Will they censor her?

Will they censor her?

Attached: persona royal.png (550x509, 224K)

Other urls found in this thread:

avp.org/storage/documents/Training and TA Center/FORGE_Trans_People_Police_Incarceration_Facts.pdf

>making a whole article about one faggot from Twitter
Fuck off Billy.

Attached: new persona girl.jpg (745x488, 46K)

is this "article" based on random twitter opinions?
jesus fuck the state of vidya journalism, burn it all down

Well, in that rare instance, I sincerely hope so because that would make her outfit much better.
I find that gymnast leotard to be fucking ugly with those OTK boots.


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Attached: 1537267148803.jpg (1043x9999, 2.74M)

Kill all Trannies, not even kidding just kill or imprison them so they can no longer have a impact on Society. They are pedophiles who don’t deserve rights

Attached: dd.jpg (408x510, 46K)


I hate these fuckers "don't show girls skin" tranny muslims.
but this design is legitimately better than the poor original one.

Im happy that hes about to have a mental breakdown over the shitstorm he caused



also rightoids: wait why are you taking naked ladies out of my video games? what the fuck? this is an infringement of freedom of speech

>Rustling jimmies
This is the worst part

>s-stop talking about things I don't like
lmao @ your life

No but I'm sure will have a million fucking threads whining about Sony, SJWS, trannys, and retardera featuring shitty redesigns like this till it's NA release in 2020.

>Rorschach avatar
Of course

Attached: tenor.gif (490x314, 1.4M)

Keep seething tranny, nobody likes you


The absolute state of /pol/ journalism

>t. oneseethingtranny
Congrats for your first post michelle. Or was it micheal?

I find his bio to be more offensive than that Kotaku tier article.

>tranny meme
Not an argument, Billy.

Eh, I like it. The original was a bit bland.

I actually quite like this design, though I also think the original is fine and they shouldn't be pressured into changing it.

He can't write subhumans because he still needs to masquerade as "tolerant".

t. trannies

Everyone who likes this shitty design is a fucking retard. Probably the same people who think Rex looks good.

Leotard fucking sucks desu. Gimme ass-tight shorts or skirts

no its not, it's cluttered, top-heavy and over-designed. it also doesn't fit the aesthetic of the other characters.

Attached: fixed p5r 3.jpg (960x1180, 94K)

gee, sure would be a shame if somebody reported your violent threat to law enforcement

Reminder that the only thing wanted by trannies is to turn the female gender into something bland without any sex appeal to be included in it because they know that they will never have a beautiful female body to show and use. To back them up, they have the feminists which are also fucking ugly and angry about their bodies.

Attached: 1539822641845.jpg (595x683, 57K)

Not everyone lives in the UK he'll be fine.

Don't worry, they already kill themselves

What was even wrong with the original design? It's not even that overly sexual.

>censoring anything


>Getting upset because a fucking gymnast is wearing a leotard
These are the same people that get mad about girls in the Olympics being too revealing

Attached: le shig pig.jpg (500x500, 18K)

>asdfghgf god gave me these hands because atlus doesnt know how to use theirs

Twitter is just youtube comments without the videos

Does anyone else even write for that site?

>That entire intro
>How dare people put their politics into video games!
>All games must contain MY politics!
I'm buying in to horseshoe theory more every day.

Both sides of this "cultural war" bullshit can do me a favor and fucking kill themselves.
It's the MK incel whining bullshit all fucking week, and now this crap.
I'm so fucking tired. It's all so tyring.

Attached: 1537290666642.jpg (720x701, 71K)

#FE or whatever, dude. That was atlus right? Maybe I'm retarded.

Resetera is full of frustrated rapists and pedos.

i like the one with thighs covered better

based and redpilled
fuck politics fags
fuck oneangrygamer
fuck trannies
fuck /pol/


le enlightened

Attached: 120987654.png (398x531, 207K)

>if I use incel using anime avatar they will give me the reason
Fuck off NRS shill, your game is trash

If anyone thinks horseshoe theory is NOT real, they are fucking retarded.


