They shown the AF of BRD for 5.0 on instagram!

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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/have sex/page/1/

I don't care about this faggot job, show the MCH AF, it better not be the same shit for the third time

>female thighboots are split between feet and legs like BLU
Not sure if I like or dislike this compared to the WHM AF3 boots.

>gender exclusive look
No thanks.

If it can stop male healers from wearing constantly fucking robes I'm all for it

Don't worry, you'll still get boobwindows

way better than AF2


this is why pIay as a male character despite identifying as female


Like always.

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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I hope we get an actual SAM-looking AF4 (either AF3 style, in the kinagashi/ronin style, or o-yoroi/samurai style, like the Genji sets). I'd prefer the former, for consistency.

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How trash MKN set will be?

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have sex.

I'm not the one obsessed with creating a gash between my legs.

It's all you seem to talk about.


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No one cares about MALES

I returned to the game a couple of days ago and I just got done with the main story. I'm at ilvl370, is there anything else other than running Ordonne to do? Can I do the eureka thing?

I erased the MCH AF from my mind because it's so shit

>BLU, RDM, and BRD all with shorts/skirt and thigh high boots
>the state of
>DRK Relic is just Baldur blade
Design team blew their load on GUN and DNC it seems

>BLU, RDM, and BRD all with shorts/skirt and thigh high boots
Why do you say this like it's a bad thing

DNC is just thavnarian slutset 2.0, what are you talking about?

The fuck is this retort? You know god damn well these incel shitters posting here have zero chance of getting any booty, male or female.

>MCHads get a qt cowgirl set

The fuck is this post? You know god damn well having sex doesn't mean you stop liking fictional erotic things.

thigh high boots are awesome.

4chans latest craze is calling someone either "tranny" "incel" or telling them to "have sex" and talking about "the 40%"

It's spammed recently
boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/have sex/page/1/
It's the new normalfag insult.

I thought the male set was neat, but fine, just GUN then

Personally, I'd just like a pair of shorts with knee high socks instead of thigh highs. Just one dyeable set and I'll glam it forever

>every single bard AF is great
How do they do it, bros?

Not him, but can you give a link the male DNC AF?

AF2 sucks

>backfiring the reverse card this hard
Gonna be a yikes from me dawg

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Do you think it'll get a filter like desu, ngl, fwiw

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You're crazy.

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Looks the fucking same as the last one.

just joined a final omega HW2 progress pug
wish me luck boys

AST gear is already drag on males so no luck there.

it's literally the best

They looks nothing alike

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AF2 was trash across the board. DRG and the new jobs were the only good ones

The longer I play it, the more armor starts to look the same.


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That's MNK not SAM

Death is far preferable for such a trash fetish.

shota+oneesan is a patrician fetish

No way fag.
MNK has never had a fully clothed/armored design.


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Doesn't mean it can't happen now.

It is superficially different but thematically the same. Big feather hat, big collared jacket, it looks like a dozen existing sets just with new details. What's even the point of making new AFs if you're just going to stick to the same formula for every job every time? Is this the only interpretation they can think of for "Bard"? It's not just this set either. AST set looks like the Stormblood one, PLD set looks like the Stormblood one, RDM set looks like the Stormblood one. Every other set just looks like reconfigurations of existing sets and pieces. The lead gear designer has no ideas. The freshest designs in all of Stormblood were the community contest gearsets.

how is notzenos zenos still alive at the end of the story?

The PLD one would actually look really good without the obligatory waist cape.

Actually designers do have ideas, they just all get vetoed by Yoshida who doesn't want any deviations from his idea of "Final Fantasy".

Because lol Ascians

Isn't that why we still have Protect? Or did they remove it in an update since I stopped playing?

We still do in fact have Protect.

only 730 days to go

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t. Story skip purchaser
Ascians can't die conventionally, they have to be captured in something that can hold their energy like White Auracite, then destroyed by a stupid amount of light power like WoL's sword of light.

It's ok, other than the turban.

awful opinion

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I like this guy's story

>This artist vanished years ago
A shame. That chubby cat of his was cute

They never make outfits, other than summer wear, that show off male legs.

Looks good. Hope the dye options aren't shit like this expansion.

That looks great. I love it when they design a unique look for male and female. Usually they just go with a masculine design for both because men generally look terrible in feminine clothing.

Yoshi hates the gays, it's an open secret.

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Huh, the Male gear makes him look like Gyro Zepelli.

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>MNK would of been really fun this expansion if not for riddle of failure.

Kinda made me sad cause i liked the gear.

What are the chances SAM becomes viable in 5.0? It's been my main job for SB and I'm sick and tired of people deliberately leaving out SAM for their mDPS spots in pf, especially when it's always the fucking NIN and DRG fucking up in pugs.

SAM is viable right now.

Okay, replace "viable" with "respected".
I know it's viable, but even with the ridiculous 15% buff that's on as of the last patch people still feel the need to exclude SAM from their parties. People who still haven't cleared all of the content shouldn't be allowed to be that picky.

