Borderlands Remastered

Holy fuck she's OP, this isn't my actual build, I'm set up as massive SMG damage/fire rate with elemental damage, plus Intuition and Phoenix to just burn everything to death, and god damn, I remember her being good back in '09, but Jesus.

Any other fags played the other characters through? They OP, too? I remember Brick having trouble because the game isn't really designed for a melee-only build.

Attached: Siren.jpg (868x647, 109K)

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Every character has one or multiple OP builds.

Lilith is the most op in BL1 by far. I think only Mordecai comes anywhere near her but she is busted.

Wish I had a copy, looks fun. I played Mordecai the first time I played, he was badass well the hawk gets extremely strong late game. I think he might have been a slow start / underwhelming early game.

make sure to use the sucker punch with that build, to get massive damage when meleeing in phasewalk, im talking about 15000+ damage in one hit.

Yeah, I've got all three capstones at full, burning, dazing, and phasing.

My problem with the original borderlands is the actual setting is so dark and bland, they really improved upon that in BL2 with more variety in the terrain, that said the original had a narratively darker and IMO more impactful theme. The guns in BL1 had something special about them too, I think sniper rifles and shotguns acted differently / more powerfully.

She was always the best character due to the elemental SMG damage tree.

>play Lilith
>it's broke as fuck
>find a maliwan hellfire
>any semblance of challenge in the game goes up in flames
>point and click to delete everything

I'm finding pistol Mordecai to be super fucking strong.

An I stupid or isn't there an option to jsut join a randoms game like you can in BL2?
All I can do is set my own lobby as public, but without friends who could join?

No shit, next you'll tell me Salvador is OP in 2.

gaige or salvador? i'm going to replay 2 since i never played the dlcs

Salvador isn't OP in 2, everyone else is just garbage.

>Salvador isn't OP in 2
>having the ability to use 2 guns simultaneously in a game about guns

I think gaige is more fun with anarchy and deathtrap, salvador is going to be easier and gunzerking is pretty fun

I enjoy playing bl1 more that bl2 for some reason.

Because BL1 has a better progression curve.

Me too. Wasn't as wacky as 2

hellfire is nothing compared to a double anarchy.

Reminder that this game released with a bug that made the final skill in the assasian tree do 0 damage.

he is only OP because the slag mechanic.
if later playthroughts wouldnt depend on your ability to slag enemies, he wouldnt be OP.

i played roland on remastered, because he was the only character i didnt play before, it was so fucking boring, his skills are boring as fuck.

The last ability in Controller tree (Daze?) also gimps every regular enemy into total submission, it’s comically OP.

just starting BL2 as Krieg, what is a good build for him? Im having troubl with his action skill since it covers the place with blood

>durr i literally have never played a shooter before Borderlands

if you aren't an infantile phone poster that doesn't own a computer, you should try the original Doom or Duke Nukem 3D

you'll be, as these kids put it - "woke"

I only just learned you can throw the buzz saw recently which is a fucking game changer. From what I remember, you're gonna wanna work on the middle tree until you can get to Bloodlust.

His Bloodlust tree is disgustingly powerful only because of Bloodsplosion, The explosion always triggers no matter how you kill something, and any overkill is transfered onto that explosions damage.
The damage scales not only with your stacks but also with your grenade damage, so triggering the grenade damage buff for bloodlust basically boosts the damage of bloodsplosion even further.

Melee build is also crazy powerful because of his lack of shield regen, The firehawk shield for example can trigger infinity with a full melee krieg.
The Rough Rider is the penultimate shield for his melee build.
Sadly his fire tree lacks alot of damage upkeep that TVHM needs.

Except Roland, he's kinda boring

Same. I got to level 50 on Playthrough 2 and gave up. His skill is garbage compared to everyone else's.

>0 points into Silent Resolve
>daze melee shit instead of Diva
>0 points into Girl Power

Attached: tastemelt.gif (320x180, 806K)

Hellfire trivialises the game more because you can take potshots and light things on fire and then safely hide while they melt
even enemies that resist fire go down like sacks of shit, the only thing I remember not using it on was general knoxx

That's wrong though, he's actually OP because he's the easiest character to healthgate with. You don't even need a moxxi gun, just spec into brawn a lot.

He had a build that deleted the ayy lmaos

Brick is the worst character in the fucking game, fuck him and fuck melee builds in these types of games. Mordecai is pretty awesome and Roland is good.

>when you can fill an entire zone with rockets to the point that no one can see anything

Is it just me or does the remaster throw more "badass" enemies at you?

Wanted to play this shit with my sister but the bastards removed the lan option, no way I'm giving any money to Randy, guess we'll keep playing saints row instead

Seems about the same to me. What does appear to be different is the rate at which badasses drop purples, they seemingly do it half the time now.

I hope 3 has a trespasser equivalent, I don't remember seeing it in 2 or Pre.

This thing with SMG COM literally melts Crawmerax with little effort

Attached: Double Anarchy best smg.png (340x233, 70K)

Roland's OP ability isn't a skill in any of the trees, it's a class mod called Support Gunner

Is $9,999,999 the max money you can have or can it go above that?

>Jack will never karate chop your throat and then use you in his master plan
Lilith gets all the luck.

You can have way above that but it doesn't show you the amount in your inventory. You can only "notice" it when you die. Like 100M$ fee for respawn.

Who Rocket Brick here?

