Which NFS do we collectively agree was the best ?

which NFS do we collectively agree was the best ?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Underground 2
>inb4 Most Wanted fags

Hot Pursuit 2


Although I love both.

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Hot Pursuit 2 is the definitive one for me.

Before Underground 1.

Burnout Paradise.

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take from an AMA on plebbit with a q/a lead from former black box:

I talked about this a lot in my Battlefield AMA so I will give you speed freaks the same insight.
EA - Electronic Arts

They are the ones who make these decisions.
EA Decides in no uncertain terms

- The theme of the game

- The name

- The cars in the game

- The style of the game (Cops, Underground, Exotics , etc)

BlackBox/GHOST/Whoever Decides - Nothing
BlackBox/GHOST/Whoever MAKES

- The tracks

- The models

- The liverys

- The story (as in they/we filmed it did mocap etc) - We didn't write ours BTW (Don't know about GHOST)
- The physics choices (Acceleration, Gravity, Grip, etc)

>EA in complete control of what the game will be, how the gameplay will be like, what the story will be, what systems (lootbox shit, payback's gambling tuning etc) the game will have etc
>dev studios in charge of the game are literally codemonkeys.
say goodbye to ever having a good need for speed game again. Prepare for nfs 2019 to be payback 2 revengeance: electric boogaloo

Most Wanted was so great on ps2

Most Wanted and Porsche Unleashed

Underground 2
I have a soft spot for NFS2015, though. That game had no right being so damn comfy.


Underground > Underground 2 > Most wanted


I l-liked c-carbon...

Hot Pursuit 2010

definitely not The Run


HP2 on PC


*RidersontheStorm-SnoopDogg.wav starts playing*


Most wanted and hot pursuit 2
No you didn't.

>Going legit in a street racing series
I still remember every sentence of that announcer featuring "RYAN COOPER", constantly and repeatedly.

You can't hate High Stakes, even with its problems.

>drifts around you

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porsche unleashed and 3

I did too my man, I did too.

Me too

I would too if I could drive the AE86 in story mode

I love Carbon!

interesting, at least we know that Ghost are responsible for NFS games having shitty handling

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You already posted it

This one for me, most probably due to nostalgia reasons though.
Hot Pursuit was fun as shit too though.

Underground and all the other shit was just fucking rancid and horrible. Rebooted Hot Pursuit was okay though as it was a return back to NFS roots of sorts.
I also kinda liked 2015, enjoyed it way more than OG most wanted and underground.
Payback improved on the ricing aspect which was lacking in 2015 but otherwise sucked ass and I deleted it off my xbox the moment I completed it. There's just no replay value, nothing to go back for in that game, at least 2015 has some sort of replayability going on.

Also, all you nigger crap praising shitters can suck my cock, we need psytrance and goa soundtracks mixed with metal back.

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Underground 2. Best and deepest customization, along fun activities, best drift and whole night illegal racing culture + that ost

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I love ProStreet!

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First game I got with my new pc back in fay, shit was solid and banging ost

I love Most Wanted! (2005)

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hd remake never ever

Need for Speed: High Stakes

you can close the thread now

Shift 2


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Fuck Most wanted.
t. currently playing most wanted

I love Underground!

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The one before all the ricer shit and nigger music took over was the best. No exceptions!

NFS3. Best track design, OST and car selection

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But Underground 2 is FUCKING DOGSHIT with the worst track design in the series, Street X is boring, URL races are boring, the car modifications are ugly and people only like it out of nostalgia.

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Could be a frostbite issue? Bioware has complained about frostbite before which makes me wonder if ghost also has issues with the engine but doesn't vocalize it since no one gives a shit.

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And graphics. I remember when it came out and just sitting there with the cop car watching the sirens. I wish I could still be amazed by graphics.


why is everyone dissing on most wanted? that game was great

Been playing a bunch of Most Wanted 2012 lately because I had a craving for street racing.
Pretty good.
The one with the Snoop Dogg version of Riders on the Storm is still the best though.

ye dawg why ppl be dissing da game??? shit be hella dope bruh.

it was too long, i got bored like halfway through.

