>no VtMB thread
I guess you guys didnt keep your cool
Bloodlines 2
>Forced thin blood
Step aside, kid. My people will save the genre once again.
>implying CP77 is coming out this year
I like to dream too user
>My people
I hope you meant something else, and aren't a polish patriot beaming with pride over fucking CDPR of all things lmao
>studio has only made mediocrity and predatory microtransactions
>publisher known for cash in tactics
>"remember this"
its ghostbusters remake all over again
This is the most monkey paw'd I've ever been
I wanted a sequel for so many years and got exactly what I didn't want
For starters "Bloodlines 2" makes me fucking mad. Bloodlines 2 is just what people refered to "a sequel" as. The actual game we would have wanted would've had it's own original title.
Secondly, the entire fucking rest of it, forced first person and all the rest. In a most Souls/Jedi Academy world we live in, this is not the route that should've been taken.
Hand posture reminds me of that salt meme guy
I can't wait for this trash to be so fucking horrible, trannies are fucking garbage and everything they've ever worked on is literally retarded, slowed down by their insanity
Dunno user, i think its too early to tell. For better or worse, lot of the writers from the original are back for this one. Gameplay has never been vtmb stronger side. So far the only bad thing i can say is that some of their comments about the in game politics rub me the wrong way
>implying vampire is
I have zero love for trannies but if they trigger you fags this badly i wish it will be full of them.
I live 10 minutes away from that guy's restaurant, but it's ridiculously expensive. I'd rather buy the game for that price.
>Yea Forums: "man i sure do hope the game is good, because i want to have fun with it"
>/pol/: "man i sure wish this game is shit so i can trigger the libs"
Can't wait to do all vampire stuff like... fighting neo-nazis, disgusting cis people and saying YESSS QUEEN when hijab wearing tranny rapes filthy wh*te woman. This is exactly what being a vampire is all about.
Release Bannerlord, you fucking turkebap.
The white man shan't stand by your constant delays and cryptic schedule much longer.
He's cringe in everything but the original video.
holy fuck you bargain basement faggoty little kid
Its a teaser from the latest trailer.
>And now he starts posting wojaks.
Just put some cream on it.
A guy on my Steam friendlist is actually doing its sound design and from time to time I see him playing it. Is it good though? Haven't played any of the M&B games.
Jokes on you it's only $22 for the Bloodmoon edition on the local kebab Steam store. We're a poor nation user, $60 is a lot of money here as of now.
Um... that's a mirror user
How have you not been put to death for being a tranny if you are in a poor nation?
Oh, do i look that much like you?
>For starters "Bloodlines 2" makes me fucking mad.
Why couldnt they just fucking make a new VTM game instead of piggybacking on a game that doesnt fucking need a sequel
No, I'm a man
Could have fooled me.
>people aren't excited for Paradox shit
Wow what a surprise
Marxism can NEVER create anything. EVER. It can only consume and destroy. It can force people to create things at gunpoint of course, but when marxists try to create something new they just copy something else really poorly and inject a ton of their shitty political religion into it.
Because that's not how marketing works. The game could be completely unrelated but by not calling it bloodlines 2 they'd be shooting their own sales figures in the foot.
Well, lack of awareness and transgenderism ARE symptoms of autism, so...
>A game takes place in my hometown that isn't fucking Infamous Second Son
I don't know how to feel about this
Because paradox is a bunch of corporatist niggers that only cares about sales and money and not about the game, setting, or story
Marketing it as anything else is presuming they care about the setting or the game itself, which is not true
>thinblood takes up a clan slot on the game's website
What a load of barnacles.
>A method of sociopolitical analysis can't create something.
What did he mean by this?
I belive you, you seem to have first hand experience on such matters.
>human beings: man I sure do hope this game is fun
>human beings: oh trannies are working on this game it's going to suck
Sure love posting that as if it means anything
Old books didn't try to dictate your out of game politics
If you can't comprehend that then whatever, you'll never find a worthwhile table to gayme at
Otherwise they couldn't sell Jeanette's outfit and traffic cone as day one dlc
>a for profit software development company paid for by a for profit software publishing company to make a new iteration of a beloved software brand set in a beloved printed RPG is Marxism
Cute projection, isn't it time for you to go dilate?
>the employees of a company can't be members of a cult
I think it's clear. In much the same way democracy, keynsianism, and anarchy cannot create anything, neither can another ideology literally create anything
Nah, never done any of that. But you go right ahead, we'll wait.
Yeah, that's the problem. If they weren't retarded keyboard commies they'd be busy making a good game instead of making a muslim tranny simulator to appease their insane ideology
>employees of plastics factory are christian
>"Christianity created pink dragon dildos"
V5 is not beloved
The title is stolen and rules of the markets be damned
Vampire and all World of Darkness intellectual properties died when they literally censored and removed the actual writers of White Wolf and replaced them with their own
Death to Paradox
Death to America
>muslim tranny simulator
What the fuck are you talking about, you mentally ill brainlet?
>employees of a dildo factory stop making dildos and start making crosses
>people complain
I'm talking about Bloodlines 2, the muslim tranny simulator created by retarded keyboard communists hired entirely for their woke posts on twitter
That's actually what the mage mobile game/visual novel was about
Stop dillating the analogy, user.
I will as soon as you stop mutilating our video games
>Bloodlines 2, the muslim tranny simulator
No, you failed abortion.
Yes, yes it is. Remember this when you play it and it's filled with literal muslim trannies
probably the sequel's first mistake
forcing you to play as the weakest of all vampire breeds... why not a caitiff? they can pick their own clan but they're not as weak as aids bloods
Because they're fucking faggots and they're obsessed with bugchasing, why the fuck else? You think this shit is a fucking accident?
Seething tumblr redditor hitlerostalinist transtranssdual he-lesbian.
Looks like we're over the target boys, it's afraid!
Hahahaha! Holy fuck I got you good jew! Seething as fuck! How's it feel that yuour peoople are remembered for gay rights and being gassed you filthy rat yid.
yeah, this shit is getting streamlined
all thin bloods will have the same skills and your clan will just give you a few perks like a fireball or some bullshit
no replayability whatsoever
I sure hope that creature has already joined the 40%
oh boy I sure am glad we're going to get this retarded thread from people who don't even play video games every day for the next year
Yea Forums - Video Games.