Best way to make money?

craft nigga craft

Unironically erp.

look at furniture and as always the current tier of crafted armor
arr craft book materials also usually sell pretty high for their cost


I know people working in Hyperion's top brothel making up to 1m per 30 mins for ERP. That's for specialist kinks though. Most are pulling 100k-300k per 30 mins

What would you need money for?

Imagine becoming a sex worker in an MMO, how pathetic does your life have to be?

Sounds better than being one in real life.

They have instragrams and twitters with thousands of followers, offering them the same goodsthat twitch whores or myfreecams girls get. Its pretty nutbar.

>hates the gays
>makes Hrothgar

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PLD looks closer to heavensward than stormblood


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You're full of shit, you almost never see ANY jobs excluded from PFs.

>even the official manga shits on the game for the lack of proper tutorial

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Why DRG AF1 so fucking good bros?

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actual shape design instead of randomly slapping shit together like

What datacenter?
Because on EU (now Light), I've had several occasions where it was impossible to find a group to join with my friend (tank) because everytime we found one with a blue and a red spot open, the reds were everything but SAM and MCH

Random PFs are usually full of retards, just join on an allowed class and then change to something you want to play.

Raiding scene on crystal sucks. I’m chalking it up to people just enjoying the world visit feature but the farm parties have been shit. i think I might have to move to aether

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>on crystal
Stay there and die there tranny

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DRG are always the AF winners, every single one of them looks good.

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I just want my god damn dog already, is it to much to ask for people not to die in the first phase of shinryu?

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AF3 shit hard because it only look good on knife ears.
On non-degenerate midlander like it look dumb

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Where are the ERP spots?
Asking for my dick.

>tfw got dogs in a few run
>tfw nips are the shit so every run go smoothly

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>post unlock "farms"
>expecting anything good
>post echo "farms"
>having even the faintest hope of anything good

>savage horsefucker bitch culturally appropriating the highest honor of a true warrior culture

Looks like ARR gear.

The Quicksand on Balmung or Mateus. Limsa aetheryte plaza for any other server.

absolute based

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It’s pretty painful at this point. I just want a competent farm party.

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I Like how the ass wing cloth things on AF3 makes my ass look huge.

Nigga, I had to farm Shinryu on content and get 99 fucking totem to buy the dog
You don't understand true pain.

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Shut up giraffe

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>100 miqote surveyed

Is it safe to play kajhit and not be called a tranny slut-rag yet?

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Where is the NPC where you can trade in the magitek items you drop in the XV collab FATE?

Black Brush.

Black Brush

Ul'dah marketboard retainer desk.

>MSQ roulette
>Castrum Meridianum
>One tank is probably a bot, just /follows the healer the entire run
>The other is a content respector who just stops randomly and actively moves the trash out of friendly ground aoes
>Ignores essential trash packs then bitches when other people pull them
>Gets super passive agressive after being called out on his shit and starts explaining strats for every boss.

he means the Elezen that is actually Zenos, not the Ascian wearing Zenos's body.

made by a good artist and not some pathetic robe and coat loving christmas cake

The Echo allows your soul to persist after death and claim new bodies. The Sahagin elder, the Ascians, and the Warriors of Darkness all used it that way. Zenos has the Echo.

If that's true then why is that Ice Heart nigga still dead?

It's not an automatic power. The vast majority of the original Scions killed by Livia had the Echo and died normally. Minfilia, for example, doesn't even know how to use the language ability of the Echo. Zenos is just an Echo savant and even then it was a total accident that he used it, triggered by the same instinct that activates the Return spell. In Ysayle's case it might also have something to do with anchoring a primal to her soul and burning it out that way.

There's no bot profile that can run castrum meridanum yet.


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Good/hot characters die, evil/ugly characters are immortal. Know the difference

Giraffes are fucking stupid


she a hoe

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>implying mentors do this

Is this a zardoz reference?

unlike Hydaelyn, Ascien actually teaches those with the echo how to use their powers.

Is it because hydaelyn fears the echo can threaten her theocratic dictatorship over all life?

Why would you even need a bot
You can literally just be afk and nobody is going to do anything. People won't even notice.

Get on my level.

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It is not a power the Scions would teach you.

Nigga, at this point that's just pure stupidity.

based autistbro

I like it, but for some reason it looks really familiar. Have I seen this before?

So now that the dust has settled...
What was the best Stormblood music track?
I nominate this.

bro why

>tells you to spread light through all creation in the end of 2.0
>tells you all asciens must needs be eliminated
>sends minfilia to the 1st. WoD says light and dark doesn't matter and its all the same
>World can't be rejoined if it becomes a Void, so if it means Zodiark can't be reborn, a Void is better than a world that can still be rejoined
>church=evil. Empire =evil. Goddess will be evil or close to it

Attached: DY5VlS4VoAEi4Yd.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

>long pants for guys
>shorts and thigh-high boots for girls

every time


Such a fucking amazing BGM for a shitty area...

because it was based on FF3/FF4 DRK AF design.

Once Yoshida stepped in, and took the 2 worked on designs (which werent tied to jobs yet) to give to endgame players to look like classic FF jobs on their classes.
Only DRK and BLM armors were being worked on at the time.
Tanka imagined CNJ being the BLM, so the BLM AF was in all leather, to fit gridanias leather theme, as Uldah used cotton.
DRKs AF was the bird beak helm design, which doesnt show the face (just like FF3/4, and in FF3/4/5 DRGs AF does show the face.)