Get a rocket ammo regen mod and bam, explodey fun

Attached: Leviathan.png (402x282, 23K)

Oh man i remember the Crimson Nidhogg absolutely wrecking in pvp because it was virtually undodgeable

Most broken thing I remember in PVP was mordecai's bloodwing. It was 100% undodgeable and a built right one would OHKO you. If it didn't then you'd be like 90% crippled and can't move. Also even more broken was that the mord could send out the bloodwing right before the duel starts so that the moment it does, bw is already out and instantly hits you so there's not even any animation delay from the summoning. What was gearbox even thinking?

the original game was a fucking mess story wise and the plot was clearly just put together at the last moment.

Well im certain the Nidhogg can hit quicker than the bird, but either eay i dont remember ever having that issie against the bird, especially with max level shields, all the active abilities fell off pretty hard latet

How is UVHM in Pre-Sequel? I heard it's not as ridiculous as it is in BL2 since slag isn't really a thing.

It was better that way. Look at the pile of shit they made when they actually put thought into it.

Well, not really, the artstyle and tone change really fucked it up more than anything, and on top of a lot of plot changes and cuts they cut a whole third act from the game that ended up being repurposed for some of 2 (Pearce mentions the way to Sanctuary is closed as if you needed to get there when nothing ever mentions it up until she does)

Also never got the individual hero-specific stories they mentioned, which was pretty disappointing.

>join game
>person is an hour behind where i was
>stay till they catch up
>they have to leave

Haven’t tried Rocket Brick yet. Currently using Melee Brick with Skirmisher class mod allowing Berserk to recharge every 6 seconds.

>play public multiplayer
is this even a thing?

Mordecai's shield bypass skill? There was a sniper rifle in 2 that had the same effect- it's flavor text was even in reference to him

>heavy gunner with +fire rate and +overload,metal storm and impact
>every gun feels like a vladof and S&S gun

Can we get the remaster for free if we had the old one? I'd be willing to play it again and try a new char. I was actually Lilith my first time through years and years and yeah she was broken alright.

Yes but it is barely a remaster. Performance issues still persist but you can change fov without messing ini files and have a minimap with some minor balance changes.

>try to do BL1
>Skill tree is boring as fuck, game is really boring starting out, barely any dialogue

>tfw melting crimson lance with pestilent defiler
>the screams

Who's considered the "OP" character in the Pre-Sequel? I played Athena in my first playthrough, which was alright, but she didn't seem crazy.

the tone and atmosphere and gore of 1 + the level variety of 2, graphics and jump pads from TPS

And you the courage for another playthrough?


I hear Doppelganger a lot

And vs non bosses

Nisha definately but still Pre Sequel is the best balanced Borderlands.

Man I sure hope Cryo returns and Slag fucks off forever. It's only conjectural evidence from footage in the one trailer they've shown but I've seen some light blue stuff you could take for Cryo, and not a bit of slag purple. Also lasers.

>be roland
>kill one guy
>get infinite ammo and grenades
Borderlands 1 was great

>grenades barely do shit

i still love metal storm in every game its in

>roland is still shit though

Infinite ammo is always objectively good

melee brick is ass. EXPLOSIONS brick is good shit

only problem is that the early game for rocket brick is SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT and you don't get a RL for a good while.

>all these zoomer nostalgia faggots forgetting the fact that borderlands is complete trash to begin with.

They made an announcement that slag was gone.

Defiler was so fun, I remember I found one early on in a trash heap or skag pile just before loading into sledge's safe house. It was my main weapon for most of the game.

>goes into ffyl ever 30 seconds

That's by design

Also Eclipse makes everyone go into FFYL in one to 2 hits no matter what
>gearbox design
>hey it's the final boss, what should we do? just make him OHKO everyone!

Holy shit pearls are R A R E
So far 6-7 fully looted Crimson Armories and around 40 Crawmerax kills.
Only 2 pearls: Omega shield and Jackal shotty

Attached: Alacritous_Omega.png (500x300, 77K)

Also fuck Eri*dium weapons. Absolute aids.

I got a Hive Mind (one of the new legendaries) out of the chests the Destroyer dropped at the end of PL1.

I went all in on Rockets and holy fuck this is ridiculous.

It was called Trespasser in reference to the ability being called Trespass too

But now we have "Nuclear" which I'm not sure is good or not

somebody else has problem with the resolution of the game? i set it to 1080 but all the text is blurry

Any mods to change the UI back to how it was originally? Sick of the really bloated UI with those huge low res models

You didn't even build the op phoenix build though...Also mordecai is probably going to put out more damage with a crit build due to that sweet 30% crit bonus.


Attached: ThunderStorm.png (500x300, 82K)

I tried to enjoy BL2 several times, but I honestly never finished it. The writing was just so obnoxious with how they tried 'lolsorandumb' in so many instances.

I guess the game just isn't for me, but I found the first game more enjoyable. True, there's almost no story to speak of, but I'd take hat any day over 2 or afterwards.

>crux becomes death incarnate

boy would you love TPS then
I could ignore 2's faggotry just fine, had to literally drop TPS midway through because it was starting to hurt

>Get the supply turret
>Never have to buy ammo ever again even with a solid Ajax's spear

Shit, I heard it was bad, but was it really that awful? I swear I overheard my roommate playing it and something about Torque going on a huge apologetic rant. I didn't even try to focus on what he was saying, I just shut my door.

FUCK me if playing through Borderlands with my bro, both playing Roland with Support Gunner class mods isn't one of my favorite memories.

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