Attached: Ghiaccio mad.jpg (167x289, 18K)

>Twitter Bio:
>she/her // ENG/FR OK // i draw (side account) //// not spoiler-free do not repost (re-upload), edit, or QRT my art, thanks
>do not repost (re-upload), edit, or QRT my art, thanks

Attached: 1534484172630.png (620x720, 429K)


>SJWs are now unironically preferable and less obnoxious
I said: I'm so sorry
To have kept you waiting around
I wish I could've come up
I could've shouted out loud
But they got exits covered
All the exits underground
I wish I could figure it out
But the world's upside down

Attached: 52.gif (300x169, 870K)


Christ he's insane.

>everyone but you is the same person
Kill yourself unironically

>5 thousand likes
believe it or not this is what actually gets dev's to cuck these days
angry twitter tranny mobs

16 year olds aren't allowed to show their thighs
even though it's just a leotard

Attached: 1536784346345.jpg (960x1180, 256K)

>dude, both sides want to aggressively forward their own ideas, that means their ideas are exactly the same
based retard

You guys care about the new Mortal Kombat? I sure do.

Attached: 1555217650525.png (628x7185, 3.59M)

>one nobody from twitter posts a redraw of the character on twitter where her skin is covered

>holy shit this is an organized attack!
For real?

This dude is fucking obsessed

Isn't she supposed to be a dancer or something? Leotard is totally in theme. Are people fucking stupid?

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

Attached: 220px-Nietzsche187a.jpg (220x298, 18K)

>fuck everyone who doesn't agree with my idea, they are the enemy and they must be completely wiped off the map if they disagree
Yes, they are exactly the same.

10 year old twerking at a pride parade = WATCH THIS KID OWN HOMOPHOBES
16 year old showing her thighs just like your average 16 year old girl irl = WTF FUCK PEDOS

Attached: Prideboy1.png (1200x628, 651K)

>censorship is okay because it looks better anyway!
Transparent as ever, tranny.

>muh liberals
rent free

>has over 5k likes and is stirring up an angry twitter tranny mob
I mean, sure they're nobody irl, but companies bend the knee to this kind of shit

absolutely based """centrist""" that only ever comes out to play when leftists are under attack

>help, the right is trying to "wipe me out" by calling me a dumb centrist on the internet, somebody help

But she is a rhythmic gymanst, the outfit makes perfect sense.

These fucking niggers better not get away with this. Thighs are the last bastion. Fucking fat roastie cock suckers.

Attached: 1554140809896.png (530x560, 384K)

Why do you have this saved?



>This autism
Jesus Christ, have sex already.

I find it interesting how he has so many "likes" but every single reply on twitter is just calling him a stupid faggot.

Is this dude gonna kill himself when Mortal Kombat 11 sells well despite his impotent attempts to shut it down?

everyone in this thread needs to have sex

People replying to this are retarded, article is no different from any other piece of modern journalism except the side it takes, you are just desensitized to social justice narratives as normal, and anti-social justice narratives seem strange

They won't do shit, it's just twitter trannies circlejerking eachother. Atlus doesn't give a fuck.

To preserve for future generations before Stalin 2.0 edits it.

>act like an a obtuse faggot
>call others retarded

Attached: horseshoe.png (1920x1228, 82K)

I hate liberals, but I don't want to make israel great again
I just hate them for being hedonistic radlibs
that want to live in a welfare capitalist system LARPing as Bolsheviks
They should all be gulaged


It's like 3 people samefagging, tops.

ok outrage fag

Sony: Where if you don't censor your own game, your fanbase will do it for your.

Attached: 1464872915335.jpg (437x359, 31K)

do you even know what point you're trying to make?

>It's okay to be kotaku-tier if you share my political opinions
Really makes ya think

>d-dude she LOOKS 15 therefore shes 15 and sext bad. Btw im a cock sucking faggot: the post
I want all of this planet nuked

>article is no different from any other piece of modern journalism except the side it takes

thats the point, oneangrygamer is just like kotaku

A lot of people do m8, more people need to talk about the microtransaction cancer, mkfags are literal cuckolds buying shit with this much grind/necessary microtransactions

Attached: sbXk3EpIb-Rb15a6Q2VhETYXjmQiJSBS8ci_UGXz-Bk.jpg (1024x683, 125K)

he made 6 more today one crying about a costume color

Are these posts under many layers of irony mocking r/enlightenedcentrism, but on the opposite end of the spectrum?
Or this guy is legitimately retarded?

I honestly can't tell anymore.

I did not see such funny self-own since jews called Elon Musk antisemitic for asking who owns the media.

