either makes you a liar or someone who only started following franchise after P5 release and thinks AAA level sales are the only way for games to be commercially successful. Atlus has been commercially successful since 3.
>Just because Whales will buy the LE, does not mean they cant also make money off the DLC
They already do sell DLCs. They just chose to hold major content update until rerelease to make it seem actually worth its price. The thing with cult followings is that you can't start blatantly ripping them off. And rereleases have been standard and successful practice for 10 years which is why they keep doing it.

Your argument about P4G selling primary because it was on another system falls apart when you look at 3 and FES sales and see that they follow the same trend despite being on the same console.

>all the series was commercially succesful
user, how come call of duty routinely, even to this day outsels persona in Japan. You told me that Japan was a totally different market because of gatcha and our western ideas like profit maximization dont work there?
>make it worth the price
its not worth $60 if you own the game
>you cant start blatantly ripong off your cult following
like they are doing now?
>your argument about P4G
okay, and how many people who bought P3 at full price do you think were double dipping?
You also never answered about FF. Because Dumbass Publishers like Squenix dont understand Japan like you do (which is important for games that sell more abroad like P5) follow my suggested mode, I am sure their games thusfore flop in Japan right?
So just to be clear user, your argument that the game will make more money by not offering the option to buy Royal as DLC for existing customers, is that Persona 3 and 4 technically did not lose money, lots of people bought FES, because you couldnt buy 3 anymore and you can even get it now BNIB for like $20. and also something to do with Gacha?
user I think you may be retarded.
I get the, stop selling the base game as an excuse to sell Royal for $60. See it all the time, dont think it will encourage enough double dipping worldwide to make more than DLC options would.

>how come call of duty routinely, even to this day outsels persona in Japan
Because it's a different kind of game? Did you really just started comparing a warshooter for every demographic there is and turn-base date sim?
Gacha and persona games both mainly target otaku with big wallets. Trying to bring CoD into conversation to invalidate parallel comparisons is really just a cheap dumb move anyone with a functioning brain can see through.
>its not worth $60 if you own the game
For you. That's why you're not a target demographic.
>okay, and how many people who bought P3 at full price do you think were double dipping?
In Japan a lot.
>You also never answered about FF
I never answered about FF, because I don't give a fuck about FF so I don't have much knowledge about that franchise. Otherwise I might start spouting bullshit similar to "Sega bailed out Atlus".
>Persona 3 and 4 technically did not lose money
3 and 4 were major successes for the company. Your revisionism will only work on zoomers like you.
>lots of people bought FES, because you couldnt buy 3 anymore
Lots of people bought FES because they liked 3 and wanted to play expanded version.

Ultimately you argue that Atlus should sell Royal for 20$ for owners of the original, while I'm telling you that they have no reason to do that when they've been successfully selling rereleases for full price for a decade while constantly growing to the point where their niche weeb franchise is selling millions of copies.

>100+ game
>lol you could have been playing 200 hours instead, enjoy even more having more extra content that isn't essential for the first game

wow, how horrible.

Thinking that an expanded version wouldn't exist in the next 2 years or so is pure stupidity anyway, a little research about anything goes a long way especially when it comes to Atlus' franchises

>I have a Switch and an Xbox, this is the only game I want
Lmfao, it's your fault entirely user. You got the wrong consoles.

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