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Today, I will remind them.

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>You know how Kotaku sucks ass?
>How can we make it even worse?

More like /pol/taku

>censorship toggle

Is this Steam version?

Why would anyone be mad about this? Its a win win if you ask me. All those screeching for censorship are free to toggle the option, while the rest of us can enjoy tiddies in piece

>Why would anyone be mad about this?
It's OneAngryGamer. They want your clicks.

Seems like the perfect weapon to combat censorcunts, they can't complain about it because they can just use the toggle. Wait to see them still bitch even with this

yeah, we need also more boob sliders on all games, that range from DFC to cowtit levels, ON EVERY FUCKING GAME.

>it's a toggle
Yawn. I know the soiaknights are pathetic brown nosed cucks but this is how things should be.

You want tiddies, you have them.
You want burqa, you have that too.

Both sides happy.

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only if they actually properly model cowtits, and it's not just ugly ass stretched polygons that look like ass and clip through everything

>censorship toggle

This is fine because it's a toggle. It's optional. Don't like tiddies? Flip it on. Like tiddies? Turn it off. Everyone wins, I don't see the issue here. It's sure as shit better than what Sony's doing in that there's a choice at all.

Didn't mean to quote there.

it only begs the question, why do prudes care about this series in the first place? other than to cause a stink and signal for internet sjw points

How much do you make everytime you shill your site here?

Can I get a toggle that turns on the censorship but removes all of the clothes?

i still have the hope SJWs will become the new PETA soon, everyone laughing at them as soon they try to do some shitshow.

No spats mode for you.

Something not real

>why do prudes care about this series in the first place?

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Imagine saying "SJW" in 2019 without a hint of irony

Fuck off back to tumblr

I wish they had gone further and given everyone skintight bodysuits.

He's right. "SJWs" at this point doesn't mean anything anymore. People accused Rockstar of being SJW propaganda. They're accusing Netherrealm of being SJW.

You see SJWs in your shadows. You see them under your bed. You see them in your closet.

Imagine thinking tumblr is a thing after the porn ban.

Living in 2013 sure feels nice, does it?

That site is fucking dead grandpa

SJW has become nothing more than a buzzword, like nazi, cuck and NPC

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>the redhead girl from 2010
You have to look so far to find a "sjw" is laughable

I love boobs and I'm fine with this.
But SJWs won't be because muh unrealistic standard

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>Its a win win
They haven't give us back the nerfed boobs and navel.

Just so I can get you help updated, right now the in-thing to do is to accuse everyone that disagrees with you of being a tranny. You're welcome.

this. "sjw" is the right's "nazi"

Where are those sjws you talk about? Name them

>nerfed boobs
They are the same. You just fell for the manufactured outrage, like you always do

Look at a mirror and cry about this post on discord, faggot.

I get what you mean but it’s still a little pathetic and insulting that they’d have to include something like this for people who don’t play the games.

>You have to look so far
Do you think i made that? That's shit's old as fuck. Same with this. "Sjws" have always been a thing because there's always been losers.

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Don't make me go to that site, we all know we will find them

fuck off shill

But user
There are sjws in your house right now
they are in your closet
and under your bed
and they watch you sleep
as a matter of fact, theres a sjw right behind you right now

Cry more, fag.

You hear that banging right? I'd look outside if I were you...might be Nazis.

Its ok you're gullible and easy to manipulate and that's fine, the world needs people to fill these roles to function

Did they "cover up" the tits and thighs by applying literal black body paint to the character models?

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Not a problem.

The west fears the breasts.

>sjws have always been a thing
Yet you resort to post a 9 years old image to prove your point. The fact that your very next example comes from two centuries ago proves my point. What a dork lmao

Doesn't matter. It shuts them up, and allows DOA to stay in a competitive space while still keeping their core audience in mind.

Honoka is literally bigger in this game than previous one. Stop being retarded.

>n-no u
Rant more about those es jay dubyas, gramps. Whatever helps you sleep at night (pro tip: it doesn't)

>samefagging the same shit again and again
Cringe, you need help

is it just me or is the "censorship" kinda hot

It's a manufactured outrage. These people are using a literal titty game for political endings. It's either low effort trolling, paid shilling, or literal brain damage.

I wish i had anime tits

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It is the devs fault for fence sitting

imagine samefagging throughout the thread

It's spitting in the face of the devs who worked on these models just to lazily cover them up because of fringe western sensibilities who don't even play the game

>they’d have to include something like this for people who don’t play the games
Their view of the west is colored by these "temporarily embarrassed" video game """""journalists""""" who ofc will go on to write on big important news sites eventually. But up until then they have to pretend to be elites and elites scoff at the 'vulgar' entertainment of the lower classes, video games and all that.
>the fact that you provide proof to substantiate your claims only makes your claims less true
Double think cretin.

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Found the latex fetishist.

Top tier fetish tho so I can't complain.

go away tranny


Because social justice is very prevalent, social justice was prevalent 20 years ago, it was just about different shit
Right now is the era of just completely clown world retardation

Then don't turn it on, it's that easy

>imagine not wanting a big set of anime tits
The fuck is your problem

>It shuts them up

its stupid but nothing is taken away

I mean you do sound like you chopped your balls off m8, might want to do some deep reflection

Unironically have sex

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>what is cherrypicking
Imagine thinking people are not seeing through your bad faith since the first minute. Go away dork

You don't understand? We are fighting a cultural war here. We don't settle. We don't give any concessions.

>Only a tranny would think I'm being paranoid, tranny

You lost the moment sony went full ham censoring stuff due to #metoo, deal with it

Tranny is just the last buzzword, since cuck no longer had the effect they desired. I wonder what the next buzzword will be.

I miss the good ol' "fag" Yea Forums days.

Westerners are fucking faggots.

*dabs on you*

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We changed fag for cuck and then for tranny. We changed the reddit for tumblr and then for discord. We will fight forever.

I'm now convinced you're trolling. This board has gone to shit. Go back to plebbit you idiot. You can troll there without any issues since everybody is faking it anyway.

you should do a better job fitting in, you reek of reddit

Because people calling for censorship don't want anyone to see tiddy.

god shut up faggot


Wow, that looks really bad


tongue my anus double nigger

I enjoy your outlook on this issue


seething and btfo

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Yes I am seething

What are you going to do about it

Kotaku's videos are actually pretty good. One of the guys who makes them worked with a lot of Japanese devs. He got to play Godhand while Shinji Mikami was seething over the IGN 3.0 score.

And by while I mean literally, playing it, while sat next to him, while Mikami ranted about the score.

It's a toggle so whatever who cares but holy shit they could at least put some effort into it, they just used ms paint to color part of their skin black.

OH, so they can take the time to add that. But they cant add bellybutton textures, or make costumes purchaseable standalone and not on 50 dollar packs that come with sixteen other costumes.

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OH NO, WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO NOW? Oh just don't enable it, got it.

based and titpilled

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Seriously what kind of faggot who will enable that option?

Jokes on you, user.

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You know full well they will not be happy, they do not want a choice, the mere existence of things they don't like is the problem.
This patch is purely intended for esports.

That's retarded and you're paranoid.

If they want the E-sports, they should do like Tekken. Made default costumes for the competitions and the bikinis customization options

This is the biggest crime

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I doubt this will change anything. The fact that men have access to tits and ass is what SJWs have a problem with.

Whats up fellow angry gamers


Friday afternoon hack job.


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Well that gives me 90's Toonami vibes.