YEARS of whining about NCSoft shutting the game down

>YEARS of whining about NCSoft shutting the game down.
>MONTHS of drama following the private server leaks.
>WEEKS of begging and groveling for the code to be released.
>DAYS of waiting for a private server
>HOURS of lifespan before people move on and leave the game dead once again

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We ruined it for a South American faggot.

I'm happy with that alone.


Quick rundown on what has happened in the last day or two? I was up to speed when people were just starting to get a private server to spawn mobs and shit.

Maybe it's better this way.

this is the only tl;dr you'll ever need

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What's it like to be so invested in something that you make the exact same thread about it multiple times a day?

Has there ever been a fanbase more obliterated than City of Capeshitters, they've been shilling and spamming threads for days, they actually believe their little capeshit game matters just like the fag in pic. They didn't want to move to /vg/ and kept spamming. They got so BTFO after the trannies infiltrated their community. Next time just stay over at /vg/ and don't ever post capeshit threads here.

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A private server finally showed up and Yea Forums got it shut down by inventing fake drama about trannies so they could scream about trannies and raid the discord going "fuck trannies" and "le 40%!!" and got the server shut down

So did the guy who said he'd skin Leo's dog do it or what? It's Brazil after all


Why is the community fellating the guy who stole the game and hid it away now? He still hasn't properly released the code has he?

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because the majority of people who still care about this game are actual autists who were attached to the fictional characters they made and the superhero RPing they did. Anyone who can give them some measure of that back is like their crack daddy, they will literally suck their cock for a fix.

The games old ass shit now. I've got fond memories of tons of old mmos, but that's all they are, memories. People don't want City of Heroes to return, they want how they remember City of Heroes to return. They want City of Heroes HD or 2.

The /pol/tards that inhabit Yea Forums hate videogames with a passion.

That's a shame. It's a fun game to super jump around in for a level or two every now and then. I wouldn't mind having it available to play.

only shit video games that promote trannies and other lgbt cancer like overwatch and
based games like fallout 1 and 2 or morrowind are a ok in moderate amounts

This community deserves it for letting a brazilian manlet with a god complex control them. Have some self-respect.

It ain't brazil.

I wanted it to return cockstain.

The dude was Argentinean.

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Why can't they get it right? Every other MMO from that era seems to have private servers these days, how did they fuck it up when they literally got the code?

I’ve been playin on the test server all day. I’m in nostalgia heaven.

because the people in charge of the first public test server were TOO autistic, believe it or not. CoH fanbase is autistic already, but the fag who was running the show was even more of an autist.
Current one is alright though, for the most part.