I just want to play as a Lasombra. How long till the Lasombra DLC gets announced?
Bonus points when you realize that after the game releases and people who play it want to discuss on Yea Forums, this is the kind of responses we'd get.
Imagine the game is good, great even, awesome, a worthy successor. We would STILL get garbage like this ruining the thread and ruining the shared experience of it.
White Wolf haven't written the tabletop games for over 5 years, they're written, largely by the same freelancers, for Onyx Path.
But please tell me more about how you're so knowledgable about WoD.
Don't worry, it definitely fucking won't be
>all thin bloods will have the same skills and your clan will just give you a few perks like a fireball or some bullshit
So the same as the first Bloodlines then? What's the problem?
damn cockroach.
based SJW devs
mage BTFO
I mean the most awarded video game of all time and the game with the highest critic scores and user scores came from Poland so...
that's NOT a man baby
>Yea Forums is a hivemind
anons can't agree on shit here, this is nothing new.
anybody have the woke clan from the rulebook of some boardgame???
There is no disagreement here, its just people with no opinion on the game coming in and talking about how much they hate gays and how jews are to blame.
>he thinks the game is going to be good
damn ahuviya harel looks like THAT?
>member santa monica pier? I 'member and NEW game has location just like OLD GAME
This is the first screnshoot on steam and it makes me wonder what fucking corporate monkey decided to focus on it and question if they actually understand why people care about bloodlines.
It's certainly not because of a classic location with 3 bums in it.
>getting mad that jews are universally hated
>getting mad that long term V:TM and OWoD larpers come in and tell you taht your jew infused game is going to be shit
Get mad lil yid. :)
World of Darkness is 90s goth territory. Which has a major crossover with LGBT, polyamory and pagan communities.
If you've ever made a post about people "invading" a community then you should shut the fuck up because that's what you're doing.
>Goths are LGBT, Polyshit, pagan
Fuck are you serious?
No goths were occult christians. I know because I was IN the fucking scene in the 90's, shit twink.
That doesn't mean it sucked as much as this trash
>the republicans are the real goths, you fucking infidel >:(
Starting Clans
Jesus fucking christ how desperate, just like the pathetic keyboard trannies who are working on this game you just can't fucking get ORANGE MAN BAD out of your tiny NPC script
Based, going there for sure.
Yes I'm serious there are plenty of crossovers, I used to help run a club night that took place in an old church (bring you own beer, shit was cash). Fucking 90% of the "Wicca" people are goths.
>animated trailer
>occult christians
>same as puritan christians
Are you serious? Did you even plat V:TM? The original game I mean. It's literally all about Christian occultism. The 90's scene was all about Christian occultism. Why do you think Cain is the first vampire? Christian occultism and universalism was the big thing in the 90's. No one gave a fuck about pagan like no one gives a fuck about them now. Watch any Goth centric TV show, movie, album from the 90's it's all about Christianity and occultism.
Holy fuck I can't believe I have to explain this to some shit twink who was born after the turn of the century.
90's Wicca shit was just satanism (occult christianity). It had almost nothing to do with paganism. You had all this white witch shit going around as well. It was nothing to do with WODAN and all your /pol/ pagan larper trash.
>I ran a club
No you didn't shit twink.
>yes, i am saying the goth subculture was an expression of judeo-christian values
>but no, you aren't correct to assume my political pronouns
>muh transgender
>muh pronouns
>muh liberal trash
>muh portland
there's nothing about this game that appeals to straight men.
fucking pathetic.
shan't be buying.
That's fucking weird, man.
Everyone around here tried to distance themselves from Christianity with deep spiritual paganism. Not american though
tfw no goth gf with huge tits anymore
>doesn't know what the word occult means
>he thinks every single think that slightly references christianity is a christian cult
Using that logic christianity is a pagan cult.
You are a fucking moron
christianity is a cult, but not a pagan cult.
you couldn't enter the theme park anyways, just the beach and an arcade with no owners (for some strange reason)
i hope you can in this game to feed on unsuspecting children
what's weird is if you noclip behind the gate and go to the end of the pier, there are benches behind the building. you would never see them so it's weird that they bothered to put props there.
>paganism is all MUH VIKINGS.
k, whatever you say LARPer, no one with your attitude could have been in the scene for more than 20 minutes.
Do you think a person saying "shit twink" with every post, while insisting they must be over 40 years old (to have been in the peak goth scene), and posting in a video game thread on an anime forum about how much he hates gays, is lying? Are you sure?
The 90's were literally all about spiritual christianity or new wave christianity. Everyone was christian back then and this was a way of incorporating the occult into it whilst rebelling against the authoritarian and puritan church at the time. There is a reason OWoD is completely based on biblical stories and teaching and why most of the 90's goth shows were about the Christian occult stories based in the bible such as Cain, Vampires and Demons etc.
Lmao you were clearly born after 2000 I can smell the shit twink stink on you.
>I ran a club
HAHAHAHAHAHA Holy fuck did you think that'd actually work here? Did you think you'd fucking convince me you dumb fucking millenial cunt?
Holy shit.
Why do you react this way to a picture of a woman? Are you normally obsessed with suicide?
Alright confirmed for a sickening tranny I knew it
Helping to organise a bring your own beer night in a church is not a hard thing to do, you could do it right now. It's even easier now because all you need to DJ it is a laptop and virtual DJ, no fucking about with CDs.
>I ran a club in the 90's
>I had a BYOB night in a church like 5 years ago
I'm smelling some pinky porkies here millenicunt.
>The 90's were literally all about spiritual christianity or new wave christianity. Everyone was christian back then.
Atheism was booming among the youth in the 1990s, you fuckboi twinkshit poopsmell. For the USA, it was probably at its height back then.
Nah I'm positive it's a biological woman. Just wondering if there's anything you want to talk about because that kind of reaction sounds like you're conflicted, and maybe not in the way you're expressing. To see a picture of a woman and start talking about suicide seems like something else is going on. Are you confused by or afraid of death?
you must be 18 years of age or older to post here
>atheism was booming in the 90's
No it fucking wasn't! Atheism started booming in the late 2000's. It had nothing to do with the Goth scene. Holy fuck it's like I have to literally teach recent history to millenials.
