Was DSP actually in the right this time?

Was DSP actually in the right this time?

Attached: DSP Dark Souls.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

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Who? What?

DSP were never right

I mean, you can see him turn in the slightest of ways. And this happens to him a lot. He doesn't manage his lock-on combined with his button mashing wit. But the window on this is so tiny compared to his other encounters.

No, he turned away from the knight leaving an opening for the stab.

I mean, does that look fucking normal to you?

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: setup.jpg (1574x942, 246K)

Looks weird but he did turn just before the backstab.

Yes. See

why didn't he properly follow up with a heavy attack when the thing was recovering


Attached: he_turns_around.jpg (1227x623, 78K)

That's literally the backstab animation sucking him in. He didn't turn. The game forced him to. Prove me wrong, mitzubiyaki. You can;t,

he turns around nigga ill fight you to the death

Attached: he_turns_around2.jpg (1248x656, 85K)

>He didn't turn
but to get backstabbed you have to turn

>H-he turns around in a single frame!
Souls-babies defending shit game design. Classic.

Attached: Tom Cruise 4.jpg (500x333, 35K)

that's exactly what he does

The animation from him turning around wasn't even a tenth of a frame finished, but the game registered the hitbox as an instant 180. It's shit game design, hitbox should coincide with animation.

Attached: dsp_DS_backstab.gif (480x270, 616K)

Wow nice shop

This only happens to DSP cause due to his aura and karma.
Games become sentient and purposely troll him just to piss him off.
It's quite beautiful actually.

Worst person ever, he CAN'T be right no matter the cost.

Better make a group nitpicking everything he ever says and does in 7 hour-long episodes. We're just THAT better as human beings

Don’t waste your breath user.

Sons of Kojima are honestly more autistic than Phil


No, he didn't. He's clearly just spamming attack. He's got plenty of stamina to do so and he's got the enemy stunlocked. Why would he suddenly stop and turn around? That sure as shit is not the way he plays the game regularly. The game automatically turned his character around to do the backstab animation. He didn't do it.

It glitched out. Souls games do that occasionally. Why are people denying this? Have you never played these games? There's plenty more glitches on display in his playthroughs of the souls games. The reason this is the only one ever brought up is because it's ambiguous enough to get away with blaming DSP.

His actual fanbase is worse.

This is actually the funniest thing about his "gameplays". Whatever stupid shit has a tiny percent chance of happening, will happen to him just for that little bit extra hilarity. There's so many examples when he plays mgs of tiny little quirks that would be lost on any other player but it happens to him. If it wasn't for that, he would just be an ordinary salty steamer nobody

>dude grind iframes xDDD lol lebit

Two things about this is weird, DSP does turn around but he does it faster than should be possible like part of the animation was skipped, the other thing wrong with the Balder Knight initiating the backstab while staggered.

>misses first attack so he think he's fucked, stops mashing and holds back to run away


He was too dumb to realize to target his enemy in a one on one like that to create spacing.

Attached: 1.jpg (620x411, 32K)

It isn't, but this clip can be explained logically.

god no other game has reached the kino levels of starting areas as the undead parish

Can any DSP superfans explain the .webm where he dies in Dead Rising and goes straight to uninstalling the game?

Attached: the legend of gout.png (968x1090, 913K)

Nah Undead Parish sucks big peen, twice
Dark Souls 1 is shit in general


I have a question about Remastered, did they change the AI cause it feels like they are less passive and have better tracking, Balder Knight and Silver Knights specifically. I've heard it might be 60fps making AI logic work faster, is that true or is this just placebo and nothing has actually changed.

No. The process on display here is not logic, it's rationalization.

Only dykes say "yikes"

Yeah it's basically broken, big time

Vaccuum bullet sucks him towards the ledge. Dead Rising tested his patience like a motherfucker. He didn't uninstall though. Just manchild rage.

Attached: deadrising.webm (1280x720, 2.38M)

He stupidly shows his back to enemies for a split second a lot in souls games......I have no idea why.

He didn't turn around, unless he's able to do a full 180 in a fraction of a second. Looks like the game detects his side as his back and initiates a backstab.

Not a big fucking deal either way.

>unless he's able to do a full 180 in a fraction of a second
yes this is dark souls you can do that

It's bizarre to me that people criticize DSP for games doing bullshit like this when there are plenty of legitimate things you can shit on him for. For example, he genuinely did really suck at MGS. He cheated to beat GTA:SA claiming it was the dev's intention that gamers cheat to beat the game. He dupe glitched souls in Demon's Souls to be over level 90 in the first playthrough and still needed multiple summons to beat false king. You can shit on him for that. But defending glitchy shit just to spite DSP is stupid.

I refuse to believe he doesn't do these things on purpose. A functional human being can't be this bad a video games

show me

Vinny from Vinesauce has this too. He calls it his "passive." Spoilers: reality doesn't work this way, sometimes games are just buggy and glitches can happen.

user nobody is going to show you anything; if you've played Dark Souls 1, then 2 and/or 3 you know turning around on a dime is possible in 1.

The only thing I know is that you're a little bitch

I'm afraid the only bitch here is you, Phil

How does it feel knowing that Phil makes more money than you?

I've beat DS 1-3 and am literally playing Sekiro right now while posting this. You can turn very quickly but not in .01 seconds. But iIm also a console pleb.

You don't have to prove anything, we can both sit here and not believe each other at all and forget all about this thread in 10 minutes.

lol this nigga got excuses for everything

I think shitting on him of his impetus child-like rage, like yeah a glitch like that happening is annoying but immediately rushing to home screen to uninstall the game is fucking hilarious, it's like something my autistic 8 year old cousin would do, and he he's both a literal child and has a mental disability

Looking at his "wedding", I very much doubt that

No, Dark Souls itself decided to fuck with him for being such a petulant man-child.

Attached: 1338604814442.jpg (900x900, 155K)

the only thing behind that dude is a knight shield
why go there?

he should've locked on when he wanted to back out, he didn't so his character did a 180 and he got backstabbed
it's technically his fault but the game shouldn't un-lock you when you backstab an enemy in the first place

Because it's a videogame

Streamchat told him.

Attached: streamchat.gif (248x153, 1.1M)

ikr just google every item in the game and its location lol