I think that's the point. We now have the /pol/ equivalent of Kotaku. Except it gets posted on Yea Forums and there are people that actually agree with it and don't see it for the garbage clickbait it is.

Everyone hates MK for putting a grind in a fighting game.

Go back.

>more people need to talk about the microtransaction cancer
its not even that bad as people are making it retards are going off of as random reddit post

No one here is some larpfag conservative so go fuck off, we are just laughing at clown world

No, he's just gonna forget about it, pretend it never happened and move on to the next game that is too SJW for him. Cyberpunk 2077, by the looks of things.

>all this persona 5 milking
>still nothing on SMT V
you all don't know suffering

Attached: 1486423937530.jpg (1215x857, 688K)

Make me.

but lots of trannies here think it's garbage.

Yes, only thanks to you and other "free thinkers" we can avoid someone agreeing to opinion you don't like.

Give her a pantyhose instead.

Attached: 1555688533429.png (1073x1500, 774K)

>Only trannies see garbage for what it is
What did he mean by this?

Fuck off to reddit


i bet you defend kotaku too whenever their articles get posted huh

Nobody cares about SMT anymore.
The moment Persona 3 outsold and was a definitey greater success than Nocturne, Persona took over SMT as the main series.

Now you get the shitty handheld spin-off treatment of SMT (see SMT4 and Apocalypse), and have no idea what to do with SMT5, while Persona gets the major console release. Get used to it, no amount of whining will change it.

looks like they grew out of making stronk womyn feminist bait characters

opinion discarded

Attached: hmm.png (510x346, 195K)

>Glasses are no good
This single line is worse than the whole moe shit thing

Take a load of this

Attached: emily.jpg (640x800, 102K)


>she LOOKS 15 therefore shes 15 and sext bad
She is a junior in highschool, so 15 or 16 years old. But it's retarded to say she's sexualized when she is just wearing a leotard. Teenagers wears much more provocative stuff these days and no one cares about it.


Attached: D4-Z63WUwAExdfA.png (504x581, 194K)

Claims that gay parents are just as capable of raising children as straight parents are misrepresented. Source: jstor.org/stable/2657413 Between 24% and 90% of lesbians report being psychologically abused by their partners. Source: mainweb-v.musc.edu/vawprevention/lesbianrx/factsheet.shtml Gay men are 60x more likely to have HIV than straight men. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3462414/ 46% of male homosexuals report being molested, as compared to only 7% of heterosexual men. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11501300 Gays are more likely than straight people to have mental illness. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2072932/ 10 to 15 percent of older homosexuals have more than 1000 sex partners. Source: jstor.org/stable/3813477 Up to 50% of lesbians have reported sexual abuse. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9360290 99.8% of lesbian, gay and bisexual teens will change their sexual orientation within 13 years. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26048483 Two-thirds of men and women who were homosexual change their orientation to heterosexual five years later. Source: psycnet.apa.org/books/11261/004 Two thirds of self-identified lesbians later have heterosexual relationships. Source: psycnet.apa.org/books/11261/004 Identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual does not end sexual questioning or confusion. Source: psycnet.apa.org/books/11261/004 One in eight gay men in London has HIV. Source: pinknews.co.uk/2014/11/18/13-of-gay-and-bisexual-men-in-london-living-with-hiv/ Gay men are twice as likely as straight men to be in interracial relationships. Source: sf.oxfordjournals.org/content/93/4/1423 America has spent $700 million promoting gay rights abroad – an “integral” part of American foreign policy.