I literally said it was a club NIGHT, in a church, which was BYOB, it ran once a month.
fucking sickening
Was the witcher 3 really better recieved than Deus ex or morrowind? I mean it's a good game but not THAT good.
WRONG. Atheism was popular in the youth before 9/11. I have no idea why you are continuing to lie, do you expect people to take Yea Forums posts over their own memory? You aren't fooling anyone, and can't.
Well if you're just going to deflect and not really want to talk about anything, I'll just tell you to maybe do some reading into transhumanism.
CDPR hired detectives to find all the blogs with 10 unique users that nominated it as GOTY, so they can count as many as possible.
Really the amount of awards you get is directly dependent on how petty you are when determining what counts. After all these "rewards" are literally a website saying so, nothing else.
>I know because I was IN the fucking scene in the 90's, shit twink.
There is no such thing as a singular goth scene, you poser faggot. They separated scenes by geographical location for a reason, e.g. the New York punk scene was not the same thing as the London punk scene.
Holy fuck is this what you heard from dawkins millenial? Absolutely fucking garbage. Christianity was still MAJORLY important amongst youngsters in the 90's. It's why the occult christianity phase of goths became so prevalent. Holy fuck. Why do you think we all wore crosses and ankhs you fucking retard?
>Club night
>Thinks he has enough experience to talk about he goth scene
Fuck off shittwink millenial.
Does Poland have anything else?
>The 90's were literally all about spiritual christianity or new wave christianity. Everyone was christian back then.
>Christianity was still MAJORLY important amongst youngsters in the 90's.
in just 2 posts
add as many HOLY FUCKs and HAHAHHAHAHAHs to your post shit twink, you are still a larping child
What an embarassing lack of reading comphrehension. Not even him.
I never said that. I said there wasn't ONE goth scene. There were dozens. Being a goth in Germany, for example, meant something very different to being a goth in America. You can't lump the people who listened to shit like Throbbing Gristle together with the people who listened to shit like Marilyn Mason. That's just stupid.
Goth in Europe was basically the lolita thing for women and the dapper suit thing for guys, no?
Wow the amount of millenials who didn't even play V:TM or OWoD and probably first bought V:TM:B when it came out steam sale is staggering. What's it like to have no history and no idea of where these things came from or the scene that spawned them? What's it like being so wrong in life? God I'm so glad I wasn't born after 2000. Being a millenial seems like it's literal scum time. xD
>VTM threads are now /pol/ack infested
Why? Did someone post nuWoD cherrypicks in /pol/? Fuck off back to your containment cells
And where's my tremere
>Christianity 99% majorly important in the 90's to kids.
>Makes the Goth scene not all about Christian occultism
Why are people doomsaying over this game? We haven't even seen fucking gameplay yet, I'm staying on the fence till its actually out and seeing if it's sjw trash or not. I'll likely pirate it anyway because fuck Paradox.
>GTA 2077
>Did someone post nuWoD cherrypicks in /pol/?
Yep, on the day the game was announced. They've been raiding since. Surprised the exact same copy of the Rudi image from /tg/, with the same filename and same filesize, wasn't posted ITT as well. It has like 50 uploads to Yea Forums by now.
>Why won't you like my game that glorified trannies written by a full on Socjus developer who killed off the original world of darkness team!? YOU MUST BE POL
That's some serious reaching and seething.
>Why do you think we all wore crosses and ankhs you fucking retard?
Because it's morbid. Even if you aren't a larper, your scene must have just been an offshoot of punk that got into it through Sisters or some shit, because they're the only group I know that has anything like your attitude.
There's lots of different kinds of goth, but yeah that sort of thing is still really big, it's crossed over with the steampunk people a lot these days.
>within my conscious life experience the arrival of the internet, mobile phones, social media, the huge change they brought
>some 15 year old larping shit twink calls me a zoomer
>ends his post with an unironic xD
Why lie? You are posting on an instinct, be conscious, think before acting. Why even bother lying?
Why would you strawman someone when the actual text is literally the previous post, and anyone can read it?
>because it's morbid
>not because of the influence of christanity, vampirism, demonism, occultism etc
Are you serious millenial shittwink?
>caught lying
>accuse others of lying
Hmmm it's almost as if you've been caught out and now are projecting and deflecting.
>Wow the amount of millenials who didn't even play V:TM or OWoD and probably first bought V:TM:B when it came out steam sale is staggering.
I'm only commenting on bullshit claims made about the goth scene.
>What's it like to have no history and no idea of where these things came from or the scene that spawned them?
Are you the guy claiming it's all about the 90s? Because that's objectively wrong. Bloodlines is definitely 80s. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Probably because you weren't alive in the 80s.
Yeah, I remember someone linking a /pol/ thread when it was announced of them REEEEEEEEEEEING about Rudi, who apparently isn't even in the game anyway. Pretty much every thread, even about the original vtmb has someone spamming it and rarely one getting mad about the jabs at republicans in the first one.
>written by a full on Socjus developer
Avellone and Mitsoda are sjws?
You are 12.
It's a single player story driven RPG. Paradox makes simulators with infinite replay value and Hardsuit Labs made a free-to-play online shooter. I don't think their previous DLC and microtransaction policies would work here.
"Someone" is openly making a VTMB sequel with trannies and politics, so that's what you're going to be fucking getting from now on. Blame them. If you want to discuss VTMB1, make a thread exclusively for that, and for the tabletop Ignorant retard.
Avellone doesn't like dating sim bullshit in RPGs so according to Yea Forums he is.
It is a fact that when the game was announced, there were multiple threads on /pol/.
It is a fact that images were cherrypicked from /tg/ and reposted all over /pol/ and Yea Forums.
It is a fact that those were the exact same scans and crops, as evidenced by file size and hashes.
It was not some grassroots mass of nerds all scanning their manuals, it was one guy scanning it, and a lot of people who never were into the RPG reposting it all over.
And these exact cherrypicked images from the /pol/ threads on release (threads which linked to Yea Forums threads for maxxximum raiding) are being reposted on Yea Forums now, incidentally attached to posts that talk about SJW shit and not the game.
All of this is factual. What the fuck are you about?
>Avellone doesn't like dating sim bullshit in RPGs
Dating sim bullshit ruins RPGs
>no gameplay
Nothing to talk about.
