Maya Fey is A-Okay

Maya Fey is A-Okay

Attached: Maya Fey.jpg (354x512, 24K)

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She cute

We can all agree on that

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Adult Maya with Mia's hair!

Attached: maya with mia hair.jpg (324x552, 28K)

She is a cute cookie

And funny.

Where are Mia's boobs?

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That's not Mia! That's Maya with her hair styled!

not gonna lie I've had way too many fantasies involving Investigations 1 loli Fransizka

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>Tiny Franziska has a riding crop inatead of a whip.

... Hot.

Built to discipline lolicons

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She's too darn cute

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She is such a garbage character

Muh dick

Athena is a dirty slut but I still love her

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You have such a garbage taste.

God she's disgustingly hot.

built for black cock

I bet she's into anal.

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when is Phoenix gonna impregnate her

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wtf, i want to FUCK maya now...



AA7 fucking when?

Now we're talking

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The wrong sister died

I know this is Athena, but this is just making me think of Trucy doing a "trick" that involves pulling her huge cock out of her magic panties.

>theme of next game is love
>phoenix finally gets with maya
>apollo gets with trucy
>athena gets with blackquill
>edgeworth and oldbag shenanigans return
>gumshoe and maggie return for a case
Your reaction?

>Trucy gets with Athena

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why hasn't she married Phoenix yet

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Some of you anons are actually alright. Be sure to not go to GYAXA space center in October 2020

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Yes, and her dick is so huge, it looks like magic is the only way it can fit in those panties. That's the "trick".


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DGS cracked for android when

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>Still no good porn

>exposed legs
>cute face and hair
>nice personality
>good feet
>big boobs when she's older
>has magic powers
She's a pretty good waifu

Don't bother, it's shit.

serial murderer that gets away with everything

Cut the crap, post the feet

I'm losing hope at this point. I've been checking this site every day

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Notice the quotation marks. There's nothing fake here.

Post more LOZ

You're a true magician, friend.

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>We could have gotten the right as Maya as an adult

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Ok, there's at least one site where people are actively trying to do it. Didn't even know of it, this progress, thanks user.

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why is she so CUTE?

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When her futa penis comes out of those panties, the audience gets flabbergasted, thinking there's no way that can fit in there, and it looks like the panties are magic.Trucy's just an extreme grower

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-09-12-40-57.png (1920x1080, 1.28M)

literally perfect

>phoenix gets with maya
>not phoenix gets with iris

I'm not sure Phoenix would want to date someone that looks like Dahlia. Sounds like a good way to give yourself PTSD.

Why couldn't they remaster the OG series like this?

>repetiore built around coin tricks
>get mad that actual magicians think you're shit

Wasn't Maya like 17 in the first game? Girls don't grow much after that.

Because it look like ass? I would have preferred a DGS style remake of the trilogy

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I just finished the second game last night.


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Different artists and way lower quality on the original illustrations.

Main Char. designer for OG series was Tatsuro Iwamoto and the drawings he made were considerably lower quality and level of design.

Main Char. designer for Apollo was Kazuya Nuri, pic related. His drawings are top tier and all AA games from then onwards are from him too.

Working with better quality in both drawing and resolution results in better remasters.

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I prefer the old look, it had more soul.

The first three games were actually slightly retouched gba games.

JFA wasn't particularly great, but the ending was fantastic and sweet.

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What is she doing in Consulate? She's gonna get fuzed!

Because it look like ass? I would have preferred a DGS style remake of the trilogy

Wtf? I just started playing the trilogy last night. Weird coincidence. Enjoying it though

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