Of course few people remember this.



ZR is very important. I make sure all my glamours have it


The "Hydaelyn" we've been talking to isn't the real Hydaelyn. It's a Sin Eater parasite that crash-landed long ago and latched onto the Mothercrystal, ejecting Zodiark in the process much the same way as the real world theory of a giant collision ejecting pieces of the Earth that became the moon. The reason Rejoinings weaken "Hydaelyn" is because Zodiark is gaining the power to fight off the parasite and save his waifu, the true Hydaelyn. Note the visual and thematic similarities between Ultima and depictions of Hydaelyn, and of the visual similarities between Ultima and Jenova.

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Amatsu Kaze.

Aether now Crystal
Last tier I only ever saw locked jobs on those PF parse runs, and even then those were rare. Clear parties NEVER had locked jobs and rarely even locked roles.
Deltascape had a few more locked parties but I still had absolutely no trouble pugging the entire tier as a black mage, which was much more in the cuck shed then that it is now.


>Talking high about Ishgard after they became dragons' bitches

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>Want to decorate my house exterior
>Think the odder style would be nice
>It cost 6M
>Look up the recipe
>It's an FC craft thing
>Go to FC and look up what's needed for it
>It's all exploration stuff
>Decide to send our 2 ships to get the stuff needed
>It will take 35 hours

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This is still the best song in the game

I remember the Seraph Cane is based on Amdapori legend. So I wonder if it was either a Sin eater or the legend of Ultima herself that gave birth to that myth

>Just finished a World of Darkness run in around 60 minutes


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mid may

The Amdapori had contact with Sin Eaters. The Seraph Cane, Kuribu golem, and Winged Lion golem are all modeled after Sin Eaters they saw.

Looks nice, but BRD is for faggots

Wrong! I had a angry female Xaela slap me in the Praetorium for not getting into a Magitek Armor. I laughed and did even less

Will BLM get a good set? Af2 and 3 are both complete fucking jokes

Burmecians when?

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nobody wants to play as ugly rats

af3 is fine what are you talking about.
the only way they could do a better black mage set is if they actually give us a lantern eye set which they will never do because despite MAINING the fucking class Yoshi is a FUCKING HACK

AF2 and AF3 are kino though

>goetia v2
it's SHIT

Beast race in 6.0

maybe hrothgar will have a rat face option

Well that's cetrainly better looking than the last one. I'm on the fence though...

But everybody wants to play as beautiful rats.

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mages will never get biliauds or half-robes anymore

The only way BLM will get yellow eyes is through a CD like WAR's red eyes.

If this is real I'll never view Answers and Dragonsong in the same way ever again.
And I don't want that.

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Female version is okay. Male version is ugly as fuck. Not the kind of theme I prefer for BLM, but at least it doesn't just look like a total retread of previous BLM sets like most of the other new AFs do.

You can really tell that Ayumi would much rather just spend all day drawing pretty dresses and girly robes but is forced to draw heavy armour and male versions of her female gear designs, so she's just phoning it in all the time.

that's a shop right? right?

AF2 is ridiculous and AF3 looks like a homeless person

At last, the holy word has been preached.

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>all lalas are pedos


>Alien lifeform crash landed and fucked everything up. Its effect felt in the present.
Now where have we heard that before?

And most Lalafell players are actually pedophiles. Go figure.

Show me the WAR armor
They may have a lackluster story quest but they get some of my favorite armor sets


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af3 looks like a standard robed black mage what the fuck are you talking about.

Benchmark dropping right before Golden Week starts in Japan.

I honestly never cared to learn the mechanic. I think I've died a few times but it never mattered.


Isn’t the smashing rocks part referencing one of the MSQ quests around Titan, I feel like I vaguely doing that

Well, apparently the tanks also never bothered to learn
And like half the raid

That's the live letter. They will release the benchmark before that so they can tease the new skills.

A few of the level 5 and 10 class quests have you smash rocks too. WAR and MNK do for sure and maybe a couple more.

You smash rocks as part of MRD quests last I checked, though you do break a rock in a competition against the lazy roegadyn working at the windmill since he's lying about being in the Company of Heroes

>Don't look at the gaze attack and don't stand in aoe
Anyone that fails at it is a literal retard.

>You will never break rocks with brutal swing ever again

If the last two Benchmarks are anything to go by it should drop either this week or the next but looking at how unfinished the Addon looks it will be late May

They said that the expansion development is right on schedule. It's just the marketing materials like trailers and stuff that are last minute.

Did Ultima crashlanded into Hydaelyn? I think in the lore book its speculated the 1st astral ended via a meteor crashing and the aftereffects being wind storms

She did crash, yeah. The cause of the first Calamity is never stated though, except for the mythical explanation of the gods departing.

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Last AF armor was shit though

They said during Live Letter 50 Benchmark is in May. I'd expect it right after the Golden Week, so on 7th. Not later though.

The 14th is more likely.

Amazing. It took 30 levels for Bard to get another good looking AF.