>ywn have a comfy vtmb thread ever again because some /pol/tard will try to derail it to bitch about the nuBloodlines and spam the same few images
I just want to talk about the first game, there's hardly anything to discuss about the nuOne anyway since all there is are interviews with devs and one outsourced CG trailer. I'm not giving a shit till the games actually out and I can figure out if it's actually sjw shit or if everyone was getting worked up over nothing again like with Far Cry 5.
I'm not sure why but during the past year several threads have just been filled with people accusing everyone of being a tranny (Anything that's not a smash/sekiro/epic v steam/console war thread).
I don't understand why it's happening, over 50% of the threads currently up on /r9k/ are about trannies, most generals on /vg/ have descended into erp tranny posting and any genuine video game discussion on this board like Classic WoW/VtMB gets invaded by people shitting up the thread and trying to turn that into tranny posting too.
>you aren't allowed to talk about X!!!!!!!!!
lmao limp impotent incel rage from a flaccid emasculated basement nerd
>must be the boogeyman can't be that people read articles about it and they looked shitty
VtMB1 already had gays/bisexuals and politics and a shitload of other stuff that upsets conservatives. Have they really shown exactly what the political stuff is going to be in 2? Because there's plenty to criticize but getting upset over that stuff just makes you seem like you're grasping at straws.
>trannies and politics
Where did they mention trannies? And iirc they never specified if that meant real world politics or the politics in game between the clans and factions.
>um um um it might not have trannies in it
You're going to be interacting with muslim trannies in that game from the first fucking instant, I guarantee it
>If you want to discuss VTMB1, make a thread exclusively for that,
Sure it won't get derailed into bitching about the sequel.
>The 90's were literally all about spiritual christianity or new wave christianity.
I'm Easter European, Christianity was still kind of cucked here during the 90s as an after effect of gommunism (it's now MUCH stronger and present in culture than it was 20+ years ago).
So gloomy edgelord kids couldn't really be satanists seriously since rebelling against cucked religion was kind of pointless. Goths here didnt start to shape up until mid-late 90s and were just metalheads at first and then swapped into pagan and spiritual shit pretty fast. It helps that Norway was right around the corner with their meme odin metal
There was also a ton of crossbreeding with actual LARPers pretending to be elfs and shit in a forest.
They said you can choose your pronouns on character creation, so you can make a girl, but have everyone act as if its a boy. This upsets some people from some board, not that I know, pure speculation, but just saying.
I think it's the stormcunts having a collective breakdown.
So I'm just suppose to take your word instead of any actual evidence?
>complain about socjus developers
>complain that white wolf was gutted
Do you like SJWs or not, sweety? White Wolf were the biggest fucking tumblr socjus bunch out there and them getting shut down had nothing to do with Paradox being too much into that.
>implying they've ever read a since sourcebook.
Was that image with dev notes or something about the black, gay, Muslim vampire whose shtick as the leader was fighting for oppressed minorities a shitpost or the real deal? I saw that floating around and thought someone was taking the piss.
Santa Monica was an amazing starting hub.
>expecting him to know anything about white wolf
>expecting him to have seen all the antifa stuff in the rule books
he's an outsider, plain to see
Sounds retarded but I'm not going to lose my shit over that. Again there's very little other being shown to tell you what the game is, only what devs said that can be taken as X or Y, like the politics comment. Until the game is out or we see much footage of gameplay we won't actually know for sure how sjw it is or not.
>proof is for FAGS lmao!!
user pls you're being silly
>antifa stuff in the rule books
Not him but what? Also from what I've seen there's always been some sjw tendencies and undertones in this shit, same as cyberpunk 2020 and Yea Forums gets mad when that shit is shown in the games.
>Vampire game without politics
>loads game
>try to talk to first character
>Why are they using the popular and established brand name
user are you braindead?
It's technically part of the canon lore but that doesn't mean it's going to be in the game, and just being part of the canon lore doesn't mean everyone likes it.
v5 is great though.
>Game comes out
>It has trannies
>But all of them are Malkavian or a Malks ghoul
How would /vpol/ react?
It's gotten worse in the past year though, I wonder how they'd react if the first game came out today. I'm surprised they don't shitpost about how the only Ventrue in the first game is unlikable, white and backstabbing which forces the white establishment = evil boogeyman.
Because the entire point of forcing you to play thinblood is that you're a weak ass faggot
Literally never said that.
They all may be grouped together with a retarded acronym, but the gap between the LGB and the T is significant.
>Have they really shown exactly what the political stuff is going to be in 2?
Not exactly, but the implication is clear if you put it all together. How they kept saying they're going to try not to offend anyone and something along the lines of "carefully approaching sensitive topics". Yeah. Not looking great at all.
I can tell you it's not going to just occasionally make fun of Trump, because that wouldn't even be an issue.
"Pronouns" were advertised as a character creation feature right at launch.
There is actually a malk tranny in canon
i have 5 gog keys for the super expensive dlc whatever version. where can i sell them? g2a?
So what are the chances we get a actually useful ghoul this time like say Mercuiro instead of a useless ugly cunt like Heather in the first one?
>getting mad that long term V:TM and OWoD larpers come in and tell you taht your jew infused game is going to be shit
No, I'm getting mad at /pol/acks pretending to know oWoD
>at launch
The announcement, I mean.
Still mad because they don't know the setting or what a Malk is.
pretty poor voice acting
Most critically acclaimed games would be shouted down as being SJW shit these days, these games have always been that way inclined.
I'm surprised that more people didn't lose their minds when Ed Greenwood called people assholes for claiming the Baldur's Gate remaster was too "Political"
yep, the bat plasmid
It must be absolutely liberating for you not to have to login to your extra reddit account to respond to your own comments
Fuck them, game is going to be kino nothing these /pol/tards can say will change the fact.
alright men
it's my first VTMB playthrough, what's the best combination of combat+lore i can get with a character build? i want to effectively kill everything and talk to anyone like a max charisma mage playthrough of plan escape torment
Heather did get you body armour, easy blood and 500 dollars.
So how are they treating Gehenna?
im selling it for 20 euro each
/pol/fags can be retarded. Far Cry 5 sucks but I remember when it came out someone getting mad about the BADASS mutt sniper chick's mission tor recruit her has you defending the graves of gulf War veterans from the cult destroying them because her dad was one of them and he got laughed out of the thread because he thought they were WW2 vets or some shit.