That will be 15 lashes


Transsexuals are four times more likely than the average person to be infected with HIV. Source: nbcnews.com/id/40279043/ns/health-health_care/ About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older. Source: npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=90229789 Only 12% of boys who believe they are transsexuals still believe so when they are older. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18194003 MRI scans indicate that MtF transsexuals are either men aroused by the thought of possessing female genitalia or homosexuals who want to seduce straight men. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3180619/ 41% of transsexuals have tried and failed to commit suicide. Source: nbcnews.com/id/40279043/ns/health-health_care/ Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide. Source: journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885 Most young transsexuals have committed self-harm within the last twelve months. Source: saravyc.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2015/05/SARAVYC_Trans-Youth-Health-Report_EN_Final_Print.pdf#page=44 65% of transsexual youth have seriously considered suicide within the last year. Source: saravyc.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2015/05/SARAVYC_Trans-Youth-Health-Report_EN_Final_Print.pdf#page=44 37% of transsexual youth have attempted suicide within the last year. Source: saravyc.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2015/05/SARAVYC_Trans-Youth-Health-Report_EN_Final_Print.pdf#page=44 1 in 10 young transsexuals has attempted suicide more than three times in the last year. Source: saravyc.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2015/05/SARAVYC_Trans-Youth-Health-Report_EN_Final_Print.pdf#page=44 Only 21% of transsexuals can sucessfully pass as the opposite gender. Source: thetaskforce.org/static_html/downloads/reports/reports/ntds_report_on_health.pdf#page=3

Directlinking k*taku and resetera sees much less pushback these days than OAG. Reeks of organized discord push, not organic in the least but it's expected all of the cucks come out to play during euro hours.


Attached: extremely_low_effort.jpg (900x645, 72K)

Mmmm, that's a good belly. If she had a bit of toned muscle from being a gymnast it would be even better.



53% of mothers of transsexual children have Borderline Personality Disorder, compared to only 6% of mothers of normal children. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2016237 16% of transsexuals have been sent to jail or prison, compared to 2.7% of the general population. Source: avp.org/storage/documents/Training and TA Center/FORGE_Trans_People_Police_Incarceration_Facts.pdf Gay and transgender students are half as likely to graduate high school as straight students. Source: americanprogress.org/issues/lgbt/news/2010/06/21/7980/gay-and-transgender-youth-homelessness-by-the-numbers/ 20-40% of homeless children are transsexuals. Source: americanprogress.org/issues/lgbt/news/2010/06/21/7980/gay-and-transgender-youth-homelessness-by-the-numbers/ 44% of transsexuals with a job are underemployed. Source: hrc.org/blog/entry/transgender-workers-at-greater-risk-for-unemployment-and-poverty Children raised by gay couples are twice as likely to be in poverty as children of straight married couples. Source: williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/headlines/beyond-stereotypes-poverty-in-the-lgbt-community/ “24% of lesbians and bisexual women are poor, compared with only 19% of heterosexual women.” Source: williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/headlines/beyond-stereotypes-poverty-in-the-lgbt-community/ 1/3 transsexuals are being treated for mental health. Source: medicaldaily.com/transgender-people-more-likely-develop-depression-and-anxiety-247044 85% of transsexuals show signs of psychological distress or have been recently treated for mental health. Source: medicaldaily.com/transgender-people-more-likely-develop-depression-and-anxiety-247044

>Reeks of organized discord push
But not the millions of threads linking to OAG. That's perfectly natural.

Nice try, Billy.

But Chad is shaped like a wobbly horseshoe, user.

Why did they edit her wearing a diaper? I don't like this at all.

I hope they dont localize it.

>No leotard = No need to censor
Well done user.

This is So*y we're talking about, if there is enough of a stink you know those Cali faggots and cunts will crack down on it.

are you aware unironically using "radlibs" gives your ideology away as much as somebody saying "SJW cucks" or whatever

>everything dated from before it was no longer officially considered a mental illness
I always love these mental gymnastics

If you would truly want to help, you would archive and link.
You are here just to complain.


Attached: 1493568983963.png (872x632, 234K)

Archiving does nothing.

That dude is getting roasted even by LGBT cunts. Holy kek

Only correct opinion

It's actually a circle.

Honk Honk

Attached: 1549179744926.png (692x591, 61K)


Keep seething you mentally ill tranny.
You will never be a woman. No one will ever like you.

>two completely opposing views
>most likely from two different type of people
>but if I claim they are the same people I can call out hypocrisy where none exists
>now everyone that disagrees with me is wrong and a hypocrite to boot!

>muh trannies
rent free

dilation time


We truly live in a society

Your type is the most retarded of them all.
One is the aggressor with power (CEO's, actual developers, 99% journos) heavily invading vidya since 2012, the other are the reactionaries trying to stop it and maintain normalcy (mostly random peeps on imageboards and social media)
It's not a "both sides of the same coin" kind of thing. It's like watching bugs invading a colony in StarshipTroopers and calling the humans incels for trying to defend it.