AF2 and AF3 are appropriate for mix-and-matching, you can get decent looking bits out of their parts. I treat DRK's lv. 70 helmet the same way, mixing and matching it onto the lv. 60 Chaos set or onto sets like Odin's Herklaedi.

the artist is a girl. that explains why so many gear is over designed and why more cloth and leather gear, especially robes, are bordering are feminine in appearance.

af2 bard legs on an elezen is pure bliss

Does anyone want to play videogames

Sure, what data center, what do you wanna do?



They ALMOST got the male set looking hetero, for once.

people that play male characters aren't het.

I'm on crystal from primal and I can report the same thing
The whole "non meta jobs will get you reported and joining a pf party without orange logs will get you killed" meme is a meme repeated by xivg shitters as an excuse for not clearing content or even trying. They won't acknowledge your post since it won't fit their narrative.

Just admit you don't feel like raiding guys. It's fine.

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Primal, I'm pretty much up for anything

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Same here, what would you like to do user?

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Should I go Tonberry? Currently Kujata.

What's more important, a higher graphics card or more ram?

wait if shes a parasite, then that means humans are baby parasites, and this is why acians want us dead.
we're either her offspring, feeding off the true goddess, or we're powering up the false goddess.

in turn, minfilia will be the final boss then, as a sin eater corrupted monster.

primal summoning is technically ok, since its the "true" way to create life, as it would only really hurt us, the parasites.

don't forget about me

Fuck Hydaelyn, I hate her so much.

You people get even more retarded with this shit

Isn't tied more to cpu when there's a lot of people on screen? As long as I'm not in a crowded area I run everything at max on a 1060 at 60 fps but dip into the 50s in populated areas.

>we're powering up the false goddess.
kind off? as more and more are born and eventually die, their aether returns to the lifestream thus boosting The Source and maybe Hydaelyn herself.

graphics card assuming you already have a good cpu. ram won't do much unless you have a billion things open with the game.

It depends on what you are wanting to do really. CPU, GPU, and RAM are all important factors. I would say you should have at least 16gb these days for ram. It should also be one of the cheaper upgrades

But that false. Why would you go on the internet and lie.

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Then why do I want to breed Fedora's highlander fuckhole with my midlander cock?

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I feel like I need to upgrade some stuff.
I have 8GB Ram, Intel Core i7 -4790 @ 3.60GHz and a GTX 770.
I am also using a 42 inch Sony TV to play at 1920x1080

>female highlander
>not close to being a guy
about as delusional as wanting to fuck a female roe.

wanting Gaius's used goods

I'm so glad they dropped this shitty character.

Ikr Kujata is so fucking boring, Tonberry had good chunk of eng players back when i played, not sure how it is now though.
I'm planning to go to US server, nips is good but fuck, can't talk with them suck

graphics card is your weakest part there.

The Lifestream is just a cycle, it doesn't add or subtract any aether on its own. But primals consume aether, and Rejoinings add aether. For some reason, getting an entire planet worth of aether injected into our Lifestream during a Rejoining actually -weakens- Hydaelyn.

Female highlanders have THE most feminine animations

Attached: 1533068853483.jpg (1464x1080, 614K)

Hm, yes, at that point, the strongest upgrade would probably be the gpu

That would be Female Hyur and Au Ra actually. Try again highlander cuck.

Well, one of you needs to pick something if we're going to do anything.

not playing at 3840x1080

I figured, always wanted a two monitor setup but I feel having two screens can put a strain on the computer components?

gfx. but RAM will be more useful for your computer in general. the true secret to enjoying FFXIV is a fast hard drive

Actually made a couple jap friends and even got invited to their eternal bond ceremony. I guess I can start with just interacting with them on Raids and stuff. Cross-world banter is so fun especially when it's trashtalking

>Au Ra tranny thinks Highlanders aren't Hyur
Your gigglesquee lizards make me want to vomit

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that's just based on how good your gpu is in speed and vram. you're still looking for a good gpu.

>two screens
>not one giant wide screen

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its removed from 1 location and added to another.
in the end, we're still at a net loss of aether.
-100(calamity) -100(absorbed shard) +100(shards aether added to our own) is still -100.
though my question is, where the heck does the main story ever tell us about this stuff? i only know of it from other people saying it.
otherwise, like my friends, would be lost when they mentioned calamities bring about the ends of other shards (and for some reason everyone in the room acts as if this is basic knowledge, and isnt surprised to hear about it.)

Based but not quite redpilled because you still need a vertical monitor for manga and Yea Forums

>List two races that are more feminine
At last, I see you have your tranny porn stash in the same folder next to your highlander one.

>Not two giant wide screens
Step it up

You don't lose aether during a Calamity though because all the death just cycles things back into the Lifestream where it's then reborn.
>though my question is, where the heck does the main story ever tell us about this stuff?
Most of it is explained during the post-Heavensward quests. Mainly when you talk to Minfilia in the Antitower and when you deal with the Warriors of Darkness.

i was quite lost.
i assume its from the lore books, and the games terrible writing is treating it liek a movie adaption, where "you just have to go read the books" to understand the missing tidbits.

