Game deliberately lowers the difficulty for you

>game deliberately lowers the difficulty for you

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Tell me the story of this Cartoonist instead.
What is his problem?

White guilt

the joke is that white people can't handle spicy things because they're bitches

i have literally never seen spice be involved in a racial context until now

Cheers, i thought it was that niggers confused hot for spice.

>white guilt

sòy is a hell of a drug

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>niggers are stupid violent apes who have never created anything of value, africa is a complete shithole because it's full of niggers
>you cant even handle milk

Why would someone lie this much?

>literally youtube channels founded on the idea of dumb white people eating shit so hot it causes damage to your insides

Have sex.

you first

ok bend over

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wow where have you been? it might be more of an american thing. some places here really do this to white people when they ask for the spicy stuff but give them something that isn't the spiciest

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thank god I can't wait to say goodbye to niggers forever

what the? I was just explaining the joke
it's just a dumb stereotype

I don't get the point of this comic. Just shitting on white people because they can't handle spicy food? Like even if that was true why is that a bad thing and why would anyone care.

Rolland The Thompson gunner

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Why is Goku running a foodstand?

hit me

who said it was a bad thing, it's just a comic with a stereotype joke
why did you think the comic was supposed to have a negative connotation?

What's his endgame?

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anywhere but latvia

It's tall poppy syndrome. They're pissed off that some people are able to have edible food, rather than scourged with "spice" that isn't actually spice.

>order food to be as hot as they make it
>it's barely spicy
How do I avoid this without putting on blackface?

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he hates white people

Get it waaaaaayyyyy spicy

Farm (You)s and bait racial arguments

I definitely find people who can't handle real spicy when they ask for it, but no one after insisting on getting their spiciest goes up to the counter and complains when they insisted.

please give me Israel

why is he still so bad at cooking
I just don't understand

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