The incels you speak of don't want to change shit, they just want no outside influencers to interfere with game development. While the authoritarians are the ones asking for radical change. I just don't understand your position, if you truly don't care then you wouldn't even bother to click on these threads, much less comment on them. Everything around this broad topic is optional if you find it so tyring.

Attached: 1544188354615.gif (400x225, 2.61M)

For the life of me, I just don't understand how /pol/tards can go through their lives completely unaware of how annoying they are.

>We gamers are being persecuted by them invading SJW oppressors. Why don't you understand the danger we're in!?
Pathetic melodramatic faggot crying about the stupidest most minimal shit.

He's a pedophile, what do you think?

No because Persona 5 R already passed sony’s Censorship tests. They have to submit stuff while the game is in development which Atlus already did as of January. This now clears the game for international releases unchanged.

we could have been like the joker and harley quin but you chose a fucking chad over a nice guy like me... gamers rise up


She already has pantyhose in human form, if we do this smart we can get a two for one deal

Woah...... We truly live in a society...

>immediate flood of redditor replies
Someone linked the thread on their discord. Pathetic.

Anyone else get tricked into watching the gay sex presentation live?

>muh discord
rent free

No, keep the jacket but remove the coat tails. Short jacket will fit better

I didn't, it's the filename that the page hosting it has

It's literally true though. In every sense of the word as you described it. People are actually being oppressed. Banned by even banks. In the vidya word jap devs already told their displeasure about this situation. Right now there are no affected games that I care about, I don't play wetern shit where 90% of the cancer is, and the 10% of jap games affected are trash like DoA and shitty VN's. But as we all know once an extreme gets culled, the previous moderate position will become the new extreme and with time be culled too, then the authoritarians will target further and further to the center.
Do I give a shit about Senran, DoA and VN's? No.
Do I give a shit about this gen's "Live service, also turn everything into a mobile game with timers and 50 different currencies" on every game possible? No because I don't play AAA western shit.

But nevertheless I know one day it'll affect the games I play, so even though I don't participate in the "culture war", I'm not retarded enough to shit on the people who are/have been trying to defend it already.

She looks like she wears the same clothes as 2B

I wonder if they will ship them together since they’re both thigh girls

Attached: B420F6BF-43AC-4A2C-9EB9-FF0E1AD4D802.jpg (357x500, 15K)

Disgusting character design. Where is her burka and why is she WUHTE?

This post is being brigaded by restera SJW's.

Nice. Make it happen!

Yuri between them would be pretty sweet.

>If I act even more persecuted and like a victim, I'm surely gonna stop being an obnoxious faggot

Attached: .jpg (1101x500, 216K)

>women want sexualize women in games
>faggot virtue signaling men don't
At this point, when even women are calling these trannies out you know there needs to be a head hunt on SJW trannies and men that defend them.

You think you'll ever be able to make a single post that isn't cringe-worthy?

>Pretty much every other game that's been censored stands in your path
If it doesn't get a mystery delay it's all good
>but the trailer has shown the design already
Have you met Sharon?

Attached: Sharon.png (550x550, 500K)

Yeah, I'm sure gonna take Billy's word for it.

you know what? you're right. and we're not going to stop.
we're not going to stop until you incels have been laughed out of every safe space you have.
we're not going stop until everyone who publicly supports your nazi agenda is unemployable and hungry on the street.
you're on notice. that's the tea sis.

Lefty memes. Oh boy.

This is her after a surprise delay occurred

Attached: After the delay.jpg (554x313, 59K)

Still waiting for the censorship apocalypse faggot. It’s been nearly a year with this policy in place and not only did Kingdom Hearts, Catherine, and Vesperia pass unaffected, we’re now getting a new Utawarerumono game, a Persona game and Sakura Wars all of which are ps4 exclusives.

Sony looks like it shall continue getting all the big guns from Japanese devs.

Attached: 13428610-FB19-4FFE-B621-F3CDF0883C3A.jpg (4032x3024, 2.38M)

I already told you I'm not persecuted because I don't belong to any extreme and I'm not being affected in any way (yet). Not sure what you meant by your post.

All I'm saying is that sooner or later this shit will reach the things I like, so the very least I can do is not call others trying to stop it retards.


Bros is our boner culture losing?

Reality is cringy I guess.