None of that mentions taking aether from other shards

Midlanders and highlanders are the same race.
Lizards are literally the transsexual demographic.
But you can continue to project your own problems on to me, I can carry that weight for you if you really want

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Alright thanks, where to look and compare websites for computer parts?. I did get another SSD at christmas so I put XIV on that instead of the one my OS was on and had a smaller storage size.

Yes it does. That was Arbert's entire plan. He wanted to cause a Calamity to Rejoin his world's aether into ours. He figured he couldn't save the world, but could give the souls a chance to be reborn. They go through the whole process of what a Calamity/Rejoining is.

I really want to get the dyeable artifact armor from Eureka but I don't have a Ritalin Or Adderall prescription so I guess that isn't happening.

>Midlanders and highlanders are the same
>Lizards are literally the transexual demographic
>These muscley looking girls with man jaws are so feminine yes yes theres no way highlanders could possibly be tranny
Your delusion is calling tranny.

we know they were going to have their world end due to a reverse world ending disaster, due to the light, but they didnt say once their world ends, it gets pumped into us.
nor that the worlds are being rejoined this way.
nor does it say when a calamity happens here, aether is stolen from other shards.

if at best, a very vague "kinda almost" story mentions other shards, but it was mostly fluff dialogue, without any actual explanation.
Bringing the fluff back as a replacement to a well told explanation is bs.

Uh uh, bros? Can someone explain why we are getting a filler expansion just as the main story is heating up? The alternate world stuff got cleared up in a few patches.

Show me the manjaw, and do it without spilling any of the horse cum you're busy gargling

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because SB should have happaned prior to HW, and HW should have happened after.
The warriors of Darkness plot, and acian influence of the pope, should be what lead into shadow bringers

SB was the filler expansion. We're only just now getting back on track with what was set up in HW.

Compare it to some of the tranny pics you have saved. Don't act like you don't.

This makes more sense, the fuck.

>but they didnt say once their world ends, it gets pumped into us
Yes, they do. Give me a minute and I'll get you a lorebook screenshot. That's literally the entire Ascian mission, to fuse the shards back into the Source.
>nor that the worlds are being rejoined this way.
Yes they do, pic related. A Calamity is a Rejoining.

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>No argument
>Only able to writhe in absolute bubbling fury
Typical Au Ra nigger

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You have yet to provide an argument yourself you double nigger. Get off that high horse cock. You're also just digging your grave by assuming I play Au Ra.

But it was solved in HW.

That's talking about the ascians overall plan of the rejoining, not just merging the first and our world.

nice pits

Pic related, I got another one coming too.

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Yes, not a single thing in there talking about reborn souls from the first. And it also seems to confirm that putting all the pieces back together will just kill everyone anyway.

or so we though. Going to the Shard could have been delayed for the next expansion. But its so important that we go there though.

This pic flat out says:
>"Their purpose? To regather the aether distributed amongst the thirteen mirrored planes and concetrate it back to the original,"
They're fusing the aether of the other worlds back into our Lifestream.

>Monk had potential, could have been shirtless with tattoos
>Women ruin it, we get the same sports bra they do

agreed, but i guess they wanted more time for minfilia to fail while we were liberating 2 nations. Timeline wise, it probably was only a few months since she went to the 1st

Yeah, so it's essentially a retcon. It's suddenly so important even though what did in HW was supposed to have cleared it up, not like there's anything important going on on our world at the moment.

So is the MSQ of Shadowbringers going to be undoing the work that the Warriors of Darkness did before their world turned to light?

I bet they'll be Trusts

it's a martial artist not a street brawler. I prefer the aesthetic of monk to remain that way.

It was still in the process of becoming world of light when they left for the Source.
They should be died.

Attached: Untitled.png (602x136, 62K)

YouTube, Gamers Nexus, Digital Foundry

The implication was that they went back home to die, but I won't be surprised if that's retconned.

Shit looks like a gayer version of the default Hyur gear.

It doesn't matter if they died, they can just come back with the echo.

My understanding is they are dead since their souls returned to the Source.

there's no reason to presume they can't possess their old bodies

and its Minfillia thats going to the first, not Hydelayn. Rewatching the crystal scene its clear that Minfillia is not entirely Hydelayn's sock puppet. Doesn't mean she can't go Kain on us

I hope that that ShB story turns out to be good, but after the last msq my interest waned abit. going to Ala Mhiggo was always inevitable and Ilberd forced our hand. Here we got G'raha talking mysteriously and stealing the souls of our companions when he could have told us "go to the CT, find beacon"

G'raha is Elidibus

Nah, Elidibus is future Alphinaud

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so is Unukalhai Hope from FF13 or Luneth from FF3?

He really, REALLY needs to be part of this somehow.

I'd bet they're fighting the good fight on the First and you have to team up with them since I imagine they'd be pissed that either Hydaelyn lied about saving the First Shard, or she was unable to

jesus christ thats vague as fauck.
i finally know what they are talking about, and its still jibberish

Elidibus's apprentice will sit in the Antechamber in while the source will experience the same fate that befell his own world

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i took that as metephorical, as in destroying them was bringing them back to a state of nothingness, a "rejoining" of nothingness.

its too fucking vague, and didnt explain how it works.