>bloodlines about the 80's
>literally set in the 90's
>complains about people knowing nothing about OWoD
>only experience of OWoD is bloodlines
This is a thread full of cope.
Is path of levinbolt in V5?
Tremere or Ventrue I'd say.
Malkavian is only special on a repeat playthrough.
You're meant to roleplay, but Persuasion is the most useful convo stat, lockpicks/hacking is useful, focus on a discipline in particular and pump those defense stats, both melee and guns are ideal.
>/pol/fags can be retarded.
>only experience of OWoD is bloodlines
Now that's some projecting you're doing
Tremere are mages but they tend to not be good at social shit, you could properly spec into it though. Toreador are the best for talking and iirc can become great with a gun, Venture as well.
And someone like Mercurio got me access to new weapons to toy with. He was overall more useful.
They are both useful, Ghouls are great and some of the only genuine characters in the game, even if it is only because of an addiction.
Tremere is pretty OP, max out Blood magic attack and you kill your enemies while also replenishing your own blood pool. Malk is similarly broken in that you can max out Obfuscate (move invisibly) to cheese past 90% encounters (killing enemies does not reward experience, only completing objectives).
Tell me about your OWoD experience then user.
Far cry 5 was not really what i expected, the bad guys are just basically new age doomsdayers more like the Jonestown thing.
>i want to effectively kill everything and talk to anyone like a max charisma mage
You'll probably want to play Ventrue. Their Dominate Discipline is pretty strong and works in dialogue. Get it up to level 3 ASAP for the instant-kill on humans and to unlock all dialogue uses.
>Bloodlines is definitely 80s
"We're living in the age of cell phone cameras. Fuck-ups ain't tolerated."
Pick Brujah (axes and shit) or Toreador (guns).
Both of those have the most broken ability in the game - Celerity that turns you into fucking Neo.
Early combat is easy anyway, just try getting celerity to 3 around Hollywood and some minimal combat stats. After 3 (and especially after 4) it's broken and trivializes ALL combat.
Brujah is probably easier due to better combat disciplines and guns being really shit early on.
Having a celerity crutch leaves you with a lot more stats to put towards dialogue/hacking and such.
The actual "mage" classes (Toreador, Ventrue, Malk) are kind of iffy in my opinion. Their magic is super busted against humans but bosses and vampire enemies are a lot more resistant. Certain abilities like obfuscate that trivialize most of the game don't work against final bosses for example. So you have to focus more on weapon leveling with those.
What's there to tell? It's a fun RPG setting with a lot of really stupid shit in it.
Take a fucking look at Werewolf or Mage.
>thin bloods
>having a clan
Are you legit fucking retarded m8?
You mean death to sweden, asshole. Paradox isn't from america.
Not him, One day I'm going to run a game where a tiny fraction of a Daiklaive will be a plot device because I love the idea of Exalted as pre-history to WoD and if I ever had to run Caine I'd run him as an ess 3-4 Abyssal.
Shillfag pls
Thinbloods deserve a wild hunt on their asses
Umm sweety.. they are now.
Wow that's some really incredible experience user. I see you actually know a whole ton about OWoD from you saying
>It's a fun RPG
That's really incredible. It's almost as if you know nothing about the system and you're a discord tranny trying to shill you discord tranny writer friends who are behind the game on here.
It's almost as if you're shilling.
user no please.
>Malkavian is only special on a repeat playthrough.
what did he mean by this
What the fuck do you want me to say?
Am I supposed to storytime so some faggots on Yea Forums stop being quite as retarded as they are?
He means that a lot of the lines are only "ooooh thats what he means" when you already know what they are predicting.
Exalted is the best. Please don't let paranoia combat 2e autism ruin it.
The foresight the Malk player has is mirrored by you know what's coming and I think that makes it way cooler.
Yeah, everyone thought it would be FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE THE GAME when most of your allies were redneck gun loving Christians. I remember there being a guy from Cali who's always going on about yoga and kale and shit as well.
I've met the very rare one who actually gives arguments for his points instead of spamming the FOTM meme like NPC.
should i be excited about this game
i mean i played the first one and it was p wonky and gave me a headache
>And someone like Mercurio got me access to new weapons to toy with. He was overall more useful.
Fat mike (F-A-T) has the best gun and also sells body armor though. Mercurio is a bit redundant and annoying to visit in santa Monica, meanwhile heather hangs around the house and gives you the best armor.
I assume that you'll pick up on the foreshadowing easier when you've already played the game.
I dunno who started that meme of never playing Malk first but I wish they didn't do it. Some people say you can only enjoy playing Malk if you do it on your second playthrough so you understand all the foreshadowing, but that's bullshit. Not understanding it is more in line with the Malkavian curse and actually struggling to decipher your own responses is interesting. Compare that to playing it a second time and immediately getting it all, which might still be fun in its own way, but not the same.
You really shouldn't be pushing someone to play or not play a certain clan. Tell them to read the descriptions, Disciplines, etc. during the selection screen and pick what they feel most drawn toward. Or to just do the in-game quiz.
>exalted is the best
He's not, Paradox/Onyx is though, and terrible heap that is v5
I just came here to say that VTMB was always a game for the left and if youre unorinically a drumpf supporter/fascist you should fuck off to r/thedonald
This franchise is not for you, never was and never will be.
Just do the quiz and go with what they gave you. I got Gangrel.
I genuinely don't get why people are surprised jabs at Trump are common. If CnC generals were made today it'd probably be about a trade war with china escalating to a real one and there'd be a "general" which is a businessman with a strange tan.
Malks are gunners with some crowd control and stealth.
Toreadors are also gunners, but MUCH better. Though guns are OP in the endgame by design.
Ventrue are tanks, they are good with any kind of weapon.
>Fat mike
It's Fat Larry, motherfucker.
I don't think he sells body armor in the vanilla game though. That might be a plus patch change. And I think you can only get the SWAT rifle and auto shotgun from Mercurio. Heather also has to die for you to get the body armor, unless you're playing with the plus patch which lets you keep her without dying, which is stupid IMO.
>t. discord tranny pedophile who wants to turn underaged children into sexslaves (who doesn't care about VTM at all but wants to shill for his discord tranny writers)
It was F-A-T Larry. I am curious if you'll be allowed get a ghoul.