I can't fucking believe these SJWs are destroying our proud boner culture and people here are LAUGHING at us. Jesus Fucking Christ, this cuckery cannot continue. We gamers used to stand for something back in the day. Remember when they tried targetting us gamers? GAMERS!!!

.character is a gymnist
>surprised they are using a leotard

Attached: clover leotard.png (516x382, 173K)

silly user , it's not journalism

Look at me, I am a radical centrist. Look at how enlightened I am

>give her a tutu
>keep the long coattails
Did this tranny not think about how retarded this would look?

You're right.She should expose her cute belly.

Is this guy having a stroke? Should we try to help him?

No, he's just totally BTFOing us discord trannies with FACTS and LOGIC

Normal people: umm, sexualizing 16 year olds is not OK. we've come to the consensus that atlus needs to do better moving forward.

Attached: beyonceeyerolltumblrgif.gif (500x251, 913K)

excuse me what

Attached: Capture.jpg (610x231, 21K)

He's fucking retarded.

Attempting to reason with a subverted idiot is pointless. You just get tired from it and gain nothing.

>"Normal" people: Ignore the raping of children and women in the west to scream at fictional drawings in another country with a totally different culture
>Normal People: Japan is their own culture and have theri own way of doing things, we should respect that.

>(jewish) subversion
didn't take long for the GAMERS here to drop some thinly veiled antisemitism

You are a complete whackjob.

>Implying there isn't social marxism fucking up the vidya industry and kikes are responsible
kys tranny

Wasn't P5S supposed to be announced last night? What was it?

And that’s why I moved to Asia. Let the west collapse, I don’t give a fuck.

Attached: E541B249-CB6A-426A-A8DC-29FE49F02464.jpg (613x721, 96K)

>this tubby ginger advertising his blog again
>200 replies
Jesus fucking Christ you stupid underaged niggers, just report the fucking advertising and move on.

nice bait

>respect girl juice

This is an ironic clown world falseflag right?

Which Asia is a good Asia to movie to, user?

Attached: 1480388037864.jpg (500x750, 340K)

Why do these mentally ill freaks get all this attention? What everyone should do is ignore the fuck out of them. They thrive on attention due to their mental illness, if you cut off this supply of attention they may just decide to off themselves and increase that sweet 40%.


I want to fuck a cute asian girl wearing a cheongsam

>haha if I run from my culture's problems there's no way they'll ever follow me some day

>Yea Forums still replies to oneangryincel bait threads

How dumb can you get?


Every time

Attached: le vomit girl.jpg (680x680, 85K)

Hey look it's Ruby

But I tried and they just got made when I started pumping it out of them and replacing it with my hot manly tears.
What did I do wrong?
Apart from the rape of course

No one gave a fuck.

China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand.

All good.

Take your pick.

>be trans
>realize early on "hey, more people like me if I don't act like an entitled, pushy student communist retard"
>don't end up as part of the 40%
not that hard

Bitch, I didn’t cause the problems, and have no power to fix them. Why should I suffer?

Also, for This girl is Thai.

Attached: 2CDAEF67-DFE1-4B80-8F53-D284F418391C.png (750x1334, 2.48M)

The question is not 'if' anymore, but 'when'

Literally the text version of fake outrage youtube videos


do you muricans even have female swimmers there? you guys can't take a whiff of any skin breathing fresh air without getting lustful thoughts huh

Attached: 1536261965073.jpg (647x900, 219K)

Isn't Thailand the tranny capitol of the world?

Attached: 1544575714930.jpg (681x1024, 335K)

Someone has to birth them

Yes, but actual girls still exist.

what a shit argument, "normal people" havent had a single problem sexualizing every teen that came off of disney for the past decade, its only when japs do it that they have problems and find it imoral

How in the fuck is she meant to move in that? It would be like trying to fight in a winter coat.

we descend from a bunch of violent pissed off puritans afterall.
I meant that as nonpolitically as possible. we see it manifested in the way the left and the right here behaves.

A woman's prime is 15

Attached: 01omnbgp8fly.jpg (934x1080, 448K)

>He's a FeMCfag


It happens when your society is raised on "sex bad, violence ok"

I would've liked a FeMC but that guy is a fucking retard.

>forcing women to dress a certain way
Are we going fucking backwards or something? She's a fucking gymnastic, a leotard make sense in her design. Plus this is a fan service game!!!