I thought red mage was FF's bard?

Alphinaud vs LEVEILLEUR when?

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>i took that as metephorical, as in destroying them was bringing them back to a state of nothingness, a "rejoining" of nothingness.
That doesn't make sense in the context of the Ascian mission or in the context of the other worlds being splintered off from the Source to begin with. It's a literal Rejoining of worlds.

How the fuck do you find an FC after transferring? It's so easy when you are a sprout since they come to you

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considering it doesnt explain how they are rejoined still, its still way too vague.

they just say "they are rejoined" and thats it.
that means nothing w/o context, and the context u speak of, isnt there.

bard is FF's bard

Bards are in FF4, 5, Tactics, 11 and 14. Arguably they're also in FFX-2 as the Songstress dresssphere

>considering it doesnt explain how they are rejoined still
It does. They use Calamities. Read these pics The destruction of a Calamity tears down the dimensional walls.

maybe its similar to what was happening in FF9. The Souls of a rejoined world is blocked from returning to Hydaelyn an instead go to Zodiark?

I don't know, have you tried writing something along the lines "I've just transfered and am currently looking for a new fc that focuses on [activity of your choice]"?

By talking to people.

Love it, I can see the glam potential. I wonder if the bracelets are the gloves or a part of the jacket?

why put in the effort when every dude just wears the heavy steel set or emeperor's new shirt.

What exactly would be the morally good goal for the protagonist?
Merging every plane together and recreating balance? What would happen to all the lives on the other planes? They can't all fit on Eorzea, surely. Are we just erasing them from existence?

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>stand in limsa
>/shout o/ Hiya x server :D! i just transferred out of balmung because my ass is sore from all the dicks i've taken, can i get an invite to an active FC that raids and casually does things together? thanks :P lgbt friendly preferably xD

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>What would happen to all the lives on the other planes? They can't all fit on Eorzea, surely. Are we just erasing them from existence?
They're being condensed into aether and moved into our Lifestream. New lifeforms even seem to appear, as seen with the mandragoras who suddenly appeared right after the 7th Calamity.
>What exactly would be the morally good goal for the protagonist?
Well it's obviously retracing some steps from FFXI, where the original Mothercrystal was shattered and the state of the world changed because of it. The Zilart seek to fuse the 5 Mothercrystal fragments back into one and restore the world to 'Paradise', but doing so would make it a world in which only the gods and the Zilart could exist because mankind only exists as a consequence of the split. So it comes down to whether you think fixing the world is better, or whether you think that it's better to maintain the existence of life as you know it.

just join the fc your static is in
you DO raid, right?

Kill all Asciens. Mindkind must be the masters of their own destiny

>AF3 looks like a homeless person
you look like a traditional black mage who has been though hundreds of battles, your clothing is all tattered from it, personally I think BLM AF3 is one of the nicer sets, purely because it makes you look more like a traditional BLM
then again, I play male elezen, never paid much attention to how it looks on other races

Gee, FF, how come your mom lets you have two bards?

Not having a near-square monitor that can do both.

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What happens if we kill both Zodiark and Hydaelyn?

>hates the gays
>kowtows to them
I really hope he does but idk I doubt it

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World returns to the void of nothingness. Haven't you played previous FF games user?

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I only finished III, XIII and XV.

>hates the gays
>implementing an entire race of gay lions that appeal solely to furry barafags

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I really hope it's good as well, but I'm always wary of alternate dimension stories. I think of any time it was done well.

>tfw you cant join the empire and say goodbye to all the potatoes and trans lizards

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I think of it as something he thought he had to do to appeal to the degenerate west, putting in the bare minimum of effort like he does with everything else if we are honest

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Try out V and IX

Oh, also Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time.

what's the problem with that?
You a faggot?

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What in the saintly fuck

Serenity Wineko on Cerberus go fuck yourself you dumb fucking nigger

Never post this again

he literally just wanted to put in wannabe ronsos

I vaguely recall someone by that name having some kind of argument out in Coerthas Western the other day. Seemed like it had something to do with hunts.

Childhood ruined?

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I fucking hate kugane. I hate the retarded structure. I hate most of the tedious walking missions that happen there, I hate the obnoxious oriental music that seems to blast 100x louder than ever other bgm in the game.
I fucking hate that place.

ffucking love kugane bros

It was a hologram

Do you like to play alongside your cats Yea Forums?

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The one time I want the benchmark, they decide to take their sweet ass time releasing it.

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SB one was released in May too.

I hope the SMN AF isn't 70% skin like the AF2/AF3 or that it at least has a good Summoner dong like AF1

I thought it was late April

SAM looks fucking dope as fuck, some niggas are gonna get cut the FUCK up with my elite katana, y’know what I’m saying

You disgust me.

They tied the exposed skin into the lore, plus Akihiko Yoshida isn't around anymore for the good art direction we had in 1.0 and ARR launch.

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It was May 1st, so technically I'm not lying. Keep in mind that ShB is releasing 2 weeks later comparing to SB.

>They tied the exposed skin into the lore
I know and I hate it

Definitely want to see what these guys look like in armor.

