This is why Sekiro needs an easy mode

This is why Sekiro needs an easy mode.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>didn't bother to put posture bars in
into the trash

we wuz emperaz n shiet


Are the crystal

>user is blind
into the trash you go

So what's the cat think at this moment?

>Sekiro needs an easy mo-


>Lone Swordman Mitsubishi Galant


>a literal fucking disabled retard that gets to sit on his vegetable ass all day collecting welfare checks and not having to do a single second of work or labor in his entire life and can play videogames literally 15 hours a day can beat a shitty from software game that is all about pattern memorization and trial and error???? DUDE!!! THATS EPIC!


Are you really this butthurt about disabled people.

mega64 sure has changed

Kek, i love his nerd rage.

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fuck you

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are you that latvian bro that sounds like a boston guy?

Dunkey wannabe


im dont understand the implication is this because he was being stolen from and didnt succeed in his theft why do black ppl suck at video games so bad

user we all know all the fat in your face obscures your vision you don't have to admit it

kek his dinner run away

Imagine being a nig*er but without actually being black. LMAOOO

>Blk people suck at video games
Is that why blacks and Asians dominate in the most difficult genre of competitive gaming?

lol a murican
why are you still alive
just off yourself


Bless you user.
I laughed like a retard. also fuck you because I'm at work and now everyone is looking at me.

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being this buttthurt

Did the new patch fix any boss cheese strategies? Is the true monks deathblow on first two phases still in? Was that even intentional?

I'm assuming you're referring to fighting games which is just...LOL. Shooters take way more hand eye coordination that glorified rock paper scissors games. Even then negroids still don't light a candle to the asians that play those games


Second phase deathblow is definitely still in, dunno about first.

Fucking based

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but user playing with kuro charm is easy mode


If your speech impediment makes it difficult to pronounce 'v's, it's better to replace them with 'f's than 'w's. Pronouncing the word "vegetable" as "fegetaboo" would make you sound slightly less retarded than saying "wegetaboo" as you are now. Hope this helps.

>browsing Yea Forums at work

Why do anons do this? i hope you're on a lunch break, if not get to work you lazy zoomer

how the fuck is v and w pronounced differently?

Unironically this. Get a speech therapist if need be.

>wideo games and wegetables

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>You must be disabled too, that's why you're defend this sub hooman wegetable.
Why can't you speak properly? Are you disabled too? You sound disabled.


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>What's the difference between 'wee' and double-you.

Holy fuck, he's actually disabled.

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>30 yo
I work as an analyst in a Bank, and no it wasn't lunch break.
I even have a colleague who is 3 years older than me and constantly plays fucking pubg on his iphone with the sound coming from the speakers in a semi-open space office.

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I like your voice messages but in case you are serious v and w in your sample words do sound different. If you crop just v and w out of those words and ask people to guess which is v and which is w, they will be able to guess which means there is difference.

>he got filtered

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expected him to fry the cat in gutter oil desu

The only funny thing is how bad brainlets like you are at this genre. It's only natural that you feel the need to elevate brain dead point and click games.

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Lol people are bad at your retarded niche genre that requires you to pay 100 bucks for some retarded specialized button masher so you can compete at a high level? Not to mention the hours you need to spend just memorizing button combinations just so you can play the game. Yeah, i really wonder why this genre is dead and only negroids and chinks play it?

The patch only nerfed Blazing Bull's posture bar, no other boss nerfs as far as I can see

This is a level of cope I have never seen before. Holy shit, are you okay, user?

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>can't refute it
seething MEGA cope lmao. enjoy playing your game that has 200 active players

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You can still cheese DoH to jump down the pit and die?


all I could think of was that poor fucking cat lmao

What's your native language?

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There isn't a single enemy or boss in the game with a specific punish move to you having your poise broken that is fast enough to hit you before you are able to block or evade again. The only way you get hit is if you happen to be poise broken during long combos like the jobber spam and those flurry attacks do very little poise damage.

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Nobody says it's epic you retard, it just proves the game doesn't need to be easier.

if he's that pathetic and he can do it, why can't you? Are you saying he's better than you despite being a pathetic piece of shit? Man you must have a low opinion of yourself.