Finally good taste.

Need for Sneed

Dunno, I tried Underground 2 right after I've completed Underground and something about that game just felt "off". Can't quite put my finger on what it was exactly.

Some good soul even made a patch for modern systems

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Collectively, Most Wanted, It was fun, but too brown, I hated the cop chases and absolutely despised the ending.

Personally for me it goes:
ProStreet, the flawed Masterpiece
NFSU2 The Ricer Masterpiece, get the mod that nulls the Star Rating system and it's a 10/10.
Hot Pursuit 2 because stalgia.

lol sneed


>muh green filter


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what kind of person ACTUALLY judges a game based on not its gameplay, audio, progression, performance, car selection, modes, or any of that, but on its color pallete.

>hated the cop chases
>on most wanted
that's a cardinal sin

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>ignored the part where I said i hate cop chases and the game it's 60% that.

Play the game again, it gets old.
The ending is just you trying to stay alive for some time while 30 or more cops run after a you.
It feels like padding, it's not challenging.


> Rebooted Hot Pursuit was okay though as it was a return back to NFS roots of sorts
It was a rebranded Burnout. Sure we went back to exotics at exotic places, but at what cost?
>Best and deepest customization
If you like turning your cars into riceballs.
Back when it came out people dragged on it for being day racing only, weaker customization(less intricate then both UG and UG2, as well as lost performance tuning), no drifting, losing Nissans and Hondas(tuning staples) for exotics, horrid rubberbanding for certain bosses(Not like it was any better in UG or UG2), and some other minor things.
Getting cops back, as well some liked that there were exotics now, were two big plusses.

I find Hot Pursuit 2, Underground 1 and Most Wanted the more replayable Need For Speeds.
My personal favorite High Stakes, is fun to mess around in with custom cars and tracks, but doing the Career becomes very repetitive super fast, however, one of the endgame races, where you race in either a CLK GTR or Mclaren F1, which was on a snowy racetrack at night mirrored was one of the most hectic racing experiences I have had in NFS.

>car selection
NFS car lists have always been flawed and always seem to be missing something crucial

It wasn't that bad in Most Wanted, though I agree that certain bounty tasks were just a waiting game
Now in Carbon cops just felt like a complete nuisance and leftover feature from MW

>gets old
no it didn't
the AI was so great that all the future releases were shit in comparison

Underground 2 is mediocre at best
>car list has too many fucking SUVs
>SUVs have the highest top speed in the game that go over 400 KMH
>most of the kits are legitimately horrible
>have to rice out your car to progress the game if you don't have a certain mod
>road is fuck huge for no real reason, city doesn't make absolutely any sense
>cars feel wonky probably because the tracks are shit
>bots rubberbanding to the extreme

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Is this a mod? I absolutely despise how the cars look like they're covered in saran wrap.

It's not that I hate cop chases by themselves, when it's part of the race, its fun but the bounties fucking sucked, I don't actually hate any titles (The ones i played) in the series.
I don't think i can even afford to, with both racing game fans and racing games themselves getting rarer and rarer.

Jesus the memories. Played it on my gamecube for years.

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Car Industry changed and you can't afford to flop on a Racing Game if you want to have a decent car selection.
When you mention cops in races, that does bring up a good point about, at least from memory, they were not an actual threat during a race, I don't think the AI Cops can even put up spikes or roadblocks during a race, which is lame when compared to what they did in HP/HS/HP2, which obviously was not perfect, but could have used improvement.

MW cops also have problem of only starting to become "competent" at Heat 3, as before that you need to baby them

>The Chad Customizer
>The virgin "artist"

Underground 2

They weren't a threat in races for balancing issues, replaying Carbon months ago, they legit were a threat and could either ruin your life or win the race for you by fucking up the other players.
Also what the fuck was that massive difficulty spike in the last territory? Holy shit.

Post fucking tunes


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Get that nigger shit out of here

Still the best 2 menu themes ever made, so good that they reused them in the 2015 reboot game.


Man I haven't thought about the Klaxons in over a decade.