Except that gameplay has been shown???
Dunno under what rock you live but you should watch
the vid before saying stuff like that, especially GTA 2077 since it's not even
third person or handles guns the same way
>what the best x
you are not an rpg player but an efficiency drone. go back to fortnite kid.
You know that by calling me a tranny nothing about the facts i posted changes right?
It just shows your low IQ but thats to be expected from altright farts.
>discord tranny pedophile abuser shill discord tranny
No, you're the discord tranny pedophile abuser shill discord tranny pedophile abuser shill discord tranny!
Problem is they think vtmb was for a 'certain era' and using playful stereotypes to make memorable characters is old hat, so now they go full woke.
Playing vtmb 2 will just make you want to replay vtmb 1.
This is your sign.
I've been disappointed with most sequels to my favorite games, but worst case scenario is that 2 sucks while getting a lot of more people to play 1. And then we get VtMB in virtual reality.
You're using the word tranny like its an insult or something lmao
Evnthough i am not a trans person i have tremendous respect for them so use that word as much as you like it doesnt make me feel bad at all, i bet every single trans person is a better human than you are.
>struggling to decipher your own responses is interesting
It's not because you can't decipher your responses. Malk doesn't talk in references to actual conversation, malk regularly talks about shit that didnt happen yet and might not happen for a few hours especially if you get distracted by side quests.
It's complete nonsense to a new player and the playthrough is wasted if it's not followed up by a second malkavian play-through where dialogue makes sense in context.
In addition going normal game -> malk game expands your experience through meta references where malk -> normal is a nothingburger.
That guy is alright too, now show us your face.
>and the playthrough is wasted
It's not wasted if it's enjoyed. You can play Malk again to fully understand it all, but playing it first is still unique and enjoyable in its own way. You don't have to completely understand everything to appreciate it, and it might even help with the atmosphere of being thrown into this new universe.
me on the left
So since the steam page mentions a few returning faces, who do you thinks coming back? Damsel, Beckett? It's likely not anyone the player can have killed or not like Mercurio or Therese/Jeanette.
Umm sweaty, are you really trying to halt progressive devs???
Beckett a hundred percent.
Pirate, Jew, Stop Sign, Graveyard Keeper should return.
Prince, Sisters, Mercurio, should stay dead.
I doesn't look like it's v5 going from the thinblood reveal
Oh, an anime demon hunter thing should NOT return holy fuck how out of place was that, I thought I've installed some mod unintentionally with the patch since I must've skilled it on my original playthrough.
Yukie was based.
I don't care how pleb I sound but I still get goosbumps at the end of the announcement trailer.
Hopefully we get a based black dude like FAT LARRY WITH A F-A-T, I can only hope.
It used to be tolerable and it was a pretty good system, all things considered.
It went down the shitter since then.
Now, about Bloodlines 2: why do devs spout political bullshit before showing any gameplay? They should really set their priorities straight. My expectations are sinking lower and lower.
Soundtrack teaser when?
It never is you limp dick cuck.
Tolerable compared to what we have now, you dumb nigger.
>VTMB Thread
>No ISOLATED posting
This place really has gone to shit.
They haven't really been spouting political bullshit, just telling what the game will be like.
Political bullshit is political bullshit. They've been screaming about being "progressive", whatever the fuck that means nowadays. Not to mention they're gutting Malks so they won't insult the precious snowflakes, Jesus Christ.
Until proper gameplay comes out I won't even consider pirating this.
Aren't these Disciplines abit OP?
And will you gain even more Disciplines when you become like say.. Ventrue? Like I'd have 3 + another 3 disciplines?
>if it's enjoyed.
It's enjoyed through the quality of the game itself.
Malk isnt written in a way where the writing is beneficial for a first timer.
>You can play Malk again to fully understand it all
I've found playing Malk after Malk really boring actually. Their actual gameplay is kind of shit. Obfuscate is strong but one-dimensional and slow and their magic is shit outside of fucking with civilians.
>Aren't these Disciplines abit OP?
Maybe against humans lmao.
>Not to mention they're gutting Malks so they won't insult the precious snowflakes, Jesus Christ.
Literally renamed a skill, you fearmongering twat.
Why do people keep saying they gutted Malks? The only thing I saw to that effect was them saying treating mental illness a bit more seriously. That just sounds like no fishmalks like the Malk MC in the first game was.
>Not to mention they're gutting Malks so they won't insult the precious snowflakes, Jesus Christ.
You act like your own assumptions are facts. We know nothing about malks in the game
you sound like reddit incarnate.
What the hell are you talking about
>is just a glorified xyray vision
>level 2 you can now see who's vampires and who's not!
>level 3 uhhh you can now see the moods of people
>you get +5 health and +5 armor
>level 2 gets you +10 health +10 armor +5 hp regen
I just know and swear they're going to go down this path.. These disciplines in the first game were boring and uninteresting.
>turn to mist
>bat signal
are so damn useful
>Try to discuss DMC5 with an online friend
>All they keep doing is dismissing it with tranny comments related to Lady and going on constantly about SJWs in gaming
I just want to talk about video games, holy fuck.
Reddit has infected this board like a plague.
>inb4 /pol/ boogeyman
I doubt any of you faggots know what /pol/ is actually like. And newfags screaming "sjw" can fuck off too.
Yea Forums is tranny/reddit containment board prove me wrong.
>invade space
>call the natives invaders
dont do that
fuck off discord tranny
Saying it multiple times doesn't make it true.
>Not shitposting ironically
Based Muslims killing you freaks
What the Hell happened? We had a VTMB2 thread yesterday with the thin blood announcement and it was good. Are we being raided? This thread is a disaster, I can practically smell the spittle foam from some of these faggots screaming about trannies.
>people have an opinion on a bad game
>why didn't anyone post yesterday?!!?!?
Because nobody noticed your bullshit yesterday retarded cuck
>Save the genre
I don't expect anything from the same people who did a Ubisoft game clone, but with better dialogs and soundtrack.
>Why do people keep saying they gutted Malks?
Some journalist said VtMB's portrayal of mental illness was problematic, and people posted the quote here without the name of who said it so people started attributing it to the devs.
MItsoda literally said that though tranny.
It was Mitsoda himself who said that in during the reveal event.
