
Which enhanced version cover do you prefer most?

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joker's expression looks funny.

>has best girl
>doesn't have best girl
it's pretty obvious

Attached: Chie.jpg (894x894, 264K)

P4 becuase P5 is an ugly game.

>tfw still have a sealed copy of P4G

this one

Attached: 51cSRXSg8BL.jpg (354x500, 57K)

I hate both. The originals were fine.

>Persona 4
>doesn't actually highlight the shoehorned in new girl
>Persona 5
>makes the shoehorned in new girl bigger than most of the characters
4 is better just because even Atlus knew that Marie sucks.

P5's original cover is way better. my boy Arsene is being pushed all the way to the back

Attached: cf4855fec25af433f51592ebe426e5f6.png (1129x1599, 3.43M)

both of these covers are way too busy, but people will defend them because "LOOK AT THE STYLE"

Attached: 273779_194574.gif (250x299, 9K)

P5R > P3FES > P4G

Anything is better than P4G because for some fucking reason they made it Vita exclusive. Its like that fucking hate money

he's in the back in that cover too

>not best girl

5 because worst girl Chie isn't there

It was one of vita launch title. They didn't know it will flopped

They should port P4G to the Switch, not P5.

Yeah I'm happy it was on Vita, it was a solid game to headline its launch. Shouldn't have been exclusive though

Golden, because except some stuff added like guns and one more element, 5 is garbage in comparison

FUCK you, Chie is cute. CUTE!

Attached: chiechan.jpg (608x606, 179K)

The other way around


Me too. Pretty fun to play while lying around.
Persona 5 is the hottest new thing, same with switch. I hope they will port other persona titles too.

>Golden because worst girl Ann isn't there

Wait... What's this meant to be? A knife? She doesn't even use a knife in the boss battle they're in.

I'm gonna be a crazy conspiracy theorist and suggest that the pair of them may be a party member in P5R.

Attached: P5R cover what's this meant to be.jpg (582x655, 220K)

looks like a baton

Are they making a switch version? I haven't really bothered to follow it. Probably the only way I'd actually throw out another 60 dollars for what is most likely shit additions.

Call me crazy, but it doesn't really look like her baton.

Attached: p5r baton comparison.jpg (2870x1113, 989K)

While I really would like them as a party member I'm going to have to go with it's her baton and the artist thought it was too small for anyone to notice the lack of detail.

Can you not force this shit "theory" meme

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Royal because Golden has too much focus in faggot bear

I've got the steelbook and it's better than any of the regular covers
Soejima and the art team at Atlus are geniuses but their cover arts are subpar
I hope Royal has a cool steelbook as well

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The flat png doesn't do the steelbook justice. The way the metallic silver catches the light is really cool.

Why do they bother giving the mcs really cool starter personas if they're weak as shit and just get phased out immediately?

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*insert "old good, new soulless" reply*