Why was it so disappointing to you?

Just got the game and i'm bored already. Human Revolution was much better and i played it on a fucking console. Is it the hamfisted politics? Maybe its the inferior art style? Also general disappointment thread. What games were massive disappointment to you?

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I'm still mad about Crysis 2 being boilerplate slow chuggy console FPS movie campaign instead of satisfying sandbox super soldier sim

The developers o crysis really went downhill after 1. I can't even think of a game made by them that is good other than crysis 1.

DoW 3 was a big disappointment because they removed good mechanics for no reason and actually came really close to a great game then completely dropped the ball.
Which means we will never see another game in the series.

It wasn't though? MD is just fine, about as good as HR. Less soulful characters and too short but the gameplay is top tier.

MD was a great game, better than HR on every point.

The only bad thing about it is that it's cut in half because Squeenix is greedy and wanted to sell the game piecemeal like Hitman
Except it doesn't work for a narrative-heavy game like Dx.

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I felt the same way. It was so boring compared to the first one.

The game-play of MD is better than HR but it's inferior in just about every other way. Prague wasn't as interesting as Detroit or Hengsha.They don't do enough to set up the villains before the final confrontation. All the new characters feel like they're derivatives of better characters in the previous games.

I honestly felt the combat was tighter in HR minus the shit bosses but i always play stealthy. It seems like sometimes in HR you have to go lethal like on the first level. I also never use augs though so maybe that is it.

>Is it the hamfisted politics?
There's no hamfisted politics in these games. Even the "aug lives matter" is actually a clever fictional recreation of a real human rights movement that was utterly destroyed to the detriment of everyone by the violent retards and entitled freaks demanding special treatment in its ranks.

>Walking in the subway station
>Alex literally says "Are we going to let hate and prejudice take over?"
>Seconds before the augs blow up the subway station proving the bigots right
I guess you do have a point

MD incentivizes non-violence much more than HR. In HR you face omega mercs, Belltower mercs, triad gangsters and nigger gangbangers and very briefly Detroit cops. In MD you're constantly put against Prague cops just doing their job and there's a mission that won't even let you non-lethally incapacitate enemies.

Dark Souls 2, MGS V and Guild Wars 2 were the biggest disappointments in gaming for me.

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Maybe i just need to play it with a controller again considering that is how i played HR. I must've sunk like 120 hours into HR looking for everything i could find.

They replaced old Deus Ex stuff with brow beating about racism.

And you replaced actually playing a game with only complaining about what you think it's about.

This. I usually favor non-lethal/stealth types in this series. In MD nearly every one they put you up against are portrayed so negatively that it broke the immersion for me. Instead of me thinking of them as people I just saw them as "bad guys" to shoot because they were in my way.

>I too love wandering around the cityscape trying to jam ammo into a broken inventory system and regretting ever getting that typhoon system only to get right to the end and find out that this supposedly multiple choice non linear game only ends one of two ways.

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HR felt more cozy compare to md, removing piss filter was a mistake

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It unironically was a good filter. It made the city feel like more of a dystopia. Not to mention it wasn't sunny as fuck.

all the things HR did well (general spirit of dudesex gameplay, level design) are better
all the things that sucked in HR (short length, characters, story) are worse

have you tired playing deus ex because HR or MD has none of it

MGSV was so disappointing I haven't watched any Death Stranding trailers. I couldn't have imagined Kojima would kill the ruse cruise for me.

it was rushed and the UI/HUD/gameplay is noticeably more streamlined to appeal to the COD/HALO normies

It's everything. Scrapped areas, bad optimization, bad writing, only one hub (poorly designed). They didn't improve a SINGLE thing from HR.

>Is it the hamfisted politics?
That's all you came here to discuss. There aren't any hamfisted politics, at least not more than in any other Deus Ex game. The gameplay is improved upon human revolution in every significant way.
The problem are the characters, which aren't as memorable as in the previous one.
You never touched this thing, you were told by 8gag to hate it and convinced it's some kind of SJW propaganda game, which it isn't.
Retards like you, who don't play games and just come here for the drama and identity politcs, are what makes the board unbrowsable.