Is Summoner fun? Thinking about becoming one.

Summoning Bahamut is really fun, yeah. But before that point it's more of a boring poison mage.

I could probably level it quickly cause I got those 30% extra EXP earrings. Summoning Bahamut sounds interesting

Level 60 and beyond is fun because it finally feels like your kit is coming together

DRG and DRK are the only ones that matter. Everything else is filler.

Many of the Kugane building felt like props. You can see them, but you can't enter.Same can be said about most of the SB zones when you compare them to HW and ARR

You can level it even faster if you use SCH for dungeon queues. They have the same base class so they share exp.

Sounds like a plan, thanks brudda

I fucking hate kugane's bgm so much

What do people call Gunbreaker, GBR?


>just now noticed the shape of the ivory tower in the background
this is the picture that keeps on giving

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what are they standing on? I can't get the image out of my mind that those are some beefy unorthodox CRT's that conveniently look like your average flat panel

Is there a macro for housing for console plebs? Plots are open but fuck this timer.

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>what are they standing on?
?????? theyre cats user

No, I think you couldn't do it without some kind of auto clicker on PC.

looks like they are sitting on the window sill

Attached: OhMy.gif (426x426, 3.13M)

>tfw slut glams are the source of SMN's power

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>tfw they will never top the absolute kino design of 3.0 DRG AF

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AF3 is great excluding the helmet

Helmet is like the central piece of the set. And what the fuck where they thinking with that helmet?

they float user duh my computer is behind the monitors

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Will we ever experience another World-ending event like Bahamut? Of course the servers won’t be shut down like back then, but is possible for something like that to happen once more in the story?

All I know is 00040 or something like that. I have a PC copy, I just never use it because toaster.

So all I need is an auto clicker?

Only if the real purpose for NG+ is so they can destroy the world but still keep the old world for new players. But they won't put that much effort in to remake all the old zones.

What's wrong with the helmet?

Attached: file.png (970x955, 646K)

Probably only on another world like in next expac.

Shinryuu is just as strong if not stronger than Bahamut. That's why Omega was released

Honestly I don't know, but I assume auto clicker would work considering you don't need to press many buttons to buy.

They gave it this really stupid looking snout.

really puts into perspective how HW's WoL could barely scratch any of them and by SB they completely killed omega and shinryu

I hate that we don't have a pure Archer damage job that is not a faggot bard.

Also. They need to add Kain’s armor as a veterans reward or something. That’s a primo headpiece.

>hunts are now complete aids and full of faggots that early pull now while you scramble to world swap
bravo yoshida you made it even harder to get the tiger than before

No, Omega himself said that Shinryu was so weak it wasn't even worth his time to kill it. That's why he just captured it in that forcefield and left.

Is this real? You have to world swap for elite hunts? They lowered spawn rates for world swapping?

Shire hat, BLU shorts and Shire pants for dudes, Plateau thighboots.
Feels uninspired.

You should have no lifed it a year ago if you really wanted it.

I reckon the WoL could easily go through Garlemald alone at this point.

You expect people to wait for hunt pulls while you transfer worlds just to squeeze in an extra S rank? Nah bro, ain't gonna happen in this lifetime.

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He hates gays, not their money.

>When you haven't sold shit all day because you most likely got undercut the fuck out 3 seconds after you adjusted your prices.

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I appreciate that they managed not to have another longcoat or buttcape, but the pants/thighboots thing is getting pretty old too.

Thighboots are life

Get through sigmascape, eureka, rabanastre... Plenty

>Here's your DoW Shad tome gear bro.

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Depends on what the chest and pants combo looks like. The absolute territory must be respected.

You already have numerous options for both of those things.


Needs an asscape

I know some people afk macro, but I have no idea how. I've seen it plenty of times. Plot bought, still going. Can't find the source program anywhere.

that deserves to be a dungeon set at best, i honestly think this looks bland as hell, don't even know how it won a spot

>visit another server to buy shit cheaper from the bigger market boards
>it's actually twice as expensive
I guess Zodiark is the cheapest in EU, not by much though

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I personally wanted the bancho set regardless of all the faggots yelling MUH JOJO at it.

It doesn't even resemble any kind of magitek aesthetic that exists in the game. It's so fucking out of place.


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That’s some MG:Revengeance shit.

fuck off jotard.

Might be that I'm biased since I main SAM.

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>Ever using AF sets

If you dont have maxed out craft classes before endgame then you need to fuck off you casual wowbabby

Anyone advocating for the inclusion of more coats should be pushed off a cliff.

What part of that looks like a Monk.

That's AF2's helmet though, innit. AF2 has multiple eyes and fins, AF3 has full on wings. I kinda prefer AF2 desu, but would like to mix its helmet with AF3 chest.

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>Using the coat

Too bad there will be a giant seem seperating the top and bottom.

I'm not sure what gave you that impression.

Shit design. How would it look if you only wore the chest part?

Has the AST set been shown yet?

Probably like existing shirts that stop at the waist. It would tuck into most pants/skirts and have a weird midriff gap for others.