There are 60 posters in this thread, like 5 of them are the haters, and 10-15 just join in when they see the dogpile. If you get lucky to not have cynical bitter jaded faggots notice your thread, the swarm won't feel the need to join them, and you can have a good talk about the actual game.
You posted that pic again in another thread about VTMB 2, saying pretty much the same things.
Now, either you autistically like that game to the point of interjecting it to other threads, so fuck you. Or you are actually a paid shill of this game....so fuck you.
Did he actually say he had a problem with it or just that he wants to be sensitive how mental illness is portrayed? That's not the same thing and he basically said the latter during an interview for 1 too so it doesn't mean anything.
If the devs wanted to distance themselves from VtMB's Malk, they wouldn't be including the stop sign as a deluxe edition item.
>feels stronger
>has telekinesis
I'm confused aren't thinbloods complete shitters who are actually worse than human since they share all of the same downsides as regular vamps but have none of the upsides? Also wouldn't these be even weaker thinbloods since it's 15 years later and presumably it was a thinblood who sired you?
Holy fuck read the interview tranny.
He literally said that VTM:B had serious issues and problematic reflections on mental illness, sex and other socjus issues that they will address in VTM:B2
Devs say it was problematic when the original game makes fun stuff with Malks all the time.
They can have strange powers like that.
No idea dude, looks strange to me too, then again i only played the game. Maybe its a tabletop thing
Thinbloods and even ghouls shit all over humans.
Are you aware that if not for /pol/ the majority of people would skip ruddy and only some ultra sjw would use it in their games?.
The only diferences with the old WOD is that the mari sue of lucita and fatima al-faqadi are protagonists of the metaplot while ruddy is a footnote at best.
I don't think thinbloods can sire anyone, at least from what I remember from the first game.
Thinbloods are like a halfway between human and vampire. They're weaker than fullblooded vampires but are more life-like and in turn have lessened weaknesses. Because their vitae is so diluted they end up having rare disciplines or just outright make new ones. Downside of this is that they can't achieve mastery over any discipline they have
I like how in his point of view the suns heat is like radiating through the covered up window I hope thats an effect in the game
Wrong thread for the pasta bud
Im not sure if i want a daylight mechanic in this game, it might sound cool on paper, but i bet it would get old really fast during the game
It seems very stylized, I hope they worked a lot on the idle animations and the convo animations, it really added charm to the original.
To a thinblood it's irritating, a full-blooded vampire in that room would be ash in seconds.
Not sure why they would add playable thinbloods if the game had no daylight mechanics. From an RPG standpoint, thinbloods have a much easier time fitting in with humans
I don't think a thinblood would fit in very well under the sun.
From what i remember from the interview, we start out as a thinblood, then somehow go through full vampire transformation
how weak to sunlight are thinbloods?
the trailer made it look like they can tank it a bit, even direct sunlight.
or is the vampire transformation more gradual than i though it was?
>we start out as a thinblood, then somehow go through full vampire transformation
If that's true, you'd be hunted by every vampire in the city for not only being a thinblood, but by being a thinblood who performs diablerie
>no gameplay
its shit
Yeah as if any of us are fucking sickening discord trannies like you
sanctioned diablerie, we'll probably suck dry some blood hunt target.
>no gameplay
>cgi trailer
>"preorder the ultrakike deluxe edition now!"
>sanctioned diablerie
You'd still suffer the effects and all this sounds like an assamite/sabbat prologue
In V5, Assamites are now members of the Camarilla and the Sabbat are exiled to the Middle East.
Yeah, MC won't be popular.
i'm not big into WoD lore but i remember reading in these threads that the camarilla offer blood hunt targets as rewards to thinbloods who do their dirty work and manage to not die like shitters.
Based, fuck the S*bbat.
What a waste of fucking time and effort. Can't wait to see how they're being shoehorned into being the innocent, repressed dindunuffins in this SJW shitfest.
>all these deleted posts
Based mods finally arrived to set the record straight.
Now that we are talking about the game again, are you boys happy with the few visuals we saw that looked like gameplay?
Seems very dull. I am not expecting neon everywhere, but at least some orange lights here, some dumpster on fire there, a glowing sign in the distance. I don't want everything being smoke, shadow and fog.
The gameplay snippets made me think of BioShock/Dishonored
The short gameplay teaser at the end of the trailer felt pretty meh. The hand barely had any animation and no effect, though i imagine they'll fix that
>Sabbat are exiled to the Middle East
Are they expelled or are they on a Crusade?
Two different things.
Per the book "Time of Thin Blood," 14th gen take aggravated damage from sunlight and suffer rotschreck (frenzy from fire/sunlight) like any other vampire. 15th gen only take lethal damage from sunlight, meaning they have a chance of soaking it. They're also less likely to frenzy from seeing sunlight. They'd still take damage from sitting in that apartment. The thin blood transformation isn't gradual, but sometimes it takes minutes or days before an embraced thin blood rises.
It must work differently in V5, because a Revised edition thinblood couldn't sit in a room with exposed sunlight in the middle of the day. They'd be taking constant damage and forcing themselves to stay awake.
IIRC, they were beaten back in war and all their cities in Europe and the Americas were taken by Camarilla or Anarchs. I don't know all the details, since I haven't actually read V5 myself, but in effect they're written out of the game and Anarchs were elevated in their place.
>Assamites are now members of the Camarilla
Only muslims
>shitposters banned
>thread dies
we bat masters now boi
>Now that we are talking about the game again, are you boys happy with the few visuals we saw that looked like gameplay?
It's only pre-alpha, it looks like it should be, aka unifnished as fuck.
We still need at least a some side-quest walkthough to judge
>animation looks janky as fuck
>weird motion blur
>We still need at least a some side-quest walkthough to judge
I just mean the lighting and visual presentation.
You know how nu Deus Ex had that piss filter? This looks like it has a smoke filter. Its kinda glossy too, reminds me of Doom 3.
There's a difference between shit characters and shit characters that are morally validated by the plot, retard.
>Only 6 clans listed
>Thinbloods take up a slot
Who wants to bet missing clans will be DLC
Malkavian and Nosferatu were pretty unique. So was Tremere combat-wise.
>Who wants to bet missing clans will be DLC
Well they already said it will be FLC
Malk and Nosferatu were clearly second playthrough classes. If you play one of them, and then one of the other clans, you'll feel bored.