The original FarCry was pretty dope.

>it's a tranny triggered by a message.
You came here to answer to that. You know shit about the game, crawl back to muslim kombat.

>He thinks the plots were about thinly-veiled real world politic parallels
It's almost like you didn't play the game(s).
The very shit you're referring to is the surface level garbage that all the NPCs and even some major characters are up in arms about.
It's the means of control to incredibly Deus Ex ends.
Fucking Hell, at least complain about the gameplay instead of shit you blatantly don't know about.

>This much projection
Jesus you got all of that from one sentence in my OP? Explain the real life counterparts to the deportations of illegals/milena forging documents and the Aug lives matter/black lives matter. It is almost like you haven't played the game and are assuming others didn't either.

I'm pretty sure you misunderstood the post you responded to entirely.

Right when the games story was picking up and it felt like there would be one final hub and set of side quests and missions it just fucking ends.

>Explain the real life counterparts to the deportations of illegals/milena forging documents and the Aug lives matter/black lives matter
I literally just didIt's the means of control that the Illuminati use to manipulate the world.
"Aug Lives Matter" is literally a campaign slogan devised by the Illuminati.
Yes, elements of the game reflect real world events, just like how DX had a penchant "redpilling" you with socioeconomic monologues.
What is even your point, that it's poorly implemented or that it's tasteless?

It's almost as if you ignored the context of even the first Deus Ex game, when they browsed contemporary conspiracy theory sites and wrote them into the game. Also it's evident that you focused on the things you didn't want to hear or read about, then pretended it was propaganda because they offended your magaboy sensibilities.
The game also dealth with global conspiracies, the complications of transhumanism and the usual stuff in a deus ex game, but you focused on those because they made you cry.

I beat HR and i'm at the beginning of this game currently if you would've actually read my OP. If this is true then good on them. My copy keeps fucking crashing to desktop every 10 minutes though so i don't think i'm going to make it that far.

That's the funny thing, though.
He saw the prerelease and the trailers and thought the game was explicitly about BLM parallels or some shit, ignoring all the conspiracy elements about how everything that parallels world events is part of a manipulation game, I.E. Deus Ex.

>T-they're hamfisted
>I'm only ten minutes into the game and my toaster can't run it
Granted, it is poorly optimized and runs like shit regardless.
I didn't really find HR all that hamfisted. Everybody is making fun of Taggart the whole time, and you can BTFO him in his "boss fight".

"Where were you on 9/11?"

>mentioning 9/11 is hamfisted politics
You're bursting at the seams with stupid, boy.

Um, excuse me sweetie, my pronouns are Xe/Xer.
pic related. Not a toaster. Also HR had no politics apart from conspiracy from what i remember.

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dark souls 2 could have been peak kino if they didnt export half the team to bloodborne once it was 50% finished

You got triggered easily. Pretty relevant

It was worth it user.

That means movie, you memespouting retard.

I don't understand how people like HR and hate MD when they're the same games

We weren't discussing the relevancy of it, you mouthbreather. They mentioned 9/11 in the context of a terrorist attack that happened in the game. You're so stupid and coercible, your posts hurt to read.

For me, it is mainly the art style. Gone is the moody and oppressive atmosphere of Detroit. Now it's sunny outside. It is still oppressive but it just doesn't do it for me.

Same for me dude, Also the game should of moved locations alot more

it’s not over yet.

The story is short and pretty boring, no globetrotting, which is a staple of the franchise, most new characters are lame, terrible multiplayer no one asked for
I don't hate it, it is an improvement in some ways, and while I enjoy the good parts, can't help but feel disappointed about the rest

MGSV was one of the only good MGS games.

>almost half the missions are rehashes

ignore the rehashes and the game is still twice as long as any other mgs game

It didn’t even surpass peace walker

it surpassed peace walker the moment it had controls that weren't absolute fucking garbage

Try dx12 if you haven’t already. Getting solid 60 fps on high with my rx480. Used to be 40 on release.

I pirated the game so it's probably that. If i find another torrent that doesn't crash constantly i'll DL it but i'm definitely not going to buy the game.

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