Attached: DyeTJsqUUAAZ-L1.jpg (1200x675, 55K)

Yes, it's what Urianger is wearing in the trailer. Looks exactly like the SB set.

Yeah. It's the outfit Urianger is wearing the trailer.

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mogboard, baby! The age of the crafting jew, is over.

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it's more gypsy shit

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Yeah, about that.

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I haven’t leveled any crafting jobs and I been playing for 6 years.

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>I haven’t leveled any jobs and I been playing for 6 years.

I will never not be upset over this.

>add a Bokuto to the gold saucer
>no bancho outfit
I don't even care about the retarded JoJo shit, this set is honestly one of the more appealing entries and I'm sad it didn't win

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>BRD AF consistently great

Why do they keep fucking doing this man.

>playing for 6 years
>only one job at 70

MCH AF is good this time, what the fuck are you on

Even if AF is shit, I think this looks great.

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Literally what's the point if it isn't DRK? All the stories suck ass unless you're easily impressed.

To anyone on crystal, please DF up for the jade stoa. No one does these old trials, plz help.

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Cowboy look doesn't fit Ishgard or the mechanic theme.

I don't think you've been playing at all

yeah nah

Shit taste.

Good thing we arent in Ishgard anymore then

And I cannot stress it enough

>skinny cat slut gear
>whole version of the dress never
>more ass capes
I'm never leaving my Stormblood AF glam holy shit.

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Machinist is an Ishgardian job.

I liked the MCH SB AF, but it was wayyy to similar to the HW AF. The ShB AF looks like shit though.

Hopefully we can get an expansion where Monk isn't ass.

Fuck off.

What is shit taste is that overdesigned trash.

Of course the french AST has gone 67 levels without ever understanding what a stack marker is.

Also apparently not knowing what shortcuts are either.

Makes sense, Ishgard cant do anything right

so the world transfer service says you cant own a house/apartment if you want to transfer but someone here said you can get an extra 500k for lost furnishings if you move. i dont get it.

They play on there. Yea Forums plays on Aether/ Primal/EU.

>Believing what you read on Yea Forums

You must own a plot a land but you can't have a house constructed over it. You must demolish the house first but not give up the land to be eligible.

no but it said it on the website at one point too. is it different now? can someone who knows chime in like wtf.

ah okay. what about an apartment

Crystal bros (gals?) pls....I NEED your help...

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Fuck you faggot you can put us with the fags but you can't take the primal out of Malb.

Just have an apartment and you're eligible.

>just finished the final patches of SB

Man what a let-down, last two patches felt rushed. No cool end-game, not even a fight with the main theme playing. Hard to get hype for the next expansion

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>Fuck you faggot
But I've been posting girls you autist. If you want faggotry, I'll give it to ya.
Maybe posting guys will get me some help from crystalites.

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so it's 500k for an apartment. they will refund me that 500k, plus another 500k for an 'lost' furnishings?


Yeah, I was really excited for the story direction until that final patch. Now I'm worried.

>MCH AF is constantly getting new looks
>BRD AF still looks the same as every other boring one

I really liked warrior.

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New player here, can someone please explain to me what the whole deal with Louisoux was? I mean he cast some spell to transport everyone to what, the past? The future? Another dimension?
I don't get it.

Once again I'm painfully reminded that Bards don't suck in 4 man content. Your average bard player just sucks ass and can't do damage.


Castrum Fluminis > The Final Steps of Faith
Soul sucking and Grandpa Solus > Gosetsu on a boat

Louisoix began a primal summoning of the Twelve so that he could use it to condense a shitload of aether and have the power of faith to fuel his spells. When his binding spell failed, he invoked the power of Althyk, god of time, to send some people into the future. The absurd amount of aether condensed in that area caused severe aether sickness which messed with peoples' memories so they don't actually remember who he sent.

>MCH AF is constantly getting new looks
I play MCH, what the hell are you talking about? our first two AF sets were pretty much the same, except one was tan and the other was green

>tfw read Homestuck years and years ago
>as such, completely used to flashy action scenes telling the story without dialogue
>completely correct on everything that happens in End of an Era without having to do Binding Coil for the plot dump

Question, what's the fastest way to level a crafter from 60 to 70 now? I raised a few to 60 back in Heavensward but haven't touched them until now. I hear it's beast tribes but which ones do I need?

Namazu quests

Namazu and deliveries.

>mfw no preferred worlds after datacenter move
Did I miss the boat? Will that be it for a while?

Looks good, but a bit boring at the same time.

Namazu plus deliveries plus certain jobs have leve turn-ins in the 60-70 range that might be cost-neutral or even make you money depending on your MB, so do those too. They'll be the ones that ask for simpler material like an ingot instead of crafted equipment.

Are y'all sure this is SAM and not NIN? Since the demon mask shit is usually associated with ninja.


Is Ultros still in Primal?

That's not a demon mask, it's an autistic face guard thing

That's a common element of Japanese armor, and it's got a robe. It's samshit.

>middle: PLD, represents 2.0
>left: MCH, represents 3.0
>right: SAM, represents 4.0

It looks like it's based off of Auron which would imply it's SAM.

Wait where are you seeing the RDM gear? the instagram only has bard..


Thanks bros.

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