Right here

Flatout 2.

Images you can hear

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Nasty zoomer shit. Listen to this



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Listen here dipshit

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It was surprisingly good, shame about that bug on PC.

you mean that bug thats been fixed for years now

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formally Huck for Chuck

>shame about that bug on PC.
Which one of them? It's Skyrim-tier specially in late game when it comes to glitches.
I still love it, probably the only NFS ever with tiny tracks with fuck you hairpins and an actual touge.

I still want one

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Are you a Nissan GTR man or a Mitsubishi Evo kinda guy?

>They are the ones who make these decisions.
>EA Decides in no uncertain terms
>- The theme of the game
>- The name
>- The cars in the game
>- The style of the game (Cops, Underground, Exotics , etc)

Great job trusting your devs, EA.

I'm a Mitsubishi GTO kinda guy

Need For Speed Porsche is one of the top. NFS2:SE for nostalgia reasons, same goes for NFS:U2.
Prostreet is underrated and it didn't deserve the fate it got. It was as solid game and a natural continuation for the series.

Evo because no NFS ever had my favorite, GTR32 (from my knowledge), NFS makes the 34 look bulky and weird.
>Nismos fucking never

A man of culture and all that.

This NFS is os damn underrated, i actually enjoyed playing on the Dolphin.

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what is redeeming about it

looks like a recycled mobile phone

All I ask for is a new NFS like Underground, a new Midnight Club, and a new Motorstorm (hell just remake the first one for PS5)

My favourites are nfs 1, most wanted and shift 2
shift 2 is the best nfs[spoiler/]


Porsche Unleashed and Underground.

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I do like underground 1 more than 2. Even with 2 having more of everything, I like the tracks and music from 1 a lot more

Midnight Club 3 is the best arcade-y race game of all time IMO.
I think I have 100% it back to back three times as a teen.

Why was the RSX so OP?

>Motorstorm (hell just remake the first one for PS5)
evolution got canned, codemasters invited them in, they shat the floppest of all flops, codie realized their mistake and canned them even harder

What's the first nfs with car damage?

when I think of nfs I remember as a kid playing online by just making the fastest muscle car I can and slamming into every corner, ending up faster than anyone actually trying to race.
even as a kid I couldn't take the series seriously because of that and played forza instead.

Forza Horizon games have basically replaced Need For Speed, seeing as its more or less a hybrid of NFS, Midnight Club, Project Gotham Racing, Midtown Madness, all rolled into one package.

High Stakes was the first to bring car damage/damage model to the franchise.

good taste

forza 4 actually looks good but no steam

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Underground 2 > Most Wanted > Hot Pursuit > Underground > High Stakes > everything else

codies should just make a touring/road cars game with a F1 style career

pretty sure the one I started playing was after that so they must've went back on it.
at least, I don't remember any actual performance impact from doing it.

tie between most wanted 2005 and underground 2. carbon is also good but not as good as these two.

>need for rubberbands & invisible walls
choose one. they're all objectively bad, only ok thing about them were the tuning which is rated even higher because nostalgia fags. also only thing U1 - most wanted and maybe carbon had going because there wasn't any other choice for similar games back then

High Stakes and Porsche Unleashed from the classic era.

fever for the flava

Same it was the Last good game in the series

I wish they werent so retardedly expensive.

well worth it desu

>No police chases with npc or through pvp
>Locations aren't interesting and are just mockups of different countries with all their states glued together
>Consistently garbage soundtrack every fucking game
>Car sounds get worse every game to the point where some cars sound like they have a lawn mower inside of them
It's not a hybrid of any of those games you listed, it's test drive unlimited with less things to do.

no they fucking arent retard
you sound like a zoomer who never played those games and just think "this game has car go zoom zoom this game like forza kart"

>>No police chases with npc or through pvp
>>Locations aren't interesting and are just mockups of different countries with all their states glued together
>>Consistently garbage soundtrack every fucking game
>>Car sounds get worse every game to the point where some cars sound like they have a lawn mower inside of them
soo just like every nfs game but most wanted except it didn't have that much of exciting places either.