If your parents didn't try to force proper pronunciation and put you into speech therapy when that failed they didn't really love you.

It also didn't bother to show how awful the camera can get leading to genuinely unfair deaths.

Because I have a little thing called A FUCKING LIFE where I don't get to spend 15 hours a day playing one game. Crazy I know...

Genuinely funny and amusing.

True Monk's deathblow was clearly intended. Only actual cheese I know of is Demon of Hatred but that is still in the game to my knowledge.

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Wait i could've cheesed the most retarded boss in the game?

Demon of Hatred isn't ''retarded'' in my opinion. It plays like a Souls boss and you just have to have patience with it. But apparently there's a cheese to make it fall off a cliff and die.

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That's a big cat



Only retarded subhuman wegetables sit around and play video games all day.

Demolition D? Is it you?

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>calling the dude mitsubishi gallant

based retard

absolutely fucking based

what the fuck is wrong with koreans?

I go to college for half the day then have to go to work for the rest, I still was able to beat sekiro over the weekends. You are retarded.

They live in one of the worst countries of the world

t. wegetable

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It seems like effort was put into this but it still has so much wasted potential. Only jokes were Galant and guard spamming.

Probably would've been funnier if he filled the bosses posture bar up and killed him despite looking completely overwhelmed by his attacks.

God I fucking hate niggers

oppa gagnum snuff

Wow, fucking BASED AF

Absolutely based

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>I don't understand diwwince between wee and w and fwuckin pronunciation you fucking wetard OwO

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Actual disabled guy right here. You're alright, lad. Had a hearty kek. Go workout in my stead as well bro.

holy based

>Starts spamming parry

/wee/ - Video Games

Literally stealing jokes

Wow, I'm just, wow.

I've never seen an actual retarded on Yea Forums. I mean, up to now you guys were just pretending to be retarded, right?

excuse you, not everyone read Yea Forums 24 hours a day

>stealing jokes
What is this, fucking Twitter?

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>this accent actually exists

>he thinks Yea Forums is above twitter

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Those guys were the most infuriating enemies in the game. What made it worse is that there seemed to be another one around every corner once you got to a certain point in the game. I remember the one in the webm being the most annoying. I was literally screaming calling him a nigger for an hour or so before killing him. I lured him to some Ashina soldiers who weakened him and in the process I found his invisible wall for an ez kill. The only enemy I cheesed because he was such an unfair faggot.

imagine being this mad

damn atleast sekiro have graphics now
its looks even better then bloodborne, i knew 60fps would be an upgrade over cinematic 30

Oh noes.
I shouldn't have laughed heartilly at a second served joke I never heard.
Did you sue him for plagiarism?
To whom should we send royalties in order to use the same joke?

He said BARS not BAR you illiterate nigger.

Wow dude.
You wasted your precious time on a stupid video game and beat it.
*clap clap clap*
Hey did you guys see? He beat Sekiro!

Ultra Based God.

The boss posture bar doesn't appear if it is at 0%.
The video looks like he failed every parry so it stayed at 0%.

Please don't scare the cat

You failed to parry at the game of life nerd.


ur a faget

you are worse than quadriplegic, get over it.

Says the gaylord who pounded my tight asshole all night until his balls were completely dry.

>nigger as main character
not surprising anymore after nigger Geralt

I am defeated

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I'm that cat.

>me as the cat when my parents started to fight

>found the pleb
don't even bother to learn how to greenpost
just fucking leave

if you hate video games so much why are you here? Go back to r/gamingcirclejerk you worthless nigger.


imagine being this casual

This thread feels like the YouTube comment section
You're all fucking retards

are you ok retard?

ESL niggers must fucking hang

this thread really went off the fucking deep end


>still this mad
lmao do another vocaroo

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Is this fucking Fred Fuchs?

Only problem I have with Sekiro's difficulty is that it doesn't fit with my normie schedule. It's a pain in the ass when I reach a hard boss on a Monday night and know that I can either spend most of my weeknights fighting the same boss or just wait until the weekend to beat it in one sitting.

This game is perfect for people who have a week off every now and then. However I have only been chipping away at it on weekends. If I knew about the pacing/difficulty spikes of this game I would have saved it for some downtime in my life.