>Yea Forums was a tolerant and progressive board that supported trannies and faggots
>until le /pol/ invaded
Do you actually believe this, plebbitor?
Don't mind DLC if the core game is good, and the DLC adds meaningful content.
Its not inherently bad to update the game with extra content, people act like DLC is always cancer. Its effectively what expansion packs or addons used to be.
Don't know about that, but I can definitely tell the difference between a /pol/ poster like the ones that were deleted ITT, and a Yea Forums poster.
Its really not subtle.
Check out these posts and tell me this is regular Yea Forums discussing Bloodlines:
And? There are no unique clans anymore. They all got shat on even in the lore.
The Tremere are pretty much gone, practically all unique disciplines either got removed or merged into shittier versions, some curses(like the nosferatu ugliness) got nerfed hard.
And on top of that you just play some shitty thinblood.
It is gonna be shit isn't it? A literal sjw cat lady as writer... what a fucking shame.
>Don't know about that
>but I can definitely tell the difference between a /pol/ poster like the ones that were deleted ITT, and a Yea Forums poster.
Those are just shitposters. They're on every board. Or do you think wacism and n-words are unique to /pol/?
I mean they can add a unique (gameplay wise or narrative wise) clan as a DLC, since it will be a second playthrough clan.
Its a bit of a noob trap to have it in on release. If the original game had Malkavian and Nosferatu unlocked only for NG+, it wouldn't have been a bad thing. I know that wasn't the practice back then, just saying. In many ways adding something as DLC after release is the jewish way of locking it until the game is completed.
There are no unique clans anymore, that's my point.
Malkavian and Nosferatu have both been ruined.
You are at the same time dismissing what is obvious and strawmanning me.
>Because paradox is a bunch of corporatist niggers that only cares about sales and money and not about the game, setting, or story
>Marketing it as anything else is presuming they care about the setting or the game itself, which is not true
This is a racist post I can expect on Yea Forums. It references the game, the industry, and greed. Typical Yea Forums.
>Hahahaha! Holy fuck I got you good jew! Seething as fuck! How's it feel that yuour peoople are remembered for gay rights and being gassed you filthy rat yid.
This is an obvious /pol/ post. Its not about the game, its written like a Twitter post, and has all the /pol/ buzzwords in it. Who even says "yid" as an insult other than /pol/tards?
>You are at the same time dismissing what is obvious and strawmanning me.
You're just a fucking retard.
Can you not see the night and day difference between the two posts I took the time to bring up for you to compare?
You can find many similar pairings in this thread. It is O B V I O U S when a /pol/tard posts. They stand out.
I think it's pretty obvious at this point that in the best of cases the game will be delayed by some 6 months and in the worst is a dumpster fire that they will cash in on nostagia pre-orders by the lack of any real information and the focus on marketing
What did he mean by this?
I'm saying those are shitposters. Have you seriously never gone on /pol/ even once to realize that the average poster there doesn't even write like that to begin with? Christ you're so fucking stupid.
Plus, there's plenty of faggots right ITT that accuse people of being from /pol/ just for hating that Rudi character or referencing how the devs talk about being "problematic" or that bitch that got Hotline Miami 2 banned cause it objectified women.
Is the implication that you can choose to stay a Thinblood for the whole story, or is this just introducing the base powers that everyone starts out with and carries over into their chosen clan?
>Being this into your emotions
Stay in touch with your feminine side lmao
>that bitch that got Hotline Miami 2 banned
The bitch that wrote a blog post about it*
Politicians and marketing execs got the game banned.
But keep licking her clit about how mighty and powerful she is, and how she totally caused it all.
>My character
>Not what *I* want to be
People still play like this?
Constantly making the same character over and over again and then trying to force all the games to tell the story of the same character over and over again?
Doesn't that get boring? Shouldn't you have grown out of that already, shouldn't you have grown a desire to experience new and different characters?
>no reflection
Lasombra daddy.
If one of the interviews is to be believed, you wont stay thinblood
Look under him.
Is the bald guy from the trailer the Voerman sister’s father?
That mean that everyone gets telekinesis?
Cause I'm cool with that.
That guy is dead bro.
I don't see bullethole, so i don't think so.
Oh right, I kinda forgot he’s dead
Why he reminds me Vlad from Max Payne (well, after Mitsoda, obviously)?
bros, does anyone have the character sheet for VTMB1 with the free points given throughout the game coloured?
>post yfw ISOLATED
I hope the new game uses shitty early 2000s-era goth rock like those shitty Underworld movies.
>shitty Underworld movies.
Hey first movie was nice
the chad thinblood vs. the virgin Methuselah
Could be their sire
I hope being thinblood is a prologue only thing. Fuck thinbloods.
I was going to say, looks a bit like a slimmer Mitsoda these days.
Is he on a silly clown wallpaper?
I liked them but they were still pretty shitty. I just mean that sort of goth era, Evanescence type shit.
>tfw was a teen around those years and wanted to be part of the goth/emo scene and get a qt emo gf but never had the self confidence to actually do it
Is this supposed to be comedic?
Who would win, a 10,000 year old vampire or a pleasant, sunny day?
This matchup can't happen because no vampire makes it to 10,000 years old without knowing how to avoid the sun.
I know there are some rituals to make you immune to the sun for some periods of time if you're a Baali.
Gangrel can take the sun with prothean. Vicissitude can give you some immunity as well, as well as the Koldunic sorcery. Thaumaturgy can give some as well I think, but I'm not 100% sure.
Of course, all of that is removed in the shit v5.
Who would win, a 10,000 year old vampire or an overkill home made explosive strapped to their apartment door?
>first time playong
>do quiz because no experience with VtM
>sure why not
>letters all broken
>responses make some sense
It was fun and had a little bit of difficulty trying to figure out what I was going to say but Strauss even warns you to watch your mouth or you'll get you shit pushed in.
Is simply wearing a full haz mat suit and walking around under an umbrella cheating?
You still take damage, but you can ignore it with even a low level of fortitude. It's doable.
WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!!? 2?!?!?!?
It's prank.
Miss the announcement?
ya i missed the announcement! what a fucking pleasant surprise fuck yea
it's made by a literally who studio and we haven't seen any gameplay yet. keep your hype in check.