KOTOR, Dragon Age: Origins lead designer will lead a new studio for Wizards of the Coast
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not unless it's set somewhere other than the sword coast
dragon age is a trash series
Wait, wasn't KotOR's lead designer Drew Karpyshyn?
KOTOR was great in part because it wasn't generic fantasy
Nobody can make a game in that vein again, especially not in this industry, let alone this time
He can only do so much before WotC's hand fucks everything up again.
It's got serious potential so long as WOTC doesn't run it into the fucking ground with its retardation.
God, no. WotC has been doing a swell job turning the painfully generic Faerun into something even more painfully generic.
Ok, that doesn't sound bad, having a rpg/crpg game of undermountain or chult whould be fun
eh not hype but im glad bioware is bleeding
People who complain about "generic" are missing the point. The quality of an RPG is less about the setting but more about the characters, quest design, role playing opportunities, etc. The most generic setting can be interesting if it has interesting characters with believable motivations, well-designed quests with multiple solutions, moral choices, and so on.
The most unique setting will seem like boring backdrop if it's not filled with life and properly fleshed out. Not to mention that "unique" settings more often than not are pretty generic themselves, e.g. Dragon Age itself came out at the time when people were "tired" of high fantasy, so everything had to be muddy and gloomy, and the end result was generic fantasy with a different colour palette.
tl;dr setting is overrated. the story told within the setting and the game mechanics to do so are more important than the setting itself.
WotC is a trash company, they are literally incapable of making a good product, they just rely on autists who'll buy their dogshit to keep them afloat.
>Western shit
No, he was the lead writer.
Thanks for posting that.
>Jews of the Holy Land
It's fucked whatever it is
>Wizards of the coast.
What do you mean? It was a very generic sci-fi. And there are plenty of games that are made which are not generic 'fantasy' specifically.
maybe. need to see more.
>western AAA gaming
no thanks
>Shandalar 2
That's not GW
Shouldnt it be economists and not neurologists that are baffeld that a company can keep fucking up without going under/the leadership getting lynched by the stockholders?
I can see your mothers disappointment in you is well justified
legitimate question, has any ex bioware fag ever made anything of note after leaving bioware?
WOTC only fucks up half the time. You are thinking of Games Workshop, who literally deleted arguably their most competently made lore to replace it with an actual piece of shit that one of them squeezed out when on break.
They're only as good as the programmers, artists, writers around them. It's why people like Itagaki, "Cliffy B", and other cult devs flop outside of their well-financed comfort zones.
I think one of them released a very forgettable indie title, but other than that just new studios with nothing to show, except for pic related, some wacky ass f2p game where 4 players play diablo and a 5th one plays dungeon keeper.
>some wacky ass f2p game where 4 players play diablo and a 5th one plays dungeon keeper.
That actually sounds kind of awesome.
>KOTOR, Dragon Age: Origins lead designer will lead a new studio
>for Wizards of the Coast
Name of this game? Sounds like a rad concept.
All of those games were SHIT
Why is his pic monochrome like in an obituary?
The idea looks interesting (though I'm fairly sure that I played a similar game before) and I don't mind the "wacky&edgy cyberpunk" setting, but the "moba-style auto-target and skillshots" killed some of my interest.
Also apparently there is some spyware drama going on.
No one will play it, zoomers can't stand quality
>6% of recent reviews positive.
Big Oof. Also it's apparently a fresh corpse.
It's also shutting down and won't even be playable anymore.
"Games as a service" was s mistake.
It's not just games, it's all industries. I remember a quest lecturer in business school talking about how her company considered the cars they made a service.
Nah GW as much as they have fucked up before are on an upward trend ever since they got rid of their old CEO. It's the new CEO at GW that's been allowing for shit like Total War Warhammer, Blood Bowl and Vermintide and all the decent GW video games.
kotor isnt a clean sci-fi
the paint wasnt generic.
but a bike stays a bike
They arent making vidya tho are they?
arent they making this Greek inspired DnD setting?
I mean, if they put a video game in that setting, thatd be neat, but im fairly sure what they are doing is essentialy third party DnD stuff
doesn't matter who leads the team if you still hire a bunch of useless sjw's who i'm sure wotc will provide