The one good thing about Dark Souls is that while it had the about the same difficulty in terms of bosses, the world was open enough that you didn't feel compelled to keep fighting the same boss. With Sekiro the only real break time you have between bosses is warping to various shops and upgrading your stuff. Which while it does take some time, if you try and explore you end up just going on a different route from the main game hub. Which is great for people doing speed runs and adds a certain amount of replayability in that sense, but for peoples first runs (which are the most difficult) it doesn't feel open and once you reach a difficult portion you have to start evaluating the amount of hours you have in a day.

it's not even me you fucking retard

Lmao. This is what it looks like when you're a nigger faggot and it's your first day on the chans.

Can we just start killing australians on site?

They have sex with dogs, roos whatever they can get their hands on, and are simply prison convict descendents anyway.


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Saddest post I've seen in a while in this cesspool.

Dude please. I work a full time job and I'm finishing off with my cs degree and even I get time to play this game. You literally have no excuse if you haven't beaten the game by now. Bosses shouldn't take you longer than 1 hour a night on weekdays. 1 hour gives you 5-7 tries on a weekday. If you need more than this to beat a boss I have bad news for you.

at first i thought he was just chimping out kek.
people who just spam block are retards. glad they'll never get an easy mode

Why can't white people leave their nieces alone with pitbulls?

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The other thing is the git gud attitude from the community like this shithead that doesn't help. Some people only have an hour a night on a weeknight to play games and I'd rather play when I know I have the time to beat a boss rather than chance it. Full time job and degree doesn't mean shit if you have no other life obligations.

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Can you post the youtube version or something please? I want to hear the sound

who cares you autist

>that image
нaзaд вo вкyдaхт, yблюдoк

Чe? Sorry, I don't speak liberashka.

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Fuck this retard for scaring his cat.

An hour a night is more than enough you absolute tard. The main problem here is that it sounds like video games just aren't for you. I would suggest something a bit more casual like sucking your boyfriend's cock for 1 hour every night. Sounds right up your alley.

Why do you think it's worth telling people they suck at a game when they have difficulty with it?

If you can't beat Sekiro then just don't. I don't get what's so hard about just NOT playing it.

Hard to do that after spending 60 bucks

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>13 year olds
>talking about sex for hours
>watching porn for the dick

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>pc masturbace tries to beat a hard game without quicksaving

To either get better or fuck off. Either way it's an improvement on the gaming community as a whole. We don't need more useless idiots advocating for casual games or a casual mindset.

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well then it's just a matter of making an uninformed purchase

You're just an idiot that looks for community by shunning others at any chance in order to validate your own decisions. Casuals don't play Sekiro.

They fixed the Gyobu/DoH skips. The True Monk two phase skip was intended though.

you sound like a spic

lmao, absolutely seething gook

>that parry spam

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>this is totally real goys, believe me

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>w word, welcome
>wii word, wideo

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every time

your voice is perfect for a sci-fi/futurism/space youtube video series

yep, you are a slav

And you're just a skill-less retard that proves even casuals attempt and then fail to play sekiro. Get fucked.

That doesn't make any sense.

Based and perfectly abled.

>when he starts pumping the block immediately
Ok I kek'd

Nice try comrade, go back to living in whatever worthless shithole you come from, getting angry at people who live in parts of the world that aren't dumpster fires.

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Reddit tier reply

>Spams guard

I didn't know I put on blackface to be in this video

Sekiros bar

I just beat the game and started NG+.
Do I give Kuro the charm? I know it makes the game harder but what do I get when I beat the game without it? a Trophy?

>Lone Swordsman Mitsubishi Galant

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You've never been.

Dude calm down. It's just a game. You probably have other strengths, right? It's okay.

Sounds a lot like him.
Legit surprised that he hasn't killed himself yet.

while never thought asian niggers existed

>Lone Swordsman Mitsubishi Galant

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Why are there so many skill depraved retards on Yea Forums and why does fromsoft games make them seethe so much?

casual butthurt baby lol

More like wokearoo amiright???
Not because you have a point, but because you can't pronounce your V's and sound like a bumbling retard.

well video games need to be catered to me, im spending my money and time on their product they need to make for ME ME ME ME!

I know this is irony, but there are people who actually think like this and it's sad.